Rapport fra Ambassadør Andreas Nothelle i Wien, sommeren 2020

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    Special Representative
    PA President
    PA Secretary General
    PC Brief Summer 2020
    The COVID-19 pandemic continued to negatively impact the work of the OSCE over the
    summer. There was the usual August Summer Recess, which was interrupted by a Special
    Meeting of the Permanent Council (PC). Meetings took place in the Hofburg in a hybrid
    format with a reduced number of physical participants. Many Heads of Delegations, and,
    forcibly, persons who do not reside in Vienna, participated remotely. The “normal way” in
    which diplomatic negotiations take place, through person-to-person interaction, is still se-
    verely obstructed. However, two ambassadorial retreats tried to make up for this lack of
    traditional interaction. Moreover, the December Ministerial Council (MC) in Tirana will take
    place in a hybrid format. Negotiations regarding drafts for texts are supposed to take place
    in Vienna only and should end on the eve of the MC.
    The Vienna Liaison Office has continuously participated in all meetings in person, where
    possible, or otherwise online. In addition, PA members have participated in person in meet-
    ings that took place in the Hofburg. We have reported directly on specific issues, such as
    the non-extension of the senior posts in the executive structures and the discussions about
    the post-election situation in Belarus.
    The discussions during these weeks continued to give testimony to the increasing tensions
    within the OSCE, despite the temporary significant reduction in ceasefire violations in east-
    ern Ukraine. While the Special PC on the situation in Belarus was conducted in a slightly
    more constructive spirit, discussions in subsequent meetings deteriorated again. The invo-
    cation of the “Moscow Mechanism” (a fact-finding tool adopted unanimously in 1991 which
    provides for the sending missions of experts to assist participating States in the resolution
    of a particular question or problem relating to the human dimension) by 17 participating
    States, who were supported by a number of further countries, was met with steep criticism
    by the Russian Federation and Belarus. The Russian Federation also persistently invoking
    the limitations for the current acting leaders of the executive structures, calling into question,
    for instance, the right of the acting Secretary General to present the draft Unified Budget to
    the PC.
    Tonight, a Special PC witnessed language by the ambassadors of Azerbaijan and Armenia
    which I cannot help but describe as a language of war decorated with personal insults.
    Azerbaijan declared that, following what it described as provocative acts by Armenia, it will
    continue its military operation until the occupying forces are “eliminated” and the territory is
    “liberated”. Armenia in the statement of its ambassador, retorted, and also attacked Turkey,
    which had supported Azerbaijan. Except for general calls for an end to the hostilities made
    before this exchange, others than those three did not comment on what they had heard.
    The usual annual Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, which should have taken
    place within the last few weeks in Warsaw, was cancelled because of the problems caused
    by the Pandemic. At the same time, the preceding discussions as well as the interpretative
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 43
    statements made by participating States at the occasion of the adoption of the decision
    regarding its cancellation, illustrated the deep divisions surrounding issues that endanger
    the future of the meeting.
    Despite these controversies, which also affect the work of the Forum for Security Coopera-
    tion (FSC), participating States found consensus on a number of (largely managerial) deci-
    sions regarding the Second Biennial Meeting to Assess the Implementation of the OSCE
    Documents on Small Arms Light Weapons and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition, the
    Dates and Agenda of the 2020 Economic and Environmental Dimension Implementation
    Meeting, the Financial Report and Financial Statements for the Year 2019 and the Report
    of the External Auditor, the Extension of the OSCE Information Security Enhancement
    Fund, the Extension of the Deployment of OSCE Observer to two Russian Checkpoints on
    the Russian-Ukrainian Border, the Dates and Venus of the 2020 OSCE Asian Conference,
    and the Agenda, Timetable and Organizational Modalities of the 2020 OSCE Asian Confer-
    After the expiration of the deadline for applications for the senior OSCE posts, the chair-
    manship listed the following candidates: For Secretary General: Amb. Cristian Diaconescu
    (Romania), Ms. Helga Schmid (Germany), for ODIHR Director: Mr. Matteo Mecacci (Italy),
    Amb. José Maria Ridao (Spain), for High Commissioner of National Minorities: Amb. Kairat
    Abdrakhmanov (Kazakhstan), Ms. Rita Izsák-Ndiaye (Hungary), and Representative on the
    Freedom of the Media: Mr. Ditmir Bushati (Albania), Ms. Maja Capello (Italy), Mr. Patrick
    Penninckx (Belgium), Ms. Maria Teresa Ribeiro (Portugal) and Dr. Dimitrij Rupel (Slovenia).
    Matteo Mecacci is a former OSCE PA Bureau member, Ditmir Bushati the Head of the
    Albanian PA delegation. The selection process has started.
    The PA's engagement on all issues mentioned and, in particular, the operation it launched
    to help the OSCE get back on track were well noted. The same applies to the PA's engage-
    ment with Belarus, a case which demonstrates the excellent cooperation with the Albanian
    Andreas Nothelle
    September 29, 2020