Policy Brief / NATO Summit

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    074 SPE 22 E NATO Summit 24 March 2022


    24 March 2022
    Policy Brief
    074 SPE 22 E | Original: English | March 2022
    This Policy Brief is presented for information only and does not
    represent the official view of the Assembly.
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 22
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22
    074 SPE 22 E
    24 MARCH 2022:
    • NATO’s response to Russia’s war
    • Support for Ukraine
    • NATO long-term transformation in the wake of Russia’s war
    • Allied leaders adopted a statement on support for Ukraine and NATO’s response
    to Russia’s war. They agreed to:
    o Provide additional assistance to Ukraine, including for cybersecurity and
    protection against CBRN threats
    o Approve deployment of four additional battlegroups to the Alliance’s East
    (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia)
    o Reset NATO deterrence and defence for the long term
    o Accelerate efforts to meet the Defence Investment Pledge
    o Step up support to other partners at risk from Russian threats and
    Other main messages:
    • Any use by Russia of a chemical or biological weapon would be unacceptable and
    result in severe consequences.
    • Called on China to refrain from supporting Russia’s war effort
    • Called on Belarus to stop acting as an accomplice to Putin’s invasion
    • Reaffirmed strong commitment to NATO’s Open Door policy
    Additional points
    • Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the NATO Summit.
    • Allies extended the mandate of NATO Secretary General (SG) Jens Stoltenberg until
    30 September 2023.
    • This was the second NATO Summit in a month in response to Russia’s war against
    • The NATO Summit was immediately followed by G7 and EU Summits.
    074 SPE 22 E
    • Allied leaders agreed that Russia’s war:
    o presents the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades;
    o threatens global security because it seeks to destroy the foundations of
    international security and stability;
    o presents a fundamental challenge to the Allied values and norms.
    • NATO SG:
    o “NATO’s security environment has fundamentally changed. For the long
    o “Russia has walked away from the NATO-Russia Founding Act. They have
    violated it again and again.
    • Allied leaders agreed that Russia must:
    o allow humanitarian access and safe passage for civilians in besieged cities;
    o immediately implement a ceasefire;
    o constructively engage in credible negotiations; and
    o move towards a sustainable ceasefire followed by a complete withdrawal;
    o stop its escalatory rhetoric.
    • Allied leaders made clear that they will continue to:
    o hold accountable those responsible for violations of humanitarian and
    international law, including war crimes;
    o counter Russia’s lies and expose fabricated narratives or manufactured “false
    flag” operations;
    o impose massive sanctions and heavy political costs;
    o work in coordination with relevant stakeholders and other international
    organizations, including the European Union; and
    o maintain the closest transatlantic coordination.
    • Allied leaders called upon Belarus to end its complicity.
    • NATO SG: “Belarus allowed its territory to be used as a ground for mobilising and
    amassing troops that invaded Ukraine. And Belarus continues to enable the invasion
    by providing the territory, airfields, military infrastructure, bases, but also by allowing
    Russia to use Belarusian airspace to launch attacks […].”
    • Allied leaders noted their concern about recent public comments by China.
    • Allied leaders called upon China to
    o uphold the international order, including the principles of sovereignty and
    territorial integrity;
    o abstain from supporting Russia’s war effort;
    o refrain from any action that helps Russia circumvent sanctions;
    o cease amplifying false narratives; and
    o promote a peaceful resolution.
    074 SPE 22 E
    • NATO SG Stoltenberg: “[…] for NATO, it is of particular concern that China now for
    the first time has questioned some of the key principles of our security, including
    the right for every nation in Europe to choose its own path. Because in the joint
    statement between President Xi and President Putin, they actually, together, stated
    that they are against any further enlargement of NATO and that is new.”
    • In his address, President Zelenskyy:
    o thanked Allies for their support;
    o regretted NATO has not given a “clear answer” to his request for a no-fly zone and
    “has yet to show what the Alliance can do to save people”;
    o urged Allies to provide military assistance to Ukraine without restrictions;
    specifically, he called on Allies to provide “1%” of all Allied planes and tanks, as
    well as MLRS rocket systems, anti-ship weapons and means of air defence;
    o claimed Russia used phosphorous bombs earlier in the day;
    o said Ukrainian forces had clearly demonstrated they met NATO standards;
    o warned that Russia would likely extend its aggression beyond Ukraine.
    1) Ongoing Political and Practical Support
    • Political support: Allied leaders:
    o offered their full solidarity;
    o reaffirmed unwavering support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and
    territorial integrity, and Ukraine’s right to self-defence under the UN Charter;
    o support Ukraine’s efforts to achieve peace, including by individual Allies who
    are weighing on Russia.
    • Practical support: NATO and Allies:
    o have provided extensive support since 2014, especially in terms of training,
    military capabilities and capacities as well as resilience;
    o have further stepped up practical support over the last month, including anti-
    tank and air defence systems, and drones, which “are proving highly effective”
    according to the NATO SG
    o provide extensive financial and humanitarian support; and
    o host millions of refugees.
    2) Additional support for Ukraine
    • Allied leaders decided:
    o to provide more assistance, including for cybersecurity and protection
    against threats of a chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear nature,
    which could include detection, protection, and medical supplies, as well as training
    for decontamination and crisis management; and
    o increase support further at the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in April.
    • Allied leaders made clear that:
    o the use of a chemical or biological weapon would be unacceptable and result
    in severe consequences; and
    o escalatory rhetoric is irresponsible and destabilising.
    • Allied leaders agreed to both provide assistance to Ukraine against CBRN threats
    and enhance Allied CBRN defences.
    074 SPE 22 E
    • NATO SG:
    o “Any use of chemical weapons will totally change the nature of the conflict. It
    will be a blatant violation of international law and it will have widespread
    consequences and, of course, be extremely dangerous.” He warned of the risk
    that an attack using chemical or biological weapons would spill over and
    affect populations in NATO countries.
    o “Russia must stop its nuclear sabre-rattling. […] a nuclear war cannot be won
    and should never be fought.”
    • NATO SG Stoltenberg:
    o “We are determined to do all we can to support Ukraine. […] At the same time, we
    have a responsibility to ensure the conflict does not escalate further.
    Because this would be even more dangerous and more devastating.”
    o This is why “Allies have declared that we will not deploy troops on the ground
    in Ukraine because the only way to do that is to be prepared to engage in full
    conflict with Russian troops”
    o “[…] we are not going to impose a no-fly zone because we believe that, that
    will most likely trigger a full-fledged war between NATO and Russia.”
    • Allied leaders made crystal clear:
    o their unity and resolve to protect and defend the security of Allied
    populations and every inch of Allied territory under the iron-clad Article 5,
    across all domains and with a 360-degree approach; and
    o that NATO’s actions are preventive, proportionate and non-escalatory
    • Allies have already:
    o increased defence investment over the last few years and in the context of this
    grave crisis;
    o activated NATO’s defence plans;
    o deployed elements of the NATO Response Force; and
    o placed 40,000 troops on NATO’s eastern flank under NATO command, along
    with significant air and naval assets.
    • Allied leaders decided to:
    o stand up four additional multinational battlegroups in Bulgaria, Hungary,
    Romania, and Slovakia;
    o accelerate NATO’s transformation for a more dangerous strategic reality,
    including through the new Strategic Concept;
    o “reset” NATO’s longer term deterrence and defence posture;
    o further develop the full range of ready forces and capabilities, including
    through enhanced exercises, increasing the resilience of societies and
    infrastructure, notably in the cyber domain;
    o stand ready to impose costs on those who harm Allies in cyberspace;
    o further increase preparedness and readiness for chemical, biological,
    radiological and nuclear threats;
    074 SPE 22 E
    o accelerate efforts to fulfil Allied commitment to the Defence Investment
    Pledge in its entirety; and
    o take further decisions on NATO’s defence and deterrence posture and
    defence investment at the NATO Summit in June in Madrid.
    • Allied leaders reaffirmed their strong commitment to NATO’s Open Door policy
    • Allied leaders agreed to increase support to partners affected by Russian threats
    and interference, including Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, based on partner
    requests. Concrete proposals will be put to NATO Foreign Minsters in April.
    Statement / Press Conferences / Press releases
    24 March 2022
    Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government
    Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the extraordinary
    Summit of NATO Heads of State and Government
    North Atlantic Council extends mandate of the Secretary General
    Allies stand strong together in NATO in the face of the biggest security threat in a generation
    The NATO leaders will address the need for a reset of Allied deterrence and defence
    23 March 2022
    074 SPE 22 E
    Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg previewing the extraordinary
    Summit of NATO Heads of State and Government
    NATO leaders will decide on next steps to protect and defend all Allies

    Speech by The President of Ukraine at the NATO Summit-2403


    Unofficial translation
    Source: Office of the President of Ukraine
    🇺🇦 Speech by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy
    at the NATO Summit
    As of March 24, 2022
    Dear attendees!
    I am addressing you from Kyiv, our capital, which has been fighting for a month
    already, just as our entire state.
    Yes, it is true - we are not in the Alliance. Not in the most powerful defense union
    in the world. Not one of the 30 states under the umbrella of joint protection. Under
    the umbrella of Article 5. It feels like we are in the "gray zone". Between the West
    and Russia. But we defend all our common values. And we are bright people! And
    we have been defending all these values for a month now!
    A month of heroic resistance. A month of the darkest suffering.
    A month of unpunished destruction of the peaceful state, and with it - the whole
    architecture of global security. All this is before the eyes of the whole world.
    Over the decades, Russia has accumulated considerable resources, military
    resources, manpower and equipment, air bombs, missiles.
    They invested crazy money in death while the world invested in life. But Ukraine is
    holding on bravely! At the cost of thousands of lives. At the cost of destroyed cities.
    At the cost of almost ten million migrants. Three and a half of them are already in
    your territories, in the territories of NATO countries. I am grateful for the support of
    these people. And people, unfortunately, continue to leave their homes. They are
    fleeing the terror that the occupiers brought with them.
    The very first hours of the invasion meant brutal missile strikes for us. During the
    month of the war, Russia fired more than a thousand different missiles at our cities.
    Made hundreds of air raids.
    On February 24, I addressed you with a perfectly clear, logical request to help close
    our skies. In any format. Protect our people from Russian bombs and missiles. We
    did not hear a clear answer. Ukraine does not have powerful anti-missile weapons,
    and has a much smaller aircraft fleet than Russia. Therefore, their advantage in the
    sky is like the use of weapons of mass destruction.
    And you see the consequences today - how many people were killed, how many
    peaceful cities were destroyed.
    The Ukrainian army has been resisting for a month in unequal conditions! And I
    have been repeating the same thing for a month now. To save people and our cities,
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 22
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22
    Unofficial translation
    Ukraine needs military assistance - without restrictions. As Russia uses without
    restrictions its entire arsenal against us. Destroys all living things. Any objects - from
    houses to churches, from food warehouses to universities, from bridges to hospitals.
    Ukraine asked for your planes. So that we do not lose so many people. And you have
    thousands of fighter jets! But we haven't been given any yet.
    We asked for tanks. So that we can unblock our cities that are now dying - Mariupol,
    Berdyansk, Melitopol, others. Cities where Russia is keeping hundreds of thousands
    of people hostage and artificially creating famine - no water, no food, nothing there.
    You have at least 20,000 tanks! Ukraine asked for a percent, one percent of all your
    tanks to be given or sold to us! But we do not have a clear answer yet... The worst
    thing during the war is not having clear answers to requests for help.
    Ukraine never wanted this war. And does not want to fight for years. We just want
    to save our people. We want to survive! Just survive! Like any nation, we have the
    right to it. The right to life. The right to this one percent.
    And I do not blame NATO - I want to be clear. You are not guilty. It's not your
    missiles, it's not your bombs that are destroying our cities. This morning, by the way,
    there were phosphorus bombs. Phosphorus Russian bombs. Adults were killed again
    and children were killed again. I just want you to know that the Alliance can still
    prevent the deaths of Ukrainians from Russian strikes, from Russian occupation, by
    providing us with all the weapons we need.
    Yes, we are not in the Alliance. And I do not make these claims. But Ukrainians
    never thought that the Alliance and the Allies were different.
    That in matters of life and death you can be a force separately, but together - no.
    That NATO may be afraid of Russia's actions. I am sure you already understand that
    Russia does not intend to stop in Ukraine. Does not intend and will not. It wants to
    go further.
    Against the eastern members of NATO. The Baltic states, Poland - that's for sure.
    Will NATO then stop thinking about it, worrying about how Russia will react? Who
    can be sure of that? And do you have confidence that Article 5 can work?
    "Budapest" hasn’t worked for us already. Our Budapest Memorandum. Has not
    worked for peace in Ukraine.
    And I will tell you honestly - today Budapest is not working for peace in Ukraine as
    well. Yes, we receive help from individual members of the Alliance. I am very
    grateful. Ukrainians are sincerely grateful for this. To each of you who gives what
    you have, supporting us.
    But what about the Alliance? The question of Article 5 is fundamental. I just want
    you to know what we think about it. And I sincerely wish you that we are wrong in
    our assessments and in our doubts. I sincerely wish that you actually have a very
    strong Alliance. Because if we are wrong, the world is safe. But if we are at least
    one percent right, I ask you to reconsider your attitude. Your own estimates. And
    really take care of security, security in Europe and, consequently, in the world.
    Unofficial translation
    You can give us one percent of all your aircraft. One percent of all your tanks. One
    percent! We can't just buy it. Such a supply directly depends only on NATO's
    decisions, on political decisions, by the way.
    MLRS systems. Anti-ship weapons. Means of air defense. Is it possible to survive
    such a war without it?
    So when it's finally available, it will give us and you as well, one hundred percent
    security. And we need one. And the only thing I demand from you… After such a
    month of war. This is a request for the sake of our military. After such a war against
    Russia ... Never, please, never tell us again that our army does not meet NATO
    We have shown what our standards are capable of. And how much we can give to
    the common security in Europe and the world. How much we can do to protect
    against aggression against everything we value, everything you value. But NATO
    has yet to show what the Alliance can do to save people. To show that this is truly
    the most powerful defense union in the world. And the world is waiting. And
    Ukraine is very much waiting. Waiting for real actions. Real security guarantees.
    From those whose word is trustworthy. And whose actions can keep the peace.
    Truly. All offers are on the table. Our needs are on the table. We need peace
    immediately. The answers are up to you.
    I am thankful to those who help us! Thank you!
    Glory to Ukraine!
    Government Office for the Coordination
    of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration