Om Armenien-Azerbaijan

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    1. Statement on the necessity of international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh

    2, February 20 st., Stepanakert, Republic of Artsakh, 375000
    Tel: +374 47 94 32 21,
    October 13, 2020
    Honorable Henrik Dam Kristensen
    Chairman, the Folketing
    Kingdom of Denmark
    Dear Chairman Henrik Dam Kristensen:
    As you may know, on September 27, 2020 Azerbaijan, with active support of Turkey and
    international terrorist organizations from the Middle East launched a brutal aggression against our
    people, our freedom and democracy.
    For decades now, all responsible political actors in the world have been making efforts to reach a
    negotiated, sustainable peaceful solution to the Azerbaijan-Artsakh conflict. And the principles of
    the non-use of force or the threat of force lied at the basis of the settlement process. However,
    under the veil of a peace talks, Azerbaijan has in fact prepared for renewed armed aggressions,
    thus undermining the international mediation efforts and regional stability, as well as instigating
    renewed human sufferings on the both sides.
    We are now facing the third large-scale attack by the triple alliance against the sovereign Artsakh.
    In this regard, we emphasize that the international recognition of the independence of the
    Republic of Artsakh will not only allow the immediate end of the aggression, but also exclude the
    possibility of its repetition in the future.
    The international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh is an inevitable and logical result of the
    settlement process, which is not questioned by the international community, for the self-
    determination of Artsakh has strong legal, legitimate and fair basis, and has been included in the
    set of proposals by the international mediators - the United States, Russia and France.
    We expect from the civilized world to start the process of recognition of the independence of the
    Republic of Artsakh as the only way to secure the rights of the people of Artsakh and to remedy the
    imposed hardships.
    On behalf of the National Assembly (Parliament) of the Republic of Artsakh, I hereby call on your
    legislature to recognize the democratic independence of the Republic of Artsakh. We do hope that
    the elected representatives of the people of the Kingdom of Denmark will respond to our call, and
    play their constructive role in putting an end to the inhuman aggression against our people, as well
    as strengthen the regional peace and transfer the Azerbaijan-Artsakh settlement process from the
    battlefield to a political and diplomatic realm. Attached please find a corresponding Statement by
    the Parliament of the Republic of Artsakh.
    Udenrigsudvalget, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2020-21
    URU Alm.del - Bilag 273, UPN Alm.del - Bilag 12

    2. Note med brev fra Armeniens formand for Nationalforsamlingen

    Udenrigsudvalget, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2020-21
    URU Alm.del - Bilag 273, UPN Alm.del - Bilag 12

    3. Humanitarian Crisis in Armenia

    Honorable Members of Parliament,
    The aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) accompanied by deliberate
    targeting of the civilian population and infrastructures with various types of weaponry is a gross violation of
    the international humanitarian law.
    The deploy e t of terrorist er e aries as ell as Turkey’s dire t i ol e e t i the o fli t ears the risk
    of escalating the conflict into a full-scale regional war.
    As a result, heavy casualties and injuries (including children) as well as infrastructure, public and private
    property damages have been recorded causing humanitarian crises.
    The current situation calls for immediate and active actions aimed at bringing the war to an end and
    holding Azeri and Turkish governments accountable for their crimes.
    As an ordinary citizen of the Republic of Armenia who believes in shared values I summon you to stand
    with people of Armenia and Artsakh by
     recognizing the inalienable right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination, that is by
    recognizing its independence
     enacting sanctions on Turkey to stop its involvement in the conflict
    The world should not witness another genocide of the Armenian people.
    Please don't let history repeat itself.
    Best regards,
    Lilit Tumanyan
    Udenrigsudvalget, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2020-21
    URU Alm.del - Bilag 273, UPN Alm.del - Bilag 12