Resolution on committing war crimes crimes against humanity and human rights violations by Russia in Ukraine

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    Resolution on committing war crimes crimes against humanity and human rights violations by Russia in Ukraine

    of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
    of 23 March 2022
    on committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and human rights violations
    by Russia in Ukraine
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland strongly condemns the acts of constant violence, war
    crimes, crimes against humanity, acts of genocide, systemic violations of human rights and
    other criminal offenses against international law committed on the territory of sovereign
    Ukraine by the Russian Federation armed forces, together with its allies, at the behest of
    military commanders being under the direct authority of President Vladimir Putin.
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland calls on all states that recognize the sovereignty,
    territorial integrity and right to self-determination by Ukraine to support, using all available
    means, the initiation and conduct of proceedings before the International Court of Justice and
    the International Criminal Court, and to use their powers in all international organizations of
    which they are members, to hold Vladimir Putin, members of the Russian Security Council
    and commanders of the Russian Federation armed forces responsible for directing and
    committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, acts of genocide and systemic human rights
    violations on the territory of sovereign Ukraine. The publicly available evidence justifies the
    recognition of Vladimir Putin, already today, by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and by
    the international community as a war criminal.
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland appeals to the parliaments of democratic countries around
    the world and to the European Parliament to recognise Vladimir Putin, the members of the
    Russian Security Council and the commanders of the Russian Federation armed forces as the
    persons directly responsible for these acts and to subject them to the most far-reaching
    sanctions possible.
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland expresses its unwavering solidarity with the free
    Ukrainian people and the democratic state of Ukraine.
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 23
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22