Declaration on Ukraine of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

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    Ukraine's membership in UE

    of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
    dated 3 March 2022
    on the support of Ukraine's membership in the European Union
    The Ukrainian military force and the Ukrainian citizens continue their heroic fight against
    the unprovoked and unjustified military aggression of the Russian Federation against
    Ukraine, which represents one of the most serious threats to the European and the global
    security. In their fight, the people of Ukraine can count on the full support of the Polish
    society. The Sejm of the Republic of Poland expresses its thanks to the government of the
    Republic of Poland, local governments, non-governmental organisations, and millions of
    people who are helping refugees and residents of the attacked areas.
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland:
    - expresses its appreciation and admiration for the steadfast attitude of the Ukrainian
    people in their fight against Russia’s bestial aggression,
    - believes that the only possible and necessary response to this unprovoked and brutal
    Russian aggression is a strong and comprehensive reaction of the whole international
    - responds clearly and specifically to Ukraine's request to join the European Union,
    - calls on the Council of the European Union to begin the procedure for granting to
    Ukraine the status of candidate country as well as requests the European Commission
    to prepare a road map for the accession negotiations and for Ukraine's integration
    with the European Union,
    - appeals to all EU institutions and Member States to enable Ukraine to join the
    European Community as soon as possible,
    - asks the European Union to include Ukraine in the European Instrument for Recovery
    and Resilience Facility, and to create a separate fund to support the reconstruction of
    war damage.
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 18
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22

    Declaration on Ukraine of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

    Declaration of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
    dated 24 February 2022
    on the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
    Despite the intensive efforts of the international community, the Russian Federation has today carried
    out an open, unprovoked and unjustified aggression against Ukraine. This is a brutal act of rape
    against the norms of international law, including the UN Charter, and a clear rejection by Russia of its
    international obligations under the Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Charter, the Budapest Memorandum,
    the NATO-Russia Constitutive Act and the Minsk agreements.
    This constitutes a direct attack on Euro-Atlantic security and the entire international order, with
    enormous geostrategic consequences. The Russian Federation is excluding itself from the
    international community. We are regressing to the darkest times of the 20th century.
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland strongly condemns this criminal aggression. We call on the Russian
    Federation and the Republic of Belarus, which is cooperating with it, to cease the hostilities, withdraw
    all their troops from the territory of Ukraine and from the vicinity of its borders, and fully observe the
    international humanitarian law.
    We support the democratic authorities and the Ukrainian people, and express our solidarity with
    them. We consistently support the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Ukraine. In
    this dramatic situation, we will not leave it without support.
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland appeals in the strongest possible terms to the European Union,
    NATO, and the entire international community for the immediate introduction of the widest possible
    sanctions against the aggressor, the Russian Federation. We also call for the widest possible economic
    and humanitarian support for Ukraine.
    The Members of the Polish Sejm, representing the Polish nation, support the deputies of the
    Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, who are representatives of the Ukrainian people, in their work and
    struggle on behalf of their homeland, and express their solidarity with them. As representatives of our
    peoples, we have the right and the duty to appeal to entire societies and nations, as well as
    international institutions and organisations, to decisively, solidarily and unequivocally stop the hostile
    and aggressive behaviour of the authorities of the Russian Federation.
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 18
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22

    Resolution on the aggression of Russia against Ukraine

    of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
    of 23 February 2022
    on the aggression of Russia against Ukraine
    The principle of sovereignty and the right to self-determination of nations are among the fundamental
    values of the Western civilization. The decision of the Russian Federation to recognise the independence
    of two territories that are integral parts of Ukraine is in clear violation of the rules adopted by the
    international community and signifies the rejection by the Russian side of all avenues for an
    internationally compatible agreement.
    Vladimir Putin's decision violates the fundamental principles of international law and, therefore, does not
    and cannot have binding force on any other state. Ukraine is an independent, sovereign and democratic
    Russia's adoption of the constitutions of the self-proclaimed so-called Luhansk and Donetsk republics in
    fact signifies an intention to take control of Ukrainian territory, and is therefore a purely warlike act.
    The actions of the Russian Federation, which have intensified in recent weeks, constitute aggression
    directed against an independent state. The successive steps taken by Vladimir Putin demonstrate that the
    aim of his policy is to undo more than 30 years of peace in Europe after the fall of communism. Russia is
    consciously leading to the resurrection of the demons of the past and to the rejection of any rules other
    than those of force, brutality and willingness to kill innocent people. The price for Vladimir Putin's
    neo-imperialist policy, for Russia's gas and energy policy, is already being paid by ordinary Ukrainian
    citizens. It is also affecting the standard of living of hundreds of millions of European citizens, including
    millions of Polish families.
    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland once again condemns in the strongest possible terms all actions by
    the Russian Federation aimed at attacking Ukraine's sovereignty. The international community must do
    everything possible to prevent war. The integrity of Ukraine's territory, the inviolability of its borders and
    its right to self-determination are a source of security for the whole of Europe. The Sejm calls on the
    international community to introduce severe economic and diplomatic sanctions against the aggressor.
    We call on the EU and NATO governments and the entire international community to stand in solidarity
    on the side of freedom and the right of the Ukrainian people to live in an independent state.
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 18
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22