Invitation fra udviklingsministeren vedrørende virtuelt seminar om seksuel og reproduktiv sundhed og rettigheder, befolkningsdynamikker samt natur og klimaforandringer, fredag den 13. november kl. 12.00-14.00
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- Hovedtilknytning: SDG alm. del (Bilag 2)
A capacity-building seminar on the interlinkages between SRHR, population dynamics, nature and climate Friday, November 13th 12.00 – 14.00 Virtual Seminar HOWTONAVIGATE IN ACOMPLEX SPACE? 2030-netværket 2020-21 SDG Alm.del - Bilag 2 Offentligt At this seminar, experts from across different sectors and groups of stakeholders will present participants to: • The latest knowledge on the interlinkages between SRHR, population dynamics, nature and climate change; • Explanations to why these interlinkages is not only a complex but also a difficult conversation; and • Ways in which to engage in this space programmatically and/or politically. We aim to give you new knowledge and perspective and hope that this seminar will spark further reflections on organizational positions, values and potential future roles in this complex space. The interlinkages between SRHR, population dynamics, nature and climate are an area of interest to several Danish stakeholders across thematic sectors and stakeholder groups. However, the conversations often suffer from a lack of understanding of the interlinkages, of myths and misconceptions and of biases between stakeholders, who understand the interlinkages differently. This seminar takes place in a time of multiple and diverse trends. Population growth is yet again gaining traction as an alleged driver of climate change and pressure on nature and the environment. At the same time, evidence from the ground adds nuances to the understanding of interlinkages, and new actors have entered the field. PURPOSE BACKGROUND Send an e-mail to before November 10th COB and you will recieve a link to the event. REGISTRATION: Are condoms the solution to the climate crisis? What are the links between sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), population dynamics, nature and climate change – and how can SRHR programmes and nature protection programmes be mutually reinforcing? Is population growth a valid concern for environmental sustainability? PROGRAM 12.00 – 12.05 12.05 – 12.45 12.45 – 13.50 13.50 – 14.00 Welcome Introduction to the theme and program Setting the scene Moderated dialogue and Q&A with Panel of Experts Closing remarks and potential follow up action Christian Friis Bach Moderator MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK Danida Rasmus Prehn Danish Minister for Development Cooperation Trine Glue Doan Senior Advisor Climate and Sustainable Finance, WWF Inger Andersen Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UNEP Daniel Schensul Data and Resilience Specialist, Humanitarian Office, UNFPA Bjarne B. Christensen General Secretary, DFPA Ib Petersen Deputy Executive Director (Management) of UNFPA Bo Øksnebjerg Generalsekretær, WWF Verdensnaturfonden Richard Mugenyi Advocacy and Communications Manager, Reproductive Health Uganda Heather McMullen Researcher with Queen Mary University, London Send an e-mail to before November 10th COB and you will recieve a link to the event. REGISTRATION:
Rasmus Prehn brev vedr. seminar 13. november
2030-netværket 2020-21 SDG Alm.del - Bilag 2 Offentligt