Hyrdebrev forud for videokonference for medlemmerne af Det Europæiske Råd den 19. august 2020

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Hyrdebrev forud for VK for medlemmerne af Det Europæiske Råd den 19. august 2020


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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
Kopi: UPN
Bilag Sagsnummer Kontor
1 2020-1125 EKN 18. august 2020
Videokonference for medlemmerne af Det Europæiske Råd den 19.
august 2020
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges hyrdebrev fra
formanden for Det Europæiske Råd forud for videokonference for med-
lemmerne af Det Europæiske Råd den 19. august 2020.
Jeppe Kofod
Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2019-20
UPN Alm.del - Bilag 197

Invitation letter VTC 19 August - Final


European Council
The President
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
https://www.consilium.europa.eu/european-council/ 1/1
Brussels, 17 August 2020
Dear colleagues,
Our foreign ministers discussed developments in Belarus and the Eastern Mediterranean
last Friday. Since then, the situation in Belarus has continued to evolve, and I have
therefore decided to call a Videoconference on Wednesday at noon to address this issue.
What we have witnessed in Belarus is not acceptable. The 9 August elections were
neither free nor fair. The subsequent violence against peaceful protesters was shocking
and has to be condemned. Those responsible must be held to account. The EU has
started work on sanctions.
The people of Belarus have the right to determine their own future. To allow for this,
violence has to stop and a peaceful and inclusive dialogue has to be launched. The
leadership of Belarus must reflect the will of the people. There should be no outside
Based on these principles, we will discuss how best to respond to the evolving situation
in Belarus.
As for the other main topic discussed by our foreign ministers, the situation in the
Eastern Mediterranean, I propose that we allow time for thorough preparation and come
back to the topic during a special European Council on 24-25 September 2020.
Yours sincerely,
Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2019-20
UPN Alm.del - Bilag 197