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Relevant forUdenrigsministeriet
The Third Summit, Doc. 10381
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 09/02/05Europe and the Tsunami Disaster, Doc. 10428
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 09/02/05Observation of the election of the President of the Palestinian authority (9 January 2005)
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 08/02/05The circumstances surrounding the arrest and prosecution of leading Yokos executives, Addendum to Report, Doc. 10368
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 08/02/05Draft Convention on the prevention of terrorism, Doc. 10423
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 08/02/05Prospects for peace in the Middle East, Doc. 10427
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 08/02/05Asylum seekers and irregular migrants in Turkey, Doc. 10445
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 08/02/05Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and of the Standing Committee, (8 October 2004 - 24 January 2005), Doc. 1405, Part 2
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 04/02/05Initiation of a monitoring procedure and post-monitoring dialogue, Doc. 10407
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 04/02/05Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and of the Standing Committee (8 October 2004 - 24 January 2005), Doc. 10405 Part 1
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 03/02/05Examination of credentials of representatives and substitutes, Doc. 10415
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 03/02/05Henvendelse af 18. januar 2005 vedr. sag om diskrimination af kroatiske bankkunder i Slovenien
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 02/02/05Pressemeddelelse 2/05 med nyheder fra Europarådet, 1. februar 2005
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 02/02/05Draft Council of Europe Convention on action against trafficking in human beings (17 January 2005), Doc. 10397
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 02/02/05Materiale fra den armenske delegation vedr. konflikten i Nagorno-Karabakhregionen
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/02/05Procedure for elections held by the Parliamentary Assembly other than those of its President and Vicepresidents (21 December 2004), Doc 10385
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/02/05Observation of the Presidential Elections in Ukraine - Second round (21 November 2004), Doc 10369
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/02/05Observation of the presidential election in Ukraine - Re-run second round of the election (26 December 2004), Doc. 10394, 13. January 2005
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/02/05Brev af 17. januar 2005 vedrørende opfordring til Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling om at afvise rapport nr. 10135 af Mr. Erik Juergens
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 21/01/05Protection of human rights in Kosovo (6 January 2005), Doc. 10393
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 21/01/05Draft Convention on laundering, the finaning of terrorism, search, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime (6 January 2005), Doc. 10392
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 20/01/05Honouring of obligations and commitments by Georgia, Doc. 10383, 21 December 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 17/01/05Rosia Montana
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 17/01/05Genetically Modified Organsim (GMOs), Doc. 10380, 21 December 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 17/01/054th Annual Report, January to December 2003 (4 January 2005), Doc. 10386
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 17/01/05Pressemeddelelse vedrørende vinter-sessionen i Europarådets parlamentariske forsamling (Strasbourg, 24.-28. januar 2005)
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 17/01/05Revision of the terms of reference of Assembly committees, Doc. 10379, 20 December 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 16/01/05Henvendelse af 13. december 2004 fra Europarådet om valg af dansk medlem til Committee for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (CPT)
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 16/01/05Revideret udkast til dagsorden for 1. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling den 24. - 28. januar 2005
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 16/01/05Oversigt over komité og gruppemøder under Europarådets 1. session. (24.1-28.1 2005)
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 16/01/05Examination of credentials of representatives, substitutes and special guests, doc. 10292, 2 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Pressemeddelelse om ministerkonference i Oslo den 7-9/11 2004 om forebyggelse af vold
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Nyt fra Europarådet, 1/11 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and of the Standing Committee (25 June - 4 October 2004), Doc. 10294, 4 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Ad hoc Committee to observe parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan (19 september 2004), Doc 10306, 4 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Challenge of terrorism in Council of Europe member states, Doc 10312, 5 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Hunting and Europe's environmental balance, Doc 10337, 18 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/702004 Session, Fourth Part 4-8 October 2004 - Texts adopted by the Assembly
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Parliamentary contribution to the implementation of the Stability Pact in South-East Europe, Doc. 10349, 20 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Implementation of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, Doc. 10351, 21 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Diaspora cultures, Doc. 10342, 19 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Relations between Europe and the United States, Doc. 10353, 27 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Combating terrorism through culture, Doc. 10341, 19 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Situation in Western Sahara, Doc 10346, 20 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Avoiding electricity blackouts in Europe, Doc. 10350, 20 October 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Henvendelse fra Dansk Røde Kors af 2/11 2004 vedrørende den Europæiske konvention mod menneskehandel
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Ny NGO under Europarådet og FN
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70What solutions to Europe's unemployment? Committee on Economic Affairs and Development, Doc. 10359, 10 November 2004
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Udpegning af dansk medlem af bureauet
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70Pressemeddelelse med nyheder fra Europarådet
Hovedtilknytning Frigivet 01/01/70
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