Henvendelse af 1/6-21 vedrørende Lynetteholmprojektet, fra Coalition Clean Baltic

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    Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB), Östra Ågatan 53, SE-753 22 Uppsala, Sweden Tel: +46 18 71 11 70 Coalition Clean Baltic CCBnetwork
    E-mail: secretariat@ccb.se; www.ccb.se Org. number: 802015-1281 CCB is a member of The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
    Coalition Clean Baltic is a network of environmental NGOs sponsored by:
     Ecohome, Belarus  IPO Ecopartnership, Belarus  APB Birdlife Belarus  Nerush, Belarus  Center for Environmental Solutions  Danish Society
    for Nature Conservation  Estonian Green Movement  Estonian Water Association  Finnish Association for Nature Conservation  Bund für
    Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, BUND  Environmental Protection Club of Latvia, VAK  Latvian Green Movement  Lithuanian Fund for
    Nature  Polish Ecological Club, PKE  Green Federation - GAJA, Szczecin, Poland  Western Pomeranian Society for Nature Conservation
    Friends of the Rivers of Ina and Gowienica Association – TPRIiG Friends of the Baltic, St Petersburg, Russia  Green Planet, Kaliningrad 
    Swedish Society for Nature Conservation  WWF Sweden  Association SOFIA  The Western Center of the Ukrainian Branch of the World
    Laboratory  Ecoterra, Ukraine
    Uppsala, Sweden, 2021-06-01
    1240 Copenhagen K
    Transport Committee
    Per Movritsen: Per.Movritsen@ft.dk
    Lea Lykke Andersen: lea.andersen@ft.dk
    General email: folketinget@ft.dk
    European Commission
    Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius cab-sinkevicius-contact@ec.europa.eu
    Director General Florika Fink-Hooijer florika.fink-hooijer@ec.europa.eu
    Director General Charlina Vitcheva charlina.vitcheva@ec.europa.eu
    Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference
    Schlossgartenallee 15, 19061 Schwerin Germany
    Secretary General Bodo Bahr bodo.bahr@bspcmail.net
    RE: Adverse and large-scale environmental impacts of the Lynetteholm project
    Dear Madame/Sir,
    Coalition Clean Baltic, an international environmental NGO network, uniting 24 organizations from 11
    countries of the Baltic Sea Region, would like to express its grave concerns about the proposed Lynetteholm
    project in Copenhagen, that is currently under discussion in the Danish Parliament.
    Despite being promoted as a flood protection and climate change adaptation measure, the project’s negative
    environmental impacts, according to our knowledge, seriously outweigh its merits.
    Most obvious and long-term impacts will occur due to traffic congestion for construction purposes as well as
    disturbance of the seabed and dumping of sediments due to dredging and reclamation. However, the external
    experts are seriously concerned that establishment of Lynetteholm could have disastrous consequences for
    the whole Baltic Sea environment, leading to obstruction of one of three deep channels in Øresund and
    blocking salt waters inflow to the Baltic Sea. The latter is vital important for bringing oxygen-rich North Sea
    waters to oxygen-depleted bottom layers of the Baltic and thus, for balancing fragile and eutrophied Baltic
    Sea ecosystem. Blocking this natural process is totally unacceptable given the current poor status of the Baltic
    Sea environment and the efforts undertaken by all the coastal nations within HELCOM to improve it.
    Henceforth, the environmental impacts of Lynetteholm project are far beyond the area of the construction
    site in Øresund and should have been treated through multilateral transboundary EIA, carried out in line with
    the Espoo Convention and other respective legislation. It was regretful to learn that only Sweden was
    consulted about the project and that its predominantly negative response, including on dumping and risks to
    Swedish Natura 2000 areas, have been neglected. Germany and some other Baltic countries were only
    informed at this very late stage in the project development process, and only after urging requests.
    To our understanding this also seriously contradicts with the obligations of Denmark in accordance with the
    Helsinki Convention, 1992 (Art.3,7,15,17, HELCOM Recommendations 40-1, 35-1, 18-2, 17-3), as well as under
    the Directive 2011/92/EU on EIA and Directive 2001/42/EC on SEA.
    Given the above, we are calling the Danish Parliament to postpone the decision on the proposed Lynetteholm
    project until proper transboundary EIA is carried out and necessary mitigation measures are devised and
    agreed with all concerned and affected parties.
    Aija Caune,
    Coalition Clean Baltic
    Mikhail Durkin
    Executive Secretary
    Coalition Clean Baltic
    Transportudvalget 2020-21
    L 220 - Bilag 39