S 2400: Vil ministeren kommentere den pressemeddelelse fra Amnesty International, hvor der påvises en række overgreb mod menneskerettighederne i tilknytning til VM i fodbold i Sydafrika, og herunder redegøre for, om ministeren er enig i de krav, som Amnesty International fremsætter over for den sydafrikanske regering, og vil ministeren tage initiativ til, at Danmark officielt protesterer mod overgrebene og bakker op om kravene?

Begrundelse: Krav fra Amnesty International til den sydafrikanske regering: Amnesty International calls on the South African government to: o End arbitrary arrests and other abuses against poor South Africans, including street traders, and migrants through the misuse of local government by-laws and World Cup-related regulations; o Institute an independent and full investigation into the alleged abuses by police and local government authorities, and ensure access to justice and compensation for those affected o Ensure that any use of force by police to maintain public order is proportionate and consistent with international human rights standards; o Ensure the speedy implementation of effective prevention and emergency response mechanisms, as well as measures to combat impunity for crimes against refugees and others in need of international protection. o Increase efforts to address persistent abuses of women's rights to dignity and equality, as key components of HIV prevention and treatment programs


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