Invitation til møde med UNFPA's landechef i Afghanistan, Dr. Aleksandar Sasha Bodiroza
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- Hovedtilknytning: SRSR alm. del (Bilag 2)
Invitation til møde med UNFPA's landechef i Afghanistan, Dr. Aleksandar Sasha Bodiroza
Side 1 | 1 Udenrigsudvalget, SRSR-netværket Til: Udvalgets medlemmer Dato: 24. februar 2022 Invitation til møde med UNFPA's landechef i Afghanistan, Dr. Aleksandar Sasha Bodiroza UNFPAs landechef i Afghanistan, Dr. Aleksandar Sasha Bodiroza, besøger København den 9.-10. marts 2022. Der er derfor arrangeret et fællesmøde med Udenrigsudvalget og SRSR-netværket. Mødet finder sted: Torsdag den 10. marts 2022 kl. 12.45-13.45 i vær. 1-133. UNFPA’s landechef vil på mødet briefe om situationen i Afghanistan - ikke mindst, hvordan det ser ud for kvinder og piger, og hvordan han ser udviklin- gen mht. børneægteskaber, kønsbaseret vold og adgang til sikre fødsler. CV for Dr. Bodiroza er vedhæftet. Det er muligt at deltage i mødet via teams. Tilmelding bedes ske til undertegnede på senest fredag den 4. marts 2022. Med venlig hilsen Niklas Borker Bjerre, Udvalgssekretær Offentligt SRSR Alm.del - Bilag 2 Folketingets Tværpolitiske netværk for seksuel og reproduktiv sundhed og rettigheder 2021-22
BIO Dr. Aleksandar Sasha Bodiroza UNFPA Country Representative, Afghanistan Dr. Aleksandar Sasha Bodiroza, MD brings to the position of UNFPA Representative in Afghanistan over 20 years of management, programmatic and technical experience. Throughout his career, Dr. Bodiroza has been a tenacious and vocal advocate for reproductive health for all, empowering women and young people, and ensuring that no one is left behind. Dr. Bodiroza served as the Head of Integrated Field Support Unit of the Arab States Regional Office of UNFPA and Senior Technical Adviser on Youth, His background spans the fields of strategic direction, planning, management and partnership; peacebuilding, public health, including HIV prevention, youth health development and protection and strategic communication for behavior change. Before joining Afghanistan CO, Dr. Bodiroza served as UNFPA Representative in Egypt. Under the leadership of Dr. Bodiroza, UNFPA Country Office in Egypt managed to scale up its operations and programmes aimed to assist the Government of Egypt in their efforts to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; end GBV. He is recognized expert in evidence-based approaches in the development of youth policies, and use of entertainment-education in health promotion, demography and youth work. Dr. Bodiroza is a passionate advocate for stronger engagement of young people in peace building and post-conflict recovery. Offentligt SRSR Alm.del - Bilag 2 Folketingets Tværpolitiske netværk for seksuel og reproduktiv sundhed og rettigheder 2021-22