Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 21. september 2020

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    Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 21. september 2020


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    10958/20 1
    Council of the
    European Union
    (OR. en)
    PRESSE 23
    PR CO 23
    3769th Council meeting
    Foreign Affairs
    Brussels, 21 September 2020
    President Josep Borrell
    High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security
    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2019-20
    UPN Alm.del - Bilag 227
    PROVISIONAL VERSION 21 September 2020
     Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
    in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
      Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's internet site
      Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
    an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's internet site or may be obtained from the Press
    10958/20 2
    Belarus .................................................................................................................................................3
    Libya ....................................................................................................................................................3
    European Union-African Union relations............................................................................................4
    Current Affairs .....................................................................................................................................4
    – Protocol to the EuroMediterranean agreement with Tunisia ................................................................................... 5
    – Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the EU strategy against the proliferation of weapons of
    mass destruction ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
    – Support to Peace and Development in Afghanistan ................................................................................................ 5
    – European Court of Auditors - EU Support to Morocco........................................................................................... 5
    – EU-Peru Framework Participation Agreement........................................................................................................ 6
    – EU - Belgrade/Pristina Dialogue (Budget) .............................................................................................................. 6
    – Libya - Restrictive Measures................................................................................................................................... 6
    – Restrictive Measures against the Central African Republic - UN Transposition .................................................... 6
    – Centrally managed EU interventions for venture capital......................................................................................... 7
    – EU classified information - security assessment visits............................................................................................ 7
    PROVISIONAL VERSION 21 September 2020
    10958/20 3
    The Council had an exchange of views on Belarus, during which it reiterated that the EU does not
    recognise the outcome of the August elections in Belarus, as they were neither free nor fair.
    Ministers noted the determination and perseverance of the people of Belarus in spite of repression,
    and expressed strong solidarity with them in their democratic aspirations and call for new, free and
    fair elections under the OSCE supervision.
    Ministers firmly supported the sovereignty and independence of Belarus and called on all
    international partners not to interfere in its internal affairs.
    The issue of sanctions was also discussed and ministers restated the political will to adopt new
    restrictive measures as soon as possible.
    Finally the Council also reviewed the overall relations that the EU has with Belarus and, in this
    context, it discussed further financial support that could be given to civil society and independent
    The Council discussed the latest developments in Libya following the announcements made on 21
    August 2020 by the President of the Presidency Council, Fayez al-Serraj, and the Speaker of the
    House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, on the way forward out of the Libyan crisis.
    Ministers identified as main priorities: the reaching of a permanent and sustainable ceasefire-
    agreement in the framework of the UN-led process, the lifting of the oil blockade across Libya, and
    the resumption of the political dialogue.
    Ministers also had an opportunity to touch on the results of the recently launched Operation Irini in
    the implementation of the UN arms embargo.
    Furthermore the Council adopted new sanctions targeting 2 people and 3 entities undermining the
    peace and security of Libya, violating the arms embargo or committing human rights abuses.
    PROVISIONAL VERSION 21 September 2020
    10958/20 4
    European Union-African Union relations
    The Council exchanged views on the EU relations with its African Union counterparts, and ways to
    step up relations with Africa in the medium and long term both from a political and an economic
    point of view.
    Ministers agreed to develop joint strategic priorities in order to pave the way for cooperation in the
    next decade, and to focus on tangible results, in the spirit of the "Team Europe" approach.
    In this context the Council was also updated on the state of play of the post-Cotonou negotiations.
    Current Affairs
    Under current affairs, ministers had the opportunity to be briefed on Venezuela and the results of
    the latest meeting of the International Contact Group. Ministers agreed that the international
    community needed to mobilise all efforts to help Venezuelans find a peaceful and democratic
    solution to the ongoing crisis, and to address the urgent needs of the population.
    Concerning Russia the High Representative touched on the poisoning of Mr Navalny and the need
    to have an urgent international investigation in full transparency and cooperation with the
    Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
    Ministers acknowledged the difficult situation in Lebanon and stressed their solidarity with the
    people, highlighting the need for a speedy formation a new government.
    On China, ministers were briefed by the High Representative on the EU-China Leaders’
    videoconference of 14 September, with a focus on the state of play in negotiations for a
    Comprehensive Agreement on Investments and the situation on human rights.
    Finally on Turkey, ministers briefly touched on the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean ahead of
    the forthcoming European Council. While they acknowledged some recent positive steps, they
    called on Turkey to take further steps to de-escalate.
    PROVISIONAL VERSION 21 September 2020
    10958/20 5
    Protocol to the EuroMediterranean agreement with Tunisia
    The Council approved the Gaelic version of:
    - the decision on the signing and provisional application of
    - the draft decision on the conclusion of
    a protocol to the Euro-Mediterrean Agreement establishing an association between the EU and
    Tunisia to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the EU.
    Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the EU strategy against the proliferation of
    weapons of mass destruction
    The Council endorsed the Progress Report on the implementation of the EU strategy against the
    proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, covering activities carried out in 2019.
    Support to Peace and Development in Afghanistan
    The Council approved the document "Key elements for sustained international support to Peace and
    Development in Afghanistan" emerging from negotiations with like-minded international donors in
    Afghanistan such as the UN, the World Bank, Australia, Canada, Japan, the UK, US,.
    European Court of Auditors - EU Support to Morocco
    The Council approved conclusions on the European Court of Auditors' Special Report No 9/2019
    entitled 'EU Support to Morocco - Limited results so far'. The report notes the limited effect of the
    European Union's visibility in providing aid to Morocco and calls for a re-invigorated budget
    allocated for support to Morocco.
    PROVISIONAL VERSION 21 September 2020
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    EU-Peru Framework Participation Agreement
    The Council adopted a decision authorising the High Representative to open negotiations for an
    Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Peru establishing a framework for its
    participation in European Union crisis management operations ('Framework Participation
    EU - Belgrade/Pristina Dialogue (Budget)
    The Council adopted a decision amending Decision (CFSP) 2020/489 appointing the European
    Union Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional
    On 2 April 2020, the Council adopted Decision (CFSP) 2020/489 , appointing Mr Miroslav
    LAJČÁK as European Union Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other
    Western Balkan regional issues. The decision takes account of the relaunch of the Belgrade-Pristina
    Dialogue in July 2020, and amends the budget accordingly.
    Libya - Restrictive Measures
    The Council today decided to impose targeted restrictive measures on two persons responsible for
    human rights abuses in Libya and three entities involved in violating the UN arms embargo in place
    for Libya. They will be added to the EU's list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures
    related to the Libyan conflict. The sanctions imposed comprise a travel ban and an asset freeze for
    natural persons, and an asset freeze for entities. In addition, EU persons and entities are forbidden
    from making funds available to those listed. With these new designations, the EU now has travel
    bans on 17 listed persons and has frozen the assets of 21 persons and 19 entities.
    For more details, see press release
    Restrictive Measures against the Central African Republic - UN Transposition
    The Council adopted a decision amending Decision 2013/798/CFSP concerning restrictive
    measures against the Central African Republic and a Council regulation amending regulation
    224/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in the Central African Republic.
    PROVISIONAL VERSION 21 September 2020
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    Centrally managed EU interventions for venture capital
    The Council adopted conclusions on the European Court of Auditors' Special Report No
    17/2019 “Centrally managed EU interventions for venture capital: in need of more
    EU classified information - security assessment visits
    In accordance with Article 16(1)(c) of the Council security rules, the Council approved an annual
    security assessment visit programme recommended by the Council Security Committee.
    The visits aim at assessing the effectiveness of measures implemented for protecting EU classified
    information in member states, certain EU bodies, agencies and entities, as well as in third states and
    international organisations.