Resolution of Sejm RP on condemnation of the crime of genocide in Ukraine

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    Resolution of Sejm RP on condemnation of the crime of genocide in Ukraine

    Resolution of the Sejm
    of the Republic of Poland
    of .................... 2022
    on condemnation of the crime of genocide in Ukraine
    Shocked by the evidence of unimaginable bestiality of the Russian army
    participating in the unlawful assault on the independent Ukrainian state, we call
    on the international community to respond adequately to the magnitude of the
    crime committed against the Ukrainian people.
    The violence used deliberately and systematically by the troops of the
    Russian Federation against civilian citizens of Ukraine bears the hallmarks of
    genocide. The dead victims of torture, rape and shooting in the back of the head,
    symbolised by Bucha, found on the streets, in cellars and mass grave pits, are
    bloody proof of the criminal aspirations of Vladimir Putin's imperial policy. These
    war crimes go hand in hand with incessant propaganda by the Russian
    government media, in which the word ''de-ukrainisation'' appears, i.e. action
    aimed at denying the Ukrainian people not only the right to self-determination
    but also the right to exist.
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland expects an immediate establishment
    of an international commission of inquiry to document and verify facts, accounts
    and opinions, and an urgent trial of war criminals. We also demand an immediate
    suspension of Russia's membership in all international organisations that uphold
    the contemporary legal order and security.
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland agrees with the content of the
    complaint presented by the democratic authorities of Ukraine to the UN Security
    Council and calls on the international community to bring the guilty parties before
    the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
    No one who values freedom, human rights and dignity, the rules of
    democracy and the foundations of civilisation has the right to remain indifferent
    to the tragedy of the Ukrainians. Following the discovery of the victims of the
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    massacre in Bucha, further action is required. States and governments that fail
    to join this coalition of justice are joining the coalition of Russian lawlessness,
    whether intentionally or not.