Resolution UNGA om samarbejdet mellem FN og IPU 2020

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    Resolution UNGA om samarbejdet mellem FN og IPU 2020

    United Nations A/RES/74/304
    General Assembly Distr.: General
    9 September 2020
    20-11627 (E) 110920
    Seventy-fourth session
    Agenda item 125
    Interaction between the United Nations, national
    parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union
    Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
    on 4 September 2020
    [without reference to a Main Committee (A/74/L.85 and A/74/L.85/Add.1)]
    74/304. Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and
    the Inter-Parliamentary Union
    The General Assembly,
    Recalling the 2005 World Summit Outcome, 1
    in which Heads of State and
    Government resolved to strengthen further cooperation between the United Nations
    and national parliaments through their world organization, the Inter-Parliamentary
    Union, in all fields of the work of the United Nations,
    Recalling also its resolution 57/32 of 19 November 2002, in which the
    Inter-Parliamentary Union was invited to participate in the work of the General
    Assembly in the capacity of observer, and recalling further its resolution 72/278 of
    22 May 2018, in which the Assembly, inter alia, decided to strengthen the modalities
    of the cooperation between United Nations entities and the global parliamentary
    Taking into consideration the Cooperation Agreement between the United
    Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union of 1996,2
    which laid the foundation for
    cooperation between the two organizations, and taking note of the revised
    Cooperation Agreement of 2016,
    Taking note of the resolutions adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, as well
    as the many activities undertaken by that organization in support of the United
    Noting the outcomes of the World Conferences of Speakers of Parliament held
    in 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015, which affirm the commitment of national parliaments
    Resolution 60/1.
    A/51/402, annex.
    IPU Alm.del - Bilag 7
    Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2021-22
    Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments
    and the Inter-Parliamentary Union
    and the Inter-Parliamentary Union to support the work of the United Nations and
    continue efforts to bridge the democracy gap in international relations,
    Recognizing that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic requires a
    global response based on unity, solidarity and renewed multilateral cooperation that
    is people-centred, and acknowledging the important role of the United Nations system
    and the key leadership role of the World Health Organization in this regard, and that
    national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union play an important role in the
    response and recovery efforts,
    Welcoming the annual parliamentary hearings at the United Nations, as well as
    other specialized parliamentary meetings organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union
    in cooperation with the United Nations to correspond to major United Nations
    conferences and events,
    Recognizing the work of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in mobilizing
    parliamentary action towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
    the Addis Ababa Action Agenda,4
    the Sendai Framework for Disaster
    Risk Reduction 2015–2030,5
    the Paris Agreement adopted under the United Nations
    Framework Convention on Climate Change6
    and the Beijing Declaration and Platform
    for Action,7
    Recognizing also the growing role of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Standing
    Committee on United Nations Affairs in providing a platform for regular interaction
    between parliamentarians and United Nations officials, including on the 2030 Agenda
    for Sustainable Development, reviewing implementation of international commitments,
    facilitating closer ties between the United Nations country teams and national
    parliaments and helping to shape parliamentary input to major United Nations
    Recognizing further the work of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in the areas of
    democracy and the rule of law, human rights, gender equality, the empowerment of
    all women and girls and eliminating violence against women and girls, youth
    empowerment, peace and security, disarmament, non-proliferation, humanitarian
    assistance, sustainable development, poverty eradication, food security and nutrition,
    climate change, health and interfaith and inter-ethnic dialogue, as well as countering
    and preventing terrorism and violent extremism as and when conducive to terrorism,
    Deeply concerned about all acts of sexual and gender-based violence, including
    sexual harassment, in political and in public life, as well as in parliaments and in
    leadership positions, and recognizing the work of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in
    combating such violence,
    Highlighting the importance of women’s full, equal and meaningful participation
    in parliaments, including in leadership positions, and the importance for parliaments
    to mainstream a gender perspective in their work,
    Recognizing and affirming that the global fight against racism, racial
    discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and all their abhorrent and
    contemporary forms and manifestations is a matter of priority for the international
    community, as well as noting the launch of the United Nations Strategy and Plan of
    Action on Hate Speech in June 2019,
    Resolution 70/1.
    Resolution 69/313, annex.
    Resolution 69/283, annex II.
    See FCCC/CP/2015/10/Add.1, decision 1/CP.21, annex.
    Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4–15 September 1995 (United
    Nations publication, Sales No. E.96.IV.13), chap. I, resolution 1, annexes I and II.
    Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments
    and the Inter-Parliamentary Union A/RES/74/304
    Bearing in mind that the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations is an
    opportunity to reaffirm its collective commitment to the purposes and principles of
    the Charter of the United Nations and reinvigorate multilateralism, and recognizing
    the role and the contributions of national parliaments, those of regional organizations
    and of the Inter-Parliamentary Union to promote and strengthen multilateralism,
    Recalling that in 2020 the international community commemorates the
    seventy-fifth anniversary of the end of the Second World War, and emphasizing in
    this regard the role of parliaments in supporting efforts to mitigate and resolve
    Mindful that technological change includes new and powerful tools that can help
    to realize the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and that the
    spread of information and communications technologies and global interconnectedness
    has great potential to accelerate human development and bridge the digital divide,
    and recognizing that national parliaments, among others, play an important role in
    addressing the impact, opportunities and challenges of rapid technological change,
    Noting the work carried out upon the request of Member States by agencies and
    programmes of the United Nations system, including the United Nations Sustainable
    Development Group, in support of national parliaments around the world,
    Acknowledging the role and responsibility of national parliaments in regard to
    national plans and strategies, as well as in ensuring greater transparency and
    accountability at both the national and the global levels,
    1. Welcomes the actions taken by the Inter-Parliamentary Union to pursue a
    more systematic engagement with the United Nations, and encourages both
    organizations to enhance their cooperation in meeting their common objectives;
    2. Encourages the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union to
    continue to work closely in various fields, including the three dimensions of
    sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental, peacebuilding and
    sustaining peace, countering and preventing terrorism and violent extremism as and
    when conducive to terrorism, international law, human rights and fundamental
    freedoms, combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
    intolerance, promoting gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls,
    youth empowerment, democracy and good governance, poverty eradication,
    information and communications technologies, health, international migration,
    climate change, biodiversity, disaster risk reduction, capacity-building and financing
    for development;
    3. Also encourages the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union to
    strengthen cooperation by engaging parliamentarians in efforts to maintain support
    for the implementation of relevant United Nations agreements and resolutions;
    4. Encourages the continued active involvement of the Inter-Parliamentary
    Union in promoting the enhanced contribution of parliaments at the national, regional
    and global levels, including through multi-stakeholder partnerships, in support of the
    accelerated implementation and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
    by 2030;
    5. Calls upon Member States, including their national parliaments, supported
    upon their request by the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and other
    relevant stakeholders to coordinate, as appropriate, so that their responses to the
    COVID-19 pandemic are people-centred and provide access, without discrimination
    of any kind, to safe, effective, affordable and quality essential medicines, vaccines,
    testing and diagnostics, personal protective equipment and medical equipment as may
    be required to effectively address COVID-19;
    Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments
    and the Inter-Parliamentary Union
    6. Welcomes the efforts of the Inter-Parliamentary Union to promote
    universal health coverage and to address public health emergencies, such as the
    COVID-19 pandemic, and invites the World Health Organization, as the United
    Nations specialized agency for health, and other relevant agencies, funds and
    programmes of the United Nations system to enhance cooperation with the
    Inter-Parliamentary Union in this regard;
    7. Notes the preparations currently under way for the fifth World Conference
    of Speakers of Parliament, to be organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union in close
    cooperation with the United Nations, entitled “Parliamentary leadership for more
    effective multilateralism that delivers peace and sustainable development for the
    people and planet”, which will provide contributions to the high-level meeting of the
    General Assembly on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United
    Nations in September 2020;
    8. Welcomes the practice of including parliamentarians as members of
    national delegations to major United Nations meetings and events, as appropriate, and
    invites Member States to continue this practice in a more regular and systematic
    9. Invites Member States to further consider ways to work regularly with the
    Inter-Parliamentary Union in facilitating a parliamentary component to major United
    Nations conferences so as to help to inform such deliberations from a parliamentary
    10. Encourages Member States to consider applying the practice of the joint
    United Nations-Inter-Parliamentary Union parliamentary hearing to other
    parliamentary meetings convened in conjunction with major United Nations
    conferences and processes, such as the parliamentary meeting organized on the
    occasion of the annual session of the Commission on the Status of Women, with a
    view to including the outcome of these parliamentary meetings as a formal
    contribution to the respective United Nations processes;
    11. Welcomes the enhanced contribution of parliaments and the
    Inter-Parliamentary Union to the work of the Human Rights Council and the human
    rights treaty bodies, and acknowledges the crucial role that parliaments play in
    translating international commitments into national policies and laws;
    12. Encourages the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the
    Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) and other relevant bodies of the United
    Nations system to work closely with national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary
    Union in accordance with their respective mandates and, upon request, in such areas
    as gender equality and the empowerment of women, including in conflict prevention
    and peace processes, institutional gender mainstreaming, support to parliaments in
    promoting gender-sensitive legislation, increasing the representation of women in
    parliaments, combating violence against women, including women in politics, and
    implementing relevant United Nations resolutions;
    13. Welcomes the contributions of the Inter-Parliamentary Union to the work
    of the high-level political forum on sustainable development through the participation
    of parliamentarians, in convening a parliamentary event on the work of parliaments
    to institutionalize the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as through its efforts
    to encourage parliaments to engage in the voluntary national reviews of participating
    14. Invites the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the relevant bodies of the United
    Nations system to continue and enhance their cooperation in supporting Governments
    in facilitating the orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of
    people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed
    Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments
    and the Inter-Parliamentary Union A/RES/74/304
    migration policies, and recalls the contribution of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in
    the preparatory process for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular
    15. Encourages the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union to
    develop closer cooperation with parliaments at the national and regional levels,
    including in terms of strengthening parliamentary capacities, inter alia, in regard to
    the allocation of budgetary resources for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for
    Sustainable Development,3
    as appropriate, in reinforcing the rule of law and helping
    to align national legislation with international commitments, and to facilitate, within
    existing resources, greater South-South and triangular cooperation between
    parliaments and parliamentarians;
    16. Recognizes that the contributions of young people are important for the
    full and successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
    and urges Member States and United Nations entities, in consultation with youth and
    youth-led and youth-focused organizations, to explore and promote concrete new
    avenues for the full, effective, structured and sustainable participation of young
    people and youth-led organizations in relevant decision-making processes and
    monitoring, in all spheres of political, economic, social and cultural life, including in
    designing and implementing policies, programmes and initiatives, in particular when
    implementing the 2030 Agenda;
    17. Takes note of the Common Principles for Support to Parliaments pioneered
    by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations Development Programme
    and endorsed by 136 national parliaments and 8 parliamentary assemblies with a view
    to further strengthening the capacity of parliaments to perform their functions;
    18. Calls upon United Nations country teams to develop, within their
    mandates and at the request of national authorities, a more structured and integrated
    manner of working with national parliaments, through appropriate mechanisms, inter
    alia, by involving parliaments in consultations on national development strategies and
    on development aid effectiveness, where applicable;
    19. Calls upon United Nations entities to avail themselves more systematically
    of the unique expertise of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and its member parliaments
    in strengthening parliamentary institutions, particularly in countries emerging from
    conflict and/or in transition to democracy;
    20. Calls for regular annual exchanges and meetings at both the political and
    the operational levels between senior officials of the United Nations and of the
    Inter-Parliamentary Union, with a view to building greater coherence in the work of
    the two organizations and helping to forge a more robust strategic partnership
    between them;
    21. Encourages the United Nations system to reflect more systematically the
    role and contribution of parliaments in its reports and draft strategic plans;
    22. Welcomes the decision to observe 30 June of each year as the International
    Day of Parliamentarism, and invites all Member States, national parliaments,
    organizations of the United Nations system and other relevant international
    organizations, civil society, including non-governmental organizations, and all other
    relevant stakeholders to observe the Day and to promote awareness of it, while
    stressing that the cost of all activities that may arise from the observance of the Day
    by the United Nations should be met from voluntary contributions;
    Resolution 73/195, annex.
    Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments
    and the Inter-Parliamentary Union
    23. Acknowledges the preparations under way by the Inter-Parliamentary
    Union, in cooperation with the United Nations, to organize, in May 2022 in the
    Russian Federation, the world conference on interfaith and inter-ethnic dialogue with
    the participation of Heads of State, parliaments and representatives of world religions;
    24. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General,9
    and requests that he
    submit to the General Assembly at its seventy-sixth session a report under the item
    entitled “Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the
    Inter-Parliamentary Union” with a special focus on the implementation of the shared
    global objectives of United Nations entities and the Inter-Parliamentary Union,
    including best practices and contributions of Member States, national parliaments,
    the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union to increase the representation
    of women in parliaments.
    63rd plenary meeting
    4 September 2020