Invitation til frokostmøde med ambassadørerne fra Georgien, Ukraine og Moldova

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    CV Ambassador Gigi Gigiadze

    NAME, SURNAME: Gigi Gigiadze
    DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 11 April 1978, Tbilisi
    LANGUAGES: English, German, Russian.
    EDUCATION: 2001 – Faculty of International Relations,
    Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University
    Since December 1st 2016 – to date – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia
    to the Kingdom of Denmark and the Republic of Iceland (with residence in Copenhagen);
    2014 - 2016 – Deputy Foreign Minister, Chief Negotiator on the Visa Liberalization Action Plan
    (VLAP) with the European Union;
    2012-2014 – Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Georgia to the Federal
    Republic of Germany;
    2010-2012 – Director of the European Affairs Department;
    2009-2010 – Deputy Director of the European Affairs Department;
    2008-2009 – Head of the First European Division of the European Affairs Department;
    2007-2008 – Counsellor of the European Affairs Department;
    2006-2007 – Counsellor at the Embassy of Georgia to the Hellenic Republic and to the Republic
    of Croatia;
    2003-2006 - Counsellor at the Embassy of Georgia to the Hellenic Republic;
    2001-2003 – Counsellor at the First European Department;
    2000-2001 – III Secretary at the First European Department;
    June-September, 2000 – Attaché at the Foreign Policy Research and Analysis Centre;
    On 17 of July 2017 Gigi Gigiadze was accorded the highest diplomatic rank of the Ambassador
    Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2019-20
    UPN Alm.del - Bilag 232

    Letter to Mr. Lidegaard

    № 21/25657
    Mr. Martin Lidegaard
    Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee
    Dear Mr. Lidegaard,
    Dear Martin,
    I would like to express my gratitude for the meeting at the Christiansborg Palace, on 16th of September. I
    highly appreciated the opportunity to discuss with you the foreign policy and security issues in this challenging
    period of ongoing pandemic.
    As agreed during our meeting, it is with great pleasure, that I extend my invitation to you and the members
    of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) for the working lunch on 27th of
    October 2020.
    My dear colleagues, the Ambassadors of Moldova and Ukraine to Denmark have already kindly
    confirmed their participation and are very much looking forward to the interesting exchange with the members
    of the Folketinget.
    I would propose the topics of the working lunch to be as follows:
     The future of the Eastern Partnership and the EU’s further engagement with the Associated
    States (Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) after 2020;
     Security Policy challenges in the Black Sea region and their influence on the wider European
     EU’s energy policy and Eastern Partnership;
    The working lunch will be organized by the Georgian Embassy and will take place at the restaurant
    “The Harbour” (Kalvebod Brygge 53, 1560 Copenhagen), on 27th of October, from 11:30 till 13:30.
    I hope that you and your colleagues in the Foreign Policy Committee will be able to accept this invitation.
    Gigi Gigiadze
    Ambassador of Georgia to the Kingdom of Denmark and the Republic of Iceland
    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2019-20
    UPN Alm.del - Bilag 232

    UPN - Invitation til frokotmøde med ambassadører

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    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn
    Nævnets medlemmer og stedfortrædere
    29. september 2020
    Invitation til frokostmøde med ambassadørerne fra
    Georgien, Ukraine og Moldova
    Georgiens ambassadør, Gigi Gigiadze ønsker jf. vedlagte at invitere
    Nævnets medlemmer og stedfortrædere til en arbejdsfrokost, hvor
    også ambassadørerne fra Ukraine og Moldova deltager.
    Arbejdsfrokosten finder sted på restaurant The Harbour
    Tirsdag den 27. oktober 2020 kl. 11.30 – 13.30
    Adressen på restauranten:
    The Harbour
    Kalvebod Brygge 53
    1560 København
    Følgende emner er på dagsordenen for arbejdsfrokosten:
     The future of the Eastern Partnership and the EU’s further
    engagement with the associated states (Georgia, Moldova
    and Ukraine) after 2020
     Security Policy challenges in the Black Sea region and their
    influence on the wider European security
     EU’s energy policy and Eastern Partnership
    Invitation og ambassadørens CV er vedlagt.
    Tilmelding bedes ske til undertegnede pr. mail
    senest den 13. oktober 2020 kl. 12.00.
    Med venlig hilsen
    Charlotte Faber,
    International koordinator
    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2019-20
    UPN Alm.del - Bilag 232