Invitation: Event Invitation - Road to COP26: Virtual inter-parliamentary meeting on climate change - 24 June
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Road to COP26 - Virtual inter-parliamentary meeting on climate change
Fra: postbox [] Sendt: 17. juni 2021 07:58 Emne: Event Invitation - Road to COP26: Virtual inter-parliamentary meeting on climate change - 24 June Dear Madam, Dear Sir, The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), in collaboration with the British Group of the IPU and Italian Chamber of Deputies, is organizing a virtual event in preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26). Road to COP26: Virtual inter-parliamentary meeting on climate change Thursday 24 June 2021 at 14:00-15:00 CEST In support of COP26, the IPU is co-organizing several parliamentary meetings in the coming months. These include the Pre-COP26 Parliamentary Meeting on 8-9 October 2021 in Rome, Italy, organized with the Italian Chamber of Deputies, followed by the Parliamentary Meeting at COP26 in Glasgow, United Kingdom on 7 November 2021 (date tbc), organized with the British Group of the IPU. The expected outcome of both of these meetings will be a document that is expected to chart a course for increased parliamentary action on climate change. Prior to these COP26-related parliamentary meetings in Rome and Glasgow, the IPU is hosting a virtual inter-parliamentary meeting on climate change, in collaboration with both the British Group of the IPU and the Italian Chamber of Deputies. This meeting will provide parliamentarians with a brief overview of COP26 and the opportunity to meet the rapporteurs from the UK and Italy who will draft the COP26 outcome document. Furthermore, it will give parliaments a platform to engage in dialogue on priority areas for their countries as they address climate change. The meeting will allow time for an interactive discussion and Q&A with the rapporteurs. The meeting will be held in English and interpretation will be provided in French (tbc). Parliamentarians, as well as parliamentary staff, are invited to participate. Please register for the event here: Further information is available on the IPU website and in the attached document: We look forward to your participation in this important event. -------- Chère Madame, Cher Monsieur, L'UIP organise une réunion interparlementaire en ligne sur les changements climatiques en collaboration avec le Groupe britannique à l'UIP et la Chambre des députés italienne pour préparer pour la Conférence des Parties des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques (COP26). Objectif COP26 : Réunion interparlementaire en ligne sur les changements climatiques Jeudi 24 juin 2021, 14 h-15 h (HAEC, heure de Genève) Pour soutenir la COP26, l'UIP co-organise dans un avenir proche plusieurs réunions parlementaires. La première est la Réunion parlementaire en prévision de la COP26, qui sera organisée en collaboration avec la Chambre des députés italienne les 8 et 9 octobre 2021 à Rome, en Italie. Elle sera suivie de la Réunion parlementaire qui sera organisée en collaboration avec le Groupe britannique à l'UIP le 7 novembre 2021 2030-netværket 2020-21 SDG Alm.del - Bilag 38 Offentligt (date restant à confirmer) à l'occasion de la COP26 à Glasgow, au Royaume-Uni. Chacune de ces réunions devrait se solder par l'adoption d'un document final. Ces documents devraient ouvrir la voie à un renforcement de l'action parlementaire en matière de changements climatiques. En prélude aux réunions parlementaires liées à la COP26 qui se dérouleront à Rome et à Glasgow, l'UIP organise une réunion interparlementaire en ligne sur les changements climatiques, en collaboration avec le Groupe britannique à l'UIP et la Chambre des députés italienne. Cette réunion donnera aux parlementaires un bref aperçu de la COP26. Elle leur offrira également l'occasion de rencontrer les rapporteurs du Royaume-Uni et de l'Italie, qui rédigeront le document final de la COP26. De surcroît, elle servira de plateforme aux parlements pour évoquer les domaines prioritaires dans leur pays dans le cadre des mesures destinées à remédier aux changements climatiques. Cette réunion comportera également une discussion interactive et des questions/réponses avec les rapporteurs. Elle se tiendra en anglais et sera interprétée en français (tbc). Les parlementaires et le personnel parlementaire sont invités à y prendre part. Veuillez vous inscrire à la conférence en cliquant ici : Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site de l’UIP et le document ci-joint (en anglais) : Nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir à cet important webinaire. Cordialement, Le Secrétariat de l'UIP Union interparlementaire Chemin du Pommier 5 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex - Suisse T +41 22 919 41 50 F +41 22 919 41 60 Twitter | FaceBook | Flickr | YouTube | Instagram | LinkedIn Le présent message (et les pièces jointes) ne s’adressequ’au(x) destinataire(s) indiqué(s). Il peut contenir des informations confidentielles ou exclusives. S’il vous est parvenu par erreur, veuillez le supprimer et en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur. Il est interdit d'utiliser ces informations, de les divulguer ou d’en faire une copie sans autorisation. Le contenu ne reflète pas nécessairement les vues officielles de l'Union interparlementaire (UIP), sauf indication contraire. Nous déclinons toute responsabilité pour les dommages causés par tout virus transmis involontairement par ce message
Virtual inter-parliamentary meeting on climate change_Concept note-e
1 Road to COP26: Virtual inter-parliamentary meeting on climate change 24 June 2021, Zoom, 14.00-15.00 (CEST) Concept note Background and context Climate change is one of the greatest threats to global prosperity, development and to the well-being of people around the world. The impacts of climate change are increasing in many places and there is an urgent need to accelerate climate action. The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) will take place from 1-12 November 2021 in Glasgow, United Kingdom. It will bring together parties from around the world to advance action on climate change to meet the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Given the far-reaching and cross-border impacts of climate change, it is imperative that countries work together to address this crisis. Parliaments, with their core legislative, oversight, budgetary and representation functions, are key to ensuring the implementation of the climate change goals contained in the Paris Agreement, as well as climate-change related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Parliaments are essential for the translation of international climate change commitments into country level action, for example through nationally-appropriate legislation and sufficient budget allocations. Furthermore, as climate change is a global issue that does not recognize borders, strong inter-parliamentary cooperation is crucial for finding international solutions that ensure all countries are able to prepare for, cope with, and address it. The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) has made supporting parliaments in addressing climate change a priority. A number of IPU resolutions on climate change have been adopted, including most recently one entitled Addressing climate change (2019) and another, Parliamentary strategies to strengthen peace and security against threats and conflicts resulting from climate-related disasters and their consequences (2021). To encourage parliamentary action on climate change, the IPU has mobilized parliaments around COP for many years. This year, the IPU is working the Italian Chamber of Deputies and the British Group of the IPU to co-organize two upcoming meetings for parliaments. Firstly, there will be a Pre-COP26 Parliamentary Meeting on 8-9 October 2021 in Rome, Italy. This will be followed by the Parliamentary Meeting at COP26 in Glasgow, United Kingdom on 7 November, 2021 (date TBC). The expected outcome of both of these meetings will be an outcome document that is expected to charter a course for increased parliamentary action on climate change. Objectives Prior to the COP26-related parliamentary meetings in Rome and Glasgow, the IPU is organizing a virtual inter-parliamentary meeting, in collaboration with the British Group of the IPU and Italian Chamber of Deputies. This meeting will provide parliamentarians with a brief overview of COP26. It will also provide them with the opportunity to meet the rapporteurs from the UK and Italy that will draft the COP26 outcome 2030-netværket 2020-21 SDG Alm.del - Bilag 38 Offentligt 2 document, and to share priority areas of concern for their countries and their parliaments’ focus areas on climate change. The meeting will allow time for interactive discussion and Q&A with the rapporteurs. IPU Members from different geopolitical groups are encouraged to share their regional perspectives on this occasion. Separate from this event, geopolitical groups are also encouraged to organize their own regional consultations on the draft COP26 outcome document and to further discuss regional climate change priorities. Participants This event is open to all parliamentarians and parliamentary staff, in particular those that are working on issues related to climate change, environment and sustainable development. Languages The language of the event will be English with simultaneous French interpretation provided (tbc).