Chair's Statement following the meeting of the Joint Commission of JCPOA

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    Chair's Statement following the meeting of the Joint Commission of JCPOA

    Chair's Statement following the meeting of the Joint Commission of
    1 September, 2020
    1. A meeting of the Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive
    Plan of Action (JCPOA) took place in Vienna on 1st September, 2020.
    Under the terms of the JCPOA, the Joint Commission is responsible for
    overseeing the implementation of the agreement. The Joint Commission
    was chaired, on behalf of EU High Representative Josep Borrell, by
    EEAS Secretary General Helga-Maria Schmid and was attended by
    representatives of China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom
    and Iran at the level of Political Directors/Deputy Foreign Ministers.
    2. All participants reaffirmed the importance of preserving the
    agreement recalling that it is a key element of the global nuclear non-
    proliferation architecture, as endorsed by UN Security Council
    Resolution 2231 (2015). Full implementation of the agreement by all
    sides remains crucial.
    3. In light of recent discussions in the United Nations Security
    Council in New York concerning the issue of the attempted
    reinstatement of previously lifted UN sanctions, the participants
    reaffirmed that the United States unilaterally announced its cessation of
    participation in the JCPOA on 8 May 2018 and that it had not
    participated in any JCPOA-related activities subsequently. Participants
    reconfirmed that it therefore could not be considered as a participant
    State. In this regard, participants also reaffirmed their various statements
    and communications made previously at the Security Council including
    that of the High Representative of 20 August as Co-ordinator of the
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    JCPOA to the effect that the US cannot initiate the process of reinstating
    UN sanctions under UNSC resolution 2231.
    4. Participants welcomed the Joint Statement of Iran and the IAEA
    dated 26 August the implementation of which has already started. In this
    context they recalled the important role of the IAEA as the sole impartial
    and independent international organisation responsible for the
    monitoring and verification of nuclear non-proliferation commitments.
    5. The Joint Commission addressed nuclear as well as sanctions lifting
    issues under the agreement. Experts will continue discussions on all
    issues of concern.
    6. Participants reiterated the importance of nuclear non-proliferation
    projects, in particular the Arak Modernisation Project and the stable
    isotope project in Fordow. Taking into account the potential
    consequences of the US decision in May to end the Arak waiver,
    participants reiterated their strong support and collective responsibility
    for the continuation of the project.
    7. The meeting took place against the background of the COVID-19
    pandemic. Participants expressed their solidarity with all countries
    affected in their efforts to address the outbreak. The Joint Commission
    had not been able to convene recently due to relevant travel restrictions.