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    EN EN
    Brussels, 18.9.2020
    COM(2020) 569 final
    ANNEX 2 – PART 2/2
    to the
    on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
    {SWD(2020) 179 final}
    Europaudvalget 2020
    KOM (2020) 0569
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    Name of the proposal/initiative:
    EuroHPC Joint Undertaking
    1. Cost of human resources considered necessary 2
    2. Cost of other administrative expenditure 6
    3. Methods of calculation used to estimate costs 9
    1. Human resources 9
    2. Other administrative expenditure 10
    This annex, to be completed by each DGs/Services participing to the proposal/initiative, must accompany the
    legislative financial statement when the inter-services consultation is launched.
    The data tables are used as a source for the tables contained in the legislative financial statement. They are
    strictly for internal use within the Commission.
    Budget data of an administrative nature
     The proposal/initiative does not require the use of human resources
     The proposal/initiative requires the use of human resources, as explained below:
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    of the multiannual
    financial framework
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL
    FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations
     Establishment plan posts (officials and temporary staff)
    AD 4 0.600 4 0.600 4 0.600 4 0.600 4 0.600 4 0.600 4 0.600 4 4.200
    in Union
     External staff 1
    AC 2 0.160 2 0.160 2 0.160 2 0.160 2 0.160 2 0.160 2 0.160 2 1.120
    in Union
    AC = Contract Staff; AL = Local Staff; END = Seconded National Expert; INT= agency staff; JPD= Junior Professionals in Delegations.
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    Other budget
    lines (specify)
    Subtotal –
    of the
    0.760 0.760 0.760 0.760 0.760 0.760 0.760 5.320
    The human resources required will be met by staff from the DG who are already assigned to management of the action and/or have been redeployed within the DG, together if necessary with any
    additional allocation which may be granted to the managing DG under the annual allocation procedure and in the light of budgetary constraints.
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    Outside HEADING 7
    of the multiannual financial
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL
    FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations FTE Appropriations
     Establishment plan posts (officials and temporary staff)
     External staff 2
    External staff
    former ‘BA’
    - at
    AC 20 1.019 25 1.624 30 1.988 30 2.028 30 2.069 30 2.110 30 2.152 12.990
    TA 14 1.148 22 2.863 27 3.384 27 3.656 27 3.729 27 3.804 27 3.880 22.664
    - in Union
    Other budget lines (specify)
    AC = Contract Staff; AL = Local Staff; END = Seconded National Expert; INT= agency staff; JPD= Junior Professionals in Delegations.
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    Subtotal – Outside
    of the multiannual financial
    2.168 4.488 5.572 5.684 5.798 5.914 6.032 35.654
    The human resources required will be met by staff from the DG who are already assigned to management of the action and/or have been redeployed within the DG, together if
    necessary with any additional allocation which may be granted to the managing DG under the annual allocation procedure and in the light of budgetary constraints.
    Budget data of an administrative nature
     The proposal/initiative does not require the use of administrative appropriations
     The proposal/initiative requires the use of administrative appropriations, as explained below:
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    of the multiannual financial framework
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
    At headquarters:
    Mission and representation expenses
    Conference and meeting costs
    Studies and consultations
    Information and management systems
    ICT equipment and services4
    Other budget lines (specify where necessary)
    Information and publishing
    Acquisition, renting and related expenditure
    Specify the type of committee and the group to which it belongs.
    ICT: Information and Communication Technologies: DIGIT must be consulted.
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    Equipment, furniture, supplies and services
    Expert contracts and meetings
    In Union delegations
    Missions, conferences and representation expenses
    Further training of staff
    Subtotal HEADING 7
    of the multiannual financial framework
    p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    Outside HEADING 7
    of the multiannual financial framework
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
    Expenditure on technical and administrative assistance
    (not including external staff) from operational
    appropriations (former 'BA' lines)
    - at Headquarters 2.745 4.725 5.500 5.500 5.500 5.500 5.500 34.970
    - in Union delegations
    Other management expenditure for research
    Other budget lines (specify where necessary)
    Sub-total – Outside HEADING 7
    of the multiannual financial framework
    2.745 4.725 5.500 5.500 5.500 5.500 5.500 34.970
    HEADING 7 and Outside HEADING 7
    of the multiannual financial framework
    5.645 9.225 11.150 11.150 11.150 11.150 11.150 70.620
    The administrative appropriations required will be met by the appropriations which are already assigned to management of the action and/or which have been redeployed, together if
    necessary with any additional allocation which may be granted to the managing DG under the annual allocation procedure and in the light of existing budgetary constraints.
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    1. Human resources
    This part sets out the method of calculation used to estimate the human resources considered necessary
    (workload assumptions, including specific jobs (Sysper 2 work profiles), staff categories and the corresponding
    average costs)
    HEADING 7 of the multiannual financial framework
    NB: The average costs for each category of staff at Headquarters are available on BudgWeb:
     Officials and temporary staff
     Executive Director (TA)
     Executive Personal Assistant (TA)
     Head of Unit Program Implementation (TA)
     Head of Unit Administration, Finance & Support (TA)
     Senior Program Officer (TA)
     5x Program Officers HPC Infrastructure (TA)
     5x Program Officers HPC R&D (TA)
     5x Program Officers Quantum Infrastructure (TA)
     Legal Advisor (TA)
     IT Manager (TA)
     Communication Officer (TA)
     Executive Administrative Assistant (CA)
     Communication Assistant (CA)
     Administrative Officer (CA)
     Administrative Assistant (CA)
     IT Assistant (CA)
     Accounting and Budget Officer (CA)
     Accounting and Budget Assistant (CA)
     Finance Team Leader (CA)
     3x Financial Assistant Initiation (CA)
     3x Financial Assistant Verification (CA)
     Data Protection Officer (CA)
     HR Officer (CA)
     HR Assistant (CA)
     Legal Assistant (CA)
     Stakeholder Relations Officer (CA)
     Office and Local Assistant (CA)
     Internal Control and Audit Officer (CA)
     External staff
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    Outside HEADING 7 of the multiannual financial framework
     Only posts financed from the research budget
     External staff
    2. Other administrative expenditure
    Give details of the method of calculation used for each budget line
    and in particular the underlying assumptions (e.g. number of meetings per year, average costs, etc.)
    HEADING 7 of the multiannual financial framework
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    Buildings and associated costs
    The JU has to ensure that the working conditions of its staff comply with the standards of the
    EU institutions. The office premises will be offered by the JU hosting country. This
    appropriation includes costs related to the infrastructure: insurance, water, electricity and
    heating, cleaning and maintenance, security and surveillance.
    Information Technology
    To allow its staff to perform its work, the Joint Undertaking is equipped with state-of-the-art
    office equipment and networking facilities, allowing to use the standard IT toolchain of the
    EU programmes and institutions. This appropriation is intended to cover the purchase of
    computing and other similar electronic office equipment and hardware as well as the
    installation, configuration and maintenance of this equipment. The procurement and
    maintenance of program packages and software licences necessary for the normal operation of
    the JU; the expenditure on services contracts for analysis, programming and technical
    assistance necessary for the JU, the cost of external services contracts to manage and maintain
    the data and systems, training and other support activities.
    It covers the cost of SLAs with the Commission, necessary for the use of the ABAC
    accounting system (SLA with DG BUDG), as well as for the provision of IT
    equipment/services (SLA with, DIGIT, REA, RTD, CdT, HR and/or CNECT). It also
    includes costs specific to the secure data communication needs of the JU to access the ABAC
    accounting system.
    Movable property
    This includes the necessary resources to cover the costs of office organisation, archive spaces
    and meeting rooms.
    Current administrative expenditure
    This includes costs of office supplies, stationery, badges, office material and other
    consumables necessary for the operation of the office as well as any costs incurred for any
    mandatory translations,)
    Postage and Telecommunications
    This covers all correspondence, postage and telecommunication (fixed, mobile telephony and
    videoconference equipment/licencing) costs of the JU.
    Expenditure of formal and other meetings
    As part of the activities of the Joint Undertaking, some meetings (like Governing Board
    meetings and community workshops) require big rooms that are not available at the JU
    Operational activities
    Auditing and legal assistance are key elements to ensure that the JU complies with the legal
    framework. (e.g. internal audit capability, external auditors and ex-post audits)
    Communication activities related to publishing, and in particular communication material for
    conferences, info days and workshops; website development and consolidation; general public
    relations and publicity.
    Budget data of an administrative nature
    Information and Publishing
    This covers the communication policy of the Joint Undertaking, to ensure public awareness
    and understanding of the scopes. It is also covering the activities related to production and
    printing the Annual Activity and other Reports.
    Expert contracts and meetings
    This includes the costs related to the evaluation, selection and review of projects, as well as
    the costs incurred for evaluators and reviewers.
    Outside HEADING 7 of the multiannual financial framework


    EN EN
    Brussels, 18.9.2020
    COM(2020) 569 final
    ANNEX 2 – PART 1/2
    to the
    on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
    {SWD(2020) 179 final}
    Europaudvalget 2020
    KOM (2020) 0569
    EN 1 EN
    1. FRAMEWORK OF THE PROPOSAL/INITIATIVE................................................. 2
    1.1. Title of the proposal/initiative...................................................................................... 2
    1.2. Policy area(s) concerned (Programme cluster)............................................................ 2
    1.3. The proposal/initiative relates to:................................................................................. 2
    1.4. Grounds for the proposal/initiative .............................................................................. 2
    1.4.1. Requirement(s) to be met in the short or long term including a detailed timeline for
    roll-out of the implementation of the initiative............................................................ 2
    1.4.2. Added value of Union involvement............................................................................. 2
    1.4.3. Lessons learned from similar experiences in the past.................................................. 3
    1.4.4. Compatibility and possible synergy with other appropriate instruments..................... 3
    1.5. Duration and financial impact...................................................................................... 4
    1.6. Management mode(s) planned..................................................................................... 4
    2. MANAGEMENT MEASURES................................................................................... 5
    2.1. Monitoring and reporting rules .................................................................................... 5
    2.2. Management and control system(s) ............................................................................. 5
    2.2.1. Justification of the management mode(s), the funding implementation mechanism(s),
    the payment modalities and the control strategy proposed .......................................... 5
    2.2.2. Information concerning the risks identified and the internal control system(s) set up
    to mitigate them............................................................................................................ 6
    2.2.3. Estimation and justification of the cost-effectiveness of the controls (ratio of "control
    costs ÷ value of the related funds managed"), and assessment of the expected levels
    of risk of error (at payment & at closure) .................................................................... 6
    2.3. Measures to prevent fraud and irregularities................................................................ 6
    3.1. Heading of the multiannual financial framework and new expenditure budget line(s)
    proposed....................................................................................................................... 7
    3.2. Estimated impact on expenditure................................................................................. 9
    3.2.1. Sumary of estimated impact on expenditure................................................................ 9
    3.2.2. Estimated impact on JU’s human resources .............................................................. 12
    3.2.3. Estimated requirements of human resources Commission ........................................ 14
    3.2.4. Third-party contributions ........................................................................................... 15
    3.3. Estimated impact on revenue ..................................................................................... 16
    EN 2 EN
    1.1. Title of the proposal/initiative
    Council Regulation on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint
    1.2. Policy area(s) concerned (Programme cluster)
    Research and Innovation & European Strategic Investments
    (Advanced Computing - Horizon Europe Cluster 4, Digital, Industry and Space
    High Performance Computing – DEP Strategic Objective 1)
    1.3. The proposal/initiative relates to:
     a new action
     a new action following a pilot project/preparatory action1
     the extension of an existing action
     a merger or redirection of one or more actions towards another/a new action
    1.4. Grounds for the proposal/initiative
    1.4.1. Requirement(s) to be met in the short or long term including a detailed timeline for
    roll-out of the implementation of the initiative
    The aims of the EuroHPC JU are to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the
    Union a world leading federated, secure and hyper-connected supercomputing,
    quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem; support the
    production of innovative and competitive supercomputing systems based on a supply
    chain that will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting the risk of
    disruptions and the development of a wide range of applications optimised for these
    systems; widen the use of this supercomputing infrastructure to a large number of
    public and private users, and support the development of key skills for European
    science and industry.
    1.4.2. Added value of Union involvement
    The added value of union involvement includes:
    - Increasing the level of funding in HPC at European level in a single and
    coordinated effort with Member/Participating States.
    - Enhanced coordination and pooling of EU and national investments (based on
    - Rationalised implementation of national and EU investments and programmes,
    contributing to increasing the overall HPC investments in Europe
    - Providing the EU with the best supercomputers in the world, which could not be
    acquired by single Participant States alone.
    As referred to in Article 58(2)(a) or (b) of the Financial Regulation.
    EN 3 EN
    - Facilitating European Institutions/users access to the best supercomputer resources
    in Europe
    The EuroHPC will dramatically increase the computing power supply for EU users,
    contribute to provide an independent European source of key technologies changing
    the landscape of the European supply ecosystem, and foster and widen the use of
    HPC across the EU
    1.4.3. Lessons learned from similar experiences in the past
    The existing EuroHPC JU has already acquired solid working experience, with
    extensive discussions of the stakeholders on the governance, administration and other
    operational and implementation aspects from which the following main lessons
    learnt so far can be summarised as follows:
    • Simplification of the co-funding scheme: The combination of EU and national
    funds in the different EuroHPC activities needs to be simplified and optimised.
    • More flexibility in defining the acquisition time and technology of new
    supercomputing systems
    • More flexibility in the resource allocation of the EuroHPC systems.
    • Well-defined access policies for the industrial/commercial use of the EuroHPC
    infrastructure that would enable the full exploitation of the EuroHPC
    capabilities in either pre-competitive research access, or in commercial terms
    of use
    • A clearer framework for collaboration with relevant stakholdres: PRACE and
    GEANT. Specific arrangements may need to be established with PRACE for
    the tasks related to the allocation of the access time to the JU’s systems, and
    with GEANT for procuring dedicated connectivity for the EuroHPC
    • A better definition of the different contributions to the activities of EuroHPC.
    For example, there is a need to further define the in-kind contributions of the
    Participating States and of the Private Members to the EuroHPC JU; and to
    better define the costs that EuroHPC can/cannot support for the acquisition and
    operations of supercomputers.
    • More flexibility in the contribution of Private Members and other private
    actors to the activities of the EuroHPC JU
    1.4.4. Compatibility and possible synergy with other appropriate instruments
    Synergies in Horizon Europe (H-E)
    Successor to ECSEL Joint Undertaking
    Big Data, Robotics & AI
    Quantum Technologies FET Flagship
    Synergies in DEP
    Advanced digital skills
    EN 4 EN
    1.5. Duration and financial impact
     limited duration
    –  in effect from 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2033
    –  Financial impact from 2021 to 2027 for commitment appropriations and from
    2021 to 2033 for payment appropriations.
     unlimited duration
    – Implementation with a start-up period from YYYY to YYYY,
    – followed by full-scale operation.
    1.6. Management mode(s) planned2
     Direct management by the Commission
    –  by its departments, including by its staff in the Union delegations;
    –  by the executive agencies
     Shared management with the Member States
     Indirect management by entrusting budget implementation tasks to:
    –  third countries or the bodies they have designated;
    –  international organisations and their agencies (to be specified);
    – the EIB and the European Investment Fund;
    –  bodies referred to in Articles 70 and 71 of the Financial Regulation;
    –  public law bodies;
    –  bodies governed by private law with a public service mission to the extent that
    they provide adequate financial guarantees;
    –  bodies governed by the private law of a Member State that are entrusted with
    the implementation of a public-private partnership and that provide adequate
    financial guarantees;
    –  persons entrusted with the implementation of specific actions in the CFSP
    pursuant to Title V of the TEU, and identified in the relevant basic act.
    – If more than one management mode is indicated, please provide details in the ‘Comments’ section.
    Details of management modes and references to the Financial Regulation may be found on the
    BudgWeb site:
    EN 5 EN
    2.1. Monitoring and reporting rules
    Specify frequency and conditions.
    The activities of the Joint Undertaking will be subject to continuous monitoring and
    periodic reviews in accordance with its financial rules, to ensure both the highest
    impact and excellence, as well as the most efficient use of resources. The outcomes
    of monitoring and periodic reviews shall feed into the evaluations of the Joint
    Undertaking as part of Horizon Europe evaluations as specified in Article 47 of
    Regulation establishing Horizon Europe.
    In addition, the Commission will carry out an interim evaluation with the assistance
    of independent experts based on a transparent process no later than four years after
    the start of Horizon Europe implementation. The evaluation will examine how the
    Joint Undertaking fulfils its mission according to its economic, technological,
    scientific, societal and policy objectives, and evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency,
    relevance, coherence, and Union added value of its activities as part of Horizon
    Europe. The evaluation will assess its synergies and complementarities with relevant
    European, national and, where relevant, regional initiatives, including synergies with
    other parts of Horizon Europe (such as missions, clusters or thematic/specific
    programmes). Impacts achieved at Union and national level, taking into account the
    component of synergies and policy retrofitting will be given particular attention.
    The evaluations will also include an assessment of the long-term scientific, societal,
    economic and policy-relevant impact of the Joint Undertaking and will include an
    assessment of the most effective policy intervention mode for any future action, as
    well as the positioning of any possible renewal of the Joint Undertaking in the
    overall European Partnerships landscape and its policy priorities.
    2.2. Management and control system(s)
    2.2.1. Justification of the management mode(s), the funding implementation mechanism(s),
    the payment modalities and the control strategy proposed
    The Commission's internal auditor shall exercise the same powers over the Joint
    Undertaking as those exercised in respect of the Commission. Moreover, the
    Governing Board may arrange, as appropriate, for the establishment of an internal
    audit capability of the Joint Undertaking.
    In compliance with Article 154 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1046/2018, the
    Joint Undertaking will respect the principles of sound financial management,
    transparency and non-discrimination and will guarantee a level of protection of the
    financial interests of its members equivalent to that required under that Regulation.
    Ex-post audits of expenditure on indirect actions will be carried out in compliance
    with the Horizon Europe Framework Programme as part of the Horizon Europe
    Framework Programme indirect actions.
    In order to protect the financial interests of the Union, the Commission will in
    compliance with the Financial Regulation supervise the activities of the Joint
    Undertaking, in particular by carrying out audits and evaluations on the programme
    implementation, apply procedures for the examination and acceptance of the
    accounts and exclude from Union financing expenditure disbursements which have
    EN 6 EN
    been made in breach of the applicable rules. It may also suspend and interrupt
    payments if it detects financial or administrative irregularities.
    2.2.2. Information concerning the risks identified and the internal control system(s) set up
    to mitigate them
    The main risks identified is incorrect payment of expenditure to participants in
    indirect actions and incorrect implementation of the procurements of the EuroHPC
    supercompters. The financial management will follow the Financial Regulation of
    the Joint Undertaking implementing the respective administrative and financial
    proceses of the respective funding programs (i.e. Horizon Europe, Digital Europe,
    Connecting Europe Facility-2), including making use of the common IT tools.
    The specific risk of conflicts of interest inherent to a Public-Private Partnership is
    addressed by a clear separation of decision powers between the Governing Board –
    setting the strategy and the work plans, determining the conditions for the calls for
    proposals and the calls for tender and deciding on the allocation of public funding.
    Insufficient contributions from the Participating States puts at risk the acquisition or
    operation of the pre-exascale supercomputers, either the contributions are insufficient
    to acquire the supercomputers, to operate them over their economic lifecycle, or the
    contributions are insuficient to acquire supercomputers with a performance level that
    would rank them among the top three in the world. A procurement by the EuroHPC
    Joint Undertaking will only be launched when a firm commitment of the
    Participating States is received as part of the eligibility criteria in the call for
    expression of interest for hosting an EuroHPC supercomputer, covering the total cost
    of ownership.
    In accordance with the Horizon Europe Regulation, Participating States should
    entrust the Joint Undertaking with the implementation of their contribution to their
    national participants in indirect actions. To safeguard the Union’s interests, the
    Participating States and the Joint Undertaking should conclude legally binding
    agreements committing Participating States to the payment of the full amount of their
    contribution to indirect actions throughout the lifetime of the initiative. Such
    agreements should be concluded in the context of the annual budgetary procedure
    and programming of the Joint Undertaking. Only after that and in line with the Joint
    Undertaking’s financial rules, the authorising officer should make the budgetary and
    legal commitments for those indirect actions.
    2.2.3. Estimation and justification of the cost-effectiveness of the controls (ratio of "control
    costs ÷ value of the related funds managed"), and assessment of the expected levels
    of risk of error (at payment & at closure)
    As part of the Joint Undertakings created under Horizon Europe the EuroHPC Joint
    Undertaking will be part of the audit strategy of the Commission. In particular, the
    indirect actions implemented by the Joint Undertaking will be monitored by the CIC
    to ensure an error rate at the same level as the other actions funded under Horizon
    2.3. Measures to prevent fraud and irregularities
    Specify existing or envisaged prevention and protection measures, e.g. from the Anti-Fraud Strategy.
    The Commission or its representatives and the Court of Auditors have the power of
    audit, on the basis of documents and on-the-spot, over all grant beneficiaries,
    contractors and subcontractors who receive EU funds.
    EN 7 EN
    The European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF) and the European Public Prosecutor's
    Office (EPPO) may carry out investigations, including on-the-spot checks and
    inspections in accordance with the provisions and procedures laid down in Council
    Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/963
    and Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 883/2013
    of the European Parliament and of the Council4
    , with a view to establishing whether
    there has been fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity affecting the financial
    interests of the European Union in connection with a grant agreement or a contract
    concerning EU funding.
    Without prejudice to the above, grant agreements and contracts resulting from the
    implementation of this Regulation shall expressly empower the Commission, the
    Court of Auditors and OLAF to conduct such audits, on-the-spot checks and
    3.1. Heading of the multiannual financial framework and new expenditure budget
    line(s) proposed
    Heading of
    Budget line
    Type of
    Heading 1
    Single Market, Innovation and Digital –
    Horizon Europe
    from third
    within the
    meaning of
    Article [21(2)(b)]
    of the Financial
    1 - Single
    and Digital
    01 02 02 42 01 – HE - Cluster Digital,
    Industry and Space — High-Performance
    Computing joint undertaking (EuroHPC)
    Support expenditure
    01 02 02 42 02 – HE - Cluster Digital,
    Industry and Space — High-Performance
    Computing joint undertaking (EuroHPC)
    Operational expenditure
    02 04 02 11 01 – DEP - High-
    Performance Computing joint undertaking
    (EuroHPC) Support expenditure
    02 04 02 11 02 – DEP - High-
    Performance Computing joint undertaking
    (EuroHPC) Operational expenditure
    02 03 03 - CEF Digital
    Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks
    and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities’ financial
    interests against fraud and other irregularities (OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2).
    Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11
    September 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and
    repealing Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council
    Regulation (Euratom) No 1074/1999 (OJ L 248, 18.9.2013, p. 1).
    Diff. = Differentiated appropriations / Non-diff. = Non-differentiated appropriations.
    EFTA: European Free Trade Association.
    Candidate countries and, where applicable, potential candidates from the Western Balkans.
    EN 8 EN
    Commitment appropriations (EUR million to three decimal places)
    budget line
    01 02 02 42 01 – HE - Cluster
    Digital, Industry and Space —
    High-Performance Computing
    joint undertaking (EuroHPC)
    Support expenditure8
    p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
    01 02 02 42 02 – HE - Cluster
    Digital, Industry and Space —
    High-Performance Computing
    joint undertaking (EuroHPC)
    Operational expenditure
    p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
    02 04 02 11 01 – DEP - High-
    Performance Computing joint
    undertaking (EuroHPC) Support
    2,017 3,149 3,660 3,733 3,808 3,884 9,748 30,000
    02 04 02 11 02 – DEP - High-
    Performance Computing joint
    undertaking (EuroHPC)
    Operational expenditure
    397,983 386,851 396,340 146,267 296,192 346,116 400,251 2.370,000
    02 03 03 - CEF Digital 10,000 20,000 40,000 70,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 200,000
    Total expenditure 410,000 410,000 440,000 220,000 320,000 370,000 430,000 2.600,000
    The HE contribution cannot be indicated at this stage. The following tables of this Financial Statement indicate only contributions related to DEP and CEF. It is
    intended that HE contribution will be commensurate to the current annual contribution to EuroHPC.
    EN 9 EN
    3.2. Estimated impact on expenditure
    3.2.1. Sumary of estimated impact on expenditure
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    Heading of multiannual financial
    1 1 - Single Market, Innovation and Digital
    Joint Undertaking91011
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 202712 Post
    Title 1
    Commitments (1) 0,402 1,434 1,911 1,949 1,988 2,028 6,205 15,917
    Payments (2) 0,402 1,434 1,911 1,949 1,988 2,028 2,068 4,137 15,917
    Title 2
    Commitments (1a) 1,615 1,715 1,749 1,784 1,820 1,856 3,544 14,083
    Payments (2a) 1,615 1,715 1,749 1,784 1,820 1,856 1,894 1,650 14.083
    Title 3
    Commitments (3a) 407,983 406,851 436,340 216,267 316,192 366,116 420,251 2.570,000
    Payments (3b)
    122,000 225,000 350,000 185,000 290,000 345,000 400,000 653,000
    TOTAL appropriations for Joint
    +3a 410,000 410,000 440,000 220,000 320,000 370,000 430,000 - 2.600,000
    +3b 124,017 228,149 353,660 188,733 293,808 348,884 403,962 658,787 2.600,000
    This table includes the EU contribution from DEP and CEF Digital Programmes only.
    Amounts in Titles 1 and 2 represent the EU contribution to the administrative costs of the Joint Undertaking. The other remaining part comes from contributions by
    the other Joint Undertaking members as shown in section 3.2.5.
    Payment appropriations for Titles 1 and 2 are based on a yearly consumption of all corresponding commitment appropriations, while for Title 3 they are determined
    by taking into account the nature of the indirect actions and their payment schedule (prefinancing, interim payments and payment of the balance).
    Titles 1 and 2 for year 2027 contain the commitments for the year and the frontloading of the commitments for the remaining years of the JU in the period 2027-2033.
    EN 10 EN
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    Human Resources p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    Other administrative expenditure p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    TOTAL DG Appropriations p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    TOTAL appropriations for the envelope
    of the Programme - Heading 1 13
    of the multiannual financial framework
    Commitments 410,000 410,000 440,000 220,000 320,000 370,000 430,000 - 2.600,000
    Payments 124,017 228,149 353,660 188,733 293,808 348,884 403,962 658,787 2.600,000
    Heading of multiannual financial
    7 ‘Administrative expenditure’
    The appropriations required for human resources and other expenditure of an administrative nature outside Heading 7 correspond to the amounts covered by the Union financial
    contribution. The above amounts do not include the contribution from Member States to the administrative costs of the Competence Centre, commensurate to the Union financial
    EN 11 EN
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    DG CNECT (4 FTE STATUTORY AD, 2 FTE AC) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    Human resources 14
    0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 p.m 5,320
    Other administrative expenditure p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    TOTAL appropriations under HEADING
    7 of the multiannual financial framework
    (Total commitments =
    Total payments)
    0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760
    p.m 5,320
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    TOTAL appropriations
    across HEADINGS
    of the multiannual financial framework
    Commitments 410,760 410,760 440,760 220,760 320,760 370,760 430,760 2.605,320
    Payments 124,777 228,909 354,420 189,420 294,568 349,644 404,722 658,787 2.605,320
    Covering the administration of DEP and CEF Digital actions. The FTE costs are determined on the basis of the average yearly cost of AD (EUR 150 000) and CA (EUR 80
    000) staff.
    EN 12 EN
    3.2.2. Estimated impact on JU’s human resources
    –  The proposal/initiative does not require the use of appropriations of an administrative nature
    –  The proposal/initiative requires the use of appropriations of an administrative nature, as explained below:
    Staffing numbers (in headcounts / FTE)
    Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2024 Year 2025 Year 2026 Year 2027 Post 2027 TOTAL
    Officials (AD Grades)
    Officials (AST grades)
    Contract staff 20 25 30 30 30 30 30
    Temporary staff 14 22 27 27 27 27 27
    Seconded National Experts
    TOTAL 34 47 57 57 57 57 57
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2024 Year 2025 Year 2026 Year 2027 Post 2027 TOTAL
    Officials (AD Grades)
    Officials (AST grades)
    Contract staff 1,019 1,624 1,988 2,028 2,069 2,110 2,152 4,304 17,294
    Temporary staff 1,148 2,863 3,584 3,656 3,729 3,804 3,880 7,759 30,423
    Seconded National Experts
    TOTAL 2,168 4,488 5,572 5,684 5,798 5,914 6,032 12,063 47,717
    EN 13 EN
    Estimated impact on the staff (additional FTE) – establishment plan15
    Function group
    and grade
    AD Total 14 22 27 27 27 27 27
    AST Total
    AST/SC 6
    AST/SC 5
    AST/SC 4
    AST/SC 3
    AST/SC 2
    AST/SC 1
    AST/SC Total
    Estimated impact on the staff (additional) – external personnel
    Contract agents
    Function group IV
    Function group III
    Function group II
    The JU staffing table includes also 16 FTE for the HE related part. These staff numbers related to this part
    remain stable as compared to the current EUR HPC staffing (16 FTE) and will cover also the
    implementation of the legacy of the current EUR HPC JU.
    EN 14 EN
    Function group I
    Total 20 25 30 30 30 30 30
    3.2.3. Estimated requirements of human resources Commission
    –  The proposal/initiative does not require the use of human resources.
    –  The proposal/initiative requires the use of human resources, as explained
    Estimate to be expressed in full time equivalent units
    Years 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
     Establishment plan posts (officials and temporary staff)
    Headquarters and Commission’s
    Representation Offices
    4 4 4 4 4 4
     External staff (in Full Time Equivalent unit: FTE) - AC, AL, END, INT and JED 16
    Heading 7
    Financed from
    HEADING 7 of
    the multiannual
    - at Headquarters 2
    2 2 2 2 2 2
    - in Delegations
    Financed from the
    envelope of the
    programme 17
    - at Headquarters
    - in Delegations
    Other (specify)
    TOTAL 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
    The human resources required will be met by staff from the DG who are already assigned to management of the
    action and/or have been redeployed within the DG, together if necessary with any additional allocation which
    may be granted to the managing DG under the annual allocation procedure and in the light of budgetary
    Description of tasks to be carried out:
    Officials and temporary staff
    External staff
    AC= Contract Staff; AL = Local Staff; END = Seconded National Expert; INT = agency staff;
    JPD= Junior Professionals in Delegations.
    Sub-ceiling for external staff covered by operational appropriations (former ‘BA’ lines).
    EN 15 EN
    3.2.4. Third-party contributions18
    The proposal/initiative:
    –  does not provide for co-financing by third parties
    –  provides for the co-financing by third parties estimated below:
    – Appropriations in EUR million (to three decimal places)
    Financial contribution to the
    administrative costs of JU covered
    by the Participant States 2,295 3,175 3,175 3,175 3,175 3,175 3,175 8,655 30,000
    Financial contributions to the
    administrative costs by the Private
    members/Associated Partners (Art
    22.3.b SBA)
    0,000 0,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000
    Financial contributions to
    operational costs by the
    Participating States 407,705 406,825 436,825 216,825 316,825 366,825 418,170 0,00 2 570,000
    In kind contributions to operational
    activities by the Private
    members/Associated Partners (Art
    22.3.d SBA)
    In kind contributions to operational
    activities by Participating States
    TOTAL appropriations co-financed 410,000 410,000 441,000 221,000 321,000 371,000 422,345 9,655
    2 606,000
    The Third-party contributions will have to be updated to reflect the effect of additional contributions
    from the Horizon Europe programme
    EN 16 EN
    3.3. Estimated impact on revenue
    –  The proposal/initiative has no financial impact on revenue.
    –  The proposal/initiative has the following financial impact:
    –  on own resources
    –  on other revenue
    please indicate, if the revenue is assigned to expenditure lines 
    EUR million (to three decimal places)
    Budget revenue line:
    Impact of the proposal/initiative19
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    Article ………….
    For assigned revenue, specify the budget expenditure line(s) affected.
    Other remarks (e.g. method/formula used for calculating the impact on revenue or any other
    As regards traditional own resources (customs duties, sugar levies), the amounts indicated must be net
    amounts, i.e. gross amounts after deduction of 20 % for collection costs.


    EN EN
    Brussels, 18.9.2020
    COM(2020) 569 final
    ANNEX 1
    to the
    Proposal for a Council Regulation
    on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
    {SWD(2020) 179 final}
    Europaudvalget 2020
    KOM (2020) 0569
    EN 1 EN
    Article 1
    The Joint Undertaking shall carry out the following tasks:
    (a) mobilise public and private sector funds for the financing of the activities of
    the Joint Undertaking;
    (b) support the implementation of the mission, the objectives and the pillars of
    activities of the Joint Undertaking listed in Articles 3 and 4 of this Regulation.
    These activities will be funded by the Union’s budget stemming from
    Regulation (EU) xxx establishing Horizon Europe, Regulation (EU) xxx
    establishing Digital Europe Programme and Regulation (EU) xxx establishing
    the Connecting Europe Facility in accordance with the scope of their respective
    Regulations and by contributions from the relevant Participating States to the
    Joint Undertaking; to this purpose the Joint Undertaking shall launch calls for
    proposals, calls for tenders, and any other instrument or procedure provided for
    in Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme, and the Connecting Europe
    (c) initiate and manage the calls for expression of interest for hosting EuroHPC
    supercomputers and evaluate the offers received, with the support of
    independent external experts;
    (d) select the hosting entity of the EuroHPC supercomputers in a fair, open and
    transparent manner, in accordance with Article 8 of this Regulation;
    (e) conclude a hosting agreement in accordance with Article 9 of this Regulation
    with the hosting entity for the operation and maintenance of the EuroHPC
    supercomputers and monitor the contractual compliance with the hosting
    agreement, including the acceptance test of the acquired supercomputers;
    (f) define general and specific conditions for allocating the Union's share of access
    time to the EuroHPC supercomputers and monitor access to these
    supercomputers in accordance with Article 15 of this Regulation;
    (g) ensure the contribution of its operations to the achievement of the objectives of
    Horizon Europe, the strategic multiannual planning, reporting, monitoring and
    evaluation and other requirements of that programme such as the
    implementation of the common policy feedback framework;
    (h) initiate open calls for proposals and award funding in accordance with
    Regulation (EU) xxx establishing Horizon Europe, and within the limits of
    available funds, to indirect actions, mainly in the form of grants;
    (i) initiate open calls for proposals and calls for tenders and award funding in
    accordance with Regulation xxx (EU) establishing Digital Europe Programme
    and Regulation (EU) xxx establishing the Connecting Europe Facility within
    the limits of available funds;
    (j) monitor the implementation of the actions and manage grant agreements and
    procurement contracts;
    EN 2 EN
    (k) ensure the efficiency of the European High Performance Computing initiative,
    based on a set of appropriate measures;
    (l) monitor overall progress towards achieving the objectives of the Joint
    (m) develop close cooperation and ensure coordination with Union and national
    activities, bodies and stakeholders, creating synergies and improving
    exploitation of research and innovation results in the area of High Performance
    (n) develop close cooperation and ensure coordination with other European
    Partnerships, as well as operational synergies with other Joint Undertakings,
    including through centralisation of administrative functions;
    (o) define the multiannual strategic programme, draw up and implement the
    corresponding annual work programmes for their execution and make any
    necessary adjustments to the multiannual strategic programme;
    (p) engage in information, communication, exploitation and dissemination
    activities by applying mutatis mutandis Article 46 of Regulation (EU) No xxx
    establishing Horizon Europe, including making the detailed information on
    results from calls for proposals available and accessible in a common Horizon
    Europe e-database;
    (q) any other task needed to achieve the objectives set out in Article 3 of this
    Article 2
    (1) The members of the Joint Undertaking shall be:
    (a) the Union, represented by the Commission;
    (b) Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
    Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
    Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, [Montenegro], the Netherlands, [North
    Macedonia], Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
    Sweden, [Switzerland], [Turkey];
    (c) upon acceptance of these Statutes by means of a letter of commitment, the
    European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC)
    Association registered under Dutch law with its registered office in Amsterdam
    (the Netherlands), the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) registered under
    Belgian law with its registered office in Brussels (Belgium).
    (d) Each Participating State shall appoint its representative in the Governing Board
    of the Joint Undertaking and shall designate the national entity or entities
    responsible for fulfilling its obligations under this Regulation.
    Article 3
    Changes to membership
    (1) Provided that they contribute in accordance with Article 7 of this Regulation or to the
    financing referred to in Article 15 of these Statutes to achieve the mission and
    EN 3 EN
    objectives of the Joint Undertaking set out in Article 3 of this Regulation, Member
    States or countries associated to Horizon Europe or the Digital Europe Programme
    that are not listed in point (b) of Article 2(1) of these Statutes may apply to become
    members of the Joint Undertaking.
    (2) Any application of a Member State or country associated to Horizon Europe or the
    Digital Europe Programme for membership of the Joint Undertaking shall be
    addressed to the Governing Board. The candidate countries shall provide a written
    acceptance of these Statutes, and of any other provisions governing the functioning
    of the Joint Undertaking, as well as their contribution to the administrative costs of
    the Joint Undertaking. The candidates shall also provide their motivation for
    requesting membership to the Joint Undertaking and indicate how their national
    supercomputing strategy is aligned with the Joint Undertaking’s objectives. The
    Governing Board shall assess the application, taking into account the relevance and
    the potential added value of the candidate as regards the achievement of the mission
    and objectives of the Joint Undertaking and may decide to ask for clarifications of
    the candidature before endorsing the application.
    (3) Provided that it contributes to the financing referred to in Article 15 of these Statutes
    to achieve the mission and objectives of the Joint Undertaking set out in Article 3 of
    this Regulation, and accept these Statutes, any legal entity that is not listed in point
    (c) of Article 2(1) of the Statutes and is established in a Member State that directly or
    indirectly supports research and innovation in a Member State may apply to become
    a Private Member of the Joint Undertaking in accordance with paragraph 4 of this
    (4) Any application for membership to become a Private Member of the Joint
    Undertaking made in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article shall be addressed
    to the Governing Board. The Governing Board shall assess the application, taking
    into account the relevance and the potential added value of the applicant as regards
    the achievement of the mission and objectives of the Joint Undertaking and shall
    decide on the application.
    (5) Any member may terminate its membership in the Joint Undertaking. Such
    termination shall become effective and irrevocable six months after notification to
    the Executive Director, who shall inform the other members of the Governing Board
    and the Private Members. As from the date of termination, the former member shall
    be discharged from any obligations other than those approved or incurred by the
    Joint Undertaking prior to the notification of termination of the membership.
    (6) Each Private Member shall inform the Joint Undertaking once per year of any
    significant changes in the composition of the Private Member. Where the
    Commission considers that the change in composition is likely to affect the Union’s
    or the Joint Undertaking’s interest on grounds of security or public order, it may
    propose to the Governing Board to terminate the membership of the concerned
    Private Member. The termination shall become effective and irrevocable within six
    months of the decision of the Governing Board or on the date specified in that
    decision, whichever is earlier.
    (7) Membership in the Joint Undertaking may not be transferred to a third party without
    the prior agreement of the Governing Board.
    EN 4 EN
    (8) Upon any change to membership pursuant to this Article, the Joint Undertaking shall
    immediately publish on its website an updated list of members together with the date
    of such change.
    Article 4
    Bodies of the Joint Undertaking
    (1) The bodies of the Joint Undertaking shall be:
    (a) the Governing Board;
    (b) the Executive Director;
    (c) the Industrial and Scientific Advisory Board composed of the Research and
    Innovation Advisory Group and the Infrastructure Advisory Group.
    (2) When carrying out its tasks, each body of the Joint Undertaking shall only pursue the
    objectives set out in this Regulation and shall only act within the scope of the
    activities of the Joint Undertaking for the purpose of which it was established.
    Article 5
    Composition of the Governing Board
    (1) The Governing Board shall be composed of representatives of the Commission, on
    behalf of the Union, and of the Participating States.
    (2) The Commission and each Participating State shall appoint one representative in the
    Governing Board.
    Article 6
    Functioning of the Governing Board
    (1) The representatives of the members of the Governing Board shall make every effort
    to achieve consensus. Failing consensus, a vote shall be held.
    (2) The Union shall hold 50% of the voting rights. The voting rights of the Union shall
    be indivisible.
    (3) For the tasks referred to in Article 7(3) of these Statutes, the remaining 50% of the
    voting rights shall be distributed equally among all Participating States.
    For the purpose of this paragraph, decisions of the Governing Board shall be taken
    by a majority of at least 75% of all votes, including the votes of the members who
    are absent.
    (4) For the tasks referred to in Article 7(4) of these Statutes, except points (f), (g) and
    (h), the remaining 50% of the voting rights shall be held by the Participating States
    that are Member States.
    For the purpose of this paragraph, decisions of the Governing Board shall be taken
    by a qualified majority. Qualified majority shall be deemed established if it
    represents the Union and at least 55% of the Participating States that are Member
    States, comprising at least 65% of the total population of these States. To determine
    EN 5 EN
    the population, the figures set out in Annex III to Council Decision 2009/937/EU1
    shall be used.
    (5) For those tasks referred to in Article 7(4) points (f), (g) and (h) of these Statutes, and
    for each EuroHPC supercomputer, the voting rights of the Participating States shall
    be distributed in proportion to their committed financial contributions and to their in-
    kind contributions to that supercomputer until either its ownership is transferred to
    the hosting entity in accordance with Article 8(3) of this Regulation or until it is sold
    or decommissioned; the in-kind contributions shall only be taken into account if they
    have been certified ex-ante by an independent expert or auditor.
    For the purpose of this paragraph, decisions of the Governing Board shall be taken
    by a majority of at least 75% of all votes, including the votes of the members who
    are absent.
    (6) For the tasks referred to in Article 7(5), 7(6) and 7(7) of these Statutes, decisions of
    the Governing Board shall be taken in two stages.
    At the first stage, the remaining 50% of the voting rights shall be distributed equally
    among all Participating States. Decisions of the Governing Board shall be taken by a
    majority consisting of the Union's vote and at least 55% of all votes of the
    Participating States, including the votes of the members who are absent.
    At the second stage, the Governing Board shall decide by the qualified majority
    referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article.
    (7) Without prejudice to the previous paragraphs, countries that were members of the
    Joint Undertaking under Council Regulation 2018/1488 and contributed to the
    acquisition or operation of the supercomputers acquired by the Joint Undertaking
    (under that Regulation), but which no longer are members of the present Joint
    Undertaking, shall maintain voting rights limited exclusively to decisions relating to
    those supercomputers in accordance with Articles 6(5) and 7(5) of the Statutes of the
    European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking annexed to Council
    Regulation 2018/1488.
    (8) The Governing Board shall elect a chair for a period of two years. The mandate of
    the chairperson may be extended only once, following a decision by the Governing
    (9) The vice chair of the Governing Board shall be the representative of the
    (10) The Governing Board shall hold its ordinary meetings at least twice a year. It may
    hold extraordinary meetings at the request of the Commission, of a majority of the
    representatives of the Participating States, at the request of the chair, or at the request
    of the Executive Director in accordance with Article 15(5) of these Statutes. The
    meetings of the Governing Board shall be convened by its chair and shall usually
    take place at the seat of the Joint Undertaking.
    The Executive Director shall have the right to attend the meetings and take part in the
    deliberations but shall have no voting rights. The Governing Board may invite, on a
    case-by-case basis, other persons to attend its meetings as observers.
    Council Decision 2009/937/EU of 1 December 2009 adopting the Council's Rules of Procedure
    (OJ L 325, 11.12.2009, p. 35).
    EN 6 EN
    Each observer State may appoint one delegate in the Governing Board, who shall
    receive all relevant documents and may participate in the deliberations of the
    Governing Board unless decided otherwise by the Governing Board on a case-by-
    case basis. Those delegates shall have no voting rights and shall ensure the
    confidentiality of sensitive information according to Article 27 of this Regulation and
    subject to the rules of conflict of interest.
    (11) The representatives of the members shall not be personally liable for any actions they
    have taken in their capacity as representatives on the Governing Board.
    (12) The Governing Board shall adopt and publish its own rules of procedure. Those rules
    shall include specific procedures for identifying and avoiding conflicts of interest and
    ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information.
    (13) The chairs of the Research and Innovation Advisory Group and of the Infrastructure
    Advisory Group of the Joint Undertaking shall be invited, whenever issues falling
    within their tasks are discussed, to attend meetings of the Governing Board as
    observers and take part in its deliberations, but shall have no voting rights.
    (14) The chairs of the Private Members of the Joint Undertaking shall be invited to attend
    the meetings of the Governing Board as observers and take part in its deliberations,
    but shall have no voting rights.
    Article 7
    Tasks of the Governing Board
    (1) The Governing Board shall have overall responsibility for the strategic orientation
    and the operations of the Joint Undertaking and shall supervise the implementation
    of its activities. It shall ensure that the principles of fairness and transparency are
    properly applied in the allocation of public funding.
    (2) The Commission, in its role in the Governing Board, shall seek to ensure
    coordination between the activities of the Joint Undertaking and the relevant
    activities of Union funding programmes with a view to promoting synergies when
    developing an integrated supercomputing and data infrastructure ecosystem and
    when identifying priorities covered by collaborative research.
    (3) The Governing Board shall, in particular, carry out the following general
    administrative tasks of the Joint Undertaking:
    (a) assess, accept or reject applications for membership in accordance with Article
    3(2) of these Statutes;
    (b) decide on the termination of membership in the Joint Undertaking of any
    member that does not fulfil its obligations;
    (c) adopt the financial rules of the Joint Undertaking in accordance with Article 17
    of this Regulation;
    (d) adopt the annual administrative budget of the Joint Undertaking, including the
    corresponding staff establishment plan indicating the number of temporary
    posts by function group and by grade, the number of contract staff and
    seconded national experts expressed in full-time equivalents;
    (e) appoint, dismiss, extend the term of office of, provide guidance to and monitor
    the performance of the Executive Director;
    EN 7 EN
    (f) approve the consolidated annual activity report, including the corresponding
    expenditure referred to in Article 19(1) of these Statutes;
    (g) exercise the powers of appointing authority with respect to staff in accordance
    with Article 18 of this Regulation;
    (h) where appropriate, establish implementing rules to the Staff Regulations and
    the Conditions of Employment in accordance with Article 18(3) of this
    (i) where appropriate, lay down rules on the secondment of national experts to the
    Joint Undertaking and on the use of trainees in accordance with Article 19(2)
    of this Regulation;
    (j) where appropriate, set up advisory groups in addition to the bodies of the Joint
    Undertaking referred to in Article 4 of these Statutes;
    (k) approve the organisational structure of the Programme Office upon
    recommendation of the Executive Director;
    (l) where appropriate, submit to the Commission a request to amend this
    Regulation proposed by a member of the Joint Undertaking;
    (m) define the general and specific access conditions to use the Union's share of
    access time of the EuroHPC supercomputers, in accordance with Article 15 of
    this Regulation;
    (n) establish the level of the fee of the commercial services referred to in Article
    16 of this Regulation, and decide on the allocation of the access time for those
    (o) approve the Joint Undertaking’s communication policy upon recommendation
    by the Executive Director;
    (p) be responsible for any task that is not specifically allocated to a particular body
    of the Joint Undertaking; it may assign such tasks to any body of the Joint
    (4) The Governing Board shall, in particular, carry out the following tasks related to the
    acquisition and operation of the EuroHPC supercomputers and generated revenues
    referred to in Article 14 of this Regulation:
    (a) adopt the multiannual strategic programme for the acquisition of EuroHPC
    supercomputers referred to in Article 19(1) of these Statutes;
    (b) adopt the part of the annual work programme that is related to the acquisition
    of EuroHPC supercomputers and the selection of hosting entities and the
    corresponding expenditure estimates referred to in Article 19(2) of these
    (c) approve the launch of calls for expression of interest, in accordance with the
    annual work programme;
    (d) approve the selection of the hosting entities for the EuroHPC supercomputers
    selected through a fair, open and transparent process in accordance with Article
    8 of this Regulation;
    (e) decide annually on the use of any revenue generated by the fees for
    commercial services referred to in Article 16 of this Regulation;
    EN 8 EN
    (f) approve the launch of calls for tenders, in accordance with the annual work
    (g) approve the tenders selected for funding;
    (h) decide on the possible transfer of ownership of the EuroHPC supercomputers
    to a hosting entity, their sale to another entity or their decommissioning, in
    accordance with Articles 10(4), 11(5) and 13(4) of this Regulation;
    (i) decide on the possible transfer of ownership of the EuroHPC supercomputers
    to the Private Members or a consortium of private partners, their sale to another
    entity or their decommissioning, in accordance with Article 12(5) of this
    (5) The Governing Board shall, in particular, carry out the following tasks related to the
    research and innovation activities, as well as the data use and skills activities of the
    Joint Undertaking:
    (a) adopt the strategic research and innovation agenda referred to in Article 19(1)
    of these Statutes at the beginning of the initiative and amend it throughout the
    duration of the Horizon Europe, if necessary; the Strategic Research and
    Innovation agenda shall identify, inter alia, the other European partnerships
    with which the Joint Undertaking shall establish a formal and regular
    collaboration, as well as possibilities for synergies between the Joint
    Undertaking's actions and national or regional initiatives and policies based on
    information received by the Participating States;
    (b) adopt the part of the annual work programme that is related to the research and
    innovation activities and the corresponding expenditure estimates referred to in
    Article 19(2) of these Statutes to implement the strategic research and
    innovation agenda, including the content of the calls for proposals, the
    applicable funding rate per call topic, as well as the related rules for
    submission, evaluation, selection, award and review procedures;
    (c) take due account of the agreements referred to in Article 16(3) of the Statutes
    when adopting the expenditure estimates of the related research and innovation
    activities in order to ensure the principle of equilibrium of the budget of the
    Joint Undertaking;
    (d) approve the launch of calls for proposals, in accordance with the annual work
    (e) approve the list of actions selected for funding on the basis of the
    recommendation of the Executive Director;
    (f) be responsible for the close and timely monitoring of the progress of the Joint
    Undertaking's research and innovation programme and individual actions in
    relation to the priorities of the Commission and the strategic research and
    innovation agenda and take corrective measures where needed to ensure that
    the Joint Undertaking meets its objectives.
    (6) The Governing Board shall, in particular, carry out the following tasks related to the
    capability building and widening activities of the Joint Undertaking:
    (a) adopt the multiannual strategic programme referred to in Article 19(1) of these
    EN 9 EN
    (b) adopt the part of the annual work programme that is related to the capability
    building and widening activities and the corresponding expenditure estimates
    referred to in Article 19(2) of these Statutes;
    (c) approve the launch of calls for proposals and calls for tender, in accordance
    with the annual work programme;
    (d) approve the list of actions selected for funding on the basis of the
    recommendation of the Executive Director.
    (7) The Governing Board shall, in particular, carry out the following tasks related to the
    federation and connectivity of the High Performance Computing and data
    infrastructure activities, as well as the international cooperation activities of the Joint
    (a) adopt the multiannual strategic programme referred to in Article 19(1) of these
    (b) adopt the part of the annual work programme that is related to the federation
    and connectivity and to the international cooperation activities and the
    corresponding expenditure estimates referred to in Article 19(2) of these
    (c) approve the launch of calls for proposals and calls for tender, in accordance
    with the annual work programme;
    (d) approve the list of actions selected for funding on the basis of the
    recommendation of the Executive Director.
    Article 8
    Appointment, dismissal or extension of the term of office of the Executive Director
    (1) The Commission shall propose a list of candidates for Executive Director after
    consultation of the members other than the Union of the Joint Undertaking. For the
    purpose of such consultation the members other than the Union of the Joint
    Undertaking shall appoint by common accord their representatives as well as an
    observer on behalf of the Governing Board.
    The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Governing Board from a list of
    candidates proposed by the Commission following an open and transparent selection
    (2) The Executive Director shall be a member of staff and shall be engaged as a
    temporary agent of the Joint Undertaking under point (a) of Article 2 of the
    Conditions of Employment.
    For the purpose of concluding the contract of the Executive Director, the Joint
    Undertaking shall be represented by the chair of the Governing Board.
    (3) The term of office of the Executive Director shall be four years. By the end of that
    period, the Commission, associating the members other than the Union as
    appropriate, shall undertake an assessment of the performance of the Executive
    Director and the Joint Undertaking's future tasks and challenges.
    (4) The Governing Board, acting on a proposal from the Commission which takes into
    account the assessment referred to in paragraph 3, may extend the term of office of
    the Executive Director once, for a period of no more than four years.
    EN 10 EN
    (5) An Executive Director whose term of office has been extended may not participate in
    another selection procedure for the same post at the end of the overall period.
    (6) The Executive Director may be dismissed only upon a decision of the Governing
    Board pursuant to point (e) of Article 7(3) of these Statutes acting on a proposal from
    the Commission associating the members other than the Union as appropriate.
    (7) The Commission may designate a Commission official to act as interim Executive
    Director and exercise the duties assigned to the Executive Director for any period
    that the position of Executive Director is vacant.
    Article 9
    Tasks of the Executive Director
    (1) The Executive Director shall be the chief executive responsible for the day-to-day
    management of the Joint Undertaking in accordance with the decisions of the
    Governing Board.
    (2) The Executive Director shall be the legal representative of the Joint Undertaking.
    The Executive Director shall be accountable to the Governing Board and perform his
    or her duties with complete independence within the powers assigned to him or her.
    (3) The Executive Director shall implement the budget of the Joint Undertaking.
    (4) The Executive Director shall carry out, in particular, the following tasks in an
    independent manner:
    (a) consolidate and submit for adoption to the Governing Board the draft
    multiannual strategic programme referred to in Article 19(1) of these Statutes;
    (b) prepare and submit to the Governing Board for adoption the draft annual
    budget, including the corresponding staff establishment programme indicating
    the number of temporary posts in each grade and function group and the
    number of contract staff and seconded national experts expressed in full-time
    (c) prepare and submit to the Governing Board for adoption the draft annual work
    programme including the scope of the calls for proposals, calls for expression
    of interest and calls for tenders needed to implement the research and
    innovation activities programme, the procurement programme, the capability
    building and widening activities programme and the federation, connectivity
    and international cooperation activities programme, as proposed by the
    Industrial and Scientific Advisory Board, and the corresponding expenditure
    estimates, as proposed by the Participating States and the Commission;
    (d) submit for opinion to the Governing Board the annual accounts;
    (e) prepare and submit for approval to the Governing Board the consolidated
    annual activity report, including the information on corresponding expenditure;
    (f) sign individual grant agreements, contracts and decisions in his or her remit on
    behalf of the Joint Undertaking; ;
    (g) sign procurement contracts;
    (h) monitor the operations of the EuroHPC supercomputers owned or funded by
    the Joint Undertaking, including the allocation of the Union's share of access
    EN 11 EN
    time, compliance with the access rights for academic and industrial users and
    quality of provided services;
    (i) propose to the Governing Board the Joint Undertaking's communication policy;
    (j) organise, direct and supervise the operations and the staff of the Joint
    Undertaking within the limits of the delegation by the Governing Board as
    provided for in Article 18(2) of this Regulation;
    (k) establish and ensure the functioning of an effective and efficient internal
    control system and report any significant change to it to the Governing Board;
    (l) ensure that risk assessment and risk management are performed;
    (m) arrange, as appropriate, for the establishment of an internal audit capability of
    the Joint Undertaking;
    (n) allocate access time for emergencies and crisis management, in agreement with
    the access policy defined by the Governing Board.
    (o) take any other measures needed to assess the progress of the Joint Undertaking
    towards its objectives as set out in Article 3 of this Regulation;
    (p) perform any other tasks entrusted or delegated to the Executive Director by the
    Governing Board.
    (5) The Executive Director shall set up a Programme Office for the execution, under his
    or her responsibility, of all support tasks arising from this Regulation. The
    Programme Office shall be composed of the staff of the Joint Undertaking and shall
    in particular carry out the following tasks:
    (a) provide support in establishing and managing an appropriate accounting
    system in accordance with the financial rules referred to in Article 17 of this
    (b) manage the calls for proposals as provided for in the annual work programme
    and administer the grant agreements and decisions;
    (c) manage the calls for tenders as provided for in the annual work programme and
    administer the contracts;
    (d) manage the process for the selection of the hosting entities and administer the
    hosting agreements;
    (e) provide the members and the other bodies of the Joint Undertaking with all
    relevant information and support necessary for them to perform their duties, as
    well as respond to their specific requests;
    (f) act as the secretariat of the bodies of the Joint Undertaking and provide support
    to advisory groups set up by the Governing Board.
    Article 10
    Composition of the Industrial and Scientific Advisory Board
    (1) The Industrial and Scientific Advisory Board shall be composed of a Research and
    Innovation Advisory Group and an Infrastructure Advisory Group.
    EN 12 EN
    (2) The Research and Innovation Advisory Group shall consist of no more than ten
    members, which shall be appointed by the Private Members taking into account their
    commitments to the Joint Undertaking.
    (3) The Infrastructure Advisory Group shall consist of ten members. The Governing
    Board shall establish the specific criteria that will be considered for selecting the
    members of the Infrastructure Advisory Group. The Chair and Vice Chair of the
    Governing Board shall appoint the members of the Infrastructure Advisory Group,
    following inputs received from the Governing Board and the Executive Director.
    (4) The Research and Innovation Advisory Group and the Infrastructure Advisory Group
    shall meet at least together once a year in order to coordinate their activities.
    Article 11
    Functioning of the Research and Innovation Advisory Group
    (1) The Research and Innovation Advisory Group shall meet at least twice a year.
    (2) The Research and Innovation Advisory Group may appoint working groups where
    necessary under the overall coordination of one or more members.
    (3) The Research and Innovation Advisory Group shall elect its chair.
    (4) The Research and Innovation Advisory Group shall adopt its rules of procedure,
    including the nomination of the constituent entities that shall represent the Advisory
    Group and the duration of their nomination.
    Article 12
    Functioning of the Infrastructure Advisory Group
    (1) The Infrastructure Advisory Group shall meet at least twice a year.
    (2) The Infrastructure Advisory Group may appoint working groups where necessary
    under the overall coordination of one or more members.
    (3) The Infrastructure Advisory Group shall elect its chair.
    (4) The Infrastructure Advisory Group shall adopt its rules of procedure, including the
    nomination of the constituent entities that shall represent the Advisory Group and the
    duration of their nomination.
    Article 13
    Tasks of the Research and Innovation Advisory Group
    The Research and Innovation Advisory Group shall:
    (a) draw up and regularly update the draft multiannual strategic programme
    referred to in Article 19(1) of these Statutes for achieving the objectives of the
    Joint Undertaking set out in Article 3 of this Regulation. This draft multiannual
    strategic programme shall include: i) the strategic research and innovation
    agenda identifying the research and innovation priorities for the development
    and adoption of technologies and key competences for High Performance
    Computing and quantum computing across different application areas in order
    to support the development of an integrated High Performance Computing,
    quantum computing and data ecosystem in the Union, increase its resilience
    EN 13 EN
    and help create new markets and societal applications, and measures to
    promote the development and uptake of European technology; ii) potential
    international cooperation activities in research and innovation that add value
    and are of mutual interest; iii) training and education priorities for addressing
    the skills gap in High Performance Computing and Quantum Computing
    technologies and applications, in particular for industry. It shall be reviewed
    regularly in accordance with the evolution of the scientific and industrial
    (b) submit to the Executive Director the draft multiannual strategic research and
    innovation agenda as a basis for drafting the annual work programme within
    the deadlines set by the Governing Board;
    (c) organise public consultations open to all public and private stakeholders having
    an interest in the fields of High Performance Computing and quantum
    computing, to inform them about and collect feedback on the draft multiannual
    strategic programme and the draft research and innovation activities
    programme, the international cooperation activities programme and the training
    and education programme for a given year.
    Article 14
    Tasks of the Infrastructure Advisory Group
    The Infrastructure Advisory Group shall provide advice to the Governing Board for the
    acquisition and operation of the EuroHPC supercomputers. For this purpose, it shall:
    (a) draw up and regularly update the draft multiannual strategic programme
    referred to in Article 19(1) of these Statutes for achieving the objectives of the
    Joint Undertaking set out in Article 3 of this Regulation. The draft multiannual
    strategic programme shall address: i) the acquisition of the EuroHPC
    supercomputers taking into account inter alia, the planning of the acquisition,
    the needed capacity increases, the types of applications and user communities
    to be addressed, the relevant user requirements and appropriate system
    architectures, the user requirements, and the architecture of the infrastructure;
    ii) the federation and interconnection of this infrastructure, taking into account
    inter alia, the integration with national High Performance Computing or
    quantum computing infrastructures, and the architecture of the hyper-
    connected and federated infrastructure; and iii) the capability building,
    including the Competence Centres and widening and training activities for end-
    users, as well as opportunities for promoting the take-up and use of European
    technology solutions notably by the Competence Centres;
    (b) submit to the Executive Director the draft multiannual strategic programme for
    the acquisition of the EuroHPC supercomputers as a basis for drafting the
    annual work programme within the deadlines set by the Governing Board;
    (c) organise public consultations open to all public and private stakeholders having
    an interest in the field of High Performance Computing, including quantum
    computing, to inform them about and collect feedback on the draft multiannual
    strategic programme for the acquisition and operation of the EuroHPC
    supercomputers and the related draft activities of the work programme for a
    given year.
    EN 14 EN
    Article 15
    Sources of financing
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall be jointly funded by its members through financial
    contributions paid in instalments and in-kind contributions as set out in paragraphs
    (2) and (3).
    (2) The administrative costs of the Joint Undertaking shall not exceed EUR [equal to
    2.22 times of the amount of the Union contribution for administrative costs referred
    to in Article 5 of this Regulation] and shall be covered by means of the financial
    contributions referred to in Articles 5(1), 7(1) and 7(2) of this Regulation.
    The contribution of each Participating State to the administrative costs of the Joint
    Undertaking shall be proportional to their Gross Domestic Product. Each year the
    contributions shall be calculated based on the GDP of the previous calendar year as
    determined by EUROSTAT.
    If part of the contribution for administrative costs is not used, it may be made
    available to cover the operational costs of the Joint Undertaking.
    (3) The operational costs of the Joint Undertaking shall be covered by means of:
    (a) the Union's financial contribution;
    (b) financial contributions by the Participating State where the hosting entity is
    established or by the Participating States in a hosting consortium to the Joint
    Undertaking for the acquisition of the high-end EuroHPC supercomputers or
    quantum machines and for their operation until their ownership is transferred to
    the hosting entity, they are sold or decommissioned in accordance with Articles
    10(4) and 11(5) of this Regulation, less the contributions by the Joint
    Undertaking and any other Union contribution to those costs;
    (c) in-kind contributions by the Participating State where the hosting entity is
    established or by the Participating States in a hosting consortium as defined in
    Article 8(7) of this Regulation;
    (d) financial contributions by the Participating State where the hosting entity is
    established or by the Participating States in a hosting consortium consisting of
    the costs incurred for the acquisition, jointly with the Joint Undertaking, of the
    mid-range EuroHPC supercomputers, less the contributions by the Joint
    Undertaking and any other Union contribution to those costs;
    (e) financial contributions by the Private Members or a consortium of private
    partners consisting of the costs incurred for the acquisition and operation,
    jointly with the Joint Undertaking, of the industrial-grade EuroHPC
    supercomputers, less the contributions by the Joint Undertaking and any other
    Union contribution to those costs, until their ownership is transferred to the
    hosting entity, they are sold or decommissioned in accordance with Article
    13(5) of this Regulation;
    (f) financial contributions by Participating States to the eligible costs incurred by
    beneficiaries established in that Participating State in implementing indirect
    actions corresponding to the research and innovation agenda as a complement
    to the reimbursement of these costs made by the Joint Undertaking, less the
    contributions by the Joint Undertaking and any other Union contribution to
    those costs. Such contributions shall be without prejudice to state-aid rules;
    EN 15 EN
    (g) in-kind contributions by the Private Members or their constituent entities and
    affiliated entities as defined in Article 8(7) of this Regulation;
    (4) The resources of the Joint Undertaking entered in its budget shall be composed of the
    following contributions:
    (a) members' financial contributions to the administrative costs;
    (b) members' financial contributions to the operational costs;
    (c) any revenue generated by the Joint Undertaking;
    (d) any other financial contributions, resources and revenues.
    (e) Any interest yielded by the contributions paid to the Joint Undertaking shall be
    considered to be its revenue.
    (5) Should any member of the Joint Undertaking be in default of its commitments
    concerning its financial contribution, the Executive Director shall put this in writing
    and shall set a reasonable period within which such default shall be remedied. If the
    situation is not remedied within that period, the Executive Director shall convene a
    meeting of the Governing Board to decide whether the defaulting member's
    membership is to be revoked or whether any other measures are to be taken until its
    obligations have been met. The defaulting member's voting rights shall be suspended
    until the default of its commitments is remedied.
    (6) The resources and activities of the Joint Undertaking shall be intended for the
    achievement of the objectives set out in Article 3 of this Regulation.
    (7) The Joint Undertaking shall own all assets generated by it or transferred to it for the
    achievement of its objectives set out in Article 3 of this Regulation. This shall not
    include the EuroHPC supercomputers whose ownership the Joint Undertaking has
    transferred to a hosting entity in accordance with Articles 10(4), 11(5), 12(5) and
    13(4) of this Regulation.
    (8) Except when the Joint Undertaking is wound up, any excess revenue over
    expenditure shall not be paid to the members of the Joint Undertaking.
    Article 16
    Contributions of the Participating States
    (1) Participating States shall entrust the Joint Undertaking with the implementation of
    their contributions to the participants of their country in indirect actions as referred to
    in Article 15(3)(f) of these Statutes through the grant agreements concluded by the
    Joint Undertaking. They shall also entrust the Joint Undertaking with the payment of
    their contributions to the participants. They shall specify the amounts dedicated to
    indirect actions.
    (2) The beneficiaries of indirect actions of the Joint Undertaking shall sign a single grant
    agreement with the Joint Undertaking. Detailed rules of the grant agreement,
    including the respective framework for intellectual property rights, shall follow the
    rules of the respective Union programme supporting the corresponding grant activity.
    (3) Participating States shall commit to the payment of the full amount of their
    contributions referred to in Article 15(3)(f) of these Statutes by means of legally
    binding agreements between the entities designated by the Participating States for
    that purpose and the Joint Undertaking. Such agreements shall be concluded ahead of
    EN 16 EN
    the adoption of the part of the annual work programme related to the research and
    innovation activities.
    (4) Other arrangements for the cooperation between the Participating States and the Joint
    Undertaking and for the commitments regarding the contributions mentioned in
    paragraph 1 shall be established by means of agreements to be concluded between
    the entities designated by the Participating States for that purpose and the Joint
    Article 17
    Financial commitments
    The financial commitments of the Joint Undertaking shall not exceed the amount of financial
    resources available or committed to its budget by its members. The Commission might
    provide multi-annual commitments.
    Article 18
    Financial year
    The financial year shall run from 1 January to 31 December.
    Article 19
    Operational and financial planning
    (1) The multiannual strategic programme shall specify the strategy and plans for
    achieving the objectives of the Joint Undertaking set out in Article 3 of this
    Regulation. The multiannual strategic programme shall be drafted by the Industrial
    and Scientific Advisory Board and shall include the following: the strategic research
    and innovation agenda, the capability building and widening activities, the
    federation, connectivity and international cooperation activities, and the acquisition
    of supercomputers. It will also include the multiannual financial perspectives
    received from the Participating States and the Commission.
    (2) The Executive Director shall submit to the Governing Board for adoption a draft
    annual work programme which shall include the research and innovation activities,
    the procurement activities, the capability building and widening activities, the
    federation and connectivity activities, the international cooperation activities, the
    administrative activities and the corresponding expenditure estimates for the
    following year. The Executive Director shall also submit to the Governing Board the
    agreements referred to in Article 16(3) of the Statutes supporting the expenditure
    estimates of the related research and innovation activities.
    (3) The annual work programme shall be adopted by the end of the year prior to its
    implementation. The annual work programme shall be made publicly available.
    (4) The Executive Director shall prepare the draft annual budget for the following year
    and shall submit it to the Governing Board for adoption.
    (5) The annual budget for a particular year shall be adopted by the Governing Board by
    the end of the year prior to its implementation.
    (6) The annual budget shall be adapted in order to take into account the amount of the
    Union's financial contribution as set out in the general budget of the Union.
    EN 17 EN
    Article 20
    Operational and financial reporting
    (1) The Executive Director shall report annually to the Governing Board on the
    performance of his or her duties in accordance with the financial rules of the Joint
    Undertaking referred to in Article 17 of this Regulation. The consolidated annual
    activity report shall include, inter alia, information on the following matters:
    (a) research, innovation and other actions carried out and the corresponding
    (b) acquisition and operation of infrastructure, including the use of and access to
    the infrastructure, including the access time effectively used by each
    Participating State;
    (c) the proposals and tenders submitted, including a breakdown by participant
    type, including SMEs, and by country;
    (d) the indirect actions selected for funding, with a breakdown by participant type,
    including SMEs, and by country, and indicating the contributions of the Joint
    Undertaking to the individual participants and actions;
    (e) the tenders selected for funding, with a breakdown by type of contractor,
    including SMEs, and by country, and indicating the contributions of the Joint
    Undertaking to the individual contractors and procurement actions;
    (f) the outcome of the procurement activities;
    (g) progress towards the achievement of the objectives set out in Article 3 of this
    Regulation and proposals for further necessary work to achieve these
    (2) The accounting officer of the Joint Undertaking shall send the provisional accounts
    to the Commission's accounting officer and the Court of Auditors in accordance with
    the financial rules of the Joint Undertaking.
    (3) The Executive Director shall send the report on the budgetary and financial
    management to the European Parliament, the Council and the Court of Auditors in
    accordance with the financial rules of the Joint Undertaking.
    (4) The discharge procedure shall be carried out in accordance with the financial rules of
    the Joint Undertaking.
    Article 21
    Internal audit
    (1) The Commission's internal auditor shall exercise the same powers over the Joint
    Undertaking as those exercised in respect of the Commission.
    (2) The Joint Undertaking shall be capable of performing its own internal audit.
    Article 22
    Liability of members and insurance
    (1) The financial liability of the members of the Joint Undertaking for the debts of the
    Joint Undertaking shall be limited to their contributions already made to the
    administrative costs.
    EN 18 EN
    (2) The Joint Undertaking shall take out and maintain appropriate insurance.
    Article 23
    Conflict of interest
    (1) The Joint Undertaking, its bodies and staff shall avoid any conflict of interest in
    carrying out their activities.
    (2) The Governing Board shall adopt rules for the prevention and management of
    conflicts of interest in respect of the persons serving in the Governing Board and in
    the other bodies or groups of the Joint Undertaking.
    Article 24
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall be wound up at the end of the period laid down in
    Article 1 of this Regulation.
    (2) In addition to paragraph 1 the winding-up procedure shall be automatically triggered
    if the Union or all members other than the Union withdraw from the Joint
    (3) For the purpose of conducting the proceedings to wind up the Joint Undertaking, the
    Governing Board shall appoint one or more liquidators, who shall comply with the
    decisions of the Governing Board.
    (4) When the Joint Undertaking is being wound up, its assets shall be used to cover its
    liabilities and the expenditure relating to its winding-up. The supercomputers owned
    by the Joint Undertaking shall be transferred to the respective hosting entities or
    Private Members or consortium of private partners, sold or decommissioned upon
    decision of the Governing Board and in accordance with the hosting agreement. The
    members of the Joint Undertaking shall not be liable for any costs incurred after the
    transfer of ownership of a supercomputer or its sale or decommissioning. In the event
    of transfer of ownership, the hosting entity or Private Members or the consortium of
    private partners shall reimburse the Joint Undertaking the residual value of the
    supercomputers that are transferred. Any surplus shall be distributed among the
    members at the time of the winding-up in proportion to their financial contribution to
    the Joint Undertaking. Any such surplus distributed to the Union shall be returned to
    the general budget of the Union.
    (5) An ad hoc procedure shall be set up to ensure the appropriate management of any
    agreement concluded or decision adopted by the Joint Undertaking, as well as any
    procurement contract with a duration longer than the duration of the Joint
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    ANNEX […]
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    EN EN
    Brussels, 18.9.2020
    COM(2020) 569 final
    2020/0260 (NLE)
    Proposal for a
    on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
    {SWD(2020) 179 final}
    Europaudvalget 2020
    KOM (2020) 0569
    EN 1 EN
    • Reasons for and objectives of the proposal
    High Performance Computing (HPC), which refers to computing systems (“supercomputers”)
    with extremely high computational power that are able to solve hugely complex and
    demanding problems, is a critical capability for the digital transformation of our society. It is
    the “engine” that powers the data economy, with the potential to enable key technologies like
    artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics and cybersecurity to exploit the enormous potential
    of big data.
    HPC is enabling many industrial sectors to innovate and to move up into higher value
    products and services, paving the way for the development of novel industrial applications in
    combination with other advanced digital technologies. HPC applications and infrastructures
    are essential in nearly every field of research, from fundamental physics to biomedicine, in
    order to achieve deeper scientific understanding and breakthroughs. HPC is also an essential
    tool for researchers and policy-makers to address major societal challenges, from climate
    change, smart and green development, and sustainable agriculture to personalised medicine
    and crisis management. A highly pertinent example is the COVID-19 pandemic, where HPC
    is being used, often in combination with AI, to accelerate the discovery of new drugs, predict
    the virus’ spread, plan and distribute scarce medical resources, and anticipate the
    effectiveness of containment measures and post-epidemic scenarios.
    In the next few years, Europe’s leading role in the data economy, its scientific excellence, and
    its industrial competitiveness will increasingly depend on its capability to develop key HPC
    technologies, provide access to world-class supercomputing and data infrastructures, and
    maintain its present excellence in HPC applications. To make this happen, a pan-European
    strategic approach is essential.
    The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking was established1
    in October 2018 as a legal and financial
    framework, pooling resources from the EU, 32 countries, and two Private Members: the
    European Technology Platform for HPC (ETP4HPC) and the Big Data Value (BDVA)
    Associations. So far, the Joint Undertaking has used funds from the 2014-2020 Multiannual
    Financial Framework (MFF) for its strategic investments. After 20 months of operation, it has
    substantially increased overall investment in HPC at European level and has started to deliver
    on its mission to restore Europe’s position as a leading HPC power. By the end of 2020, it
    will deploy a world-class supercomputing and data infrastructure accessible to public and
    private users all over Europe. Its investments are also supporting HPC Competence Centres
    throughout Europe, which ensure that HPC is widely available in the Union and provide
    specific services and resources for industrial innovation (including SMEs) and the
    development of HPC skills, and research and innovation in critical HPC hardware and
    software technologies and applications. This will increase the EU’s ability to produce
    innovative HPC technology.
    The Council Regulation establishing the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking in 2018 set a target of
    reaching the next supercomputing frontier, exascale performance,2
    i.e. computing systems
    Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488 establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint
    See preamble, section 12. ‘The Joint Undertaking should be set up and start operating at the latest by
    early 2019 to reach the target of equipping the Union with a pre-exascale infrastructure by 2020, and to
    develop the necessary technologies and applications for reaching exascale capabilities around 2023 to
    EN 2 EN
    capable of executing more than one trillion (1018
    ) operations per second, by the years 2022 to
    2023. This increase of computing power would also come from the deployment of quantum
    computers and from moving to post-exascale technologies.
    The proposed Regulation is in essence a continuation of the existing initiative established
    under Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488, introducing modifications to adapt the Regulation
    to the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) Programmes, but also to reflect the
    priorities of the Commission, and to make it possible for the Joint Undertaking to use funding
    from the new MFF programmes for 2021-2027. These programmes are Horizon Europe, the
    Digital Europe Programme and the Connecting Europe Facility. This funding will be essential
    for Europe to reach this next supercomputing frontier of exascale computing. It will allow the
    Union to equip itself with a world-class federated, secure and hyper-connected
    supercomputing and quantum computing service and data infrastructure, and to develop the
    necessary technologies, applications and skills for reaching exascale capabilities, which is
    currently foreseen around 2023-2025 and post-exascale around 2025-2027, while promoting a
    world-class European HPC and quantum computing innovation ecosystem.
    As the main drivers and objectives of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking have remained
    unchanged since its establishment, the Impact Assessment published in January 2018,3
    remains valid. In addition, the Impact Assessment accompanying the proposal for a
    Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Digital Europe
    programme for the period 2021-2027 took HPC objectives into account.4
    Accordingly, the Commission’s proposal for a new EuroHPC Regulation is accompanied by a
    Staff Working Document (SWD), which summarises the evidence collected since 2018. The
    SWD analyses the evolution of key socio-economic and technological drivers and of user
    requirements affecting the future evolution of HPC and data infrastructures, technologies and
    applications in the EU and worldwide, taking into account the EU’s political priorities for
    2020-2025. It presents the latest HPC market figures and provides an overview of the main
    lessons learnt from the Joint Undertaking’s activities so far. It describes the role HPC will
    play in the near future for the digital transformation of Europe, and the creation of a single
    European data space. Finally, it provides evidence of the importance of the EuroHPC Joint
    Undertaking’s activities, and of the impact that its continuation will have on an increasing
    number of critical technologies and applications in the next decade, notably for European
    excellence in low-power processor technologies and in AI.
    How will the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking operate?
    The mission of the proposed EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is an evolution of the mission of the
    EuroHPC Joint Undertaking established in October 2018. The long-term objectives in essence
    are not modified, i.e. the deployment and operation of a world-class High Performance
    Computing and data infrastructure, and the development and promotion of an excellent
    European HPC ecosystem. The emphasis is on reaching the exascale era and broadening to
    new High Performance Computing approaches based on quantum technologies.
    The activities of the proposed Joint Undertaking are grouped around five main pillars:
    (a) Infrastructure: The pillar will continue focusing on the acquisition of world class
    supercomputing infrastructure. However, its activities have been expanded to include
    not only the acquisition, deployment, and operation of a world-class supercomputing
    infrastructure but also that of a quantum computing infrastructure.
    SWD(2018) 6 final
    COM(2018) 434 final, SEC(2018) 289 final, SWD(2018) 306 final
    EN 3 EN
    (b) Federation of supercomputing services: This is a new pillar. It will cover activities to
    provide Union-wide, cloud-based access to federated, secure supercomputing,
    quantum computing and data resources and services throughout Europe for public
    and private users. The pillar will include support for the interconnection of the High
    Performance Computing, quantum computing and data resources. Their
    interconnection with the Union’s common European data spaces and federated cloud
    infrastructures and, the development, acquisition and operation of a platform for the
    seamless federation and secure, cloud-based service provisioning of a
    supercomputing and quantum computing service and data infrastructure.
    (c) Technology: This pillar will continue supporting an ambitious research and
    innovation agenda for developing a world-class and innovative supercomputing
    ecosystem. The pillar will support hardware and software technologies, and their
    integration into computing systems, covering the whole scientific and industrial
    value chain. In addition, it will support the technologies and systems required for the
    interconnection and operation of classical supercomputing systems with other, often
    complementary computing technologies, in particular neuromorphic or quantum
    (d) Application: This pillar was part of the technology pillar of the EuroHPC Joint
    Undertaking established in October 2018. However, it is now singled out to
    recognize its accrued importance, notably the extension to applications of industrial
    relevance. This pillar will support activities to achieve excellence and maintain
    Europe’s present leading position in key computing and data applications and codes
    for science, industry (including SMEs) and the public sector, including support for
    Centres of Excellence in HPC applications.
    (e) Widening usage and skills: This pillar was previously part of the technology pillar of
    the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking established in October 2018, mainly addressing the
    creation and networking of national HPC Competence Centres. However, it is now
    singled out to recognize its accrued importance, in particular with the participation in
    the Digital Skills priority of the Digital Europe Programme. This pillar will focus on
    activities to foster excellence in supercomputing, quantum computing, and data use
    and skills. It will aim to widen the scientific and industrial use of supercomputing
    resources and data applications, and foster industrial access and use of
    supercomputing and data infrastructures for innovation adapted to industrial needs;
    and, to provide Europe with a knowledgeable leading scientific community and a
    skilled workforce.
    The membership of the proposed Joint Undertaking is as follow:
    – public members: the Union (represented by the Commission) and the Member States
    and countries associated to Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme and the
    Connecting Europe Facility wishing to participate (Participating States).5
    Member States and Associated Countries remain free to join.
    – private members: these remain the same to the ones of the Council Regulation (EU)
    2018/1488 – the ETP4HPC and the BDVA industrial associations.
    Participating States in the current setting of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking are: Austria, Belgium,
    Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
    Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, North
    Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
    EN 4 EN
    The governance and the allocation of the voting rights of the proposed Joint Undertaking
    remain identical to the ones defined in the Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488.
    The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking will continue to implement the HPC strategic roadmap as
    defined by the multiannual strategic research and innovation agendas developed by the
    EuroHPC Research and Innovation Advisory Group6
    (RIAG) and the EuroHPC Infrastructure
    Advisory Group7
    (INFRAG), complemented by the Strategic Research Agenda of the of the
    EuroHPC Private Members,8
    to establish the HPC ecosystem.
    The Union’s financial contribution to the Joint Undertaking under the 2021-2027 MFF would
    be EUR [XXXX ], matched by at least an equal amount of total contribution from the
    Participating States and the Private Members of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking. The Joint
    Undertaking will use these funds mainly to implement its activities under the five pillars
    described above.
    The main expected outcomes for the proposed EuroHPC Joint Undertaking in the next decade
    would include:
    – A federated, secure and hyper-connected European HPC and data infrastructure with
    mid-range supercomputers and at least two top class exascale and two top class post-
    exascale systems (at least one of each category built with European technology);
    – Hybrid computing infrastructures integrating advanced computing systems – notably
    quantum simulators and quantum computers – in HPC infrastructures;
    – A secure cloud-based HPC and data infrastructure for European private users;
    – HPC-powered capacities and services based on European public data spaces for
    scientists, industry and the public sector;
    – Next generation technology building blocks (hardware and software) and their
    integration into innovative HPC architectures for exascale and post-exascale systems;
    – Centres of Excellence in HPC applications and industrialisation of HPC software,
    with novel algorithms, codes and tools optimised for future generations of
    – Large-scale industrial pilot test-beds and platforms for HPC and data applications
    and services in key industrial sectors;
    – National HPC Competence Centres, ensuring a wide coverage of HPC in the EU,
    with specific services and resources for industrial innovation (including SMEs);
    – A significant increase for Europe’s workforce in HPC skills and know-how;
    – Reinforced data storage, processing capacities, and new services, in areas of public
    interest across the Member States.
    • Consistency with existing policy provisions in the policy area
    On 19 February 2020, the Commission adopted the Communication “A European Strategy for
    outlining Europe’s strategy for policy measures and investments to support the
    development of the data economy over the next five years. It highlights the fact that HPC and
    quantum computing will be essential to ensuring the seamless provision of computing
    resources with different performance characteristics that will be required to maximise the
    COM/2020/66 final
    EN 5 EN
    growth and use of common European data spaces and federated, secure cloud infrastructures
    for public, industrial and scientific applications.
    On 19 February 2020, the Commission also adopted the Communication “Shaping Europe’s
    Digital Future”10
    , which presented Europe’s digital strategy, focusing on key objectives to
    ensure that digital solutions help Europe to pursue its own way towards a digital
    transformation that benefits everyone. Among the key actions it proposes is investment in
    building and deploying cutting-edge joint digital capacities, including in supercomputing and
    quantum technologies, and to expand Europe’s supercomputing capacity to develop
    innovative solutions for medicine, transport and the environment.
    • Consistency with other Union policies
    On 10 March 2020 the Commission adopted the Communication “A New Industrial Strategy
    for Europe”,11
    setting out an ambitious industrial strategy for Europe to lead the twin
    transitions towards climate neutrality and digital leadership. The Communication stresses the
    support, among others, to the development of key enabling technologies that are strategically
    important for Europe’s industrial future, including HPC and quantum technologies.
    Finally, in the Communication of 27 May 2020 “Europe's Moment: Repair and Prepare for
    the Next Generation”,12
    HPC was identified as a strategic digital capacity that will be a
    priority for sources of investment in Europe’s recovery, such as the Recovery and Resilience
    Facility, InvestEU, and the Strategic Investment Facility.
    • Legal basis
    The legal basis of the proposed EuroHPC Joint Undertaking initiative is Article 187 and the
    first paragraph of Article 188 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
    • Subsidiarity (for non-exclusive competence)
    The proposed Regulation covers the subsidiarity principles in the same way as the Council
    Regulation (EU) 2018/1488.
    • Proportionality
    The proposed Regulation complies with the principle of proportionality in the same way as
    the Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488.
    • Choice of the instrument
    The creation and operation of a Joint Undertaking in which the Union participates requires a
    Council Regulation.
    • Stakeholder consultations
    The Commission proposal for a new Regulation of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking draws
    funds from the 2021-2027 MFF and is accompanied by a Staff Working Document (SWD).
    The main drivers and objectives of the proposed new Regulation have remained unchanged
    See n. Error! Bookmark not defined. above.
    See n. Error! Bookmark not defined. above.
    COM/2020/456 final
    EN 6 EN
    since its establishment. Therefore, the result of the stakeholder consultations accompanying
    the Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488 remains valid. This result has been further confirmed
    in the stakeholder consultation accompanying the Proposal for a Regulation of the European
    Parliament and of the Council establishing the Digital Europe programme for the period 2021-
    The following additional steps have been taken to consult stakeholders about the
    objectives and approach to implementing activities under the new Joint Undertaking, and to
    invite them to help shape it.
    The 32 Participating States of the existing Joint Undertaking were consulted and invited to
    provide feedback on the objectives of the new Joint Undertaking, and also on administrative
    simplification, notably concerning the central management of financial contributions.
    The Private Members of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking published a Strategic Research and
    Innovation Agenda,14
    describing the priorities for research and innovation activities in HPC,
    as well as infrastructure-related activities, highlighting the views of the technology supply and
    data analytics communities. Likewise, the Private Members were consulted regarding its
    future priorities and actions, and also regarding its governance, the financial contributions of
    the Private Members and beneficiaries of the actions implemented by the proposed Joint
    Undertaking, rules for participation, and simplification of administrative rules and processes.
    • Collection and use of expertise
    The Commission has experience in setting up and managing Joint Undertakings. In particular,
    it will benefit from the experience and lessons learnt from implementing the EuroHPC Joint
    • Impact assessment
    As the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking was established only in October 2018, the Impact
    Assessment published in January 2018 accompanying the Council Regulation (EU)
    2018/1488 remains valid, as the drivers and objectives have not changed substantially.
    • Regulatory fitness and simplification
    This proposal for a Regulation establishing a Joint Undertaking is in line with the
    Commission's Better Regulation Guidelines: in particular, it proposes regulating only where
    necessary and in a proportionate manner. It closely follows the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking
    established in the Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488 as far as possible, drawing on
    experience gathered in that context and taking into account the changes introduced by the
    funding programmes Horizon Europe, Digital Europe and the Connecting Europe Facility. It
    also considers where appropriate the provisions of the Single Basic Act establishing the Joint
    Undertakings under Horizon Europe.
    The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking would draw its funds from the budgets proposed by the
    Commission for High Performance Computing activities in the Regulations establishing
    Horizon Europe, Digital Europe and the Connecting Europe Facility. In total up to EUR
    [XXXX] would be available from the three programmes [as follows: up to EUR
    2 400 000 000 from the Digital Europe Programme, up to EUR 200 000 000 from the
    Connecting Europe Facility and up to EUR XXXXX from Horizon Europe – budget to be
    COM(2018) 434 final, SEC(2018) 289 final, SWD(2018) 306 final
    EN 7 EN
    determined at a later stage according to the Strategic Planning and Programming of Horizon
    This is to be matched by an at least equal amount from the Participating States, as part of their
    national and regional High Performance Computing programmes and their structural funds.
    The private entities should provide an amount of at least EUR [XXXX] [contribution to be
    determined at a later stage when the budget of Horizon Europe will be defined according to
    the Strategic Planning and Programming of Horizon Europe]. Both the Participating States
    and the Private Members will contribute to the administrative costs of the Joint Undertaking.
    • Implementation plans and monitoring, evaluation and reporting arrangements
    Evaluation and monitoring of the proposed Joint Undertaking’s activities are planned, in
    accordance with the Horizon Europe programme. This will determine the effectiveness of the
    Joint Undertaking as a legal and financial instrument for achieving the objectives of Europe’s
    High Performance Computing strategy, but also its effectiveness in contributing to the
    Union’s policies. In particular, it will assess the level of the Participating States’ and Private
    Members’ participation in, and contribution to, the actions of the Joint Undertaking.
    The proposed Joint Undertaking will publish an annual activity report highlighting actions
    taken, corresponding expenditure, and the acquisition and operation of the High Performance
    Computing, quantum computing and service and data infrastructure procured and owned by
    the Joint Undertaking. Achievement of the general objectives will be assessed against the
    general key performance indicators for Joint Undertakings funded from Horizon Europe and
    the key performance indicators specific to the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.
    • Detailed explanation of the specific provisions of the proposal
    Article 1 establishes the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, and is specifying its seat.
    Article 2 provides definitions of ‘access time’, ‘acceptance test’, ‘competence centre’,
    ‘EuroHPC supercomputer’, 'exascale', ‘high-end supercomputer’, ‘mid-range supercomputer’,
    ‘quantum computer’, ‘quantum simulator’, 'hosting entity', 'hosting agreement', ‘hyper-
    connected’, ‘in-kind contribution’, ‘Participating State’, ‘Private Member’, or ‘user’.
    Article 3 specifies the mission and objectives of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.
    Article 4 specifies the pillars of activities of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.
    Article 5 specifies the Union’s financial contribution to the administrative and operational
    costs of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking with funding from the Horizon Europe, the Digital
    Europe Programme and the Connecting Europe Facility.
    Article 6 specifies what are the possible additional contributions from Union programmes
    other than those referred to in Article 5.
    Article 7 specifies the Participating States’ and Private Members’ funding contributions
    to the administrative and operational costs.
    Article 8 refers to the hosting entity which the Joint Undertaking is to entrust with the
    operation of the pre-exascale supercomputers and specifies the process whereby it is to be
    Article 9 sets out the contents of the hosting agreement, laying down the roles and
    responsibilities of the hosting entity.
    EN 8 EN
    Article 10 provides that the Joint Undertaking should be the owner of the high-end
    supercomputers it acquires until the end of their economic lifetime, when they will be
    transferred to the hosting entity.
    Article 11 provides that the Joint Undertaking should be the owner of the quantum
    computers and quantum simulators it acquires until the end of their economic lifetime,
    when they will be transferred to the hosting entity.
    Article 12 provides that the Joint Undertaking should be the co-owner of the industrial-
    grade supercomputers it acquires together with the Private Members or a consortium of
    private partners.
    Article 13 provides that the Joint Undertaking should be the co-owner of the mid-range
    supercomputers it acquires together with the hosting entities.
    Article 14 specifies the usage of the EuroHPC supercomputers and access conditions for
    users of the supercomputers.
    Article 15 specifies how the European Commission and the EuroHPC Participating States
    will be compensated for their financial contribution to the acquisition of the pre-exascale
    supercomputers: each contributor will be allocated a share of the total access time in
    proportion to its financial contribution. It also specifies how the Union’s access time to the
    EuroHPC supercomputers will be allocated.
    Article 16 specifies the conditions under which the Joint Undertaking will provide
    commercial services.
    Article 17 specifies the financial rules of the Joint Undertaking; these are in line with the
    Financial Regulation.
    EN 9 EN
    2020/0260 (NLE)
    Proposal for a
    on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular
    Article 187 and the first paragraph of Article 188 thereof,
    Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,
    Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,
    Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee,
    (1) Regulation (EU) No xxx of the European Parliament and of the Council establishes
    Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-
    Parts of Horizon Europe may be implemented through European Partnerships,
    with private and/or public sector partners, in order to achieve the greatest possible
    impact of Union funding and the most effective contribution to the Union's policy
    (2) In accordance with Regulation (EU) No xxx of the European Parliament and of the
    Council and Council Decision xxx,2
    support may be provided to Joint Undertakings
    established in the framework of Horizon Europe. Such partnerships should be
    implemented only where other parts of the Horizon Europe programme, including
    other forms of European Partnerships would not achieve the objectives or would not
    generate the necessary expected impacts, and if justified by a long-term perspective
    and high degree of integration. The conditions under which such partnerships are
    created are specified in that Decision.
    (3) Regulation (EU) No xxx of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council
    Decision establishes the Digital Europe Programme.3
    The Digital Europe Programme
    supports the implementation of projects of common interest which aim at the
    acquisition, deployment and operation of a world-class supercomputing, quantum and
    data infrastructure, the federation and interconnection, and widening the use of
    supercomputing services and the development of key skills.
    (4) Regulation (EU) No xxx of the European Parliament and of the Council established
    the Connecting Europe Facility.4
    The Connecting Europe Facility enables projects of
    common interest to be prepared and implemented within the framework of the trans-
    EN 10 EN
    European networks policy in the sectors of transport, telecommunications and energy.
    In particular, the Connecting Europe Facility supports the implementation of those
    projects of common interest which aim at the development and construction of new
    infrastructures and services, or at the upgrading of existing infrastructures and
    services, in the transport, telecommunications and energy sectors. The Connecting
    Europe Facility contributes to supporting digital connectivity infrastructures of
    common interest bringing significant spill-over societal benefits.
    (5) The Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 entitled ‘A European
    Strategy for Data’ outlines Europe’s strategy for policy measures and investments to
    enable the data economy for the coming five years. It emphasises the creation of
    European public common data spaces that will boost growth and create value. Support
    to the creation of such common European data spaces and federated, secure cloud
    infrastructures would ensure that more data becomes available for use in the economy
    and society, while keeping companies and individuals who generate the data in
    control. High Performance Computing and quantum computing are essential
    components of the seamless provision of computing resources with different
    performance characteristics required to maximize the growth and exploitation of
    European public common data spaces and federated, secure cloud infrastructures for
    public, industrial and scientific applications.
    (6) The Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 entitled ‘Shaping
    Europe’s digital future’ presents Europe’s digital strategy and focuses on few key
    objectives to ensure that digital solutions help Europe to pursue its own way towards a
    digital transformation that works for the benefit of people. Among the key actions it
    proposes is to invest in building and deploying cutting-edge joint digital capacities,
    including in supercomputing and quantum technologies, and to expand Europe’s
    supercomputing capacity to develop innovative solutions for medicine, transport and
    the environment.
    (7) The Communication from the Commission of 10 March 2020 entitled ‘A new
    Industrial Strategy for Europe’ is reflecting an ambitious industrial strategy for Europe
    to lead the twin transitions towards climate neutrality and digital leadership. The
    Communication stresses the support, among others, to the development of key
    enabling technologies that are strategically important for Europe’s industrial future,
    including High Performance Computing and quantum technologies.
    (8) The Communication from the Commission of 27 May 2020 entitled “Europe's
    moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation” identified a number of strategic
    digital capacities and capabilities that included High Performance Computers and
    quantum technologies as a priority in the Recovery and Resilience Facility, InvestEU
    and the Strategic Investment Facility.
    (9) Europe’s leading role in the data economy, its scientific excellence, and its industrial
    strength increasingly depend on its ability to develop key High Performance
    Computing technologies, as well as to provide access to world-class supercomputing
    and data infrastructures, and to maintain its present leadership in High Performance
    Computing applications. High Performance Computing is a mainstream technology for
    the digital transformation of the European economy, enabling many traditional
    industrial sectors to innovate with higher value products and services. In combination
    with other advanced digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, big data and
    cloud technologies, High Performance Computing is paving the way towards
    innovative societal and industrial applications in critical areas for Europe such as
    EN 11 EN
    personalised medicine, weather forecast and climate change, smart and green
    development and transport, new materials for clean energy, drug design and virtual
    testing, sustainable agriculture, or engineering and manufacturing.
    (10) High Performance Computing is a strategic resource for policy-making, powering
    applications that provide the means to understand and design efficient solutions to
    address many complex global challenges and for crisis management. High
    Performance Computing contributes to key policies such as the European Green Deal
    with models and tools for transforming the increasing number of complex
    environmental challenges into opportunities for social innovation and economic
    growth. An example is the Destination Earth initiative announced in the
    Communications from the Commission of 11 December 2019 on “The European
    Green Deal”, and of 19 February 2020 on “A European strategy for data” and on
    “Shaping Europe's digital future”.
    (11) Global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic have shown the importance of
    investing in High Performance Computing and health-related modelling platforms and
    tools, as they are playing a key role in the fight against the pandemic, often in
    combination with other digital technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence.
    High Performance Computing is being used to accelerate the identification and
    production of treatments, to predict the virus’ spread, to help plan the distribution of
    medical supplies and resources, and to simulate post-epidemic exit measures in order
    to evaluate different scenarios. High Performance Computing modelling platforms and
    tools are critical tools for the current and future pandemics, and they will play a key
    role in health and personalised medicine.
    (12) Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488 of 28 September 2018 established the EuroHPC
    Joint Undertaking with a mission to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the Union
    an integrated world-class supercomputing and data infrastructure and to develop and
    support a highly competitive and innovative High-Performance Computing ecosystem.
    (13) In light of developments in High Performance Computing, a revision of the Regulation
    to ensure the continuation of the initiative is timely. The revision of Council
    Regulation No (EU) 2018/1488 is needed to define a new mission and objectives for
    the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, taking into consideration the analysis of the key
    socio-economic and technological drivers affecting the future evolution of High
    Performance Computing and data infrastructures, technologies and applications in the
    EU and worldwide, and the lessons learnt from the current activities of the EuroHPC
    Joint Undertaking. These are highlighted in the Staff Working Document
    SWD(2020)xxx accompanying the Commission’s proposal for a Council Regulation.
    The revision also allows for the alignment of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking’s rules
    with the new legal framework, in particular the Horizon Europe Regulation, as well as
    the Digital Europe Programme and the Connecting Europe Facility Regulations.
    (14) In order to equip the Union with the computing performance needed to maintain its
    research and industrial capacities at a leading edge, the Member States investment in
    High Performance Computing and quantum computing should be coordinated and the
    industrial and market take-up of High Performance Computing and quantum
    computing technologies be reinforced both in the public and private sectors. The
    Union should increase its effectiveness in turning the technology developments into
    demand-oriented and application-driven European High Performance Computing and
    quantum computing systems of the highest quality, establishing an effective link
    between technology supply, co-design with users, and a joint procurement of world-
    EN 12 EN
    class systems, and creating a world-class ecosystem in High Performance Computing
    and quantum computing technologies and applications. At the same time, the Union
    should provide an opportunity for its supply industry to leverage on such investments,
    leading to their uptake in large-scale and emerging application fields such as
    personalised medicine, climate change, connected and automated driving or other lead
    markets that are underpinned by artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, edge
    computing or more broadly by the digitalisation of the European industry.
    (15) In order for the Union and its Member States to reach technological autonomy in key
    digital technologies such as High Performance Computing and quantum computing,
    they should invest in next generation low-power supercomputing technologies,
    innovative software and advanced supercomputing systems for exascale and post-
    exascale computing and quantum computing, and for innovative supercomputing and
    data applications for medicine, the environment, manufacturing and engineering. This
    should allow the European supply industry to thrive in a wide range of key technology
    and application areas that reach beyond High Performance Computing and quantum
    computing and, in the long run, feed broader ICT markets with such technologies. It
    would also support the High Performance Computing and quantum computing science
    and user industry to undergo a digital transformation and boost its innovation
    (16) Pursuing a common strategic EU vision in High Performance Computing and quantum
    computing is essential for realising the Union’s and its Member States’ ambition to
    ensure a leading role and strategic autonomy in the digital economy. The objective
    would be to establish in Europe a world leading hyper-connected, federated and secure
    High Performance Computing and quantum computing service and data infrastructure
    ecosystem, and be in a position to produce innovative and competitive High
    Performance Computing and quantum computing systems based on a supply chain that
    will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting the risk of disruptions.
    (17) A Joint Undertaking represents the best instrument capable to implement the strategic
    EU vision in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, ensuring that the
    Union enjoys world-class supercomputing, quantum computing and data capabilities
    according to its economic potential, matching the needs of European users, and with
    the required strategic autonomy in critical High Performance Computing and quantum
    computing technologies. The Joint Undertaking is the best instrument to overcome the
    present limitations, as described in the Staff Working Document accompanying this
    Regulation, while offering the highest economic, societal, and environmental impact
    and best safeguarding the Union’s interests in High Performance Computing and
    quantum computing. It can pool resources from the Union, the Member States and
    countries associated to Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Programme or the
    Connecting Europe Facility and the private sector. It can implement a procurement
    framework and operate world-class High Performance Computing and quantum
    computing systems. It can launch research and innovation programmes for developing
    European technologies and their subsequent integration in world-class supercomputing
    (18) The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is part of the Institutionalised Partnerships portfolio
    under Horizon Europe which should strive to strengthen EU scientific capacities to
    deal with emerging threats and future challenges in a reinforced European Research
    Area; secure sustainability-driven EU value chains and EU strategic autonomy in key
    technologies and industries; and enhance the uptake of innovative solutions addressing
    EN 13 EN
    climate, environmental, health and other global societal challenges in line with Union
    strategic priorities, including to reach climate neutrality in the Union in 2050.
    (19) The Joint Undertaking should be set up and start operating at the latest by early 2021
    until 31 December 2033 to equip the Union with a world-class federated, secure and
    hyper-connected supercomputing infrastructure, and to develop the necessary
    technologies, applications and skills for reaching exascale capabilities around 2022-
    2024, and post exascale around 2025 – 2027, while promoting a world-class European
    High Performance Computing and quantum computing innovation ecosystem.
    (20) The public-private partnership in the form of the Joint Undertaking should combine
    the financial and technical means that are essential to master the complexity of the
    ever escalating pace of innovation in this area. Therefore, the members of the Joint
    Undertaking should be the Union, Member States and countries associated to Horizon
    Europe, the Digital Europe Programme or the Connecting Europe Facility agreeing on
    a joint European initiative in High Performance Computing and quantum computing;
    and associations representing their constituent entities and other organisations with an
    explicit and active engagement to produce research and innovation results, to develop
    and deploy high performance computing or quantum computing capabilities, or
    contributing to address the skills gap and keep the know-how in the field of High
    Performance Computing and quantum computing in Europe. The Joint Undertaking
    should be open to new members.
    (21) The Union, the Participating States and the Private Members of the Joint Undertaking
    should each provide a financial contribution to the administrative costs of the Joint
    (22) With a view to regaining a leading position in High Performance Computing
    technologies, and developing a full High Performance Computing and quantum
    computing ecosystem for the Union, the industrial and research stakeholders in the
    European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC) private
    Association have established a contractual Public Private Partnership with the Union
    in 2014. Its mission is to build a European world-class High Performance Computing
    technology value chain that should be globally competitive, fostering synergies
    between the three main components of the High Performance Computing ecosystem,
    namely technology development, applications and supercomputing infrastructure.
    Considering its expertise, and its role in bringing together the relevant private
    stakeholders in High Performance Computing, the ETP4HPC private Association
    should be eligible for membership in the Joint Undertaking.
    (23) With a view to strengthening the data value chain, enhancing community building
    around data and setting the grounds for a thriving data-driven economy in the Union,
    the industrial and research stakeholders in the Big Data Value Association (BDVA)
    have established in 2014 a contractual public private partnership with the Union.
    Considering its expertise and its role in bringing together the relevant private
    stakeholders of big data, BDVA should be eligible for membership in the Joint
    (24) The private associations ETP4HPC and BDVA have expressed, in writing, their
    willingness to contribute to the Joint Undertaking's technological strategy and bring
    their expertise into the realisation of the objectives of the Joint Undertaking. It is
    appropriate that the private associations accept the Statutes set out in the Annex to this
    Regulation by means of a letter of endorsement.
    EN 14 EN
    (25) The Joint Undertaking should address clearly defined topics that would enable
    academia and European industries at large to design, develop and use the most
    innovative technologies in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, and
    to establish an integrated and federated, secure networked infrastructure across the
    Union with world-class High Performance Computing and quantum computing
    capability, high-speed connectivity and leading-edge applications and data and
    software services for its scientists and for other lead users from industry, including
    SMEs and the public sector. The Joint Undertaking should aim at the development and
    use of top class technologies and infrastructures, addressing the demanding
    requirements of European scientific, industrial and public sector users.
    (26) The Joint Undertaking should contribute to reducing the specific skills gap across the
    Union by engaging in awareness raising measures and assisting in the building of new
    knowledge and human capital.
    (27) In line with the external policy objectives and international commitments of the
    Union, the Joint Undertaking should facilitate cooperation between the Union and
    international actors by defining a cooperation strategy, including identifying and
    promoting areas for cooperation in R&D and skills development and implementing
    actions where there is a mutual benefit, as well as ensuring an access policy of
    respective High Performance Computing and quantum computing capabilities and
    applications mainly based on reciprocity.
    (28) The Joint Undertaking should aim at promoting the exploitation of any resulting High
    Performance Computing technologies in the EU. It should also aim at safeguarding the
    investments in the supercomputers it acquires. In doing so, it should take appropriate
    measures to ensure the security of the supply chain of acquired technologies that
    should cover the whole lifetime of these supercomputers.
    (29) The Joint Undertaking should lay the ground for a longer-term vision and build the
    first hybrid High Performance Computing infrastructure in Europe, integrating
    classical computing architectures with quantum computing devices. Structured and
    coordinated financial support at European level is necessary to help research teams
    and European industries produce world-class results to ensure the fast and broad
    industrial exploitation of European research and technology across the Union,
    generating important spill-overs for society, to share risk-taking and joining of forces
    by aligning strategies and investments towards a common European interest.
    (30) In order to achieve its objectives to design, develop and use the most innovative
    technologies in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, the Joint
    Undertaking should provide financial support in particular in the form of grants and
    procurement following open and competitive calls for proposals and calls for tenders
    based on annual work programmes. Such financial support should be targeted in
    particular at proven market failures that prevent the development of the programme
    concerned, should not crowd-out private investments and should have an incentive
    effect in that it changes the behaviour of the recipient.
    (31) In order to achieve its objectives to increase the innovation potential of industry, and
    in particular of SMEs, to contribute to reducing the specific skills gap, to support the
    increase of knowledge and human capital and to upraise High Performance Computing
    and quantum computing capabilities, the Joint Undertaking should support the
    creation, and in particular the networking and coordination of national High
    Performance Computing competence centres across the Union. These competence
    centres should provide High Performance Computing and quantum computing
    EN 15 EN
    services to industry, academia and public administrations on their demand. They
    should primarily promote and enable access to the High Performance Computing
    innovation ecosystem, facilitate access to the supercomputers and quantum computers,
    address the significant shortages in skilled technical experts by undertaking awareness
    raising, training and outreach activities, and embark on networking activities with
    stakeholders and other competence centres to foster wider innovations, for example by
    exchanging and promoting best practice use cases or application experiences, by
    sharing their training facilities and experiences, by facilitating the co-development and
    exchange of parallel codes, or by supporting the sharing of innovative applications and
    tools for public and private users, in particular SMEs.
    (32) The Joint Undertaking should provide a demand-oriented and user-driven framework
    and enable a co-design approach for the acquisition of an integrated, world-class
    federated, secure and hyper-connected supercomputing and quantum computing
    service and data infrastructure in the Union, in order to equip users with the strategic
    computation resource they need to develop new, innovative solutions and to solve
    societal, environmental, economic and security challenges. For this purpose, the Joint
    Undertaking should contribute to the acquisition of world-class supercomputers. The
    supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking, including quantum computers, should be
    installed in a Participating State that is a Member State.
    (33) The Joint Undertaking should hyper-connect all the supercomputers and data
    infrastructures it will own or co-own with state-of-the-art networking technologies,
    making them widely accessible across the Union, and should interconnect and federate
    its supercomputing and quantum computing data infrastructure, as well as national,
    regional and other computing infrastructures with a common platform. The Joint
    Undertaking should also ensure the interconnection of the federated, secure
    supercomputing, and quantum computing service and data infrastructures with the
    common European data spaces and federated, secure cloud infrastructures announced
    in the Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 on ‘A European
    Strategy for Data’, for seamless service provisioning to a wide range of public and
    private users across Europe.
    (34) Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Programme should respectively contribute to
    the closing of the research and innovation divide within the Union and to deploying
    wide-range supercomputing capabilities by promoting synergies with the European
    Structural and Investments Funds (ESIF). Therefore, the Joint Undertaking should
    seek to develop close interactions with the ESIF, which can specifically help to
    strengthen local, regional and national research and innovation capabilities.
    (35) The Joint Undertaking should provide a favourable framework for Participating States
    that are Member States to use their ESIF for the acquisition of High Performance
    Computing and quantum computing and data infrastructures and their interconnection.
    The use of ESIF in the Joint Undertaking activities is essential for developing in the
    Union an integrated, federated, secure and hyper-connected world-class High
    Performance Computing, quantum computing service and data infrastructure, since the
    benefits for such infrastructure extend well beyond the users of the Member States. If
    Member States decide to use ESIF for contributing to the acquisition costs of the
    supercomputers and quantum computers of the Joint Undertaking, the Joint
    Undertaking should take into consideration the Union's share of ESIF of this Member
    State, while accounting only the national ESIF share as national contribution to the
    budget of the Joint Undertaking.
    EN 16 EN
    (36) The Union's contribution from the Digital Europe Programme funds should partly
    cover the acquisition costs of high-end supercomputers, quantum computers,
    industrial-grade supercomputers and mid-range supercomputers to align with the Joint
    Undertaking's objective to contribute to the pooling of resources for equipping the
    Union with top-class supercomputers and quantum computers. The complementary
    costs of these supercomputers and quantum computers should be covered by the
    Participating States, or the Private Members or consortia of private partners. The share
    of the Union's access time to these supercomputers or quantum computers should be
    directly proportional to the financial contribution of the Union made for the
    acquisition of these supercomputers and quantum computers and should not exceed
    50% of the total access time of these supercomputers or quantum computers.
    (37) The Joint Undertaking should be the owner of the high-end supercomputers and
    quantum computers it has acquired. The operation of each high-end supercomputer or
    quantum computer should be entrusted to a hosting entity. The hosting entity should
    be able to represent a single Participating State that is a Member State or a hosting
    consortium of Participating States. The hosting entity should be in position to provide
    an accurate estimate and to verify the operating costs of the supercomputer, by
    ensuring, for example, the functional separation, and to the extent possible, the
    physical separation of the Joint Undertaking’s high-end supercomputers or quantum
    computers and any national or regional computing systems it operates. The hosting
    entity should be selected by the Governing Board of the Joint Undertaking
    (‘Governing Board’) following a call for expression of interest evaluated by
    independent experts. Once a hosting entity is selected, the Participating State where
    the hosting entity is established or the hosting Consortium should be able to decide to
    call for other Participating States to join and contribute to the funding of the high-end
    supercomputer or quantum computer to be installed in the selected hosting entity. If
    additional Participating States join the selected hosting Consortium, this should be
    without prejudice to the Union’s access time to the supercomputers. The contributions
    of the Participating States in a hosting Consortium to the supercomputer or quantum
    computer should be translated into shares of access time to that supercomputer or
    quantum computer. The Participating States should agree among themselves the
    distribution of their share of access time to the supercomputer or the quantum
    (38) The Joint Undertaking should remain the owner of supercomputers or quantum
    computers it acquires until they are depreciated. The Joint Undertaking should be able
    to transfer this ownership to the hosting entity for decommissioning, disposal or any
    other use. When the ownership is transferred to the hosting entity or when the Joint
    Undertaking is being wound up, the hosting entity should reimburse the Joint
    Undertaking the residual value of the supercomputer or the quantum computer.
    (39) The Joint Undertaking should jointly with Participating States acquire the mid-range
    supercomputers. The operation of each mid-range supercomputer should be entrusted
    to a hosting entity. The hosting entity should be able to represent a single Participating
    State that is a Member State or a hosting consortium of Participating States. The Joint
    Undertaking should own the part that corresponds to the Union's share of financial
    contribution to the acquisition costs from Digital Europe Programme funds. The
    hosting entity should be selected by the Governing Board following a call for
    expression of interest evaluated by independent experts. The share of the Union's
    access time to each mid-range supercomputer should be directly proportional to the
    financial contribution of the Union from Digital Europe Programme funds to the
    EN 17 EN
    acquisition costs of that mid-range supercomputer. The Joint Undertaking should be
    able to transfer its ownership to the hosting entity or when it is being wound up. The
    hosting entity should reimburse the Joint Undertaking the residual value of the
    (40) The Joint Undertaking should be able to acquire together with the Private Members or
    a consortium of private partners industrial-grade supercomputers. The operation of
    each such supercomputer should be entrusted to an existing hosting entity. The hosting
    entity should be able to associate itself with the Private Members or the consortium of
    private partners for the acquisition and operation of such supercomputer. The Joint
    Undertaking should own the part that corresponds to the Union's share of financial
    contribution to the acquisition costs from Digital Europe Programme funds. The
    hosting entity and its associated Private Members or consortium of private partners
    should be selected by the Governing Board following a call for expression of interest
    evaluated by independent experts. The share of the Union's access time to such
    supercomputer should be directly proportional to the financial contribution of the
    Union from Digital Europe Programme funds to the acquisition costs of that industrial-
    grade supercomputer. The Joint Undertaking should be able to reach an agreement
    with the Private Members or the consortium of private partners to sell such
    supercomputer to another entity or decommission it. Alternatively, the Joint
    Undertaking should be able to transfer the ownership of such supercomputer to the
    Private Members or the consortium of private partners. In this case or when the Joint
    Undertaking is being would-up, the Private Members or the consortium of private
    partners should reimburse the Joint Undertaking the residual value of the Union’s
    share of the supercomputer. In the case the Joint Undertaking and the Private Members
    or the consortium of private partners decide to proceed to the decommissioning of the
    supercomputer after the full depreciation of its operation, such costs should be covered
    by the Private Members or the consortium of private partners.
    (41) For industrial-grade supercomputers the Joint Undertaking should take into account
    the specific needs of industrial users, for example access procedures, quality and type
    of services, protection of data, protection of industrial innovation, and intellectual
    property, usability, trust, and other confidentiality and security requirements.
    (42) The design and operation of the supercomputers supported by the Joint Undertaking
    should take into consideration energy efficiency and environmental sustainability,
    using for example low-power technology, dynamic power-saving and re-use
    techniques like advanced cooling and heat recycling.
    (43) The use of the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be primarily for
    civilian applications for public and private users residing, established or located in a
    Member State or in a country associated to the Digital Europe Programme and to
    Horizon Europe. Users should be granted access time according to access policy rules
    defined by the Governing Board. The use of these supercomputers should also respect
    international agreements concluded by the Union.
    (44) User allocation of access time to the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should
    be free of charge for public users. It should also be free of charge for private users for
    their applications related to research and innovation activities funded by Horizon
    Europe or the Digital Europe Programme, as well as for private innovation activities of
    SMEs, where appropriate. Such allocation of access time should primarily be based on
    open calls for expression of interest launched by the Joint Undertaking and evaluated
    by independent experts. With the exception of SME users undertaking private
    EN 18 EN
    innovation activities, all users benefiting from free-of-charge access time to the
    supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should adopt an open science approach and
    disseminate knowledge gained through this access, in accordance with the Horizon
    Europe Regulation. User allocation of access time for economic activities other than
    private innovation activities of SMEs (which face particular market failures), should
    be granted on a pay-per-use basis, based on market prices. Allocation of access time
    for such economic activities should be allowed but limited and the level of the fee to
    be paid should be established by the Governing Board. The access rights should be
    allocated in a transparent manner. The Governing Board should define specific rules to
    grant access time free of charge, where appropriate, and without a call for expression
    of interest to initiatives that are considered strategic either by the Union or by the
    Governing Board. Representative examples of strategic initiatives of the Union
    include: Destination Earth, the Human Brain Project Flagship, the “1+ Million
    Genomes” initiative, the common European data spaces operating in domains of
    public interest, and in particular the health data space, the High Performance
    Computing Centres of Excellence and Competence Centres, the Digital Innovation
    Hubs, etc. Upon Union’s request, the Joint Undertaking should grant direct access
    time on a temporary or permanent basis to strategic initiatives and existing or future
    application platforms that it considers essential for providing health-related or other
    crucial emergency support services for the public good, to emergency and crisis
    management situations or to cases that the Union considers essential for its security
    and defence. The Joint Undertaking should be allowed to carry out some limited
    economic activities for commercial purposes. Access should be granted to users
    residing, established or located in an EU Member State or a country associated to the
    Digital Europe Programme and to Horizon Europe. The access rights should be
    equitable to any user and allocated in a transparent manner. The Governing Board
    should define and monitor the access rights to the Union's share of access time for
    each supercomputer.
    (45) Access to the Union’s share of access time of the precursors to exascale and petascale
    supercomputers acquired by the Joint Undertaking established under the Council
    Regulation 2018/1488 should continue to be granted to users established in the Union
    or a country associated to Horizon 2020.
    (46) The supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be operated and used in
    compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/6795
    , Directive 2002/58/EC6
    and Directive
    (EU) 2016/943.7
    (47) The Joint Undertaking governance should be assured by two bodies: a Governing
    Board, and an Industrial and Scientific Advisory Board. The Governing Board should
    be composed of representatives of the Union and Participating States. The Governing
    Board should be responsible for strategic policy making and funding decisions related
    Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the
    protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of
    such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016,
    p. 1).
    Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the
    processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector
    (Directive on privacy and electronic communications) (OJ L 201, 31.7.2002, p. 37).
    Directive (EU) 2016/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on the
    protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful
    acquisition, use and disclosure (OJ L 157, 15.6.2016, p. 1).
    EN 19 EN
    to the activities of the Joint Undertaking, including all the public procurement
    activities. The Industrial and Scientific Advisory Board should include representatives
    of academia and industry as users and technology suppliers. It should provide
    independent advice to the Governing Board on the strategic research and innovation
    agenda, on the acquisition and operation of the supercomputers owned by the Joint
    Undertaking, the capability building and widening activities programme and the
    federation, connectivity and international cooperation activities programme.
    (48) For the general administrative tasks of the Joint Undertaking, the voting rights of the
    Participating States should be distributed equally among them. For the tasks
    corresponding to the setting up of the part of the work programme related to the
    acquisition of the supercomputers and quantum computers, the selection of the hosting
    entity and the federation and connectivity activities of the Joint Undertaking, the
    voting rights of the Participating States that are Member States should be based on the
    principle of qualified majority. The Participating States that are countries associated to
    Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme and the Connecting Europe Facility
    should also hold voting rights for the respective activities that are supported with
    budgetary envelopes from each of these programmes. For the tasks corresponding to
    the acquisition and operation of the supercomputers and quantum computers, only
    those Participating States and the Union that contribute resources to these tasks should
    have voting rights.
    (49) The Union's financial contribution should be managed in accordance with the principle
    of sound financial management and with the relevant rules on indirect management set
    out in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046. Rules applicable for the Joint
    Undertaking to enter into public procurement procedures should be set in its financial
    (50) To foster an innovative and competitive European High Performance Computing and
    quantum computing ecosystem of recognised excellence, the Joint Undertaking should
    make appropriate use of the procurement and grant instruments, including joint
    procurement, pre-commercial procurement and public procurement of innovative
    (51) In assessing the overall impact of the Joint Undertaking, investments in indirect
    actions from the Private Members should be taken into account, as in-kind
    contributions consisting of the eligible costs incurred by them in implementing
    actions, less the contributions by the Joint Undertaking, the Participating States or any
    other Union contribution to those costs. In assessing the overall impact of the Joint
    Undertaking, investments in other actions from the Private Members should be taken
    into account, as in-kind contributions consisting of the eligible costs incurred by them
    in implementing the actions, less the contributions by the Joint Undertaking, the
    Participating States or any other Union contribution to those costs.
    (52) In order to maintain a level playing field for all undertakings active in the internal
    market, funding from the Union Framework Programmes should be consistent with
    State aid principles so as to ensure the effectiveness of public spending and prevent
    market distortions such as crowding-out of private funding, the creation of ineffective
    market structures, the preservation of inefficient firms or the creation of a subsidies-
    relying culture.
    (53) Participation in indirect actions funded by the Joint Undertaking should comply with
    Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe. The Joint Undertaking should,
    moreover, ensure the consistent application of those rules based on relevant measures
    EN 20 EN
    adopted by the Commission. In order to ensure appropriate co-financing of indirect
    actions by the Participating States, in compliance with Regulation (EU) No xxx
    establishing Horizon Europe, the Participating States should contribute an amount at
    least equal to the reimbursement provided by the Joint Undertaking for the eligible
    costs incurred by beneficiaries in the actions. To this effect, the maximum funding
    rates set out in the annual work programme of the Joint Undertaking in accordance
    with Article 30 of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe should be
    fixed accordingly.
    (54) Provision of financial support to activities from the Digital Europe Programme should
    comply with rules of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Digital Europe.
    (55) Provision of financial support to activities from the Connecting Europe Facility should
    comply with rules of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing the Connecting Europe
    (56) The financial interests of the Union and of the other members of the Joint Undertaking
    should be protected by proportionate measures throughout the expenditure cycle,
    including the prevention, detection and investigation of irregularities, the recovery of
    lost, wrongly paid or incorrectly used funds and, where appropriate, the application of
    administrative and financial penalties in accordance with Regulation (EU, Euratom)
    (57) The Joint Undertaking should operate in an open and transparent way providing all
    relevant information in a timely manner as well as promoting its activities, including
    information and dissemination activities, to the wider public. The rules of procedure of
    the bodies of the Joint Undertaking should be made publicly available.
    (58) For the purpose of simplification, the administrative burden should be reduced for all
    parties. Double audits and disproportionate amounts of documentation and reporting
    should be avoided.
    (59) In accordance with the Horizon Europe Regulation, Participating States should entrust
    the Joint Undertaking with the implementation of their contribution to their national
    participants in indirect actions. The beneficiaries should sign a single grant agreement
    with the Joint Undertaking following the Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe
    Programme or the Connecting Europe Facility rules, including the respective
    framework for intellectual property rights, depending on the Union programme
    supporting the corresponding grant activity. The Joint Undertaking should process the
    cost claims and execute the payments to the beneficiaries.
    (60) Considering that Participating States have to abide by strict national budgetary rules,
    this should be taken into account in the implementation by the Joint Undertaking of
    their contributions to their national participants in indirect actions. In this respect,
    Participating States and the Joint Undertaking should conclude legally binding
    agreements committing Participating States to the payment of the full amount of their
    contribution to indirect actions throughout the lifetime of the initiative. Such
    agreements should be concluded in the context of the annual budgetary procedure and
    programming of the Joint Undertaking. The Governing Board should adopt the annual
    work programme taking due account of those agreements. Only after that and in line
    with the Joint Undertaking’s financial rules, the authorising officer should make the
    budgetary and legal commitments for those indirect actions.
    (61) The Commission’s internal auditor should exercise the same powers over the Joint
    Undertaking as those exercised in respect of the Commission.
    EN 21 EN
    (62) The Commission, the Joint Undertaking, the Court of Auditors and the European Anti-
    Fraud Office (OLAF) and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) should get
    access to all necessary information and the premises to conduct audits and
    investigations on the grants, contracts and agreements signed by the Joint
    (63) All calls for proposals and all calls for tender under this Regulation should take into
    account the duration of Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme and the
    Connecting Europe Facility, as appropriate, except in duly justified cases. All
    procurement procedures for the acquisition of the supercomputers and quantum
    computers of the Joint Undertaking should take place following the applicable
    provisions of the Digital Europe Programme.
    (64) An interim and a final evaluation of the Joint Undertaking should be conducted by the
    Commission with the assistance of independent experts. In a spirit of transparency, the
    relevant independent experts' report should be made publicly available, in compliance
    with the applicable rules.
    (65) Since the objectives of this Regulation, namely the strengthening of research and
    innovation capabilities, the development of supercomputing capability building and
    widening activities, the federation, connectivity and international cooperation and the
    acquisition of world-class supercomputers, and access to High Performance
    Computing, quantum computing service and data infrastructure across the Union by
    means of a Joint Undertaking, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States,
    but can rather, by reason of avoiding unnecessary duplication, retaining critical mass
    and ensuring that public financing is used in an optimal way, be better achieved at the
    Union level, the Union may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of
    subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). In
    accordance with the principle of proportionality as set out in that Article, this
    Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives.
    Article 1
    (1) For the implementation of the initiative on European High Performance Computing,
    a Joint Undertaking within the meaning of Article 187 of the Treaty on the
    Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) (the ‘European High performance
    Computing Joint Undertaking’, the ‘Joint Undertaking’) is hereby established.
    (2) In order to take into account the duration of the European Framework Programme for
    Research and Innovation (Horizon Europe) established by Regulation (EU) No xxx,
    the Digital Europe Programme established by Regulation (EU) No xxx, and the
    Connecting Europe Facility (Connecting Europe Facility) established by Regulation
    (EU) No xxx, calls for proposals and calls for tenders under this Regulation shall be
    launched by 31 December 2027. In duly justified cases, calls for proposals or calls
    for tender may be launched by 31 December 2028.
    (3) The Joint Undertaking shall have legal personality. In each Member State, it shall
    enjoy the most extensive legal capacity accorded to legal persons under the laws of
    EN 22 EN
    that Member State. It may, in particular, acquire or dispose of movable and
    immovable property and may be a party to legal proceedings.
    (4) The seat of the Joint Undertaking shall be located in Luxembourg.
    (5) The Statutes of the Joint Undertaking (‘the Statutes’) are set out in the Annex.
    Article 2
    For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions apply:
    (1) ‘acceptance test’ means a test conducted to determine if the requirements of the
    system specification are met by a EuroHPC supercomputer;
    (2) ‘access time’ means the computing time of a supercomputer that is made available to
    a user or a group of users to execute their computer programmes;
    (3) ‘affiliated entity’ means any legal entity as defined in Article 187(1) of Regulation
    (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046;
    (4) ‘Centre of Excellence’ in HPC means an initiative to promote the use of upcoming
    extreme performance computing capabilities enabling user communities in
    collaboration with other HPC stakeholders to scale up existing parallel codes towards
    exascale and extreme scaling performance;
    (5) ‘co-design’ is a collective approach between technology suppliers and users engaged
    in a collaborative and iterative design process for developing new technology,
    application and systems;
    (6) ‘Competence Centre’ in High Performance Computing (HPC) means a legal entity
    established in a Participating State providing users from industry, including SMEs,
    academia, and public administrations with access on demand to the supercomputers
    and to the latest High Performance Computing technologies, tools, applications and
    services, and offering expertise, skills, training, networking and outreach;
    (7) ‘conflict of interest’ means a situation involving a financial actor or other person as
    referred to in Article 61 of Regulation (EU) No 2018/1046;
    (8) ‘constituent entity’ means an entity that constitutes a Private Member of the Joint
    Undertaking, pursuant to the statutes of each Private Member;
    (9) ‘Consortium of private partners’ means an association of European legal entities
    coming together for the purpose of acquiring jointly with the EuroHPC Joint
    Undertaking an industrial-grade supercomputer; one or more of these private partners
    may be participating in the Private Members of the Joint Undertaking.
    (10) ‘EuroHPC supercomputer’ means any computing system fully owned by the Joint
    Undertaking or co-owned with other Participating States, Private Members or a
    consortium of private partners. A EuroHPC supercomputer can be a classical
    supercomputer (high-end supercomputer, industrial-grade supercomputer, or mid-
    range supercomputer), a hybrid classical-quantum computer, a quantum computer or
    a quantum simulator;
    (11) ‘exascale’ means a performance level capable of executing ten to the power of
    eighteen operations per second (or 1 Exaflop);
    EN 23 EN
    (12) ‘high-end supercomputer’ means a world-class computing system developed with the
    most advanced technology available at a given point in time and achieving at least
    exascale levels of performance or beyond (i.e., post-exascale) for applications
    addressing problems of greater complexity;
    (13) ‘hosting consortium’ means a group of Participating States, Private Members or a
    consortium of private partners that have agreed to contribute to the acquisition and
    operation of a EuroHPC supercomputer, including any organisations representing
    these Participating States;
    (14) ‘hosting entity’ means a legal entity which includes facilities to host and operate a
    EuroHPC supercomputer and which is established in a Participating State that is a
    Member State;
    (15) ‘hyper-connected’ means a communication capability of transferring data at 10 to the
    power of twelve bits per second (1 Terabit per second) or beyond;
    (16) ‘industrial-grade supercomputer’ means a supercomputer specifically designed with
    security, confidentiality and data integrity requirements for industrial users that are
    more demanding than for a scientific usage;
    (17) ‘in-kind contributions to indirect actions’ funded from Horizon Europe means
    contributions by the Participating State or the Private Members of the Joint
    Undertaking or their constituent entities or their affiliated entities, consisting of the
    eligible costs incurred by them in implementing indirect actions less the contribution
    of that Joint Undertaking, the Participating States of that Joint Undertaking and any
    other Union contribution to those costs;
    (18) ‘in-kind contributions to actions’ funded from the Digital Europe Programme or the
    Connecting Europe Facility means contributions by the Participating State or the
    Private Members of the Joint Undertaking or their constituent entities or their
    affiliated entities, consisting of the eligible costs incurred by them in implementing
    part of the activities of the Joint Undertaking less the contribution of that Joint
    Undertaking, the Participating States of that Joint Undertaking and any other Union
    contribution to those costs;
    (19) ‘mid-range supercomputer’ means a world-class supercomputer with at most one
    order of magnitude lower performance level than a high-end supercomputer;
    (20) ‘national High Performance Computing competence centre’ means a legal entity
    established in a Participating State that is a Member State, associated with the
    national supercomputing centre of that Member State, providing users from industry,
    including SMEs, academia, and public administrations with access on demand to the
    supercomputers and to the latest High Performance Computing technologies, tools,
    applications and services, and offering expertise, skills, training, networking and
    (21) ‘observer State’ means a country eligible to participate in the actions of the Joint
    Undertaking funded by the Horizon Europe or Digital Europe Program that is not a
    Participating State;
    (22) ‘Participating State’ means a country that is a member of the Joint Undertaking;
    (23) ‘performance level’ means the number of floating point operations per second (flops)
    that a supercomputer can execute;
    EN 24 EN
    (24) ‘Private Member’ means any Member of the Joint Undertaking other than the Union
    or Participating States;
    (25) ‘quantum computer’ is a computing device that harnesses the laws of quantum
    mechanics to solve certain particular tasks using therefore fewer computational
    resources than classical computers;
    (26) ‘quantum simulator’ means a highly controllable quantum device that allows to
    obtain insights into properties of complex quantum systems or to solve specific
    computational problems inaccessible to classical computers;
    (27) ‘security of the supply chain’ of a EuroHPC supercomputer means the measures to
    include in the selection of any supplier of this supercomputer to ensure the
    availability of components, technologies, systems and knowhow required in the
    acquisition and operation of this supercomputer; this includes measures for
    mitigating the long term risks related to eventual disruptions in the supply of such
    components, technologies, and systems, including price changes or lower
    performance or alternative sources of supply. The security of the supply chain covers
    the whole lifetime of the EuroHPC supercomputer.
    (28) ‘Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda’ means the document provided by the
    Private Members covering the duration of Horizon Europe that identifies the key
    priorities and the essential technologies and innovations required to achieve the
    objectives of the Joint Undertaking;
    (29) ‘supercomputing’ means computing at performance levels requiring the massive
    integration of individual computing elements, including quantum components, for
    solving problems which cannot be handled by standard computing systems;
    (30) ‘total cost of ownership’ of a EuroHPC supercomputer means the acquisition costs
    plus the operating costs, including maintenance, until the ownership of the
    supercomputer is transferred to the hosting entity or is sold, or until the
    supercomputer is decommissioned without transfer of ownership;
    (31) ‘work programme’ means the document referred to in point (20) of Article 2 of
    Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe or, where relevant, the
    document which also functions as the work programme referred to in Article xxx of
    Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing the Digital Europe Programme, or Article xxx
    of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing the Connecting Europe Facility.
    Article 3
    Mission and objectives
    (1) The mission of the Joint Undertaking shall be to develop, deploy, extend and
    maintain in the Union a world leading federated, secure and hyper-connected
    supercomputing, quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem;
    support the production of innovative and competitive supercomputing systems based
    on a supply chain that will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting
    the risk of disruptions and the development of a wide range of applications optimised
    for these systems; and, widen the use of this supercomputing infrastructure to a large
    number of public and private users, and support the development of key skills for
    European science and industry.
    (2) The Joint Undertaking shall have the following overall objectives:
    EN 25 EN
    (a) to contribute to the implementation of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing
    Horizon Europe and in particular Article 3 thereof, to deliver scientific,
    economic, environmental, technological and societal impact from the Union's
    investments in research and innovation, so as to strengthen the scientific and
    technological bases of the Union, deliver on the Union strategic priorities,
    contribute to the realisation of EU objectives and policies, and contribute to
    tackling global challenges, including the Sustainable Development Goals by
    following the principles of the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement;
    (b) to develop close cooperation and ensure coordination with other European
    Partnerships, including through joint calls, as well as seek synergies with
    relevant activities and programmes at Union, national, and regional level, in
    particular with those supporting the deployment of innovative solutions,
    education and regional development, where relevant;
    (c) to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the Union an integrated, demand-
    oriented and user-driven hyper-connected world-class supercomputing and data
    (d) to federate the hyper-connected supercomputing and data infrastructure and
    interconnect it with the European data spaces and cloud ecosystem for
    providing computing and data services to a wide range of public and private
    users in Europe;
    (e) to further develop and support a highly competitive and innovative
    supercomputing and data ecosystem in Europe contributing to the standing and
    technological autonomy of the Union in the digital economy, capable to
    autonomously produce computing technologies and architectures and their
    integration on leading computing systems, and advanced applications
    optimised for these systems;
    (f) to widen the use of supercomputing services and the development of key skills
    that European science and industry need.
    (3) The Joint Undertaking shall contribute to safeguarding the interests of the Union
    when procuring supercomputers and supporting the development of High
    Performance Computing technologies, systems and applications. It shall enable a co-
    design approach for the acquisition of world-class supercomputers, while
    safeguarding the security of the supply chain of procured technologies and systems.
    It shall contribute to the Union’s technological autonomy by supporting the
    development of technologies and applications reinforcing the European HPC
    technology supply chain and promoting their integration in supercomputing systems
    that address a large number of societal and industrial needs.
    Article 4
    Pillars of activity
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall implement the mission referred to in Article 3 according
    to the following pillars of activities:
    (a) Administration pillar, covering the general activities for the operation and
    management of the Joint Undertaking.
    (b) Infrastructure pillar, encompassing the activities for the acquisition,
    deployment, and operation of the secure, hyper-connected world-class
    EN 26 EN
    supercomputing, quantum computing and data infrastructure, including the
    promotion of the uptake and systematic use of research and innovation results
    generated in the Union.
    (c) Federation of supercomputing services pillar, covering all activities for
    providing EU-wide access to federated, secure supercomputing and data
    resources and services throughout Europe for the research and scientific
    community, industry (including SMEs) and the public sector. In particular this
    (i) support to the interconnection of the High Performance Computing,
    quantum computing and data resources owned fully or partially by the
    EuroHPC Joint Undertaking or made available on a voluntary basis by
    the Participating States;
    (ii) support to the interconnection of the supercomputing, and quantum
    computing data infrastructures with the Union's common European data
    spaces and federated, secure cloud infrastructures;
    (iii) support to the development, acquisition and operation of a platform for
    the seamless federation and secure service provisioning of
    supercomputing and quantum computing service and data infrastructure,
    establishing a one-stop shop access point for any supercomputing or data
    service managed by the Joint Undertaking, providing any user with a
    single point of entry.
    (d) Technology pillar, addressing the activities for supporting an ambitious
    research and innovation agenda for developing a world-class, competitive and
    innovative supercomputing ecosystem addressing hardware and software
    technologies, and their integration into computing systems, covering the whole
    scientific and industrial value chain, for ensuring technological autonomy of
    the Union. Focus shall be on energy-efficient High Performance Computing
    technologies. Activities shall address inter alia:
    i) low-power micro-processing components, and related technologies such
    as novel algorithms, software codes, tools, and environments;
    ii) emerging computing paradigms and their integration into leading
    supercomputing systems, including High Performance Computing and
    quantum computing systems through a co-design approach. These
    technologies shall be linked with the development, acquisition and
    deployment of high-end supercomputers, including quantum computers,
    and infrastructures.
    iii) technologies and systems for the interconnection and operation of
    classical supercomputing systems with other, often complementary
    computing technologies, such as neuromorphic or quantum computing
    and ensure their effective operation.
    (e) Application pillar, addressing activities for achieving and maintaining
    European excellence in key computing and data applications and codes for
    science, industry (including SMEs) and the public sector, including;
    i) applications for public and private users that exploit the capabilities of
    high-end supercomputers and their convergence with advanced digital
    technologies such as artificial intelligence, high performance data
    EN 27 EN
    analytics, cloud technologies, etc. through the co-design, development
    and optimisation of High Performance Computing-enabled large-scale
    and emerging lead-market codes and applications;
    ii) support, among others, to Centres of Excellence in High Performance
    Computing applications and large-scale High Performance Computing-
    enabled pilot demonstrators and test-beds for big data applications and
    services in a wide range of scientific and industrial sectors.
    (f) Widening usage and skills pillar, aiming at fostering excellence in
    supercomputing, quantum computing, and data use and skills taking into
    account synergies with other programs and instruments, in particular Digital
    Europe Program, widening the scientific and industrial use of supercomputing
    resources and data applications and fostering the industrial access and use of
    supercomputing and data infrastructures for innovation adapted to industrial
    needs; and providing Europe with a knowledgeable leading scientific
    community and a skilled workforce for scientific leadership and digital
    transformation of industry, including the support and networking of national
    High Performance Computing Competence Centres and High Performance
    Computing Centres of Excellence
    (g) International cooperation: In line with the external policy objectives and
    international commitments of the Union, defining, implementing and
    participating in activities relevant to the promotion of international
    collaboration in supercomputing to solve global scientific and societal
    challenges, while promoting competitiveness of the European HPC supply and
    user ecosystem.
    (2) In addition to the activities listed in paragraph 1, the Joint Undertaking may be
    entrusted with the implementation of additional tasks in the event of cumulative,
    complementary or combined funding between Union programmes in accordance with
    the relevant Commission work programme.
    Article 5
    Union's financial contribution
    (1) The Union financial contribution to the Joint Undertaking including EFTA
    appropriations shall be up to EUR [XXXXX], including up to EUR [XXXXX] for
    administrative costs, distributed as follows:
    (a) up to EUR [XXXXX] from Horizon Europe [budget to be determined at a later
    stage according to the Strategic Planning and Programming of Horizon
    (b) up to EUR [2 400 000 000] from the Digital Europe Programme;
    (c) up to EUR [200 000 000] from the Connecting Europe Facility.
    (2) The Union’s financial contribution referred to in paragraph 1 shall be paid from the
    appropriations in the general budget of the Union allocated to the specific
    (3) Additional Union funds complementing the contribution referred to in paragraph 1
    may be allocated to the Joint Undertaking to support activities for the research and
    innovation and deployment of innovative solutions.
    EN 28 EN
    (4) Contributions from Union programmes corresponding to additional activities
    entrusted to the Joint Undertaking in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article
    shall not be accounted for in the calculation of the Union maximum financial
    (5) Additional Union funds complementing the contribution referred to in paragraph 1
    may be allocated to the Joint Undertaking from the Associated Countries of Horizon
    Europe, the Digital Europe Programme and the Connecting Europe Facility
    according to the association agreements.
    (6) The Union's financial contribution referred to in point (a) of paragraph 1 shall be
    used for the Joint Undertaking to provide financial support to indirect actions as
    defined in Article xxx of the Horizon Europe Regulation, corresponding to the
    research and innovation agenda.
    (7) The Union's financial contribution referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall be
    used for capability building across the whole Union, including the acquisition, and
    operation of High Performance Computers, quantum computers or quantum
    simulators, the federation of the High Performance Computing and quantum
    computing service and data infrastructure and the widening of its use, and the
    development of advanced skills and training.
    (8) The Union's financial contribution referred to in point (c) of paragraph 1 shall be
    paid from the appropriations in the general budget of the Union allocated to the
    Connecting Europe Facility and shall be used for the interconnection of the High
    Performance Computing and data resources and the creation of an integrated pan-
    European hyper-connected High Performance Computing and data infrastructure.
    Article 6
    Other Union contributions
    Contributions from Union programmes other than those referred to in Article 5(1) that are part
    of a Union co-financing to a programme implemented by one of the Participating States shall
    not be accounted for in the calculation of the Union maximum financial contribution referred
    to in Article 5.
    Article 7
    Contributions of members other than the Union
    (1) The Participating States shall make a total contribution of at least equal to the
    amount of the Union contribution referred to in Article 5 of this Regulation,
    including up to EUR [XXXXX] contribution for administrative costs[equal to the
    amount of the Union contribution for administrative costs referred to in Article 5 of
    this Regulation]. The Participating States shall arrange among them how they will
    deliver their collective contribution.
    (2) The Private Members of the Joint Undertaking shall make or arrange for their
    constituent entities and affiliated entities to make contributions for at least EUR
    [XXXXX] to the Joint Undertaking, including up to EUR [XXXXX] for
    administrative costs [equal to 22.22 % of the amount of the Union contribution for
    administrative costs referred to in Article 5 of this Regulation].
    (3) The contributions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall consist of
    contributions as set out in Article 15 of the Statutes.
    EN 29 EN
    (4) The contributions referred to in point (f) of Article 15(3) of the Statutes may be
    provided by each Participating State to beneficiaries established in that Participating
    State. Participating States may complement the Joint Undertaking's contribution,
    within the applicable maximum reimbursement rate set out in Article 30 of
    Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe, Article xxx of the Regulation
    (EU) establishing the Digital Europe Programme and in Article xxx Regulation (EU)
    No xxx the Connecting Europe Facility. Such contributions shall be without
    prejudice to state-aid rules.
    (5) The members of the Joint Undertaking other than the Union shall report by 31
    January of each year to the Governing Board as defined in Article 15 of the Statutes,
    on the value of the contributions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article
    made in the previous financial year.
    (6) For the purpose of valuing the contributions referred to in points (b) to (f) of Article
    15(3) of the Statutes, the costs shall be determined in accordance with the usual cost
    accounting practices of the entities concerned, with the applicable accounting
    standards of the country where the entity is established and with the applicable
    International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards.
    The costs shall be certified by an independent external auditor appointed by the
    entity concerned. The valuation method may be verified by the Joint Undertaking,
    should there be any uncertainty arising from the certification. If there are remaining
    uncertainties, the valuation method may be audited by the Joint Undertaking.
    (7) The Commission may terminate, proportionally reduce or suspend the Union
    financial contribution to the Joint Undertaking or trigger the winding up procedure
    referred to in Article 24 of the Statutes in the following cases:
    (a) if the Joint Undertaking fails to meet the conditions for the Union contribution,
    (b) if the members other than the Union or their constituent entities or their
    affiliated entities fail to contribute, contribute only partially, do not respect the
    time frames with regard to the contribution referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of
    this Article, or
    (c) as a result of the evaluations referred to in Article 22.
    The Commission’s decision to terminate, proportionally reduce or suspend the Union
    financial contribution shall not hinder the reimbursement of eligible costs incurred by
    the members other than the Union before the decision is notified to the Joint
    Article 8
    Hosting entity
    (1) EuroHPC supercomputers shall be located in a Participating State that is a Member
    State. A Participating State shall only host more than one EuroHPC supercomputer if
    there are more than two years between their acquisition or if they are from differing
    technologies (classical/quantum).
    (2) For the EuroHPC supercomputers referred to in Articles 10, 11 and 13 of this
    Regulation, the hosting entity may represent a Participating State that is a Member
    State or a hosting consortium. The hosting entity and the competent authorities of the
    EN 30 EN
    Participating State or Participating States in a hosting consortium shall enter into an
    agreement to this effect.
    (3) The Joint Undertaking shall entrust to a hosting entity the operation of each
    individual EuroHPC supercomputer fully owned by the Joint Undertaking, or jointly
    owned in accordance with Articles 10, 11 and 13 of this Regulation.
    (4) Hosting entities referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be selected in
    accordance with paragraph 5 of this Article and the Joint Undertaking's financial
    rules referred to in Article 17 of this Regulation.
    (5) Following a call for expression of interest, the hosting entity referred to in paragraph
    2 of this Article and the corresponding Participating State where the hosting entity is
    established or the corresponding hosting consortium shall be selected by the
    Governing Board through a fair and transparent process based, inter alia, on the
    following criteria:
    (a) compliance with the general system specifications defined in the call for
    expression of interest;
    (b) total cost of ownership of the EuroHPC supercomputer, including an accurate
    estimate and a verification method of the operating costs of this supercomputer
    during its lifetime;
    (c) experience of the hosting entity in installing and operating similar systems;
    (d) quality of the hosting facility's physical and IT infrastructure, its security and
    its connectivity with the rest of the Union;
    (e) quality of service to the users, namely capability to comply with the service
    level agreement provided among the documents accompanying the selection
    (f) provision of an appropriate supporting document proving the commitment of
    the Member State where the hosting entity is established or of the competent
    authorities of the Participating States of the hosting consortium to cover the
    share of the total cost of ownership of the EuroHPC supercomputer that is not
    covered by the Union contribution as set out in Article 5 or any other Union
    contribution as set out in Article 6, either until its ownership is transferred by
    the Joint Undertaking to that hosting entity or until the supercomputer is sold
    or decommissioned if there is no transfer of ownership.
    (6) For the industrial-grade EuroHPC supercomputers referred to in Article 12 of this
    Regulation, the hosting entity shall associate itself with the Private Members or a
    consortium of private partners for the acquisition and operation of such
    supercomputers or partitions of EuroHPC supercomputers. The hosting entity shall
    enter into an agreement with the Private Members or the consortium of private
    members to this effect.
    (a) The Joint Undertaking shall entrust to the hosting entity the operation of each
    individual industrial-grade EuroHPC supercomputer jointly owned in
    accordance with Article 12 of this Regulation.
    (b) Hosting entities shall be selected in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Article
    and the Joint Undertaking's financial rules referred to in Article 17 of this
    EN 31 EN
    (c) Following a call for expression of interest, the hosting entity and its associated
    Private Members or consortium of private partners shall be selected by the
    Governing Board through a fair and transparent process based, inter alia, on the
    criteria set out in paragraph 5(a) to 5(e) of this Article and on the following
    additional one:
    Provision of an appropriate supporting document proving the commitment of
    the Private Members or of the consortium of private partners to cover the share
    of the total cost of ownership of the EuroHPC supercomputer that is not
    covered by the Union contribution as set out in Article 5 or any other Union
    contribution as set out in Article 6.
    (7) The selected hosting entity may decide to invite, subject to the prior agreement of the
    European Commission, additional Participating States, or Private Members or a
    consortium of private partners, to join the hosting consortium. The financial or in-
    kind contribution or any other commitment of the joining Participating States, or
    Private Members, shall not affect the Union financial contribution and the
    corresponding ownership rights and percentage of access time allocated to the Union
    with regard to that EuroHPC supercomputer as defined in Articles 10, 11, 12, and 13.
    Article 9
    Hosting agreement
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall conclude a hosting agreement with each selected hosting
    entity prior to launching the procedure for the acquisition of a EuroHPC
    (2) The hosting agreement shall address in particular the following elements regarding
    the EuroHPC supercomputers:
    (a) the rights and obligations during the procedure for acquisition of the
    supercomputer, including the acceptance tests of the supercomputer;
    (b) the liability conditions for operating the supercomputer;
    (c) the quality of service offered to the users when operating the supercomputer, as
    set out in the service level agreement;
    (d) the plans regarding the supercomputer's energy efficiency and environmental
    (e) the access conditions of the Union's share of access time to the supercomputer,
    as decided by the Governing Board in accordance with Article 15;
    (f) the accounting modalities of the access times;
    (g) the share of the total cost of ownership that the hosting entity shall arrange to
    be covered by the Participating State where the hosting entity is established or
    by the Participating States in the hosting consortium;
    (h) the conditions for the transfer of ownership referred to in Articles 10(4), 11(5),
    12(5) and 13(4), including, in the case of EuroHPC supercomputers, provisions
    for the calculation of their residual value and for their decommissioning;
    (i) the obligation of the hosting entity to provide access to the EuroHPC
    supercomputers, while ensuring the security of the supercomputers, the
    protection of personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the
    EN 32 EN
    protection of privacy of electronic communications in accordance with
    Directive 2002/58/EC, the protection of trade secrets in accordance with
    Directive (EU) 2016/943 and the protection of confidentiality of other data
    covered by the obligation of professional secrecy;
    (j) the obligation of the hosting entity to put in place a certified audit procedure
    covering the costs of operation of the EuroHPC supercomputer and the access
    times of the users;
    (k) the obligation of the hosting entity to submit by 31 January of each year to the
    Governing Board an audit report and data on the use of access time in the
    previous financial year;
    (l) the specific conditions applicable when the hosting entity operates an EuroHPC
    supercomputer for industrial usage.
    (3) The hosting agreement shall be governed by Union law, supplemented for any matter
    not covered by this Regulation or by other Union legal acts by the law of the
    Member State where the hosting entity is located.
    (4) The hosting agreement shall contain an arbitration clause, within the meaning of
    Article 272 TFEU, granting jurisdiction over all matters covered by the agreement to
    the Court of Justice of the European Union.
    (5) After the hosting agreement is concluded, and without prejudice to paragraph 2 of
    this Article, the Joint Undertaking, supported by the selected hosting entity, shall
    launch the procedures for the acquisition of the EuroHPC supercomputer in
    accordance with the financial rules of the Joint Undertaking referred to in Article 17.
    (6) For mid-range supercomputers, after the hosting agreement is concluded, the Joint
    Undertaking, or the Hosting Entity shall launch on behalf of both contracting parties
    the procedures for the acquisition of the EuroHPC supercomputer in accordance with
    the financial rules of the Joint Undertaking referred to in Article 17.
    Article 10
    Acquisition and ownership of high-end supercomputers
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall acquire the high-end supercomputers and shall own
    (2) The Union financial contribution referred to in Article 5(1) shall cover up to 50% of
    the acquisition costs plus up to 50% of the operating costs of the high-end
    The remaining total cost of ownership of the high-end supercomputers shall be
    covered by the Participating State where the hosting entity is established or by the
    Participating States in the hosting consortium, possibly supplemented by the
    contributions referred to in Article 6.
    (3) The selection of the supplier of the high-end supercomputer shall address the security
    of the supply chain.
    (4) Without prejudice to the winding up of the Joint Undertaking, as referred to in
    Article 24(4) of the Statutes, at the earliest five years after the successful acceptance
    test by the Joint Undertaking of the high-end supercomputers installed in a hosting
    entity, the ownership of the high-end supercomputer may be transferred to the
    respective hosting entity, sold to another entity or decommissioned upon decision of
    EN 33 EN
    the Governing Board and in accordance with the hosting agreement. In the case of
    transfer of ownership of a high-end supercomputer, the hosting entity shall reimburse
    the Joint Undertaking the residual value of the supercomputer that is transferred. If
    there is no transfer of ownership to the hosting entity but a decision for
    decommissioning, the relevant costs shall be shared equally by the Joint Undertaking
    and the hosting entity. The Joint Undertaking shall not be liable for any costs
    incurred after the transfer of ownership of the high-end supercomputer or after its
    sale or decommissioning.
    Article 11
    Acquisition and ownership of quantum computers and quantum simulators
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall acquire quantum computers and quantum simulators,
    that could range from pilots and experimental systems to prototypes and operational
    systems as stand-alone machines or hybridised with high-end or mid-range High
    Performance Computing machines and accessible via the cloud, and shall own them.
    (2) The Union financial contribution referred to in Article 5(1) shall cover up to 50% of
    the acquisition costs plus up to 50% of the operating costs of the quantum computers
    and quantum simulators.
    The remaining total cost of ownership of the quantum computers and quantum
    simulators shall be covered by the Participating State where the hosting entity is
    established or by the Participating States in the hosting consortium, possibly
    supplemented by the contributions referred to in Article 6.
    (3) The selection of the supplier of the quantum computers and quantum simulators shall
    address the security of the supply chain.
    (4) The quantum computers and quantum simulators shall be located in a hosting entity
    of a EuroHPC supercomputer or a Tier-0 supercomputing centre located in the
    (5) Without prejudice to the winding up of the Joint Undertaking, as referred to in
    Article 24(4) of the Statutes, at the earliest four years after the successful acceptance
    test by the quantum computer or quantum simulator installed in a hosting entity, the
    ownership of the quantum computer or quantum simulator may be transferred to that
    hosting entity, sold to another entity or decommissioned upon decision of the
    Governing Board and in accordance with the hosting agreement. In the case of
    transfer of ownership of a quantum computer or quantum simulator, the hosting
    entity shall reimburse the Joint Undertaking the residual value of the supercomputer
    that is transferred. If there is no transfer of ownership to the hosting entity but a
    decision for decommissioning, the relevant costs shall be shared equally by the Joint
    Undertaking and the hosting entity. The Joint Undertaking shall not be liable for any
    costs incurred after the transfer of ownership of the quantum computer or quantum
    simulator or after its sale or decommissioning.
    Article 12
    Acquisition and ownership of industrial-grade EuroHPC supercomputers
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall acquire together with the Private Members, or a
    consortium of private partners, supercomputers, or partitions of EuroHPC
    EN 34 EN
    supercomputers, primarily destined for use by industry, and shall own them or co-
    own them with the Private Members or a consortium of private partners.
    (2) The Union financial contribution referred to in Article 5(1) shall cover up to 35% of
    the acquisition costs of the EuroHPC supercomputers, or the partitions of the
    EuroHPC supercomputers. The remaining total cost of ownership of the EuroHPC
    supercomputers, or the partitions of the EuroHPC supercomputers, shall be covered
    by the Private Members, or consortium of private partners.
    (3) The selection of the supplier of an industrial-grade EuroHPC supercomputer shall
    address the security of the supply chain.
    (4) The EuroHPC supercomputers or the EuroHPC supercomputer partitions for
    industrial use shall be hosted in a hosting entity of a EuroHPC supercomputer.
    (5) Without prejudice to the winding up of the Joint Undertaking, as referred to in
    Article 24(4) of the Statutes, at the earliest four years after the successful acceptance
    test by the Joint Undertaking of the EuroHPC supercomputers installed in a hosting
    entity, the ownership of the EuroHPC supercomputer may be transferred to the
    Private Members or the consortium of private partners, sold to another entity or
    decommissioned upon decision of the Governing Board and in accordance with the
    Private Members or the consortium of private partners. In the case of transfer of
    ownership of a EuroHPC supercomputer, the Private Members or the consortium of
    private partners shall reimburse the Joint Undertaking the residual value of the
    EuroHPC supercomputer that is transferred. If there is no transfer of ownership to the
    Private Members or the consortium of private partners but a decision for
    decommissioning, the relevant costs shall be covered by the Private Members or the
    consortium of private partners. The Joint Undertaking shall not be liable for any
    costs incurred after the transfer of ownership of the EuroHPC supercomputer or after
    its sale or decommissioning.
    Article 13
    Acquisition and ownership of the mid-range supercomputers
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall acquire, jointly with the contracting authorities of the
    Participating State where the hosting entity is established or with the contracting
    authorities of the Participating States in the hosting consortium, the mid-range
    supercomputers and shall co-own them.
    (2) The Union financial contribution referred to in Article 5(1) shall cover up to 35% of
    the acquisition costs of the mid-range supercomputers. The remaining total cost of
    ownership of the mid-range supercomputers shall be covered by the Participating
    State where the hosting entity is established or the Participating States in the hosting
    consortium, possibly supplemented by the contributions referred to in Article 6.
    (3) The selection of the supplier of the mid-range supercomputer shall address the
    security of the supply chain.
    (4) Without prejudice to the winding up of the Joint Undertaking, as referred to in
    Article 24(4) of the Statutes, the part of the ownership of the supercomputer owned
    by the Joint Undertaking shall be transferred to the hosting entity after the full
    depreciation of the supercomputer. The hosting entity shall reimburse the Joint
    Undertaking the residual value of the supercomputer that is transferred. The Joint
    EN 35 EN
    Undertaking shall not be liable for any costs incurred after the transfer of ownership
    of the mid-range supercomputer.
    Article 14
    Use of EuroHPC supercomputers
    (1) The use of EuroHPC supercomputers shall be open to users from the public and
    private sectors and shall primarily focus on civilian applications. Except for the
    industrial-grade EuroHPC supercomputers, their use shall be primarily for research
    and innovation purposes falling under public funding programmes, for public sector
    applications and for private innovation activities of SMEs, where appropriate.
    (2) The Governing Board shall define the general access conditions for using the
    EuroHPC supercomputers in accordance with Article 15 and may define specific
    access conditions for different types of users or applications. The security and quality
    of service shall be the same for all users within each user category, except for the
    industrial-grade EuroHPC supercomputers, whose security and quality of service
    shall be compliant with industrial requirements, in accordance with Article 12(1) of
    this Regulation.
    (3) Users residing, established or located in a Member State or in a country associated to
    Horizon 2020 shall be granted access to the Union’s share of access time of the
    supercomputers acquired by the Joint Undertaking established by Council Regulation
    (4) Users residing, established or located in a Member State or in a country associated to
    the Digital Europe Programme or to Horizon Europe shall be granted access time to
    EuroHPC supercomputers acquired after 2020.
    (5) In duly justified cases, taking into account the interests of the Union, the Governing
    Board shall decide to grant access time to EuroHPC supercomputers to entities
    residing, established or located in any third country and international organisations.
    Article 15
    Allocation of Union's access time to the EuroHPC supercomputers
    (1) The share of the Union's access time to each EuroHPC supercomputer shall be
    directly proportional to the financial contribution of the Union referred to in Article
    5(1) to the total cost of ownership of the EuroHPC supercomputer and shall thus not
    exceed 50% of the total access time of the EuroHPC supercomputer.
    (2) The share of the Union's access time to each mid-range supercomputer shall be
    directly proportional to the financial contribution of the Union referred to in Article
    5(1) to the acquisition cost of the supercomputer and shall not exceed 35% of the
    total access time of the supercomputer.
    (3) The share of the Union's access time to each industrial-grade EuroHPC
    supercomputer shall be directly proportional to the financial contribution of the
    Union referred to in Article 5(1) to the acquisition cost of the supercomputer and
    shall not exceed 35% of the total access time of the supercomputer.
    (4) Each Participating State where a hosting entity is established or each Participating
    State in a hosting consortium shall be allocated a share of the remaining access time
    to each EuroHPC supercomputer. In the case of a hosting consortium, the
    EN 36 EN
    Participating States shall agree among themselves the distribution of access time to
    the supercomputer.
    (5) The Governing Board shall define the access rights to the Union's share of access
    time to the EuroHPC supercomputers.
    (6) Use of the Union's share of access time to the EuroHPC supercomputers shall be free
    of charge for the users from the public sector referred to in Article 14(4) of this
    Regulation. It will also be free of charge for industrial users for applications related
    to research and innovation activities funded by Horizon Europe or the Digital Europe
    Programme and for private innovation activities of SMEs, where appropriate. As a
    guiding principle, allocation of access time for such activities shall be based on a fair
    and transparent peer review process defined by the Governing Board following
    continuously open calls for expression of interest launched by the Joint Undertaking.
    (7) With the exception of SME users undertaking private innovation activities, other
    users shall adopt an open science approach to disseminating knowledge gained
    through access to the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking, in accordance with
    Article xxx of the Horizon Europe Regulation. The Governing Board shall define
    further the applicable open science rules.
    (8) The Governing Board shall define specific rules for access conditions that depart
    from the guiding principles referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article. These concern
    the allocation of access time for projects and activities considered as strategic either
    by the Union or by the Governing Board.
    (9) Upon request of the Union, the Executive Director shall grant direct access to the
    EuroHPC supercomputers to initiatives that the Union considers essential for
    providing health-related or other crucial emergency support services for the public
    good, to emergency and crisis management situations or to cases that the Union
    considers essential for its security and defence. The modalities and conditions for the
    implementation of such access shall be defined in the access conditions adopted by
    the Governing Board.
    (10) The Governing Board shall define the conditions that shall apply for industrial use to
    provide access to secure High Performance Computing and data resources for
    applications other than those specified in paragraph 6 of this Article.
    (11) The Governing Board shall regularly monitor the Union's access time granted per
    Participating State and per user category, including for commercial purposes. It may
    decide to:
    (a) re-adapt access times per category of activity or user, with the aim to optimise
    the use capabilities of the EuroHPC supercomputers;
    (b) propose additional support measures for providing fair access opportunities to
    users that would aim to raise their level of skills and expertise in High
    Performance Computing systems.
    Article 16
    Union's access time to EuroHPC supercomputers for commercial purposes
    (1) Specific conditions shall apply to all industry users for commercial purposes. This
    service for commercial use shall be a pay-per-use service, based on market prices.
    The level of the fee shall be established by the Governing Board.
    EN 37 EN
    (2) The fees generated by the commercial use of the Union's access time shall constitute
    revenue to the Joint Undertaking budget and shall be used to cover operational costs
    of the Joint Undertaking.
    (3) The access time allocated to commercial services shall not exceed 20% of the
    Union's total access time of each EuroHPC supercomputer. The Governing Board
    shall decide on the allocation of the Union's access time for the users of commercial
    services, taking into account the outcome of the monitoring referred to in Article
    (4) The quality of commercial services shall be the same for all users.
    Article 17
    Financial rules
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall adopt its specific financial rules in accordance with
    Article 71 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046.
    (2) The financial rules shall be published on the website of the Joint Undertaking.
    Article 18
    (1) The Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other
    Servants of the European Union laid down in Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom,
    ECSC) No 259/688
    (‘Staff Regulations’ and ‘Conditions of Employment’) and the
    rules adopted jointly by the institutions of the Union for the purpose of applying the
    Staff Regulations and Conditions of Employment shall apply to the staff of the Joint
    (2) The Governing Board shall exercise, with respect to the staff of the Joint
    Undertaking, the powers conferred by the Staff Regulations on the Appointing
    Authority and by the Conditions of Employment on the Authority empowered to
    conclude contracts (‘the appointing authority powers’).
    (3) The Governing Board shall adopt, in accordance with Article 110 of the Staff
    Regulations, a decision based on Article 2(1) of the Staff Regulations and on Article
    6 of the Conditions of Employment delegating the relevant appointing authority
    powers to the Executive Director and defining the conditions under which that
    delegation may be suspended. The Executive Director shall be authorised to sub-
    delegate those powers.
    (4) Where exceptional circumstances so require, the Governing Board may by decision
    temporarily suspend the delegation of the appointing authority powers to the
    Executive Director and any subsequent sub-delegation of those powers by the latter.
    In such cases, the Governing Board shall exercise the appointing authority powers
    itself or shall delegate them to one of its members or to a staff member of the Joint
    Undertaking other than the Executive Director.
    Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68 of the Council of 29 February 1968 laying down the
    Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European
    Communities and instituting special measures temporarily applicable to officials of the Commission
    (OJ L 56, 4.3.1968, p. 1).
    EN 38 EN
    (5) The Governing Board shall adopt appropriate implementing rules giving effect to the
    Staff Regulations and the Conditions of Employment in accordance with Article 110
    of the Staff Regulations.
    (6) The staff resources shall be set out in the staff establishment plan of the Joint
    Undertaking, indicating the number of temporary posts by function group and by
    grade, as well as by the number of contract staff expressed in full-time equivalents,
    in accordance with its annual budget.
    (7) The staff of the Joint Undertaking shall consist of temporary staff and contract staff.
    (8) All costs related to staff shall be borne by the Joint Undertaking.
    Article 19
    Seconded national experts and trainees
    (1) The Joint Undertaking may make use of seconded national experts and trainees not
    employed by the Joint Undertaking. The number of seconded national experts
    expressed in full-time equivalents shall be added to the information on staff
    resources as referred to in Article 18(4) in accordance with the annual budget.
    (2) The Governing Board shall adopt a decision laying down rules on the secondment of
    national experts to the Joint Undertaking and on the use of trainees.
    Article 20
    Privileges and Immunities
    Protocol No 7 on the privileges and immunities of the European Union, annexed to the Treaty
    on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, shall apply to
    the Joint Undertaking and its staff.
    Article 21
    Liability of the Joint Undertaking
    (1) The contractual liability of the Joint Undertaking shall be governed by the relevant
    contractual provisions and by the law applicable to the agreement, decision or
    contract in question.
    (2) In the case of non-contractual liability, the Joint Undertaking shall, in accordance
    with the general principles common to the laws of the Member States, make good
    any damage caused by its staff in the performance of their duties.
    (3) Any payment by the Joint Undertaking in respect of the liability referred to in
    paragraphs 1 and 2, and the costs and expenses incurred in that connection, shall be
    considered as expenditure of the Joint Undertaking and shall be covered by its
    (4) The Joint Undertaking shall be solely responsible for meeting its obligations.
    (5) The Joint Undertaking shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from the
    actions of the hosting entity regarding the operation by the hosting entity of the
    supercomputers it owned by the former.
    EN 39 EN
    Article 22
    Monitoring and evaluation
    (1) The activities of the Joint Undertaking shall be subject to continuous monitoring and
    periodic reviews in accordance with its financial rules, to ensure the highest impact
    and excellence, as well as the most efficient use of resources. The outcomes of
    monitoring and periodic reviews shall feed into the evaluations of the Joint
    Undertaking as part of Horizon Europe evaluations.
    (2) The Joint Undertaking shall organise continuous monitoring of its management
    activities and periodic reviews of the outputs, results and impacts of the projects
    implemented in line with Article 45 and Annex III of Regulation (EU) No xxx
    establishing Horizon Europe.
    (3) Evaluations of the Joint Undertakings’ operations shall be carried out in a timely
    manner to feed into the overall interim and final evaluations of Horizon Europe and
    the related decision-making process as specified in Article 47 of Regulation (EU) No
    xxx establishing Horizon Europe.
    (4) The Commission shall carry out an interim evaluation of each Joint Undertaking as
    part of the Horizon Europe interim evaluation, as specified in Article 47 of
    Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe. This evaluation shall be
    performed with the assistance of independent experts on the basis of a transparent
    process once there is sufficient information available about the implementation of
    Horizon Europe, but no later than four years after the start of Horizon Europe
    implementation. The evaluations shall examine how the Joint Undertaking fulfils its
    mission according to its economic, technological, scientific, societal and policy
    objectives, including climate-related objectives, and evaluate the effectiveness,
    efficiency, relevance, coherence, and Union added value of its activities as part of
    Horizon Europe, its synergies and complementarities with relevant European,
    national and, where relevant, regional initiatives, including synergies with other parts
    of Horizon Europe (such as missions, clusters or thematic/specific programmes).
    Impacts achieved at Union and national level, taking into account the component of
    synergies and policy retrofitting will be given particular attention. The evaluations
    shall, where relevant, also include an assessment of the long-term scientific, societal,
    economic and policy-relevant impact of the Joint Undertaking and shall include an
    assessment of the most effective policy intervention mode for any future action, as
    well as the positioning of any possible renewal of the Joint Undertaking in the
    overall European Partnerships landscape and its policy priorities.
    (5) On the basis of the conclusions of the interim evaluation referred to in paragraph 1 of
    this Article, the Commission may act in accordance with Article 7(7) or take any
    other appropriate action.
    (6) The Commission may carry out further evaluations of themes or topics of strategic
    relevance, with the assistance of external independent experts selected on the basis of
    a transparent process, to examine the progress made by the Joint Undertaking
    towards the objectives set, identify the factors contributing to the implementation of
    the activities and identify best practices. By carrying out those further evaluations,
    the Commission shall fully consider the administrative impact on the Joint
    (7) The Joint Undertaking shall perform periodic reviews of its activities to inform the
    interim and final evaluations of the Joint Undertaking as part of Horizon Europe
    EN 40 EN
    evaluations referred to in Article 47 of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon
    (8) Periodic reviews and evaluations shall inform the winding up or possible renewal of
    the Joint Undertaking, in line with Annex III of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing
    Horizon Europe. Within six months after the winding-up of the Joint Undertaking,
    but no later than two years after the triggering of the winding-up procedure referred
    to in Article 24 of the Statutes, the Commission shall conduct a final evaluation of
    the Joint Undertaking. The results of that final evaluation shall be presented to the
    European Parliament and to the Council.
    (9) The Commission shall communicate the results of the evaluations of the Joint
    Undertaking, which shall include conclusions of the evaluation and observations by
    the Commission, to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic
    and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions as part of the Horizon
    Europe evaluations referred to in Article 47 of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing
    Horizon Europe.
    Article 23
    Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union and applicable law
    (1) The Court of Justice of the European Union shall have jurisdiction:
    (a) pursuant to any arbitration clause contained in agreements or contracts
    concluded by the Joint Undertaking, or in its decisions;
    (b) in disputes relating to compensation for damage caused by the staff of the Joint
    Undertaking in the performance of their duties;
    (c) in any dispute between the Joint Undertaking and its staff within the limits and
    under the conditions laid down in the Staff Regulations or the Conditions of
    (2) Regarding any matter not covered by this Regulation or by other Union legal acts,
    the law of the Member State where the seat of the Joint Undertaking is located shall
    Article 24
    Complaints to the Ombudsman
    Decisions taken by the Joint Undertaking in implementing this Regulation may form the
    subject of a complaint to the Ombudsman in accordance with Article 228 TFEU.
    Article 25
    Ex-post audits
    (1) Ex-post audits of expenditure on actions funded by the Horizon Europe budget shall
    be carried out in accordance with in accordance with Article 48 of Regulation (EU)
    No xxx establishing Horizon Europe as part of the Horizon Europe indirect actions,
    in particular in line with the audit strategy referred to in Article 48(2) of that
    EN 41 EN
    (2) Ex-post audits of expenditure on activities funded by the Digital Europe budget shall
    be carried out by the Joint Undertaking in accordance with Article xxx of Regulation
    (EU) No xxx establishing Digital Europe Programme.
    (3) Ex-post audits of expenditure on activities funded by the Connecting Europe Facility
    budget shall be carried out by the Joint Undertaking in accordance with Article xxx
    of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Connecting Europe Facility as part of the
    Connecting Europe Facility actions.
    Article 26
    Protection of the financial interests of the members
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall grant Commission staff and other persons authorised by
    the respective Joint Undertaking or the Commission, as well as the Court of
    Auditors, access to its sites and premises and to all the information, including
    information in electronic format, needed in order to conduct their audits.
    (2) The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the European Public Prosecutor's
    Office (EPPO) may carry out investigations, including on-the-spot checks and
    inspections, in accordance with the provisions and procedures laid down in Council
    Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/969
    and Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 883/2013
    of the European Parliament and of the Council10
    and with a view to establishing
    whether there has been fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity affecting the
    financial interests of the Union in connection with an agreement, a decision or a
    contract funded under this Regulation.
    (3) Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 and 2, agreements, decisions and contracts
    resulting from the implementation of this Regulation shall contain provisions
    expressly empowering the Commission, the respective Joint Undertaking, the Court
    of Auditors, the EPPO and OLAF to conduct such audits, on-the spot checks and
    investigations in accordance with their respective competences.
    (4) The Joint Undertaking shall ensure that the financial interests of its members are
    adequately protected by carrying out or commissioning appropriate internal and
    external controls.
    (5) The Joint Undertaking shall accede to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 25 May
    1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission concerning
    internal investigations by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).11
    The Joint
    Undertaking shall adopt the necessary measures needed to facilitate internal
    investigations conducted by OLAF.
    Article 27
    Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks
    and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities’ financial
    interests against fraud and other irregularities (OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2).
    Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11
    September 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and
    repealing Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council
    Regulation (Euratom) No 1074/1999 (OJ L 248, 18.9.2013, p. 1).
    OJ L 136, 31.5.1999, p. 15.
    EN 42 EN
    The Joint Undertaking shall ensure the protection of sensitive information the disclosure of
    which could damage the interests of its members or of participants in the activities of the Joint
    Article 28
    Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council12
    shall apply to
    documents held by the Joint Undertaking.
    Article 29
    Processing of personal data
    Where the implementation of this Regulation requires the processing of personal data, they
    shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament
    and of the Council.13
    Article 30
    Access to results and information on proposals
    (1) The Joint Undertaking shall provide the Union institutions and Union bodies, offices
    or agencies access to all information related to the indirect actions it funds. Such
    information shall include results of beneficiaries participating in indirect actions of
    the Joint Undertaking or any other information deemed necessary for developing,
    implementing, monitoring and evaluating Union policies or programmes. Such
    access rights are limited to non-commercial and non-competitive use and shall
    comply with applicable confidentiality rules.
    (2) For the purposes of developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Union
    policies or programmes, the Joint Undertaking shall provide the European
    Commission with information included in submitted proposals.
    Article 31
    Rules for participation and dissemination applicable to indirect actions funded under
    Horizon Europe
    Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe shall apply to the indirect actions
    funded by the Joint Undertaking under Horizon Europe. In accordance with that Regulation,
    the Joint Undertaking shall be considered as a funding body and shall provide financial
    support to indirect actions as set out in Article 1 of the Statutes.
    Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe shall also apply to the indirect actions
    funded by the Participating State contributions referred to in point (f) of Article 15(3) of the
    Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001
    regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (OJ L 145,
    31.5.2001, p. 43).
    Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the
    protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions,
    bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No
    45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).
    EN 43 EN
    Article 32
    Rules applicable to the activities funded under the Connecting Europe Facility
    Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing the Connecting Europe Facility shall apply to the
    activities funded by the Joint Undertaking under the Connecting Europe Facility.
    Article 33
    Rules applicable to the activities funded under the Digital Europe Programme
    Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Digital Europe Programme shall apply to the activities
    funded by the Joint Undertaking under Digital Europe Programme.
    Article 34
    Support from the host Member State
    An administrative agreement may be concluded between the Joint Undertaking and the
    Member State where its seat is located concerning privileges and immunities and other
    support to be provided by that State to the Joint Undertaking.
    Article 35
    (1) Without prejudice to actions initiated under Regulation (EU) No 2018/1488
    including annual implementation plans and financial obligations related to those
    actions, Regulation (EU) No 2018/1488 is hereby repealed.
    As regards the actions initiated under Articles 10, 11, 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU)
    No 2018/1488, as well as Articles 6 and 7 of the Statutes annexed to that Regulation
    shall continue to apply until their completion and to the extent necessary.
    Actions arising from calls for proposals and call for tenders provided for in annual
    implementation plans adopted under Regulation (EC) No 2018/1488 shall also be
    regarded as actions initiated under that Regulation.
    (2) All references to Regulation (EU) No 2018/1488 shall be understood as references to
    this Regulation.
    Article 36
    Transitional provisions
    (1) This Regulation shall not affect the rights and obligations of staff engaged under
    Regulation (EC) No 2018/1488.
    (2) To this effect the employment contracts of staff shall continue under this Regulation
    in accordance with the Staff Regulations and Conditions of Employment.
    (3) The Executive Director appointed under Regulation (EU) No 2018/1488 shall, for
    the remaining period of term of office, be assigned to the functions of Executive
    Director as provided for in this Regulation with effect from the entry into force of
    this Regulation. The other conditions of contract shall remain unchanged.
    EN 44 EN
    (4) Unless otherwise agreed between members all rights and obligations including
    assets, debts or liabilities of the members held pursuant to Regulation (EU) No
    2018/1488 shall be transferred to the members pursuant to this Regulation.
    (5) In its first meeting after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Governing Board
    of the Joint Undertaking shall adopt a list of decisions adopted under Regulation
    (EU) No 2018/1488 that shall continue to apply under this Regulation. Any unused
    appropriations under Regulation 2018/1488 shall be transferred to the EuroHPC Joint
    Undertaking established under this Regulation.
    (6) All rights and obligations including assets, debts or liabilities of the Joint
    Undertaking and any unused appropriations under Regulation (EU) No 2018/1488
    shall be transferred to the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking established under this
    Article 37
    Entry into force
    This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in
    the Official Journal of the European Union.
    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
    Done at Brussels,
    For the Council
    The President


    DA DA
    Bruxelles, den 18.9.2020
    COM(2020) 569 final
    ANNEX 1
    forslag til Rådets forordning
    om oprettelse af et fællesforetagende for europæisk højtydende databehandling
    {SWD(2020) 179 final}
    Europaudvalget 2020
    KOM (2020) 0569
    DA 1 DA
    Artikel 1
    Fællesforetagendet udfører følgende opgaver:
    (a) mobiliserer offentlige og private midler til finansiering af fællesforetagendets
    (b) støtter gennemførelsen af fællesforetagendets mission, målsætninger og
    aktivitetssøjler, der er omhandlet i denne forordnings artikel 3 og 4. Disse
    aktiviteter vil blive finansieret med EU-budgetmidler fra forordning (EU) xxx
    om oprettelse af Horisont Europa, forordning (EU) xxx om oprettelse af
    programmet for et digitalt Europa og forordning (EU) xxx om oprettelse af
    Connecting Europe-faciliteten i overensstemmelse med deres respektive
    forordninger samt med bidrag fra de relevante deltagende stater til
    fællesforetagendet. Med henblik herpå skal fællesforetagendet iværksætte
    indkaldelser af forslag, udbud og andre instrumenter eller procedurer, som
    fastlagt i Horisont Europa, programmet for et digitalt Europa samt Connecting
    (c) iværksætter og forvalter indkaldelser af interessetilkendegivelser med henblik
    på at blive vært for EuroHPC-supercomputere og evaluere de modtagne tilbud
    med bistand fra uafhængige eksterne eksperter
    (d) udvælger værtsenheden for EuroHPC-supercomputerne på en retfærdig, åben
    og gennemsigtig måde i overensstemmelse med forordningens artikel 8
    (e) indgår en værtsaftale i overensstemmelse med forordningens artikel 9 med
    værtsenheden med henblik på drift og vedligeholdelse af EuroHPC-
    supercomputerne og overvåger den kontraktmæssige overholdelse af
    værtsaftalen, herunder modtagetesten af de erhvervede supercomputere
    (f) fastsætter generelle og specifikke betingelser for tildeling af Unionens andel af
    adgangstiden til EuroHPC-supercomputerne og overvåger adgangen til disse
    supercomputere i overensstemmelse med forordningens artikel 15
    (g) sikrer bidragene fra dets drift til opfyldelse af målene i Horisont Europa, den
    flerårige strategiske planlægning, rapportering, overvågning og evaluering
    samt andre krav i programmet såsom gennemførelsen af den fælles ramme for
    politisk feedback
    (h) iværksætter åbne indkaldelser af forslag og tildeler finansiering i
    overensstemmelse med forordning (EU) xxx om oprettelse af Horisont Europa
    og inden for rammerne af de disponible midler til indirekte aktioner,
    hovedsageligt i form af tilskud
    (i) iværksætter åbne indkaldelser af forslag og udbud samt tildeler finansiering i
    overensstemmelse med forordning (EU) xxx om oprettelse af programmet for
    et digitalt Europa og forordning (EU) xxx om oprettelse af Connecting Europe-
    faciliteten inden for rammerne af de disponible midler
    (j) overvåger gennemførelsen af aktionerne og forvalter tilskudsaftaler og
    DA 2 DA
    (k) sikrer, at initiativet vedrørende europæisk højtydende databehandling er
    effektivt, på grundlag af et sæt passende foranstaltninger
    (l) overvåger de generelle fremskridt med hensyn til at nå målene for
    (m) udvikler et tæt samarbejde og sikrer koordinering med aktiviteter, organer og
    interessenter i Unionen og nationalt, skaber synergier og forbedrer udnyttelsen
    af forsknings- og innovationsresultater inden for højtydende databehandling
    (n) udvikler et tæt samarbejde og sikrer koordinering med andre europæiske
    partnerskaber samt operationelle synergier med andre fællesforetagender,
    herunder gennem centralisering af administrative funktioner
    (o) definerer det flerårige strategiske program, udarbejder og gennemfører de
    tilsvarende årlige arbejdsprogrammer for dets gennemførelse og foretager de
    nødvendige tilpasninger af det flerårige strategiske program
    (p) gennemfører informations-, kommunikations-, udnyttelses- og
    formidlingsaktiviteter ved tilsvarende anvendelse af bestemmelserne i artikel
    46 i forordning (EU) nr. xxx om oprettelse af Horisont Europa, og gør i den
    forbindelse detaljerede oplysninger om resultaterne af indkaldelser af forslag
    tilgængelige i en fælles Horisont Europa-e-database
    (q) enhver anden opgave, som er nødvendig for at opfylde målsætningerne som
    omhandlet i forordningens artikel 3.
    Artikel 2
    (1) Fællesforetagendet består af følgende medlemmer:
    (a) Unionen, repræsenteret ved Kommissionen
    (b) Belgien, Bulgarien, Cypern, Danmark, Estland, Finland, Frankrig, Grækenland,
    Irland, Island, Italien, Kroatien, Letland, Litauen, Luxembourg, [Montenegro],
    Nederlandene, [Nordmakedonien], Norge, Polen, Portugal, Rumænien,
    [Schweiz], Slovakiet, Slovenien, Spanien, Sverige, Tjekkiet, [Tyrkiet],
    Tyskland, Ungarn og Østrig
    (c) ved godkendelse af disse vedtægter i form af et godkendelsesbrev European
    Technology Platform for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC)
    Association registreret under nederlandsk lov med hjemsted i Amsterdam
    (Nederlandene) og Big Data Value Association (BDVA) registreret under
    belgisk lov med hjemsted i Bruxelles (Belgien).
    (d) Hver enkelt af de deltagende stater udnævner sine egne repræsentanter til
    fællesforetagendets bestyrelse og udpeger den eller de nationale enheder, der
    har ansvaret for at varetage landets forpligtelser i henhold til forordningen.
    Artikel 3
    Ændringer i medlemsskab
    (1) Under forudsætning af, at medlemsstater eller lande, der er associeret med Horisont
    Europa eller programmet for et digitalt Europa, men ikke er nævnt i disse vedtægters
    artikel 2, stk. 1, litra b), jf. forordningens artikel 7 bidrager til finansieringen som
    DA 3 DA
    omhandlet i disse vedtægters artikel 15 for at nå fællesforetagendets mission og mål
    som omhandlet i nærværende forordnings artikel 3, kan de ansøge om at blive
    medlemmer af fællesforetagendet.
    (2) Enhver ansøgning fra en medlemsstat eller land, der er associeret med Horisont
    Europa eller programmet for et digitalt Europa, om medlemsskab af
    fællesforetagendet indgives til fællesforetagendets bestyrelse. Ansøgerlandene skal
    meddele deres skriftlige godkendelse af disse vedtægter og eventuelle andre
    bestemmelser om driften af fællesforetagendet samt deres bidrag til
    fællesforetagendets administrative omkostninger. Ansøgerne skal også redegøre for
    deres motivation for at ansøge om medlemsskab af fællesforetagendet og for,
    hvordan deres nationale supercomputerstrategi er i overensstemmelse med
    fællesforetagendets målsætninger. Bestyrelsen vurderer ansøgningen under
    hensyntagen til ansøgerens relevans og potentielle merværdi med hensyn til at
    opfylde fællesforetagendets mission og målsætninger og kan anmode ansøgeren om
    yderligere oplysninger, før ansøgningen godkendes.
    (3) Forudsat at den bidrager til den i disse vedtægters artikel 15 omhandlede finansiering
    med henblik på at opfylde fællesforetagendets mission og målsætninger, der er
    fastsat i forordningens artikel 3, og accepterer disse vedtægter, kan enhver juridisk
    enhed, der ikke er anført artikel 2, stk. 1, litra c), i nærværende vedtægter, og som er
    etableret i en medlemsstat eller et land, som direkte eller indirekte støtter forskning
    og innovation i en medlemsstat, ansøge om at blive privat medlem af
    fællesforetagendet i overensstemmelse med denne artikels stk. 4.
    (4) Enhver ansøgning om at blive privat medlem af fællesforetagendet foretaget i
    henhold til denne artikels stk. 3 indgives til fællesforetagendets bestyrelse.
    Bestyrelsen vurderer ansøgningen under hensyntagen til ansøgerens relevans og
    potentielle merværdi med hensyn til at opfylde fællesforetagendets mission og
    målsætninger og træffer beslutning om ansøgningen.
    (5) Ethvert medlem kan opsige sit medlemsskab af fællesforetagendet. Opsigelsen
    træder uigenkaldeligt i kraft seks måneder efter underretning af den administrerende
    direktør, som underretter de øvrige medlemmer af bestyrelsen og de private
    medlemmer. Det tidligere medlem løses fra opsigelsesdatoen fra alle forpligtelser
    bortset fra forpligtelser, som fællesforetagendet har godkendt eller afholdt før
    meddelelsen om opsigelse af medlemskabet.
    (6) Hvert private medlem skal underrette fællesforetagendet en gang om året om
    eventuelle væsentlige ændringer i forhold til det private medlems sammensætning.
    Hvis Kommissionen finder, at ændringen i sammensætningen vil kunne påvirke
    Unionens eller fællesforetagendets interesser for så vidt angår den offentlige
    sikkerhed eller orden, kan den stille forslag til bestyrelsen om at opsige
    medlemsskabet for det relevante private medlem. Opsigelsen træder uigenkaldeligt i
    kraft seks måneder efter bestyrelsens beslutning eller den dato, der er angivet i den
    pågældende afgørelse, alt efter hvad der indtræffer først.
    (7) Et medlemsskab af fællesforetagendet kan ikke overdrages til en tredjepart uden
    forudgående samtykke fra bestyrelsen.
    (8) Efter enhver ændring af medlemskabet i henhold til denne artikel offentliggør
    fællesforetagendet på sit websted omgående en opdateret fortegnelse over
    medlemmer og datoen for den pågældende ændring.
    DA 4 DA
    Artikel 4
    Fællesforetagendets organer
    (1) Fællesforetagendet har følgende organer:
    (a) bestyrelsen
    (b) den administrerende direktør
    (c) Det Industrielle og Videnskabelige Rådgivende Udvalg bestående af Den
    Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation og Den Rådgivende Gruppe
    for Infrastruktur.
    (2) I udførelsen af sine opgaver forfølger hvert af fællesforetagendets organer kun de
    målsætninger, der er fastsat i denne forordning, og handler kun inden for
    anvendelsesområdet for fællesforetagendets aktiviteter med hensyn til det formål,
    hvortil det er etableret.
    Artikel 5
    Bestyrelsens sammensætning
    (1) Bestyrelsen består af repræsentanter for Kommissionen, på vegne af Unionen, og af
    de deltagende stater.
    (2) Kommissionen og hver deltagende stat udpeger én repræsentant til bestyrelsen.
    Artikel 6
    Bestyrelsens funktionsmåde
    (1) Repræsentanterne for medlemmerne af bestyrelsen skal så vidt muligt søge at opnå
    konsensus. I mangel af konsensus holdes en afstemning.
    (2) Unionen har 50 % af stemmerettighederne. Unionens stemmerettigheder er udelelige.
    (3) Med hensyn til de opgaver, der er omhandlet i disse vedtægters artikel 7, stk. 3,
    fordeles de resterende 50 % af stemmerettighederne ligeligt mellem alle deltagende
    Med henblik på dette stykke træffes bestyrelsens beslutninger med et flertal
    bestående af mindst 75 % af alle stemmer, inklusive fraværende medlemmers
    (4) Med hensyn til de opgaver, der er omhandlet i disse vedtægters artikel 7, stk. 4,
    bortset fra litra f), g) og h), ligger de resterende 50 % af stemmerettighederne hos de
    deltagende stater, der er medlemsstater.
    Med henblik på dette stykke træffes bestyrelsens beslutninger ved kvalificeret flertal.
    Kvalificeret flertal skal anses for at være opnået, hvis det repræsenterer Unionen og
    mindst 55 % af de deltagende stater, der er medlemsstater, med tilsammen mindst 65
    % af disse staters samlede befolkning. Med henblik på at fastlægge befolkningstallet
    anvendes tallene i bilag III til Rådets afgørelse 2009/937/EU1
    (5) Med hensyn til de opgaver, der er omhandlet i disse vedtægters artikel 7, stk. 4, litra
    f), g) og h), og for hver EuroHPC-supercomputer fordeles de deltagende staters
    Rådets afgørelse 2009/937/EU af 1. december 2009 om vedtagelse af Rådets forretningsorden (EUT L
    325 af 11.12.2009, s. 35).
    DA 5 DA
    stemmerettigheder i forhold til deres godkendte naturalydelser til den pågældende
    supercomputer, indtil enten ejerskabet overføres til værtsenheden i overensstemmelse
    med forordningens artikel 8, stk. 3, eller indtil den sælges eller lukkes ned;
    naturalydelserne tages kun i betragtning, hvis de på forhånd er blevet godkendt af en
    uafhængig ekspert eller revisor.
    Med henblik på dette stykke træffes bestyrelsens beslutninger med et flertal
    bestående af mindst 75 % af alle stemmer, inklusive fraværende medlemmers
    (6) Med hensyn til de opgaver, der er omhandlet i disse vedtægters artikel 7, stk. 5-7,
    træffes bestyrelsens beslutninger i to faser.
    I første fase fordeles de resterende 50 % af stemmerettighederne ligeligt mellem alle
    deltagende stater. Bestyrelsens beslutninger træffes med et flertal bestående af
    Unionens stemme og mindst 55 % af alle stemmer fra de deltagende stater, inklusive
    fraværende medlemmers stemmer.
    I anden fase træffer bestyrelsen beslutning ved kvalificeret flertal som omhandlet i
    denne artikels stk. 4.
    (7) Uden at det berører det ovenfor beskrevne, bevarer lande, der var medlem af
    fællesforetagendet i henhold til Rådets forordning 2018/1488, og som bidrog til
    erhvervelsen eller driften af de af fællesforetagendet erhvervede supercomputere (i
    henhold til den forordning), men som ikke længere er medlemmer af det nuværende
    fællesforetagende, sine stemmerettigheder, der udelukkende er begrænset til
    beslutninger vedrørende disse supercomputere i overensstemmelse med artikel 6, stk.
    5, og artikel 7, stk. 5, i vedtægterne for fællesforetagendet for europæisk højtydende
    databehandling, der er knyttet som bilag til Rådets forordning 2018/1488.
    (8) Bestyrelsen vælger en formand for en periode på to år. Formandens mandat kan kun
    forlænges én gang efter en beslutning truffet af bestyrelsen.
    (9) Bestyrelsens næstformand er Kommissionens repræsentant.
    (10) Bestyrelsen skal afholde ordinære møder mindst to gange om året. Den kan afholde
    ekstraordinære møder på anmodning af Kommissionen eller et flertal af
    repræsentanterne for de deltagende stater, på anmodning af formanden eller på
    anmodning af den administrerende direktør i medfør af disse vedtægters artikel 15,
    stk. 5. Formanden indkalder til bestyrelsesmøderne, og de afholdes almindeligvis på
    fællesforetagendets hjemsted.
    Den administrerende direktør kan deltage i møderne og deltage i forhandlingerne,
    men har ikke stemmeret. Bestyrelsen kan fra sag til sag indbyde andre personer til at
    deltage i møderne som observatører.
    Hver observatørstat kan udpege en delegeret i bestyrelsen, der modtager alle
    relevante dokumenter og kan deltage i bestyrelsens drøftelser, medmindre
    bestyrelsen fra sag til sag beslutter noget andet. Disse delegerede har ikke stemmeret
    og skal sikre fortroligheden af følsomme oplysninger i henhold til artikel 24 i denne
    forordning og i overensstemmelse med reglerne om interessekonflikt.
    (11) Repræsentanterne for medlemmerne af bestyrelsen er ikke personligt ansvarlige for
    de aktioner, som de foretager i deres egenskab af repræsentanter i bestyrelsen.
    DA 6 DA
    (12) Bestyrelsen vedtager og offentliggør selv sin forretningsorden Disse regler skal
    omfatte specifikke procedurer for at identificere og undgå interessekonflikter og
    sikre fortroligheden af følsomme oplysninger.
    (13) Formanden for Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation og formanden
    for Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur inviteres, når der drøftes spørgsmål
    vedrørende deres ansvarsområde, til at deltage på møder i bestyrelsen som
    observatører og deltage i drøftelserne, men har ikke stemmeret.
    (14) Formændene for de private medlemmer i fællesforetagendet inviteres til at deltage på
    møder i bestyrelsen som observatører og deltage i drøftelserne, men har ikke
    Artikel 7
    Bestyrelsens opgaver
    (1) Bestyrelsen har det overordnede ansvar for fællesforetagendets strategiske retning og
    operationer og fører tilsyn med gennemførelsen af dets aktiviteter. Den sikrer, at
    principperne om redelighed og åbenhed anvendes korrekt i forbindelse med
    tildelingen af offentlige midler.
    (2) I sin rolle i bestyrelsen søger Kommissionen at sikre samordning mellem
    fællesforetagendets aktiviteter og de relevante aktiviteter i Unionens
    finansieringsprogrammer med henblik på at fremme synergier i udviklingen af et
    integreret økosystem for supercomputere og datainfrastruktur og ved fastsættelsen af
    prioriteter, der er omfattet af forskningssamarbejde.
    (3) Bestyrelsen udfører navnlig følgende generelle administrative opgaver for
    (a) vurderer, godtager eller afviser ansøgninger om medlemsskab i henhold til
    disse vedtægters artikel 3, stk. 2
    (b) træffer beslutning om ophævelse af medlemsskabet af fællesforetagendet, hvis
    et medlem ikke opfylder sine forpligtelser
    (c) vedtager fællesforetagendets finansielle bestemmelser i henhold til
    forordningens artikel 17
    (d) vedtager fællesforetagendets årlige administrationsbudget, herunder
    stillingsfortegnelsen med angivelse af antallet af midlertidige stillinger i hver
    funktionsgruppe og lønklasse samt antallet af kontraktansatte og udstationerede
    nationale eksperter udtrykt i fuldtidsækvivalenter
    (e) udnævner og afskediger den administrerende direktør, forlænger dennes
    mandatperiode, yder vejledning til vedkommende og fører tilsyn med
    vedkommendes indsats
    (f) godkender den årlige aktivitetsrapport, herunder de dermed forbundne udgifter,
    jf. disse vedtægters artikel 19, stk. 1
    (g) udøver beføjelserne som ansættelsesmyndighed over for personalet i henhold
    til forordningens artikel 18
    (h) fastlægger efter behov gennemførelsesbestemmelser for personalevedtægten og
    ansættelsesvilkårene i henhold til forordningens artikel 18, stk. 3
    DA 7 DA
    (i) fastsætter efter behov bestemmelser for udstationering af nationale eksperter til
    fællesforetagendet og for anvendelsen af praktikanter i henhold til
    forordningens artikel 19, stk. 2
    (j) opretter efter behov rådgivende grupper ud over fællesforetagendets organer
    som omhandlet i disse vedtægters artikel 4
    (k) godkender det nedsatte programkontors organisationsstruktur efter henstilling
    fra den administrerende direktør
    (l) forelægger efter behov Kommissionen enhver anmodning om ændring af
    forordningen, som foreslås af et medlem af fællesforetagendet
    (m) fastsætter de generelle og specifikke adgangsbetingelser for benyttelse af
    Unionens andel af adgangstiden til EuroHPC-supercomputerne i
    overensstemmelse med forordningens artikel 15
    (n) fastsætter gebyrniveauet for de kommercielle tjenesteydelser, der er omhandlet
    i forordningens artikel 16, og træffer beslutning om tildeling af adgangstiden
    for disse tjenester
    (o) godkender fællesforetagendets kommunikationspolitik efter henstilling fra den
    administrerende direktør
    (p) påtager sig ansvaret for enhver opgave, der ikke specifikt er tildelt til et
    bestemt organ i fællesforetagendet; den kan overdrage sådanne opgaver til
    ethvert organ i fællesforetagendet.
    (4) Bestyrelsen udfører navnlig følgende opgaver i forbindelse med erhvervelsen og
    driften af EuroHPC-supercomputerne og indtægterne som omhandlet i forordningens
    artikel 14:
    (a) vedtager det flerårige strategiske program for erhvervelse af EuroHPC-
    supercomputere som omhandlet i disse vedtægters artikel 19, stk. 1
    (b) vedtager den del af det årlige arbejdsprogram, som vedrører erhvervelsen af
    EuroHPC-supercomputere og udvælgelsen af værtsenheder, og de tilsvarende
    udgiftsoverslag, jf. disse vedtægters artikel 19, stk. 2
    (c) godkender iværksættelsen af indkaldelser af interessetilkendegivelser i
    overensstemmelse med det årlige arbejdsprogram
    (d) godkender udvælgelsen af værtsenhederne for EuroHPC-supercomputerne på
    en retfærdig, åben og gennemsigtig måde i overensstemmelse med
    forordningens artikel 8
    (e) træffer hvert år beslutning om anvendelsen af eventuelle indtægter fra de
    gebyrer for kommercielle tjenester, der er omhandlet i forordningens artikel 16
    (f) godkender iværksættelsen af udbud i overensstemmelse med det årlige
    (g) godkender de udbud, der er udvalgt til finansiering
    (h) træffer beslutning om eventuel overførsel af ejerskabet af EuroHPC-
    supercomputerne til en værtsenhed, deres salg til en anden enhed eller deres
    nedlukning i henhold til forordningens artikel 10, stk. 4, artikel 11, stk. 5, og
    artikel 13, stk. 4
    DA 8 DA
    (i) træffer beslutning om eventuel overførsel af ejerskabet af EuroHPC-
    supercomputerne til de private medlemmer eller et konsortium af private
    partnere, deres salg til en anden enhed eller deres nedlukning i henhold til
    forordningens artikel 12, stk. 5.
    (5) Bestyrelsen udfører navnlig følgende opgaver i forbindelse med fællesforetagendets
    forsknings- og innovationsaktiviteter og databrug og kompetenceaktiviteter:
    (a) vedtager den strategiske forsknings- og innovationsdagsorden, der er
    omhandlet i disse vedtægters artikel 19, stk. 1, i starten af initiativet og ændrer
    den om nødvendigt i løbet af Horisont Europa-programmet. Den strategiske
    forsknings- og innovationsdagsorden kortlægger bl.a. de øvrige europæiske
    partnerskaber, med hvem fællesforetagendet opretter et formelt og
    regelmæssigt samarbejde, samt muligheder for synergier mellem
    fællesforetagendets aktioner og nationale eller regionale initiativer på grundlag
    af oplysninger, som de deltagende stater har modtaget
    (b) vedtager den del af det årlige arbejdsprogram, som vedrører forsknings- og
    innovationsaktiviteter, og de tilsvarende udgiftsoverslag, jf. disse vedtægters
    artikel 19, stk. 2, med henblik på at gennemføre den strategiske forsknings- og
    innovationsdagsorden, herunder indholdet af indkaldelserne af forslag, den
    gældende finansieringssats pr. indkaldelsesemne samt reglerne vedrørende
    forelæggelses-, evaluerings-, udvælgelses-, tildelings- og revisionsprocedurer
    (c) tager aftalerne, der er omhandlet i vedtægternes artikel 16, stk. 3, i behørig
    betragtning ved vedtagelse af udgiftsoverslagene for forsknings- og
    innovationsaktiviteterne for at sikre princippet om ligevægt i
    fællesforetagendets budget
    (d) godkender iværksættelsen af indkaldelser af forslag i overensstemmelse med
    det årlige arbejdsprogram
    (e) godkender fortegnelsen over aktioner, der er udvalgt til at modtage støtte, på
    grundlag af en henstilling fra den administrerende direktør
    (f) påtager sig ansvaret for den nøje og rettidige overvågning af, hvordan
    fællesforetagendets forsknings- og innovationsprogram og individuelle
    aktioner i forbindelse med Kommissionens prioriteter samt den strategiske
    forsknings- og innovationsdagsorden skrider frem og træffer korrigerende
    foranstaltninger, når det er nødvendigt, for at sikre, at fællesforetagendet
    opfylder sine mål.
    (6) Bestyrelsen udfører navnlig følgende opgaver i forbindelse med fællesforetagendets
    kompetenceopbygnings- og udvidelsesaktiviteter:
    (a) vedtager det flerårige strategiske program, jf. disse vedtægters artikel 19, stk. 1
    (b) vedtager den del af det årlige arbejdsprogram, som vedrører
    kompetenceopbygnings- og udvidelsesaktiviteterne, og de tilsvarende
    udgiftsoverslag, jf. disse vedtægters artikel 19, stk. 2
    (c) godkender iværksættelsen af indkaldelser af forslag og udbud i
    overensstemmelse med det årlige arbejdsprogram
    (d) godkender fortegnelsen over aktioner, der er udvalgt til at modtage støtte, på
    grundlag af en henstilling fra den administrerende direktør.
    DA 9 DA
    (7) Bestyrelsen udfører navnlig følgende opgaver i forbindelse med organiseringen og
    sammenkoblingen af den højtydende databehandling og datainfrastrukturaktiviteter
    samt fællesforetagendets internationale samarbejdsaktiviteter:
    (a) vedtager det flerårige strategiske program, jf. disse vedtægters artikel 19, stk. 1
    (b) vedtager den del af det årlige arbejdsprogram, som vedrører organiseringen og
    sammenkoblingen samt de internationale samarbejdsaktiviteter, og de
    tilsvarende udgiftsoverslag, jf. disse vedtægters artikel 19, stk. 2
    (c) godkender iværksættelsen af indkaldelser af forslag og udbud i
    overensstemmelse med det årlige arbejdsprogram
    (d) godkender fortegnelsen over aktioner, der er udvalgt til at modtage støtte, på
    grundlag af en henstilling fra den administrerende direktør.
    Artikel 8
    Udnævnelse og afskedigelse af den administrerende direktør samt forlængelse af dennes
    (1) Kommissionen foreslår, at den administrerende direktør udnævnes ud fra en liste
    over kandidater på baggrund af inddragelse af de andre medlemmer end Unionen af
    fællesforetagendet. Med henblik herpå udpeger de andre medlemmer end Unionen af
    fællesforetagendet efter gensidig aftale deres repræsentanter og en observatør på
    bestyrelsens vegne.
    Den administrerende direktør udnævnes af bestyrelsen ud fra en liste over
    kandidater, som Kommissionen foreslår på baggrund af en åben og gennemsigtig
    (2) Den administrerende direktør er medlem af personalet og ansættes som midlertidigt
    ansat i fællesforetagendet i henhold til artikel 2, litra a), i ansættelsesvilkårene.
    Ved indgåelsen af kontrakten med den administrerende direktør repræsenteres
    fællesforetagendet af formanden for bestyrelsen.
    (3) Den administrerende direktørs mandatperiode er fire år. Ved udgangen af denne
    periode foretager Kommissionen en vurdering af den administrerende direktørs
    indsats og fællesforetagendets kommende opgaver og udfordringer, idet den
    inddrager de andre medlemmer end Unionen efter behov.
    (4) Bestyrelsen kan forlænge den administrerende direktørs mandatperiode én gang efter
    forslag fra Kommissionen, der tager hensyn til den i stk. 3 omhandlede vurdering,
    dog højst for en periode på fire år.
    (5) En administrerende direktør, hvis mandat er blevet forlænget, kan ikke deltage i
    endnu en udvælgelsesprocedure til samme stilling ved udløbet af den samlede
    (6) Den administrerende direktør kan kun afskediges efter beslutning truffet af
    bestyrelsen i henhold til disse vedtægters artikel 7, stk. 3, litra f), på forslag af
    Kommissionen med inddragelse af de andre medlemmer end Unionen efter behov.
    (7) Kommissionen kan udpege en tjenestemand fra Kommissionen til at fungere som
    midlertidig administrerende direktør og udføre de opgaver, som er overdraget til den
    administrerende direktør, for den periode, hvor stillingen som administrerende
    direktør ikke er besat.
    DA 10 DA
    Artikel 9
    Den administrerende direktørs opgaver
    (1) Den administrerende direktør er fællesforetagendets øverste ansvarlige for den
    daglige ledelse i overensstemmelse med bestyrelsens beslutninger.
    (2) Den administrerende direktør er fællesforetagendets retlige repræsentant. Den
    administrerende direktør er ansvarlig over for bestyrelsen og udfører sine opgaver i
    fuld uafhængighed inden for rammerne af de beføjelser, vedkommende har fået
    (3) Den administrerende direktør gennemfører budgettet for fællesforetagendet.
    (4) Den administrerende direktør varetager navnlig følgende opgaver uafhængigt:
    (a) sammenstiller udkastet til det flerårige strategiske program som omhandlet i
    artikel 19, stk. 1, og forelægger det for bestyrelsen til vedtagelse
    (b) udarbejder udkastet til det årlige budget, herunder stillingsfortegnelsen med
    angivelse af antallet af midlertidige stillinger i hver lønklasse og
    funktionsgruppe samt antallet af kontraktansatte og udstationerede nationale
    eksperter udtrykt i fuldtidsækvivalenter, og forelægger det for bestyrelsen til
    (c) udarbejder udkastet til det årlige arbejdsprogram, herunder anvendelsesområdet
    for indkaldelser af forslag, udbud og interessetilkendegivelser med henblik på
    at gennemføre forsknings- og innovationsaktivitetsprogrammet, programmet
    for kompetenceopbygnings- og udvidelsesaktiviteter og for organisering og
    sammenkobling samt internationale samarbejdsaktiviteter foreslået af Det
    Industrielle og Videnskabelige Rådgivende Udvalg og de tilsvarende
    udgiftsoverslag som foreslået af de deltagende stater og Kommissionen, og
    forelægger det for bestyrelsen til vedtagelse
    (d) forelægger årsregnskabet for bestyrelsen med henblik på en udtalelse
    (e) udarbejder den årlige aktivitetsrapport med angivelse af de tilsvarende udgifter
    og forelægger bestyrelsen denne med henblik på godkendelse
    (f) underskriver individuelle tilskudsaftaler, kontrakter og beslutninger, som falder
    ind under vedkommendes sagsområde, på vegne af fællesforetagendet
    (g) udbudskontrakter
    (h) overvåger driften af de EuroHPC-supercomputere, der ejes eller er finansieret
    af fællesforetagendet, herunder tildeling af Unionens andel af adgangstiden,
    overholdelse af adgangsrettighederne for akademiske og industrielle brugere og
    kvaliteten af de leverede tjenester
    (i) stiller forslag til bestyrelsen vedrørende fællesforetagendets
    (j) tilrettelægger, leder og fører tilsyn med fællesforetagendets drift og personale
    inden for rammerne af bestyrelsens delegation af beføjelser som fastlagt i
    forordningens artikel 18, stk. 2
    (k) etablerer og opretholder et velfungerende og effektivt internt kontrolsystem og
    indberetter alle betydelige ændringer heraf til bestyrelsen
    DA 11 DA
    (l) sikrer, at der foretages risikovurdering og risikostyring
    (m) sørger for etablering, hvis det er hensigtsmæssigt, af en intern
    revisionsfunktion i fællesforetagendet
    (n) tildeler adgangstid i nød- og krisestyringssituationer i overensstemmelse med
    de adgangsregler, som bestyrelsen definerer
    (o) træffer enhver anden foranstaltning, der er nødvendig for at vurdere
    fællesforetagendets fremskridt med hensyn til at opfylde dets målsætninger
    som omhandlet i forordningens artikel 3
    (p) varetager alle andre opgaver, som bestyrelsen overdrager eller uddelegerer til
    den administrerende direktør.
    (5) Den administrerende direktør opretter et programkontor, som under vedkommendes
    ansvar udfører alle de støtteopgaver, der følger af forordningen. Programkontoret
    bemandes af fællesforetagendets personale og varetager navnlig følgende opgaver:
    (a) yder støtte til etablering og forvaltning af et hensigtsmæssigt regnskabssystem i
    overensstemmelse med de finansielle bestemmelser, der er omhandlet i
    forordningens artikel 17
    (b) forvalter indkaldelser af forslag i henhold til det årlige arbejdsprogram og
    administrerer tilskudsaftalerne og -beslutningerne
    (c) forvalter udbud i henhold til det årlige arbejdsprogram og administrerer
    (d) forvalter processen for udvælgelse af værtsenhederne og administrerer
    (e) forelægger fællesforetagendets medlemmer og øvrige organer alle relevante
    oplysninger og yder den støtte, der er nødvendig for, at de kan varetage deres
    opgaver, samt besvarer deres konkrete anmodninger
    (f) varetager sekretariatsfunktionen for fællesforetagendets organer og yder støtte
    til rådgivningsgrupper, som bestyrelsen nedsætter.
    Artikel 10
    Sammensætningen af Det Industrielle og Videnskabelige Rådgivende Udvalg
    (1) Det Industrielle og Videnskabelige Rådgivende Udvalg består af Den Rådgivende
    Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation og Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur.
    (2) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation består af højst ti medlemmer,
    som udpeges af de private medlemmer under hensyntagen til deres forpligtelser over
    for fællesforetagendet.
    (3) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur består af ti medlemmer. Bestyrelsen
    fastlægger de specifikke kriterier, der vil blive taget i betragtning ved udvælgelse af
    medlemmerne af Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur. Formanden og
    næstformanden for bestyrelsen udpeger medlemmerne af Den Rådgivende Gruppe
    for Infrastruktur efter input fra bestyrelsen og den administrerende direktør.
    (4) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation og Den Rådgivende Gruppe
    for Infrastruktur mødes mindst én gang om året for at koordinere deres aktiviteter.
    DA 12 DA
    Artikel 11
    Funktionsmåden for Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation
    (1) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation mødes mindst to gange om
    (2) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation kan efter behov nedsætte
    arbejdsgrupper, hvis overordnede koordinering forestås af et eller flere medlemmer.
    (3) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation vælger selv sin formand.
    (4) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation vedtager selv sin
    forretningsorden, herunder udpegelsen af de konstituerende enheder, der
    repræsenterer den rådgivende gruppe, og varigheden af deres udnævnelse.
    Artikel 12
    Funktionsmåden for Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur
    (1) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur mødes mindst to gange om året.
    (2) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur kan efter behov nedsætte arbejdsgrupper,
    hvis overordnede koordinering forestås af et eller flere medlemmer.
    (3) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur vælger selv sin formand.
    (4) Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur vedtager selv sin forretningsorden,
    herunder udpegelsen af de konstituerende enheder, der repræsenterer den rådgivende
    gruppe, og varigheden af deres udnævnelse.
    Artikel 13
    Opgaver i Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation
    Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Forskning og Innovation skal:
    (a) udarbejde og regelmæssigt ajourføre udkastet til det flerårige strategiske
    program, jf. vedtægternes artikel 19, stk. 1, med henblik på at nå
    fællesforetagendets mål som omhandlet i forordningens artikel 3. Dette udkast
    til det flerårige strategiske program indeholder: i) den strategiske forsknings-
    og innovationsdagsorden, som kortlægger forsknings- og
    innovationsprioriteterne for udvikling og indførelse af teknologier og
    nøglekompetencer for højtydende databehandling og kvantedatabehandling på
    tværs af forskellige anvendelsesområder for at støtte udviklingen af et
    integreret økosystem for højtydende databehandling, kvantedatabehandling og
    data i Unionen, styrke dens resiliens og bidrage til at skabe nye markeder og
    samfundsnyttige anvendelsesformål, og foranstaltninger til fremme af
    udviklingen og udbredelsen af europæisk teknologi ii) potentielle internationale
    samarbejdsaktiviteter inden for forskning og innovation, som skaber værdi og
    er af fælles interesse iii) uddannelsesaktiviteter med henblik på at reducere
    kompetencegab i relation til teknologier og anvendelsesområder inden for
    højtydende databehandling og kvantedatabehandling, navnlig til industrien. Det
    revideres regelmæssigt i takt med udviklingen af den videnskabelige og
    industrielle efterspørgsel
    DA 13 DA
    (b) forelægge den administrerende direktør udkastet til den flerårige strategiske
    forsknings- og innovationsdagsorden som grundlag for udarbejdelsen af det
    årlige arbejdsprogram inden for de frister, som bestyrelsen fastsætter
    (c) tilrettelægge offentlige høringer, som er åbne for alle offentlige og private
    interessenter med interesse for højtydende databehandling og
    kvantedatabehandling for at informere dem om og indsamle feedback om
    udkastet til det flerårige strategiske program og udkastet til forsknings- og
    innovationsaktivitetsprogrammet og uddannelsesprogrammet for et givet år.
    Artikel 14
    Opgaver i Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur
    Den Rådgivende Gruppe for Infrastruktur rådgiver bestyrelsen om erhvervelse og drift af
    EuroHPC-supercomputere. I den forbindelse har den til opgave at:
    (a) udarbejde og regelmæssigt ajourføre udkastet til det flerårige strategiske
    program, jf. vedtægternes artikel 19, stk. 1, med henblik på at nå
    fællesforetagendets mål som omhandlet i forordningens artikel 3. Dette udkast
    til det flerårige strategiske program indeholder: i) erhvervelsen af EuroHPC-
    supercomputerne, bl.a. under hensyntagen til planlægningen af erhvervelsen,
    de nødvendige kapacitetsforøgelser, typer af applikationer og brugergrupper,
    der skal behandles, relevante brugerkrav og nødvendige systemarkitekturer,
    brugerkrav og infrastrukturens arkitektur ii) organiseringen og
    sammenkoblingen af denne infrastruktur, bl.a. under hensyntagen til
    integrationen med de nationale infrastrukturer for højtydende databehandling
    og kvantedatabehandling samt arkitekturen for hypersammenkoblet og
    organiseret infrastruktur iii) kompetenceopbygningen, herunder
    kompetencecentre og udvidelses- og uddannelsesaktiviteter for slutbrugere
    samt muligheder for navnlig kompetencecentrenes fremme af udbredelsen og
    brugen af europæiske teknologiløsninger
    (b) forelægge den administrerende direktør udkastet til det flerårige strategiske
    program for erhvervelsen af EuroHPC-supercomputerne som grundlag for
    udarbejdelsen af det årlige arbejdsprogram inden for de frister, som bestyrelsen
    (c) tilrettelægge offentlige høringer, som er åbne for alle offentlige og private
    interessenter med interesse for højtydende databehandling, herunder
    kvantedatabehandling, for at informere dem om og indsamle feedback om
    udkastet til det flerårige strategiske program vedrørende erhvervelse og drift af
    EuroHPC-supercomputerne og udkastet til arbejdsprogrammets aktiviteter for
    et givet år.
    Artikel 15
    (1) Fællesforetagendet finansieres i fællesskab af sine medlemmer gennem finansielle
    bidrag, der betales i rater, og naturalydelser som omhandlet i stk. 2 og 3.
    (2) Fællesforetagendets administrationsomkostninger må ikke overstige [svarende til
    2,22 gange Unionens bidrag til administrationsomkostninger, jf. forordningens
    DA 14 DA
    artikel 5] EUR og afholdes via de finansielle bidrag, der er omhandlet i
    forordningens artikel 5, stk. 1, artikel 7, stk. 1 og artikel 7, stk. 2.
    Hver deltagende stats bidrag til fællesforetagendets administrationsomkostninger
    skal stå i forhold til deres bruttonationalprodukt. Bidragene beregnes hvert år på
    baggrund af BNP for det foregående kalenderår som fastsat af EUROSTAT.
    Hvis en del af bidraget til administrationsomkostningerne ikke anvendes, kan den
    stilles til rådighed til dækning af fællesforetagendets driftsomkostninger.
    (3) Fællesforetagendets driftsomkostninger dækkes via:
    (a) Unionens finansielle bidrag
    (b) finansielle bidrag fra den deltagende stat, hvor værtsenheden er etableret, eller
    fra de deltagende stater i et værtskonsortium til fællesforetagendet til
    erhvervelse af high-end EuroHPC-supercomputerne eller kvantecomputerne og
    deres drift, indtil ejerskabet overføres til værtsenheden, eller de sælges eller
    lukkes ned i overensstemmelse med forordningens artikel 10, stk. 4, og artikel
    11, stk. 5, efter fradrag af fællesforetagendets bidrag og ethvert andet EU-
    bidrag til disse omkostninger
    (c) naturalydelser fra den deltagende stat, hvor værtsenheden er etableret, eller fra
    de deltagende stater i et værtskonsortium, som defineret i forordningens artikel
    8, stk. 7
    (d) finansielle bidrag fra den deltagende stat, hvor værtsenheden er etableret, eller
    fra de deltagende stater i et værtskonsortium, bestående af de omkostninger,
    der er afholdt til sammen med fællesforetagendet at erhverve (mid-range)
    EuroHPC-supercomputerne, efter fradrag af fællesforetagendets bidrag og
    ethvert andet EU-bidrag til disse omkostninger
    (e) finansielle bidrag fra de private medlemmer eller et konsortium af private
    partnere bestående af de omkostninger, der er afholdt til sammen med
    fællesforetagendet at erhverve (industrial grade) EuroHPC-supercomputerne,
    efter fradrag af fællesforetagendets bidrag og ethvert andet EU-bidrag til disse
    omkostninger, indtil ejerskabet overføres til værtsenheden, eller de sælges eller
    lukkes ned i overensstemmelse med forordningens artikel 13, stk. 5
    (f) finansielle bidrag fra deltagende stater til de støtteberettigede omkostninger,
    som støttemodtagere etableret i den pågældende deltagende stat har afholdt i
    forbindelse med gennemførelsen af indirekte aktioner, der svarer til forsknings-
    og innovationsdagsordenen, som et supplement til refusionen af disse
    omkostninger foretaget af fællesforetagendet efter fradrag af
    fællesforetagendets bidrag og ethvert andet EU-bidrag til disse omkostninger.
    Sådanne bidrag berører ikke statsstøttereglerne
    (g) naturalydelser fra de private medlemmer eller deres konstituerende enheder og
    associerede enheder som defineret i forordningens artikel 8, stk. 7.
    (4) De ressourcer, som fællesforetagendet opfører i sit budget, består af følgende bidrag:
    (a) medlemmernes finansielle bidrag til administrationsomkostningerne
    (b) medlemmernes finansielle bidrag til driftsomkostningerne
    (c) fællesforetagendets eventuelle indtægter
    (d) eventuelle andre finansielle bidrag, ressourcer og indtægter.
    DA 15 DA
    (e) Eventuelle renter af de bidrag, der betales til fællesforetagendet, anses for at
    være fællesforetagendets indtægter.
    (5) Hvis et medlem af fællesforetagendet ikke overholder sine forpligtelser vedrørende
    aftalte finansielle bidrag, meddeler den administrerende direktør dette skriftligt og
    fastsætter en rimelig frist, inden for hvilken misligholdelsen skal afhjælpes. Såfremt
    situationen ikke afhjælpes inden fristens udløb, indkalder den administrerende
    direktør til et bestyrelsesmøde med henblik på at beslutte, om det misligholdende
    medlem skal fratages sit medlemskab, eller hvorvidt der skal træffes andre
    foranstaltninger, indtil medlemmet overholder sine forpligtelser. Det misligholdende
    medlems stemmerettigheder suspenderes, indtil misligholdelsen er afhjulpet.
    (6) Det er hensigten, at fællesforetagendets ressourcer og aktiviteter benyttes til at
    opfylde målsætningerne, jf. forordningens artikel 3.
    (7) Fællesforetagendet ejer alle aktiver, som det frembringer eller får overført med
    henblik på at opfylde målsætningerne, jf. forordningens artikel 3. Dette omfatter ikke
    de EuroHPC-supercomputere, hvis ejerskab fællesforetagendet måtte have overført
    til en værtsenhed i henhold til forordningens artikel 10, stk. 4, artikel 11, stk. 5,
    artikel 12, stk. 5, og artikel 13, stk. 4.
    (8) Undtagen i tilfælde af afvikling af fællesforetagendet foretages der ingen
    udbetalinger til fællesforetagendets medlemmer af et eventuelt overskud i
    indtægterne i forhold til udgifterne.
    Artikel 16
    De deltagende staters bidrag
    (1) De deltagende stater skal til fællesforetagendet overdrage gennemførelsen af deres
    bidrag i forhold til deltagerne i deres land i indirekte aktioner, som omhandlet i disse
    vedtægters artikel 15, stk. 3, litra f), gennem de tilskudsaftaler, som
    fællesforetagendet har indgået. De overdrager tillige betalingen af deres bidrag til
    deltagerne til fællesforetagendet. De anfører beløbene, der er afsat til indirekte
    (2) Støttemodtagerne i forbindelse med fællesforetagendets indirekte aktioner indgår en
    enkelt tilskudsaftale med fællesforetagendet. De detaljerede regler vedrørende
    tilskudsaftalen, herunder de respektive rammer for intellektuelle
    ejendomsrettigheder, følger reglerne for det respektive EU-program, der støtter den
    tilsvarende tilskudsaktivitet.
    (3) De deltagende stater er forpligtet til at betale deres bidrag fuldt ud som omhandlet i
    disse vedtægters artikel 15, stk. 3, litra f), via juridisk bindende aftaler mellem de
    enheder, der er udpeget af de deltagende stater i forbindelse dermed og
    fællesforetagendet. Sådanne aftaler skal være indgået forud for vedtagelse af den del
    af det årlige arbejdsprogram, som vedrører forsknings- og innovationsaktiviteter.
    (4) Andre bestemmelser for samarbejdet mellem de deltagende stater og
    fællesforetagendet og forpligtelserne vedrørende bidraget, der er nævnt i stk. 1,
    fastsættes via aftaler, der indgås mellem de enheder, der er udpeget af de deltagende
    stater i forbindelse dermed og fællesforetagendet.
    Artikel 17
    Finansielle forpligtelser
    DA 16 DA
    Fællesforetagendets finansielle forpligtelser må ikke overstige værdien af de finansielle
    ressourcer, som det har til sin rådighed, eller som dets medlemmer har afsat til dets budget.
    Kommissionen kan fastlægge flerårige forpligtelser.
    Artikel 18
    Regnskabsåret løber fra den 1. januar til den 31. december.
    Artikel 19
    Operationel og finansiel planlægning
    (1) I det flerårige strategiske program anføres strategien og planerne for at nå
    fællesforetagendets mål, der er anført i forordningens artikel 3. Det flerårige
    strategiske program udarbejdes af Det Industrielle og Videnskabelige Rådgivende
    Udvalg og består af følgende: den strategiske forsknings- og innovationsdagsorden,
    kompetenceopbygnings- og udvidelsesaktiviteterne, aktiviteterne vedrørende
    organisering og sammenkobling samt internationalt samarbejde og erhvervelse af
    supercomputere. Det vil også bestå af de flerårige finansielle overslag, der er
    modtaget fra de deltagende stater og Kommissionen.
    (2) Den administrerende direktør forelægger med henblik på vedtagelse bestyrelsen et
    udkast til et årligt arbejdsprogram, som omfatter forsknings- og
    innovationsaktiviteterne, indkøbsaktiviteterne, de administrative aktiviteter og de
    tilhørende udgiftsoverslag for det efterfølgende år. Den administrerende direktør
    forelægger også bestyrelsen de aftaler, som er omhandlet i disse vedtægters artikel
    16, stk. 3, som støtter udgiftsoverslagene for forsknings- og innovationsaktiviteterne.
    (3) Det årlige arbejdsprogram vedtages ved udgangen af det år, der ligger umiddelbart
    før dets gennemførelse. Det årlige arbejdsprogram gøres offentligt tilgængeligt.
    (4) Den administrerende direktør udarbejder udkastet til det årlige budget for det
    følgende år og forelægger det for bestyrelsen med henblik på vedtagelse.
    (5) Det årlige budget for et bestemt år vedtages af bestyrelsen før udgangen af det
    foregående år med henblik på dets gennemførelse.
    (6) Det årlige budget tilpasses for at tage hensyn til størrelsen af Unionens finansielle
    bidrag som fastsat i Unionens almindelige budget.
    Artikel 20
    Operationel og finansiel rapportering
    (1) Den administrerende direktør aflægger hvert år rapport til bestyrelsen om
    varetagelsen af sine opgaver som administrerende direktør i overensstemmelse med
    fællesforetagendets finansielle bestemmelser, som omhandlet i denne forordnings
    artikel 17. Den årlige aktivitetsrapport skal bl.a. omfatte oplysninger om følgende:
    (a) forsknings- og innovationsaktioner samt andre aktioner, der er gennemført, og
    de tilhørende udgifter
    (b) erhvervelse og drift af infrastruktur, herunder brug af og adgang til
    infrastrukturen, herunder de adgangstider, der faktisk er anvendt af hver
    deltagende stat
    DA 17 DA
    (c) de indsendte forslag og udbud fordelt efter deltagertype, herunder SMV'er, og
    efter land
    (d) de indirekte aktioner, der er udvalgt til at modtage støtte, fordelt efter
    deltagertyper, herunder SMV'er, og efter land og med angivelse af
    fællesforetagendets bidrag til de enkelte deltagere og aktioner
    (e) de udbud, der er udvalgt til finansiering, fordelt efter kontrahenttype, herunder
    SMV'er, og efter land og med angivelse af fællesforetagendets bidrag til de
    enkelte kontrahenter og udbudsaktioner
    (f) resultatet af udbudsaktiviteterne
    (g) fremskridt hen imod opfyldelsen af målsætningerne, jf. forordningens artikel 3,
    og forslag til yderligere tiltag med henblik på at nå disse mål.
    (2) Fællesforetagendets regnskabsfører sender det foreløbige årsregnskab til
    Kommissionens regnskabsfører og Revisionsretten i overensstemmelse med
    fællesforetagendets finansielle bestemmelser.
    (3) Den administrerende direktør sender beretningen om budgetforvaltningen og den
    økonomiske forvaltning til Europa-Parlamentet, Rådet og Revisionsretten i
    overensstemmelse med fællesforetagendets finansielle bestemmelser.
    (4) Dechargeproceduren gennemføres i overensstemmelse med fællesforetagendets
    finansielle bestemmelser.
    Artikel 21
    Intern revision
    (1) Kommissionens interne revisor bør udøve de samme beføjelser over for
    fællesforetagendet som over for Kommissionen.
    (2) Fællesforetagendet skal være i stand til at foretage sin egen interne revision.
    Artikel 22
    Medlemmernes ansvar og forsikring
    (1) Medlemmernes finansielle forpligtelse for fællesforetagendets gæld er begrænset til
    de bidrag, de allerede har ydet til administrationsomkostningerne.
    (2) Fællesforetagendet tegner en passende forsikring.
    Artikel 23
    (1) Fællesforetagendet og dets organer og personale skal undgå enhver interessekonflikt
    ved gennemførelsen af deres aktiviteter.
    (2) Bestyrelsen vedtager regler om forebyggelse og håndtering af interessekonflikter
    vedrørende personer, der sidder i bestyrelsen og i andre af fællesforetagendets
    organer eller grupper.
    Artikel 24
    DA 18 DA
    (1) Fællesforetagendet afvikles ved udgangen af den periode, der er fastsat i
    forordningens artikel 1.
    (2) Ud over hvad der er fastsat i stk. 1, indledes afviklingsproceduren automatisk, hvis
    Unionen eller alle andre medlemmer end Unionen trækker sig ud af
    (3) Til at forestå afviklingen af fællesforetagendet udpeger bestyrelsen en eller flere
    likvidatorer, som handler i overensstemmelse med bestyrelsens beslutninger.
    (4) Under afviklingen af fællesforetagendet skal dets aktiver bruges til at dække dets
    forpligtelser og udgifter til afviklingen. De supercomputere, der ejes af
    fællesforetagendet, overføres til de respektive værtsenheder, sælges eller lukkes ned
    efter bestyrelsens beslutning og i overensstemmelse med værtsaftalen.
    Fællesforetagendets medlemmer hæfter ikke for omkostninger, der er afholdt efter
    overførsel af ejerskabet af en supercomputer eller efter salg eller nedlukning af
    denne. Ved overførsel af ejerskab refunderer værtsenheden eller de private
    medlemmer eller konsortiet af private partnere fællesforetagendet restværdien af de
    supercomputere, der overføres. Et eventuelt overskud fordeles mellem de
    eksisterende medlemmer på tidspunktet for afviklingen i forhold til deres finansielle
    bidrag til fællesforetagendet. Et eventuelt overskud, der tilfalder Unionen,
    tilbageføres til Unionens almindelige budget.
    (5) Der fastlægges en ad hoc-procedure for at sikre en hensigtsmæssig forvaltning af
    eventuelle aftaler eller beslutninger, som fællesforetagendet har indgået eller
    vedtaget, samt af indkøbskontrakter af en varighed, der overstiger varigheden af


    DA DA
    Bruxelles, den 18.9.2020
    COM(2020) 569 final
    ANNEX 2 – PART 1/2
    om oprettelse af et fællesforetagende for europæisk højtydende databehandling
    {SWD(2020) 179 final}
    Europaudvalget 2020
    KOM (2020) 0569
    DA 1 DA
    1. FORSLAGETS/INITIATIVETS RAMME ................................................................. 3
    1.1. Forslagets/initiativets betegnelse ................................................................................. 3
    1.2. Berørt(e) politikområde(r) (programklynge)................................................................ 3
    1.3. Forslaget/initiativet vedrører:....................................................................................... 3
    1.4. Forslagets/initiativets begrundelse............................................................................... 3
    1.4.1. Behov, der skal opfyldes på kort eller lang sigt, herunder en detaljeret tidsplan for
    iværksættelsen af initiativet.......................................................................................... 3
    1.4.2. Merværdien ved en indsats fra EU's side..................................................................... 3
    1.4.3. Erfaringer fra lignende foranstaltninger....................................................................... 4
    1.4.4. Sammenhæng med andre relevante instrumenter og eventuel synergivirkning........... 4
    1.5. Varighed og finansielle virkninger .............................................................................. 5
    1.6. Påtænkt(e) forvaltningsmetode(r) ................................................................................ 5
    2. FORVALTNINGSFORANSTALTNINGER.............................................................. 7
    2.1. Bestemmelser om kontrol og rapportering................................................................... 7
    2.2. Forvaltnings- og kontrolsystem(er).............................................................................. 7
    2.2.1. Begrundelse for den/de påtænkte forvaltningsmetode(r), finansieringsmekanisme(r),
    betalingsvilkår og kontrolstrategi................................................................................. 7
    2.2.2. Oplysninger om de udpegede risici og det/de interne kontrolsystem(er), der etableres
    for at afbøde dem ......................................................................................................... 8
    2.2.3. Vurdering af og begrundelse for kontrollernes omkostningseffektivitet
    (kontrolomkostningerne ÷ værdien af de forvaltede midler) samt vurdering af den
    forventede risiko for fejl (ved betaling og afslutning) ................................................. 8
    2.3. Foranstaltninger til forebyggelse af svig og uregelmæssigheder................................. 8
    3.1. Berørt(e) udgiftspost(er) på budgettet og udgiftsområde(r) i den flerårige finansielle
    ramme........................................................................................................................... 9
    3.2. Anslåede virkninger for udgifterne............................................................................ 12
    3.2.1. Sammenfatning af de anslåede virkninger for udgifterne.......................................... 12
    3.2.2. Anslåede virkninger for fællesforetagendets menneskelige ressourcer..................... 15
    3.2.3. Kommissionens anslåede behov for menneskelige ressourcer .................................. 17
    3.2.4. Tredjemands bidrag til finansieringen ....................................................................... 19
    3.3. Anslåede virkninger for indtægterne.......................................................................... 20
    DA 2 DA
    1.1. Forslagets/initiativets betegnelse
    Rådets forordning om oprettelse af et fællesforetagende for europæisk højtydende
    1.2. Berørt(e) politikområde(r) (programklynge)
    Forskning og innovation og Europæiske strategiske investeringer
    (Advanced Computing - Horisont Europa klynge 4, Det digitale område, industri og
    Højtydende databehandling – Programmet for et digitalt Europa Strategisk mål 1)
    1.3. Forslaget/initiativet vedrører:
     en ny foranstaltning
     en ny foranstaltning som opfølgning på et pilotprojekt/en forberedende
     en forlængelse af en eksisterende foranstaltning
     en sammenlægning eller en omlægning af en eller flere foranstaltninger til en
    anden/en ny foranstaltning
    1.4. Forslagets/initiativets begrundelse
    1.4.1. Behov, der skal opfyldes på kort eller lang sigt, herunder en detaljeret tidsplan for
    iværksættelsen af initiativet
    Det europæiske fællesforetagende for højtydende databehandling (EuroHPC JU) har
    til formål at udvikle, udbrede, forlænge og vedligeholde et organiseret, sikkert og
    hypersammenkoblet økosystem i verdensklasse for service- og datainfrastruktur
    inden for supercomputere og kvantedatabehandling i Unionen, støtte fremstillingen
    af innovative og konkurrencedygtige supercomputersystemer baseret på en
    forsyningskæde, der sikrer komponenter, teknologier og viden til at begrænse
    risikoen for disruptioner og udvikle en bred vifte af applikationer, der er optimeret til
    disse systemer, udvide brugen af denne supercomputerinfrastruktur til at omfatte en
    lang række offentlige og private brugere og støtte udviklingen af centrale
    kvalifikationer til europæisk forskning og industri.
    1.4.2. Merværdien ved en indsats fra EU's side
    Merværdien ved en indsats fra EU's side omfatter:
    — Forhøjelse af finansieringsniveauet inden for højtydende databehandling på EU-
    plan i en fælles og koordineret indsats med medlemsstaterne/de deltagende stater.
    — Forbedret koordinering og sammenlægning af investeringer på EU-niveau og på
    nationalt niveau (baseret på SRIA).
    Jf. finansforordningens artikel 58, stk. 2, litra a) hhv. b).
    DA 3 DA
    — Rationaliseret gennemførelse af investeringer og programmer på EU-niveau og på
    nationalt niveau som bidrag til at øge de samlede investeringer i højtydende
    databehandling i Europa.
    — Levering af de bedste supercomputere i verden til EU, som ikke vil kunne
    erhverves af de enkelte deltagende stater alene.
    — Gøre det lettere for EU-institutionerne/brugerne at få adgang til de bedste
    supercomputerressourcer i Europa.
    Europæisk højtydende databehandling vil øge databehandlingskapaciteten betydeligt
    for brugere i EU. og bidrage til en uafhængig europæisk kilde til centrale teknologier,
    som ændrer landskabet for det europæiske forsyningsøkosystem, og fremme og
    udvide anvendelsen af højtydende databehandling i hele EU.
    1.4.3. Erfaringer fra lignende foranstaltninger
    Det eksisterende europæiske fællesforetagende for højtydende databehandling har
    allerede opnået betydelig arbejdserfaring, med omfattende drøftelser blandt
    interessenterne om forvaltning, administration og andre operationelle og
    gennemførelsesmæssige aspekter, hvorfra følgende vigtige dragede erfaringer kan
    opsummeres som følger:
    • Forenkling af medfinansieringsordningen: Kombinationen af
    fællesskabsmidler og nationale midler til de forskellige EuroHPC-aktiviteter
    skal forenkles og optimeres.
    • Større fleksibilitet med hensyn til at definere erhvervelsestiden og teknologien
    for nye supercomputersystemer.
    • Større fleksibilitet med hensyn til ressourceallokering til EuroHPC-systemer.
    • Veldefinerede adgangsregler for den industrielle/kommercielle brug af
    EuroHPC-infrastrukturen, hvilket giver mulighed for at udnytte EuroHPC-
    kapaciteten fuldt ud enten i forbindelse med adgang i forbindelse med
    prækompetitiv forskning eller erhvervsmæssig brug.
    • En tydeligere ramme for samarbejde med relevante interessenter: PRACE og
    GEANT. Det kan være nødvendigt at indgå specifikke aftaler med PRACE
    med hensyn til opgaver vedrørende tildeling af adgangstiden til
    fællesforetagendets systemer og med GEANT med hensyn til anskaffelse af en
    specifik forbindelse med EuroHPC-supercomputerne.
    • En bedre definition af de forskellige bidrag til EuroHPC-aktiviteterne. Der er
    f.eks. behov for yderligere fastlæggelse af naturalydelserne fra de deltagende
    stater og de private medlemmer af det europæiske fællesforetagende for
    højtydende databehandling, og en bedre definition af hvilke omkostninger,
    EuroHPC kan/ikke kan dække til erhvervelse og drift af supercomputere.
    • Større fleksibilitet med hensyn til bidragene fra private medlemmer og andre
    private aktører til det europæiske fællesforetagende for højtydende
    databehandlings aktiviteter.
    1.4.4. Sammenhæng med andre relevante instrumenter og eventuel synergivirkning
    Synergier i Horisont Europa (H-E)
    DA 4 DA
    Efterfølgeren til fællesforetagendet ECSEL
    Big Data, Robotics & AI
    Quantum Technologies FET Flagship
    Synergier i DEP
    Højtudviklede digitale færdigheder
    1.5. Varighed og finansielle virkninger
     Begrænset varighed
    –  Gældende fra den 1.1.2021 til den 31.12.2033
    –  Finansielle virkninger fra 2021 til 2027 for forpligtelsesbevillinger og fra 2021
    til 2033 for betalingsbevillinger.
     Ubegrænset varighed
    – Iværksættelse med en indkøringsperiode fra ÅÅÅÅ til ÅÅÅÅ
    – derefter gennemførelse i fuldt omfang.
    1.6. Påtænkt(e) forvaltningsmetode(r)2
     Direkte forvaltning ved Kommissionen
    –  i dens tjenestegrene, herunder ved dens personale i EU's delegationer
    –  i gennemførelsesorganer
     Delt forvaltning i samarbejde med medlemsstaterne
     Indirekte forvaltning ved at overlade budgetgennemførelsesopgaver til:
    –  tredjelande eller organer, som tredjelande har udpeget
    –  internationale organisationer og deres organer (angives nærmere)
    –  Den Europæiske Investeringsbank og Den Europæiske Investeringsfond
    –  de organer, der er omhandlet i finansforordningens artikel 70 og 71
    –  offentligretlige organer
    –  privatretlige organer, der har fået overdraget offentlige samfundsopgaver,
    forudsat at de stiller tilstrækkelige finansielle garantier
    –  privatretlige organer, undergivet lovgivningen i en medlemsstat, som har fået
    overdraget gennemførelsen af et offentlig-privat partnerskab, og som stiller
    tilstrækkelige finansielle garantier
    –  personer, der har fået overdraget gennemførelsen af specifikke aktioner i den
    fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik i henhold til afsnit V i traktaten om Den
    Europæiske Union, og som er udpeget i den relevante basisretsakt.
    – Hvis der angives flere forvaltningsmetoder, gives der en nærmere forklaring i afsnittet "Bemærkninger".
    Forklaringer vedrørende forvaltningsmetoder og henvisninger til finansforordningen findes på
    webstedet BudgWeb:
    DA 5 DA
    DA 6 DA
    2.1. Bestemmelser om kontrol og rapportering
    Angiv hyppighed og betingelser.
    Fællesforetagendets aktiviteter vil blive overvåget løbende og revideret periodisk i
    overensstemmelse med dets finansielle bestemmelser for både at sikre størst mulig
    ekspertise og virkning og mest effektiv udnyttelse af ressourcer. Resultaterne af
    overvågningen og de periodiske revisioner indgår i evalueringerne af
    fællesforetagendet som en del af evalueringerne af Horisont Europa som defineret i
    forordningens artikel 47 om oprettelse af Horisont Europa.
    Desuden vil Kommissionen foretage en foreløbig evaluering med hjælp fra
    uafhængige eksperter, der bygger på en gennemsigtig proces, senest fire år efter
    iværksættelsen af Horisont Europa er gennemført. Her vil man undersøge, hvordan
    fællesforetagendet udfører sin opgave i forhold til dets økonomiske, teknologiske,
    videnskabelige, samfundsmæssige og politiske målsætninger og vurdere
    effektiviteten, virkningsfuldheden, relevansen, sammenhængen og merværdien for
    EU af dets aktiviteter i forbindelse med Horisont Europa. Man vil desuden vurdere
    dets synergier og komplementaritet med relevante europæiske, nationale og, hvor det
    er relevant, regionale initiativer, herunder synergier med andre dele af Horisont
    Europa (såsom missioner, klynger eller tematiske/specifikke programmer). Der vil
    blive lagt særlig vægt på opnåede virkninger på EU-niveau og på nationalt niveau,
    under hensyntagen til synergier og politisk modernisering.
    Evalueringerne vil også omfatte en vurdering af den langsigtede videnskabelige,
    samfundsmæssige, økonomiske og politisk relevante virkning af fællesforetagendet
    samt en vurdering af den mest effektive politiske interventionsmetode i forhold til
    fremtidige foranstaltninger og positionering af eventuelle fornyelser af
    fællesforetagendet i det samlede landskab af europæiske partnerskaber og dets
    politiske prioriteter.
    2.2. Forvaltnings- og kontrolsystem(er)
    2.2.1. Begrundelse for den/de påtænkte forvaltningsmetode(r), finansieringsmekanisme(r),
    betalingsvilkår og kontrolstrategi
    Kommissionens interne revisor bør udøve de samme beføjelser over for
    fællesforetagendet som over for Kommissionen. Endvidere sørger bestyrelsen for
    etablering, hvis det er hensigtsmæssigt, af en intern revisionsfunktion i
    I overensstemmelse med artikel 154 i forordning (EU, Euratom) nr. 1046/2018 vil
    fællesforetagendet overholde principperne om forsvarlig økonomisk forvaltning,
    gennemsigtighed og ikkeforskelsbehandling og garantere et beskyttelsesniveau som
    det, der gælder for dets medlemmers finansielle interesser i henhold til forordningen.
    Efterfølgende revisioner af udgifter med hensyn til indirekte aktioner vil blive
    foretaget i overensstemmelse med rammeprogrammet Horisont Europa i forbindelse
    med rammeprogrammet Horisont Europas indirekte aktioner.
    For at beskytte EU's finansielle interesser vil Kommissionen i overensstemmelse
    med finansforordningen føre tilsyn med fællesforetagendets aktiviteter, navnlig ved
    at foretage revisioner og evalueringer af programgennemførelsen, anvende
    procedurer for gennemgang og godkendelse af regnskaber og udelukke betaling af
    DA 7 DA
    udgifter, der er afholdt i strid med gældende regler. Den kan også suspendere eller
    afbryde betalinger, hvis den opdager finansielle eller administrative
    2.2.2. Oplysninger om de udpegede risici og det/de interne kontrolsystem(er), der etableres
    for at afbøde dem
    De centrale udpegede risici er fejlagtigt foretagne betalinger af udgifter til deltagere i
    indirekte aktioner og fejlagtige anskaffelser af EuroHPC-supercomputerne. Den
    økonomiske forvaltning følger af fællesforetagendets finansforordning med
    gennemførelse af de respektive administrative og finansielle processer for de
    respektive tilskudsprogrammer (dvs. Horisont Europa, et digitalt Europa, Connecting
    Europe-faciliteten 2), herunder under anvendelse af de fælles IT-værktøjer.
    Den særlige risiko for interessekonflikter, der er forbundet med et offentligt-privat
    partnerskab, håndteres ved en klar adskillelse af beføjelser mellem bestyrelsen —
    som fastlægger strategien og aktivitetsplanerne, fastsætter betingelserne for
    forslagsindkaldelser og afgør tildelingen af offentlige midler.
    Utilstrækkelige bidrag fra de deltagende stater medfører en risiko for erhvervelsen
    eller driften af præ-exaskalasupercomputerne — enten er bidragene utilstrækkelige
    til at erhverve supercomputerne, til at drifte dem i løbet af deres økonomiske
    livscyklus, eller bidragene er utilstrækkelige til at erhverve supercomputere med et
    præstationsniveau, der rangerer blandt de tre bedste i verden. Det europæiske
    fællesforetagende for højtydende databehandling vil kun iværksætte erhvervelse, hvis
    de deltagende stater indgår en fast aftale som led registreringskriterierne i
    indkaldelsen af interessetilkendegivelser med henblik på at blive vært for en
    EuroHPC-supercomputer, som dækker den samlede ejerskabsomkostning.
    I henhold til Horisont Europa-forordningen skal de deltagende stater til
    fællesforetagendet overdrage gennemførelsen af deres bidrag i forhold til deres
    nationale deltagere i indirekte aktioner. Med henblik på at beskytte Unionens
    interesser bør de deltagende stater og fællesforetagendet indgå juridisk bindende
    aftaler, der forpligter de deltagende stater til at betale deres bidrag til indirekte
    aktioner fuldt ud i hele initiativets levetid. Sådanne aftaler skal indgås i forbindelse
    med fællesforetagendets årlige budgetprocedure og program. Først derefter og i
    overensstemmelse med fællesforetagendets finansielle bestemmelser skal den
    anvisningsberettigede indgå budgetmæssige og retlige forpligtelser med hensyn til
    disse indirekte aktioner.
    2.2.3. Vurdering af og begrundelse for kontrollernes omkostningseffektivitet
    (kontrolomkostningerne ÷ værdien af de forvaltede midler) samt vurdering af den
    forventede risiko for fejl (ved betaling og afslutning)
    Som en del af fællesforetagender oprettet i henhold til Horisont Europa vil det
    europæiske fællesforetagende for højtydende databehandling være et led i
    Kommissionens revisionsstrategi. Navnlig vil de indirekte aktioner, som
    fællesforetagendet har gennemført, blive overvåget af CIC for at sikre en fejlprocent
    på samme niveau som de andre aktioner, der er finansieret via Horisont Europa.
    2.3. Foranstaltninger til forebyggelse af svig og uregelmæssigheder
    Angiv eksisterende eller planlagte forebyggelses- og beskyttelsesforanstaltninger, f.eks. fra strategien
    til bekæmpelse af svig.
    DA 8 DA
    Kommissionen eller dens repræsentanter og Revisionsretten har beføjelser til gennem
    bilagskontrol og kontrol på stedet at kontrollere alle tilskudsmodtagere, kontrahenter
    og underkontrahenter, som modtager EU-midler.
    Det Europæiske Kontor for Bekæmpelse af Svig (OLAF) og Den Europæiske
    Anklagemyndighed (EPPO) kan foretage undersøgelser, herunder kontrol på stedet
    og inspektioner i overensstemmelse med de bestemmelser og procedurer, der er
    fastlagt i Rådets forordning (Euratom, EF) nr. 2185/963
    og Europa-Parlamentets og
    Rådets forordning (EU, Euratom) nr. 883/20134
    , for at fastslå, om der er begået svig,
    korruption eller anden ulovlig aktivitet, der skader Unionens finansielle interesser i
    forbindelse med en tilskudsaftale eller en kontrakt vedrørende EU-midler.
    Uden at det berører ovenstående, giver tilskudsaftaler og kontrakter, der hidrører fra
    gennemførelsen af forordningen, udtrykkeligt Kommissionen, Revisionsretten og
    OLAF ret til at foretage disse revisioner, kontroller og inspektioner på stedet.
    3.1. Berørt(e) udgiftspost(er) på budgettet og udgiftsområde(r) i den flerårige
    finansielle ramme
    åde i den
    s art
    Udgiftsområde 1
    Indre marked, innovation og digitalt –
    Horisont Europa
    fra EFTA-
    s artikel 21, stk. 2,
    litra b)
    1 - Indre
    og digitalt
    01 02 02 42 01 – HE - Klyngen Det
    digitale område, industri og rummet —
    Fællesforetagende for højtydende
    databehandling (EuroHPC) Udgifter til
    01 02 02 42 02 – HE - Klyngen Det
    digitale område, industrien og rummet —
    Fællesforetagendet for højtydende
    databehandling (EuroHPC) Driftsudgifter
    02 04 02 11 01 – DEP -
    Fællesforetagendet for højtydende
    databehandling (EuroHPC) Udgifter til
    02 04 02 11 02 – DEP -
    Fællesforetagendet for højtydende
    Rådets forordning (Euratom, EF) nr. 2185/96 af 11. november 1996 om Kommissionens kontrol og
    inspektion på stedet med henblik på beskyttelse af De Europæiske Fællesskabers finansielle interesser
    mod svig og andre uregelmæssigheder (EFT L 292 af 15.11.1996, s. 2).
    Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EU, Euratom) nr. 883/2013 af 11. september 2013 om
    undersøgelser, der foretages af Det Europæiske Kontor for Bekæmpelse af Svig (OLAF) og om
    ophævelse af Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EF) nr. 1073/1999 og Rådets forordning
    (Euratom) nr. 1074/1999 (EUT L 248 af 18.9.2013, s. 1).
    OB = opdelte bevillinger/IOB = ikke-opdelte bevillinger.
    EFTA: Den Europæiske Frihandelssammenslutning.
    Kandidatlande og, efter omstændighederne, potentielle kandidatlande på Vestbalkan.
    DA 9 DA
    databehandling (EuroHPC) Driftsudgifter
    02 03 03 - CEF Digital
    DA 10 DA
    Forpligtelsesbevillinger i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    År 2022 År 2023 År 2024 År 2025
    I ALT:
    01 02 02 42 01 – HE - Klyngen
    Det digitale område, industrien
    og rummet —
    Fællesforetagendet for
    højtydende databehandling
    (EuroHPC) Udgifter til
    p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
    01 02 02 42 02 – HE - Klyngen
    Det digitale område, industrien
    og rummet —
    Fællesforetagendet for
    højtydende databehandling
    (EuroHPC) Driftsudgifter
    p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
    02 04 02 11 01 – DEP -
    Fællesforetagendet for
    højtydende databehandling
    (EuroHPC) Udgifter til
    2,017 3,149 3,660 3,733 3,808 3,884 9,748 30,000
    02 04 02 11 02 – DEP -
    Fællesforetagendet for
    højtydende databehandling
    (EuroHPC) Driftsudgifter
    397,983 386,851 396,340 146,267 296,192 346,116 400,251 2 370,000
    02 03 03 - CEF Digital 10,000 20,000 40,000 70,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 200,000
    Samlede udgifter 410,000 410,000 440,000 220,000 320,000 370,000 430,000 2 600,000
    HE-bidraget kan ikke angives på dette stadie. Nedenstående tabeller i denne finansieringsoversigt angiver kun bidrag relateret til DEP og CEF. Det er hensigten, at
    HE-bidrag skal stå i forhold til det nuværende årlige bidrag til EuroHPC.
    DA 11 DA
    3.2. Anslåede virkninger for udgifterne
    3.2.1. Sammenfatning af de anslåede virkninger for udgifterne
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    Udgiftsområde i den flerårige finansielle
    1 1 - Indre marked, innovation og digitalt
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 202712 Efter
    I ALT:
    Budgetafsnit 1
    Forpligtelser (1) 0,402 1,434 1,911 1,949 1,988 2,028 6,205 15,917
    Betalinger (2) 0,402 1,434 1,911 1,949 1,988 2,028 2,068 4,137 15,917
    Budgetafsnit 2
    Forpligtelser (1a) 1,615 1,715 1,749 1,784 1,820 1,856 3,544 14,083
    Betalinger (2a) 1,615 1,715 1,749 1,784 1,820 1,856 1,894 1,650 14,083
    Budgetafsnit 3
    Forpligtelser (3a) 407,983 406,851 436,340 216,267 316,192 366,116 420,251 2 570,000
    Betalinger (3b)
    122,000 225,000 350,000 185,000 290,000 345,000 400,000 653,000
    2 570,000
    Bevillinger I ALT for fællesforetagendet
    +3a 410,000 410,000 440,000 220,000 320,000 370,000 430,000 – 2 600,000
    +3b 124,017 228,149 353,660 188,733 293,808 348,884 403,962 658,787 2 600,000
    I denne tabel er kun medtaget EU's bidrag fra DEP og CEF Digital Programmes.
    Beløbene under afsnit 1 og 2 repræsenterer EU's bidrag til fællesforetagendets administrationsomkostninger. Den resterende del kommer fra bidrag fra andre
    medlemmer af fællesforetagendet som vist i afsnit 3.2.5.
    Betalingsbevillingerne til afsnit 1 og 2 er baseret på et årligt forbrug af alle tilsvarende forpligtelsesbevillinger, mens de for afsnit 3 fastsættes under hensyntagen til
    karakteren af de indirekte aktioner og deres betalingsplan (forfinansiering, mellemliggende betalinger og betaling af restbeløbet).
    Afsnit 1 og 2 for år 2027 indeholder årets forpligtelser og fremrykningen af forpligtelserne for de resterende år af fællesforetagendet i perioden 2027-2033.
    DA 12 DA
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    I ALT
    Menneskelige ressourcer p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    Andre administrative udgifter p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    I ALT GD Bevillinger p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    I ALT:
    Bevillinger finansieret over
    bevillingsrammen for programmet I ALT
    – Udgiftsområde 1 13
    i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    Forpligtelser 410,000 410,000 440,000 220,000 320,000 370,000 430,000 – 2 600,000
    Betalinger 124,017 228,149 353,660 188,733 293,808 348,884 403,962 658,787 2 600,000
    Udgiftsområde i den flerårige finansielle
    7 "Administration"
    Bevillingerne til menneskelige ressourcer og andre administrationsudgifter uden for Udgiftsområde 7 svarer til de beløb, der dækkes af EU's finansielle bidrag. Ovenstående beløb
    omfatter ikke medlemsstaternes bidrag til kompetencecentrets administrationsomkostninger svarende til EU's finansielle bidrag.
    DA 13 DA
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    GD CNECT (4 FTE STATUTORY AD, 2 FTE AC) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    I ALT:
    Menneskelige ressourcer 14
    0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 p.m 5,320
    Andre administrative udgifter p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    Bevillinger I ALT under
    UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7 i den flerårige
    finansielle ramme
    (Forpligtelser i alt =
    betalinger i alt)
    0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760
    p.m 5,320
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    I ALT:
    Bevillinger I ALT
    på tværs af UDGIFTSOMRÅDER
    i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    Forpligtelser 410,760 410,760 440,760 220,760 320,760 370,760 430,760 2 605,320
    Betalinger 124,777 228,909 354,420 189,420 294,568 349,644 404,722 658,787 2 605,320
    Dækker administrationen af DEP- og CEF Digital-aktioner. FTÆ-omkostninger bestemmes på grundlag af de gennemsnitlige årlige omkostninger for AD-personale (150 000
    EUR) og CA-personale (80 000 EUR).
    DA 14 DA
    3.2.2. Anslåede virkninger for fællesforetagendets menneskelige ressourcer
    –  Forslaget/initiativet medfører ikke anvendelse af administrationsbevillinger
    –  Forslaget/initiativet medfører anvendelse af administrationsbevillinger som anført herunder:
    Antal ansatte (i FTÆ)
    År 2021 År 2022 År 2023 År 2024 År 2025 År 2026 År 2027 Efter 2027 I ALT:
    Tjenestemænd (AD)
    Tjenestemænd (AST)
    Kontraktansat personale 20 25 30 30 30 30 30
    Midlertidigt ansatte 14 22 27 27 27 27 27
    Udstationerede nationale eksperter
    I ALT: 34 47 57 57 57 57 57
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    År 2021 År 2022 År 2023 År 2024 År 2025 År 2026 År 2027 Efter 2027 I ALT:
    Tjenestemænd (AD)
    Tjenestemænd (AST)
    Kontraktansat personale 1,019 1,624 1,988 2,028 2,069 2,110 2,152 4,304 17,294
    Midlertidigt ansatte 1,148 2,863 3,584 3,656 3,729 3,804 3,880 7,759 30,423
    Udstationerede nationale eksperter
    I ALT: 2,168 4,488 5,572 5,684 5,798 5,914 6,032 12,063 47,717
    DA 15 DA
    Anslåede virkninger for medarbejderne (yderligere FTÆ) – stillingsfortegnelse15
    pe og lønklasse
    AD i alt 14 22 27 27 27 27 27
    AST i alt
    AST/SC 6
    AST/SC 5
    AST/SC 4
    AST/SC 3
    AST/SC 2
    AST/SC 1
    AST/SC I alt
    Anslåede virkninger for medarbejderne (yderligere) – eksternt personale
    Fællesforetagendets personalefortegnelse omfatter også 16 FTÆ til den HE-relaterede del. Dette antal
    medarbejdere, som relaterer sig til denne del, har været konstant sammenlignet med de nuværende
    EuroHPC-personaleressourcer (16 FTÆ) og dækker også gennemførelsen af de resterende dele af det
    nuværende europæiske fællesforetagende for højtydende databehandling.
    DA 16 DA
    Ansættelsesgruppe IV
    Ansættelsesgruppe III
    Ansættelsesgruppe II
    Ansættelsesgruppe I
    I alt 20 25 30 30 30 30 30
    I alt
    3.2.3. Kommissionens anslåede behov for menneskelige ressourcer
    –  Forslaget/initiativet medfører ikke anvendelse af menneskelige ressourcer.
    –  Forslaget/initiativet medfører anvendelse af menneskelige ressourcer som
    anført herunder:
    Overslag angives i årsværk
    År 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
     Stillinger i stillingsfortegnelsen (tjenestemænd og midlertidigt ansatte)
    I hovedsædet og i Kommissionens
    4 4 4 4 4 4
     Eksternt personale (i årsværk: FTÆ) - KA, LA, UNE, V og JMD 16
    Udgiftsområde 7
    Finansieret over
    DE 7 i den
    finansielle ramme
    – i hovedsædet 2
    2 2 2 2 2 2
    – i delegationer
    Finansieret over
    for programmet 17
    - i hovedsædet
    - i delegationer
    Andet (præciseres)
    I ALT: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
    Personalebehovet vil blive dækket ved hjælp af det personale, som generaldirektoratet allerede har afsat til
    aktionen, og/eller interne rokader i generaldirektoratet, eventuelt suppleret med yderligere bevillinger, som
    tildeles det ansvarlige generaldirektorat i forbindelse med den årlige tildelingsprocedure under hensyntagen til de
    budgetmæssige begrænsninger.
    Tjenestemænd og midlertidigt ansatte
    KA: kontraktansatte, LA: lokalt ansatte, UNE: udstationerede nationale eksperter, V: vikarer, JED:
    junioreksperter ved delegationerne.
    Delloft for eksternt personale under aktionsbevillingerne (tidligere BA-poster).
    DA 17 DA
    Eksternt personale
    DA 18 DA
    3.2.4. Tredjemands bidrag til finansieringen18
    –  indeholder ikke bestemmelser om samfinansiering med tredjemand
    –  indeholder bestemmelser om samfinansiering med tredjemand, jf. følgende
    – Bevillinger i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    I ALT:
    Finansielt bidrag til
    dækket af de deltagende stater 2,295 3,175 3,175 3,175 3,175 3,175 3,175 8,655
    Finansielle bidrag til
    administrationsomkostningerne fra
    de private medlemmer/associerede
    partnere (artikel 22, stk. 3, litra b) i
    0,000 0,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000
    Finansielt bidrag til
    driftsomkostninger fra de
    deltagende stater 407,705 406,825 436,825 216,825 316,825 366,825 418,170 0,00 2 570,000
    Naturalydelser til operationelle
    aktiviteter fra de private
    medlemmer/associerede partnere
    (artikel 22, stk. 3, litra d), i SBA)
    Naturalydelser til operationelle
    aktiviteter fra deltagende stater
    Samfinansierede bevillinger I ALT 410,000 410,000 441,000 221,000 321,000 371,000 422,345 9,655
    2 606,000
    Tredjemands bidrag skal ajourføres for at afspejle virkningen af de yderligere bidrag fra Horisont
    DA 19 DA
    3.3. Anslåede virkninger for indtægterne
    –  Forslaget/initiativet har ingen finansielle virkninger for indtægterne
    –  Forslaget/initiativet har følgende finansielle virkninger:
    –  for egne indtægter
    –  for andre indtægter
    Angiv, om indtægterne er formålsbestemte 
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    Indtægtspost på budgettet:
    Forslagets/initiativets virkninger19
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
    For indtægter, der er formålsbestemte, angives det, hvilke af budgettets udgiftsposter der påvirkes.
    Andre bemærkninger (f.eks. om hvilken metode der er benyttet til at beregne virkningerne for
    Med hensyn til EU's traditionelle egne indtægter (told og sukkerafgifter) opgives beløbene netto, dvs.
    bruttobeløb, hvorfra der er trukket opkrævningsomkostninger på 20 %.


    DA DA
    Bruxelles, den 18.9.2020
    COM(2020) 569 final
    ANNEX 2 – PART 2/2
    om oprettelse af et fællesforetagende for europæisk højtydende databehandling
    {SWD(2020) 179 final}
    Europaudvalget 2020
    KOM (2020) 0569
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    Forslagets/initiativets navn
    Fællesforetagendet EuroHPC
    1. Personalebehov og personaleomkostninger 2
    2. Andre administrative udgifter 6
    3. Anvendte metoder til beregning af omkostningsoverslag 9
    1. Menneskelige ressourcer 9
    2. Andre administrative udgifter 10
    Dette bilag, som skal udfyldes af hvert GD/hver tjenestegren, der deltager i forslaget/initiativet, skal ledsage
    finansieringsoversigten ved høring på tværs af tjenestegrenene.
    Datatabellerne er brugt som kilde til tabellerne i finansieringsoversigten. De er udelukkende til internt brug i
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
     Forslaget/initiativet medfører ikke anvendelse af menneskelige ressourcer
     Forslaget/initiativet medfører anvendelse af menneskelige ressourcer som anført herunder:
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    i den flerårige finansielle
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 I ALT:
    FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger
     Stillinger i stillingsfortegnelsen (tjenestemænd og midlertidigt ansatte)
    I hovedsædet og i
    AT 4 0,600 4 0,600 4 0,600 4 0,600 4 0,600 4 0,600 4 0,600 4 4,200
    i EU-delegationer
     Eksternt personale 1
    Samlet bevillingsramme
    KA 2 0,160 2 0,160 2 0,160 2 0,160 2 0,160 2 0,160 2 0,160 2 1,120
    i EU-delegationer
    KA: kontraktansatte LA: lokalt ansatte, UNE: udstationerede nationale eksperter, V: vikarer JED: junioreksperter ved delegationerne.
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    Andre budgetposter
    (skal angives)
    Subtotal –
    i den flerårige
    finansielle ramme
    0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 0,760 5,320
    Personalebehovet vil blive dækket ved hjælp af det personale, som generaldirektoratet allerede har afsat til aktionen, og/eller interne rokader i generaldirektoratet, eventuelt suppleret med yderligere
    bevillinger, som tildeles det ansvarlige generaldirektorat i forbindelse med den årlige tildelingsprocedure under hensyntagen til de budgetmæssige begrænsninger.
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    Uden for UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7
    i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 I ALT:
    FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger FTÆ Bevillinger
     Stillinger i stillingsfortegnelsen (tjenestemænd og midlertidigt ansatte)
     Eksternt personale 2
    finansieret over
    (tidligere BA-
    - i
    målt til
    kostpris 20 1,019 25 1,624 30 1,988 30 2,028 30 2,069 30 2,110 30 2,152
    TA 14 1,148 22 2,863 27 3,384 27 3,656 27 3,729 27 3,804 27 3,880 22,664
    i EU-
    Andre budgetposter (skal
    KA: kontraktansatte LA: lokalt ansatte, UNE: udstationerede nationale eksperter, V: vikarer, JED: junioreksperter ved delegationerne.
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    Subtotal – uden for
    i den flerårige finansielle
    2,168 4,488 5,572 5,684 5,798 5,914 6,032 35,654
    Personalebehovet vil blive dækket ved hjælp af det personale, som generaldirektoratet allerede har afsat til aktionen, og/eller interne rokader i generaldirektoratet, eventuelt suppleret
    med yderligere bevillinger, som tildeles det ansvarlige generaldirektorat i forbindelse med den årlige tildelingsprocedure under hensyntagen til de budgetmæssige begrænsninger.
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
     Forslaget/initiativet medfører ikke anvendelse af administrationsbevillinger
     Forslaget/initiativet medfører anvendelse af administrationsbevillinger som anført herunder:
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 I alt
    I hovedsædet:
    Udgifter til tjenesterejser og repræsentation
    Konference- og mødeomkostninger
    Undersøgelser og høringer
    Informations- og forvaltningssystemer
    IKT-udstyr og -tjenester4
    Andre budgetposter (angiv, hvis relevant)
    Informations- og publikationsudgifter
    Udgifter til køb og leje m.m.
    Oplys, hvilken type udvalg det drejer sig om, og hvilken gruppe det tilhører.
    IKT: Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi: DIGIT skal høres.
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    Udstyr, møbler, forsyninger og tjenesteydelser
    Ekspertkontrakter og møder
    I EU-delegationer
    Udgifter til tjenesterejser, konferencer og repræsentation
    Faglig videreuddannelse
    Subtotal – UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7
    i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m p.m
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    i mio. EUR (tre decimaler)
    Uden for UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7
    i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 I alt
    Udgifter til teknisk og administrativ bistand (omfatter ikke
    eksternt personale) finansieret over aktionsbevillinger
    (tidligere (former BA-poster)
    - i hovedsædet 2,745 4,725 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 34,970
    – i EU-delegationer
    Andre forskningsrelaterede administrationsudgifter
    Andre budgetposter (angiv, hvis relevant)
    Subtotal – Uden for UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7
    i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    2,745 4,725 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 34,970
    I ALT:
    UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7 og uden for
    i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    5,645 9,225 11,150 11,150 11,150 11,150 11,150 70,620
    Administrationsbevillingerne vil blive dækket ved hjælp af de bevillinger, som GD'et allerede har afsat til forvaltningen af aktionen, og/eller ved omfordeling, hvortil kommer de
    eventuelle yderligere bevillinger, som tildeles det ansvarlige GD i forbindelse med den årlige tildelingsprocedure under hensyntagen til de budgetmæssige begrænsninger.
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    1. Menneskelige ressourcer
    Denne del beskriver beregningsmetoden til vurdering af de menneskelige ressourcer, der anses for at være
    nødvendige (forventet arbejdsbyrde, herunder særlige job (Sysper 2 work profiles), personalekategorier og de
    tilsvarende gennemsnitlige omkostninger)
    UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7 i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    NB: Gennemsnitlige omkostninger for hver personalekategori i hovedsædet kan ses på BudgWeb:
     Tjenestemænd og midlertidigt ansatte
     Administrerende direktør (TA)
     Assistent for bestyrelsen og personlig assistent (TA)
     Kontorchef for programgennemførelse (TA)
     Kontorchef for administration, økonomi og support (TA)
     Øverste programansvarlig (TA)
     5 programansvarlige HPC-infrastruktur (TA)
     5 programansvarlige HPC FoU (TA)
     5 programansvarlige kvantedatabehandlingsinfrastruktur (TA)
     Juridisk rådgiver (TA)
     IT-chef (TA)
     Kommunikationsansvarlig (TA)
     Administrativ assistent for bestyrelsen (CA)
     Kommunikationsassistent (CA)
     Administrativ medarbejder (CA)
     Administrativ assistent (CA)
     IT-assistent (CA)
     Regnskabsfører og budgetansvarlig (CA)
     Assistent for regnskabsfører og budgetansvarlig (CA)
     Teamleder, finans (CA)
     3 finansielle assistenter til iværksættelse (CA)
     3 finansielle assistenter til verificering (CA)
     Databeskyttelsesrådgiver (CA)
     HR-medarbejder (CA)
     HR-assistent (CA)
     Juridisk assistent (CA)
     Forbindelsesofficer, interessenter (CA)
     Kontorassistent og lokal assistent (CA)
     Revisionsansvarlig og ansvarlig for intern kontrol (CA)
     Eksternt personale
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    Uden for UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7 i den flerårige finansielle ramme
     Kun stillinger finansieret over forskningsbudgettet
     Eksternt personale
    2. Andre administrative udgifter
    Oplys nærmere om den beregningsmetode, der anvendes for hver budgetpost,
    herunder de underliggende antagelser (f.eks. antal møder om året, gennemsnitlige omkostninger m.v.)
    UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7 i den flerårige finansielle ramme
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    Bygninger og tilhørende udgifter
    Fællesforetagendet skal sikre, at personalets arbejdsvilkår er i overensstemmelse med EU-
    institutionernes standarder. Kontorlokalerne stilles til rådighed af fællesforetagendets
    værtsland. Denne bevilling omfatter udgifter i forbindelse med infrastrukturen: forsikring,
    vand, elektricitet og varme, rengøring og vedligeholdelse, sikkerhed og overvågning.
    For at personalet har mulighed for at udføre deres arbejde er fællesforetagendet udstyret med
    avanceret kontorudstyr og netværksfaciliteter, der gør det muligt at anvende EU-programmets
    og -institutionernes standard IT-toolchain. Denne bevilling er bestemt til at dække indkøb af
    computere og lignende kontorudstyr og hardware samt installation, konfiguration og
    vedligeholdelse af sådant udstyr. Indkøb og vedligeholdelse af programpakker og
    softwarelicenser, der er nødvendige for fællesforetagendets normale drift; udgifter til
    serviceaftaler vedrørende analyse, programmering og teknisk bistand, der er nødvendige for
    fællesforetagendet, omkostninger til eksterne serviceaftaler til administration og
    vedligeholdelse af dataene og systemerne, uddannelse og andre supportaktiviteter.
    Det dækker udgifterne til SLA'er med Kommissionen, der er nødvendige for anvendelse af
    regnskabssystemet ABAC (SLA med GD BUDG), og til IT-udstyr/tjenester (SLA med
    DIGIT, REA, RTD, CdT, HR og/eller CNECT). Det omfatter desuden specifikke
    omkostninger til sikker datakommunikation, der er nødvendige for fællesforetagendet for at få
    adgang til regnskabssystemet ABAC.
    Dette omfatter de nødvendige ressourcer til dækning af omkostninger til indretning af
    kontorer, arkiv og mødelokaler.
    Løbende administrative udgifter
    Dette omfatter udgifter til kontorhold, kontorartikler, adgangskort, kontormaterialer og andre
    forbrugsmaterialer, der er nødvendige til kontordriften samt alle andre afholdte udgifter til
    obligatoriske oversættelser).
    Porto og telekommunikation
    Dette omfatter alle fællesforetagendets udgifter til korrespondance, porto og
    telekommunikation (fastnet, mobiltelefoni og videokonferenceudstyr/-licenser).
    Udgifter til formelle og andre møder
    Som led i fællesforetagendets aktiviteter kræver visse møder (såsom møder i bestyrelsen og
    workshopper i fællesskabet) store lokaler, som fællesforetagendet ikke selv råder over.
    Revision og juridisk bistand er centralt for at sikre, at fællesforetagendet overholder de retlige
    rammer (f.eks. intern revisionskapacitet, eksterne revisorer og efterfølgende revisioner).
    Kommunikationsaktiviteter i forbindelse med publicering, og navnlig
    kommunikationsmateriale til konferencer, infodage og workshopper; hjemmesideudvikling og
    -konsolidering; information af og PR-foranstaltninger over for offentligheden.
    Informations- og publikationsudgifter
    Budgetoplysninger af administrativ art
    Dette omfatter fællesforetagendets kommunikationspolitik med henblik på at sikre
    offentlighedens kendskab til og forståelse af anvendelsesområderne. Det omfatter desuden
    aktiviteter i forbindelse med produktion og tryk af den årlige aktivitetsrapport og andre
    Ekspertkontrakter og møder
    Dette omfatter udgifter i forbindelse med evaluering, udvælgelse og gennemgang af projekter
    samt afholdte udgifter til evalueringseksperter og revisorer.
    Uden for UDGIFTSOMRÅDE 7 i den flerårige finansielle ramme