Press Release - Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government - Brussels, 24 March 2022

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    Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government

    • Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government - Brussels, 24 March 2022
    Press Release
    24 March 2022
    PR (2022) 061
    Statement by NATO Heads of State and
    Brussels, 24 March 2022
    We, the Heads of State and Government of the 30 NATO Allies, have met today to
    address Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic
    security in decades. Russia’s war against Ukraine has shattered peace in Europe
    and is causing enormous human suffering and destruction.
    We condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. We call
    on President Putin to immediately stop this war and withdraw military forces from
    Ukraine, and call on Belarus to end its complicity, in line with the Aggression Against
    Ukraine Resolution adopted at the UN General Assembly of 2 March 2022. Russia
    should comply with the 16 March ruling by the UN International Court of Justice and
    immediately suspend military operations. Russia’s attack on Ukraine threatens global
    security. Its assault on international norms makes the world less safe. President
    Putin’s escalatory rhetoric is irresponsible and destabilizing.
    Ukrainians have inspired the world with heroic resistance to Russia’s brutal war of
    conquest. We strongly condemn Russia’s devastating attacks on civilians, including
    women, children, and persons in vulnerable situations. We will work with the rest of
    the international community to hold accountable those responsible for violations of
    humanitarian and international law, including war crimes. We are deeply concerned
    about the increased risk of sexual violence and human trafficking. We urge Russia to
    allow rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access and safe passage for civilians,
    and to allow for humanitarian aid to be delivered to Mariupol and other besieged
    cities. We also condemn attacks against civilian infrastructure, including those
    endangering nuclear power plants. We will continue to counter Russia’s lies about its
    attack on Ukraine and expose fabricated narratives or manufactured “false flag”
    operations to prepare the ground for further escalation, including against the civilian
    population of Ukraine. Any use by Russia of a chemical or biological weapon would
    be unacceptable and result in severe consequences.
    Russia needs to show it is serious about negotiations by immediately implementing
    a ceasefire. We call on Russia to engage constructively in credible negotiations with
    Ukraine to achieve concrete results, starting with a sustainable ceasefire and moving
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 20
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22
    towards a complete withdrawal of its troops from Ukrainian territory. Russia’s
    continuing aggression while discussions are taking place is deplorable. We support
    Ukraine’s efforts to achieve peace, and those undertaken diplomatically by Allies to
    weigh in on Russia to end the war and relieve human suffering.
    We stand in full solidarity with President Zelenskyy, the government of Ukraine, and
    with the brave Ukrainian citizens who are defending their homeland. We honour all
    those killed, injured, and displaced by Russia’s aggression, as well as their families.
    We reaffirm our unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial
    integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders extending to its
    territorial waters.
    Ukraine has a fundamental right to self-defence under the United Nations Charter.
    Since 2014, we have provided extensive support to Ukraine’s ability to exercise that
    right. We have trained Ukraine’s armed forces, strengthening their military
    capabilities and capacities and enhancing their resilience. NATO Allies have stepped
    up their support and will continue to provide further political and practical support to
    Ukraine as it continues to defend itself. NATO Allies will also continue to provide
    assistance in such areas as cybersecurity and protection against threats of a
    chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear nature. NATO Allies also provide
    extensive humanitarian support and are hosting millions of refugees. Foreign
    Ministers will discuss further our support to Ukraine when they meet in April.
    We are united in our resolve to counter Russia’s attempts to destroy the foundations
    of international security and stability. We are holding Russia and Belarus to account.
    Massive sanctions and heavy political costs have been imposed on Russia in order
    to bring an end to this war. We remain determined to maintain coordinated
    international pressure on Russia. We will continue to coordinate closely with relevant
    stakeholders and other international organizations, including the European Union.
    Transatlantic coordination remains crucial for an effective response to the current
    We call on all states, including the People’s Republic of China (PRC), to uphold the
    international order including the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as
    enshrined in the UN Charter, to abstain from supporting Russia’s war effort in any
    way, and to refrain from any action that helps Russia circumvent sanctions. We are
    concerned by recent public comments by PRC officials and call on China to cease
    amplifying the Kremlin’s false narratives, in particular on the war and on NATO, and
    to promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
    We remain committed to the foundational principles underpinning European and
    global security, including that each nation has the right to choose its own security
    arrangements free from outside interference. We reaffirm our commitment to NATO’s
    Open Door Policy under Article 10 of the Washington Treaty.
    We are providing tailored support to partners affected by Russian threats and
    interference and will step up our assistance to help them resist Russian malign
    influence and strengthen their resilience, based on our partners’ requests and our
    long-standing partnership programmes. In April, Foreign Ministers will consider
    concrete proposals for enhancing our support to these partners.
    We will continue to take all necessary steps to protect and defend the security of our
    Allied populations and every inch of Allied territory. Our commitment to Article 5 of
    the Washington Treaty is iron-clad.
    In response to Russia’s actions, we have activated NATO’s defence plans, deployed
    elements of the NATO Response Force, and placed 40,000 troops on our eastern
    flank, along with significant air and naval assets, under direct NATO command
    supported by Allies’ national deployments. We are also establishing four additional
    multinational battlegroups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. We are
    taking all measures and decisions to ensure the security and defence of all Allies
    across all domains and with a 360-degree approach. Our measures remain
    preventive, proportionate, and non-escalatory. We will now accelerate NATO’s
    transformation for a more dangerous strategic reality, including through the adoption
    of the next Strategic Concept in Madrid. In light of the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic
    security in decades, we will also significantly strengthen our longer term deterrence
    and defence posture and will further develop the full range of ready forces and
    capabilities necessary to maintain credible deterrence and defence. These steps will
    be supported by enhanced exercises with an increased focus on collective defence
    and interoperability.
    We are increasing the resilience of our societies and our infrastructure to counter
    Russia’s malign influence. We are enhancing our cyber capabilities and defences,
    providing support to each other in the event of cyber-attacks. We are ready to impose
    costs on those who harm us in cyberspace, and are increasing information exchange
    and situational awareness, enhancing civil preparedness, and strengthening our
    ability to respond to disinformation. We will also enhance our preparedness and
    readiness for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats. We will take
    further decisions when we meet in Madrid.
    The steps we are taking to ensure the security of our Alliance and of the Euro-Atlantic
    area will require adequate resourcing. Allies are substantially increasing their defence
    expenditures. Today, we have decided to accelerate our efforts to fulfil our
    commitment to the Defence Investment Pledge in its entirety. In line with our
    commitment in Article 3 of the Washington Treaty, we will further strengthen our
    individual and collective capacity to resist all forms of attack. At our meeting in Madrid,
    we will submit additional plans on how to meet the Pledge.
    Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine represents a fundamental challenge to the
    values and norms that have brought security and prosperity to all on the European
    continent. President Putin’s choice to attack Ukraine is a strategic mistake, with grave
    consequences also for Russia and the Russian people. We remain united and
    resolute in our determination to oppose Russia’s aggression, aid the government and
    the people of Ukraine, and defend the security of all Allies.