Invitation til valgobservationsmission i Georgien 2020

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    Information Circular GEORGIA - FINAL

    Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark
    Phone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - -
    Copenhagen, 9 September 2020
    Memorandum on the OSCE PA Observation of the
    31October Parliamentary Elections in GEORGIA
    OSCE PA Election Observation Mission
    Parliamentary elections are planned to take place in Georgia on 31 October 2020, and following an invitation
    to observe these elections, the OSCE PA President, following appropriate communication with the OSCE PA
    Standing Committee, has decided to deploy a Election Observation Mission to these important elections to work
    closely with the expected teams of the OSCE/ODIHR and the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.
    Nomination and Appointment of Parliamentary Observers
    In accordance with the attached OSCE PA Election Observation Guidelines, national Delegations wishing to
    nominate their members to participate in this mission are kindly asked to complete and return to the
    International Secretariat at ( as soon as possible, but no later than Friday 2 October
    2020 the following:
    1. The Delegation Nomination Form,
    2. An Individual Observer Nomination Form for each nominated observer,
    3. A signed Statement of Nominated Election Observer for each nominated observer,
    4. A signed Code of Conduct for each nominated observer,
    5. A signed Accreditation Form for each nominated observer,
    6. A copy of the photograph page from each nominated observer’s passport.
    Please note that in accordance with the Guidelines nominated observers are not part of an observation mission
    before they have been appointed by the OSCE PA President. For this particular observation mission taking
    place in the home country of the OSCE PA President, Lord Peter Bowness, as the longest-serving OSCE PA
    Vice-President, has been asked to undertake all relevant responsibilities related to OSCE PA observation,
    including the appointment and oversight of this work. In appointing Members to this Election Observation
    Mission, the Vice-President Bowness can take appropriate steps to balance the composition and to preserve a
    political and geographical balance of Members within the mission. The International Secretariat will
    communicate the list of observers to delegations that have forwarded nominations following this appointment.
    Due to registration procedures, we may not be able to accommodate those who register after the deadline.
    As a result of the COVID-19 response, the International Secretariat maintains close contact with the authorities
    of Georgia to ensure compliance with local health regulations and guidelines, and observers can expect some
    adjustments to mission procedures. The mission will work to put in place disease mitigation, however
    participants should understand that observation is a physical practice requiring close interaction with a wide
    range of people. Observers are expected to comply with all national laws and regulations of the host country,
    including health regulations; please note that there may be additional costs related to compliance with health
    measures required by the authorities of Georgia or by the mission. Members are requested to ensure that they
    have full health insurance coverage valid for the duration of their stay in Georgia.
    Parliamentary briefings will be held in Tbilisi on 29-30 October 2020. The Temporary OSCE PA Headquarters
    will be located in Tbilisi as well. The International Secretariat of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will
    distribute the details on the recommended hotel for accommodation in Tbilisi as soon as possible.
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 42
    Preliminary Programme
    Wednesday, 28 October 2020
    All day
    Thursday, 29 October 2020
    Arrival of observers
    Half Day Parliamentary briefings
    Friday, 30 October 2020
    Half Day Parliamentary briefings (cont.)
    Saturday, 31 October 2020
    Deployment to Regions//Meeting with Drivers and Interpreters
    All Day Observation at Polling Stations
    Sunday, 1 November 2020
    08:00 De-Briefing for PA observers
    Afternoon Press-Conference in Tbilisi
    Suggested departures of observers
    Members are reminded that in accordance with the OSCE PA’s Astana Declaration of 2008 and the Guidelines,
    participants are expected to participate in the full briefing programme as well as the debriefing on the day
    following the election.
    Briefing on Mission for new OSCE PA observers
    We kindly invite new members to attend the Briefing on the Mission aimed at providing useful information on
    the general framework of PA observation missions. The briefing is open to all OSCE PA observers, but
    participation is expected for new observers.
    Election Day
    The International Secretariat will circulate a draft deployment plan taking into consideration wishes by the
    observers, but also the requirements for a meaningful observation mission. Subject to adjustments required by
    the health situation, on Election Day, Members will generally work in teams of two.
    Further information on arrangements for Election Day including related to costs for any cars/drivers and
    interpreters for Election Day will be communicated in due time.
    Travel Regime
    The International Secretariat is in close contact with the Georgian authorities regarding the application of
    existing travel restrictions for those travelling specifically for the observation mission, and further information
    on travel regime can be found in the attached Protocol for entry to and work in the country of international
    observers for 31 October 2020 Parliamentary elections in Georgia.
    Travel and Health Insurance
    We would like to remind you that national parliaments are responsible for their own Member’s expenses,
    including any hotel cancellations, as well as fees for driver, interpreter and fuel. Please note that due to the
    COVID-19 pandemic there may be additional costs related to compliance with health measures required by
    the authorities of Georgia or by the mission. Members are requested to ensure that they have full health
    insurance coverage valid for the duration of their stay in Georgia.

    OSCE - Følgeskrivelse til valgobservation i Georgien 2020

    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling
    Delegationens medlemmer og stedfortrædere
    14. september 2020
    Invitation til valgobservationsmission i Georgien
    Rejsen går til: Tbilisi, Georgien
    I perioden: 28. oktober - 1. november 2020
    Som udgangspunkt kan max. ét medlem fra hvert valgfor-
    bund deltage, og det forventes at man deltager i hele rejse-
    Ja, jeg vil gerne deltage Nej, jeg kan desværre ikke deltage
    MF navn:
    Kontaktperson: Lokalnr.:
    Frist for aflevering: 18. september 2020
    Med venlig hilsen
    Charlotte Faber
    Det Internationale Sekretariat
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 42

    GEORGIA 2020 Invitation

    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 42