Brev og erklæring vedr. migrantkrisen ved EU’s østlige grænse mod Hviderusland

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    LetterEN (M)

    /courtesy translation/
    Warsaw, 29 November 2021
    Honourable Mr Speaker,
    The migration crisis on the European Union's eastern
    external border, resulting from the aggressive actions of Alexander
    Lukashenko's illegitimate regime that have taken on a form of a
    hybrid attack, undermines security and stability throughout the
    Community and, as such, should, in our view, be the subject of in-
    depth reflection and joint action aimed at bringing it to an end as
    soon as possible.
    We are all opposed to and concerned by the events on the
    European Union's eastern border. This issue has been the subject of
    deliberations between the Speakers of the Parliaments of the Baltic
    States and Poland. These consultations resulted in a joint statement
    by the Presidents of the four Chambers: Sejm of the Republic of
    Poland, Riigikogu of the Republic of Estonia, Seimas of the
    Republic of Lithuania and Saeima of the Republic of Latvia. A copy
    of the statement is attached hereto.
    I send my sincere regards and hope that the position
    presented in the statement will be received with understanding and
    find support in other parliaments of the Member States,
    /-/ Elżbieta Witek
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 4
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22


    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 4
    NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22