Call for nominations - 2022 NATO PA Women for Peace and Security Award

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    2022 NATO PA award call for nomination

    Call for nominations - 2022
    May 2022
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 25
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22
    Call for nominations for the NATO PA Women for Peace and Security Award 2022
    The NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) has a long-standing commitment to the promotion
    and implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda. Continuing the efforts already made
    in this direction and following the celebrations in October 2020 of the 20th anniversary of the adoption
    of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, the NATO PA Standing Committee decided in 2021 to
    create a "Women for Peace and Security Award". The NATO PA is currently accepting nominations
    for the 2022 award under the conditions detailed below.
    Nomination of candidates
    Each NATO PA delegation of member countries can nominate a candidate, through its Head of
    Delegation. The call for nominations will also be sent to member countries’ Permanent
    Representations, for their information.
    Profile of nominees
    The purpose of this prize is to honour a woman who has demonstrated, in the context of political,
    diplomatic, military, associative and/or academic functions, a particular and recognised commitment to:
    - equal participation of women and men in the field of peace and security.
    - the prevention of conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence and the protection
    of women in conflict situations.
    - and/or the mainstreaming of women's needs and perspectives into relief and recovery
    initiatives in post-conflict countries.
    Nominees must be nationals of a NATO member or partner country and of legal age. NATO PA
    delegations from member countries may, if they wish, nominate a woman of a nationality other than
    that of the country they represent.
    Deadline and procedure for nominations
    Delegations to the NATO PA from member countries wishing to nominate a candidate for this award
    should submit the candidate's name and a brief description of the reasons for her selection (no more
    than 400 words) to the NATO PA International Secretariat at by
    31 August 2022. An email confirming receipt of the submitted nomination will be sent within one
    week of the submission deadline.
    Composition of the jury
    The winner of the award will be selected by a jury composed of members of the NATO PA Bureau
    and Ms Irene Fellin, Special Representative of the NATO Secretary General for Women, Peace and
    Selection procedure
    After the 31 August 2022 deadline for nominations, the jury will meet in September to review
    candidacies. The winner of the award will be announced by the NATO PA on its website at the end
    of September.
    Award for the winner
    The winner of the award will be invited to share her experience at the NATO PA Annual Session to
    be held in Madrid, Spain, from 18 to 21 November 2022. She will receive a trophy of a symbolic
    nature, as the NATO PA is not in a position to offer any financial reward to the winner.
    Previous Award winners
    2021 – The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.