Aaja Chemnitz Larsen valgt som formand for Den Arktiske Parlamentariker Komité
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Aaja Chemnitz Larsen valgt som formand for Den Arktiske Parlamentariker Komité
Side 1 | 2 Den Arktiske Delegation Til: Delegationens medlemmer Dato: 5. maj 2021 Aaja Chemnitz Larsen valgt som formand for Den Arktiske Parlamentariker Komité Aaja Chemnitz Larsen, IA blev på den arktiske parlamentariker kongres i april valgt som formand for Den Arktiske Parlamentariker Komité/ Standing Com- mittee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region. Som næstformand blev US senator Lisa Murkowski, Alaska valgt. Dermed er det Folketinget og Den Amerikanske Kongres som kommer til at stå i spidsen for det arktiske parlamentariske samarbejde i de kommende år. Programmet for kongressen er vedhæftet. Sluterklæring fra Den Arktiske Parlamentariker Kongres Medlemmerne af parlamentarikersamarbejdet vedtog enstemmigt den ved- hæftede sluterklæring, som har samme overskrifter som hovedtemaerne på konferencen, der blev afholdt digitalt: Covid19, samarbejde om social og sundhedsspørgsmål, bærekraftig erhvervsudvikling og klimaforandringer i Arktis. Af de temaer som behandles i sluterklæringen kan særligt fremhæves to: 1. Opfordringen til de arktiske lande og Arktisk Råd om at styrke klimaindsat- sen frem imod klimakonferencen i Glasgow senere i år. 2. Forslaget om et nyt internationalt polar-år. Sluterklæringen er rettet til de arktiske landes regeringer, EU og Arktisk Råd og har modtaget dette som mail. I 2022 om efteråret er det Rigsfællesskabet/ Folketinget, som har værtskabet for den arktiske parlamentariker kongres i Grønland. Den Arktiske Delegation 2020-21 AD Alm.del - Bilag 11 Offentligt Side 2 | 2 Arktisk Råds udenrigsministermøde d. 19.- 20. maj Næste opgave for komitéens formandskab bliver at deltage som observatør i Arktisk Råds udenrigsministermøde, hvor Aaja vil deltage online på grund af corona-restriktionerne. Arktisk parlamentariker komite Komitéen blev oprettet i 1993 og består af medlemmer valgt fra hver af de 8 arktiske stater. USA, Canada, Rusland, Danmark/Grønland/Færøerne, Sveri- ge, Norge, Island, Finland og Europa- Parlamentet. Dertil kommer repræsen- tation fra EU, Vestnordisk Råd, Nordisk Råd samt faste repræsentanter fra de oprindelige folk i Arktis. Komitéen har fokus de spørgsmål som særligt påvirker tilværelsen i Arktis: klimaforandringer, oprindelige folks rettigheder, infrastruktur, digitalisering, uddannelse og erhvervsudvikling m.v.. Medlem- merne mødes 3-4 gange årligt. Hvert andet år afholdes en større konference. På konferencen fastsættes en række fælles anbefalinger til Arktisk Råd og de arktiske regeringer. Det var Den Arktiske Parlamentariker Komité, som oprin- deligt tog initiativ til Arktisk Råd og senere Det Arktiske Universitetssamar- bejde (U - Arctic). Hjemmeside Den Arktiske Parlamentariker Komité har netop i dag offentliggjort en ny hjemmeside som kan ses her: https://arcticparl.org/ Med venlig hilsen Peder H. Pedersen Chefkonsulent Generalsekretær, Arktisk Parlamentariker Komité
14th Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region - program
14th Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region DIGITAL CONFERENCE 13 – 14 APRIL 2021 Den Arktiske Delegation 2020-21 AD Alm.del - Bilag 11 Offentligt 13 APRIL 14:00 Opening of the Conference MsTone Wilhelmsen Trøen, President of the Storting Ms Aili Keskitalo, President of the Sami Parliament of Norway Moderator: Mr Eirik Sivertsen, MP, Norway 14:20 Reports Report from the Icelandic Chairmanship of the Arctic Council Mr Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of Foreign Affairs Report from the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region Mr Eirik Sivertsen, Chair of the Standing Committee Presentation of the youth panel’s report to the Norwegian Government’s White Paper on a new Arctic Strategy Ms Aurora S. Møllersen and Mr Martin Tjelde Haga Moderator: Ms Margunn Ebbesen, MP, Norway 15:30 Break 15:40 The impact of Covid-19 in the Arctic Economic and Societal Consequences of Covid-19 Senator Lisa Murkowski, USA The situation in Greenland and the impact on Indigenous Peoples Ms Aaja Chemnitz Larsen, MP, Denmark/Greenland Report from the Arctic Council on Covid-19 Ms Eydis Kristin Sveinbjarnardottir, Chair, Arctic Human Health Expert Group, Arctic Council Discussion Moderator: Ms Else-May Norderhus, MP, Norway 16:40 Break 16:45 The Arctic in 2050 Introductory speech Ms Ine Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway Panel Ms Maria Grånemo, member of Barents Regional Youth Council, Sweden Ms Niina Pietikäinen, CEO of Harriniva Hotels & Safaris operating in Muonio, Lapland, Finland Ms Erin Linklater, Co-Chair of the Gwich’in Council International Ms Ine Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway Discussion Moderator: Eirik Sivertsen, MP, Norway 18:00 End of day one 14 APRIL 14:00 Arctic Climate Change Mr Rasmus Benestad, Researcher, Norwegian Meteorological Institute Mr Andreas Schwab, Chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Northern cooperation, relations with Switzerland, Norway, the EU-Iceland JPC and the EEA JPC Mr Eirik Sivertsen, Chair of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region Discussion Moderator: Ms Margunn Ebbesen, MP, Norway 15:30 Break 15:40 Sustainable Arctic Business Status of Economic Activities in the Arctic Mr Mads Qvist Frederiksen, Director, Arctic Economic Council Arctic Business Development from a Russian Perspective Senator Yury Vazhenin, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Presentation of two Norwegian business cases: - ArcticZymes Technologies ASA - Dr Olav Lanes, Director R&D and Applications. - Ms Inger Anita Smuk, Sámi reindeer herder and - owner of Varjnárga Mobile Slaughterhouse & Processing, - Varanger. Discussion Moderator: Mr Svein Harberg, MP, Norway 17:00 Break 17:05 Closing of conference Presentation of Conference Statement Presentation by host of conference in 2022 17:30 End of Conference
Conference statement, Final
CONFERENCE OF PARLIAMENTARIANS OF THE ARCTIC REGION THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF PARLIAMENTARIANS OF THE ARCTIC REGION 14th Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region Digital Conference 13 - 14 April 2021 CONFERENCE STATEMENT The Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region envision the Arctic as a region of peace, stability and low tension where nations act responsibly, and where economic and energy resources are developed in a sustainable, transparent manner respecting the environment and the interests and cultures of all inhabitants of the Arctic, especially Indigenous peoples. We congratulate the Arctic Council with its 25th anniversary as the primary forum for Arctic cooperation and its proven ability to maintain a constructive and positive spirit. We encourage the stronger inclusion of youth representatives, strengthened cooperation with the Arctic Indigenous peoples, and constructive cooperation with existing and new observers. We congratulate the University of the Arctic, UArctic, with its 20th anniversary and take pride in having supported the creation and its successful development since the inception. We firmly underline the importance of international law in the Arctic, especially the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which provides the essential multilateral legal framework for all ocean activities, including in the Arctic. As elected representatives from Canada, Denmark/Greenland, European Union, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States of America, and in close collaboration with the Indigenous peoples of the Arctic, we highlight the following: Climate change in the Arctic We see with grave concern that the Arctic is warming at a rate more than twice that of the global average, resulting in rapid social, environmental, and economic impacts, not only in the region but worldwide. The peoples of the Arctic are dramatically experiencing the effects of this change, and need support and resources to adapt to these profound changes. Den Arktiske Delegation 2020-21 AD Alm.del - Bilag 11 Offentligt We call on the governments of the Arctic region to: Renew and increase their 2015 Paris Agreement commitments at the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) in Glasgow, with the understanding that climate change is a critical threat to our planet. Take a leading role in the work to forge an ambitious climate action plan for the Arctic, addressing emissions cuts of greenhouse gases globally and in Arctic States, especially CO2 and black carbon, and adaptation to climate change while supporting innovative solutions relevant to the Arctic, which will protect the people in the region. Strengthen the knowledge base and improve scientific cooperation with a new International Polar Year Initiative. In close cooperation with the World Metrological Organization and other main polar science organizations such as the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research and the Arctic Science Partnership, the International Arctic Science Committee, International Arctic Social Sciences Association and University of the Arctic, with focus on extensive interdisciplinary and multilateral scientific programs that include Northerners and Indigenous peoples in the planning and conducting of scientific activities. Continually consider new technologies to reduce carbon emissions in pursuit of ambitious climate action. Sustainable Economic Development Sustainable economic development is fundamental for the future of the Arctic region and requires close cooperation between government, academia and business representatives. We stress the importance of financial institutions for the development of the Arctic as a key instrument for sustainable development of the region, including enhancement of socio- economic conditions, modernization of industries, and development of infrastructure across borders, while respecting Arctic ecosystem boundaries. Underscore the importance of promoting the use of renewable energy in remote Arctic communities and encourage further work on innovative energy solutions and related capacity construction in the Arctic aimed at climate change prevention taking into account the needs of the increasingly electrifying society. Acknowledge the need to support small and medium size business in the Arctic as well as develop large-scale projects in a sustainable responsible manner in order to ensure overall progress, increase employment rate and enhance living standards of the Arctic inhabitants. We call on the governments of the Arctic region to; Increase the accessibility of digital infrastructure in the Arctic, thereby promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and diversify economic development in the Arctic. Strengthen the cooperation with the Arctic Economic Council and ensure the implementation of the Arctic Investment Protocol. The Peoples of the Arctic Urbanization is making the Arctic a more interesting place for young people to live as it offers better services, education and leisure opportunities. However, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult, with the loss of employment and health concerns. COVID-19 has shown that medical resources and infrastructure available in parts of the Arctic is poorer than in the southern regions. We call on the governments of the Arctic region to: Strongly strengthen the cooperation on public health in order to increase the exchange of knowledge and foster greater awareness and better response to the health issues of circumpolar peoples. Incorporate voices of the youth in venues and engagements organised for Arctic cooperation. Support the youth cooperation across the borders and ensure a meaningful engagement of the Arctic youth in the activity of the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic region. Strengthen the funding of orth2 orth a d other obility progra s especially directed at young people living in the Arctic. Base all activities in the Arctic Region on the respect of the rights of Indigenous peoples. Facilitate contacts between people in the region by simplifying the visa regime and ensuring freedom of movement of the citizens of the Arctic states. Strengthen the cooperation and dialogue on security issues in order to address the global and regional challenges and key risks and threats of today, including COVID-19 pandemic. Underscore the importance to maintain peace, stability and low tension in the Arctic region; acknowledge the need to strengthen the cooperation and dialogue between the Arctic states on security issues, in order to address the global and regional challenges, key risks and threats of today.