Invitation til valgobservation i Montenegro d. 30. august 2020

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    OSCEPA EOM Nominee Statement EN FINAL

    The credibility and positive impact of the work of an election observation mission depends to a large extent on the perceived
    impartiality of the observers. Any potential conflict of interest that could reasonably be understood or portrayed by electoral
    stakeholders and, in particular, by contestants in the election observed, as possibly impacting on the observer’s impartiality
    must be avoided.
    An important principle regarding potential conflicts of interest is that they do not necessarily imply actual misconduct. It is
    sufficient that credibly substantiated facts could - in the eyes of a reasonable stakeholder in the process assessed - indicate a
    conflict of interest suited to potentially impacting the impartiality of the person. This means: The subjective belief of observers
    or of their political friends that they can observe in a non-partisan way independently from the conflict of interest is irrelevant.
    As potential bias is not a matter of personal wrong-doing, it also does not matter whether the stance/conduct which might lead
    to the appearance of bias is ethically correct or widely accepted politically. And, finally, even facts that are brought forward by
    a stakeholder with the ill intention to discredit the process need to be assessed objectively if substantiated.
    In light of this, all nominees for the observation mission are requested to declare - to the best of their knowledge – and sign the
    Statement of Nominated OSCE PA Election Observers:
    I declare that
    • my family and I have never received economic benefits from any of the contestants or their supporters
    • I do not have close family ties to or am personally or economically dependent on electoral contestants or
    members of their support teams
    • I have never participated in an election observation in the country sponsored by its government, lobby groups
    working on behalf of that government, or any other electoral stakeholder
    • I have never been excluded from the observation of elections in the host country based on a decision by the
    EOM leadership
    • I have never engaged in active or paid support to political campaigns in the country
    • I have never actively provided any substantial material support to the campaigns of one or more of the con-
    • I am not a member of or have publicly stated support for any group that aims at overthrowing the government
    or changing the political system of the host country through anything other than purely peaceful and legal
    • I am not under an entry ban into the country for reasons which are unrelated to election observation activity
    in the host country or my capacity as member of my country`s parliament
    • I have not committed active and grave breaches of national laws or violated the sovereignty of the country
    • I am not engaged in litigation against electoral contestants or members of their campaign teams
    • I have not made public statements or engaged in activities within six months before election day, or after the
    day on which the election is officially announced, whichever is the later date, that would constitute a display
    of partisanship regarding electoral competitors and be qualified as a breach of the Code of Conduct if made
    during the observation. This also includes statements of racist or nationalist nature and hate speech addressed
    to the country observed, its people or groups within the country. I have not assessed in advance the expected
    conduct of electoral stakeholders during the election that is to be observed. Participation in normal parlia-
    mentary business or in other official functions of my parliament are exempt from this, even when they deal
    with the host country.
    I am aware that wrong assertions in this declaration might lead to my exclusion from the mission and could entail
    further sanctions.
    □ I am / □ I am not a member of a bi-national friendship group of my parliament with the parliament
    of the host country, which I state for transparency reasons.
    Signed ___________________________________________
    Print Name ___________________________________________
    Date ___________________________________________
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 37

    MONTENEGRO Delegation Nomination Form

    30 AUGUST 2020
    Each delegation is kindly asked to complete this form and return it by Friday 7 August 2020 to the
    OSCE PA International Secretariat (Tel: +45 33 37 80 40; Fax +45 33 37 80 30; Email:
    OSCE PA Delegation:
    Head of Delegation:
    Secretary of Delegation:
    The National Delegation hereby nominates the following observers to participate in the OSCE PA
    Special Limited Election Observation Mission to the 30 August 2020 parliamentary elections in
    In accordance with the OSCE PA Election Observation Guidelines, in case not all participants nominated
    are appointed to the observation mission, nominated members will be taken into account in the order they
    appear on the below list
    Last Name, First Name, Mr./Ms.
    Status within the OSCE PA
    Full Member/ Alternate Member/
    Accompanied by parliamentary staff:
    Last Name, First Name, Mr./Ms
    Date: __________________ Signature: _____________________________
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 37

    07 2020 OSCE PA SLEOM to MONTENEGRO Notice

    Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark
    Phone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - -
    To: Heads of OSCE PA Delegations
    CC: Secretaries of OSCE PA Delegations
    21 July 2020
    Dear Heads of Delegations,
    Parliamentary elections are planned to take place in Montenegro on 30 August 2020. Following
    an invitation to observe these elections, and as noted during the 7 July Standing Committee
    meeting, the President has decided to deploy a Special Limited Election Observation Mission to
    these important elections to work closely with expected teams from the OSCE/ODIHR and the
    Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.
    Due to the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be a
    special limited mission of no more than 20 Members, and will deploy exclusively in the capital
    region of Podgorica. I note that the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and
    responses to it, including to Members’ abilities to travel, could present a challenge to the
    deployment of a mission, and we will keep the feasibility of the mission under review.
    In accordance with the attached OSCE PA Election Observation Guidelines, national
    Delegations wishing to nominate their members to participate in this mission are kindly asked to
    complete and return to the International Secretariat at ( as soon as possible,
    but no later than Friday, 7 August 2020 the following:
    1. The Delegation Nomination Form,
    2. An Individual Observer Nomination Form for each nominated observer,
    3. A signed Statement of Nominated Election Observer for each nominated observer,
    4. A signed Code of Conduct for each nominated observer,
    5. A copy of the photograph page from each nominated observer’s passport.
    Please note that in accordance with the Guidelines nominated observers are not part of an
    observation mission before they have been appointed by the OSCE PA President. In appointing
    Members to this Special Limited Election Observation Mission, the President can take
    appropriate steps to balance the composition and to preserve a political and geographical balance
    of Members within the mission. The International Secretariat will communicate the list of
    observers to delegations that have forwarded nominations following appointment by the OSCE
    PA President. Due to registration procedures, we may not be able to accommodate those who
    register after the deadline.
    As a result of the COVID-19 response, a number of travel restrictions are in place in many
    countries, and Members are requested to consult with the appropriate authorities regarding travel
    procedures and access to the country. The International Secretariat will maintain close contact
    with the authorities of Montenegro to ensure compliance with local health regulations and
    guidelines, and observers can expect some significant adjustments to mission procedures. The
    mission will work to put in place disease mitigation measures including social distancing where
    possible, however participants should understand that observation is a physical practice requiring
    close interaction with a wide range of people. Observers are expected to comply with all national
    laws and regulations of the host country, including health regulations; please note that there may
    be additional costs related to compliance with health measures required by the authorities of
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 37
    Montenegro or by the mission. Members are requested to ensure that they have full health
    insurance coverage valid for the duration of their stay in Montenegro.
    Further information, including a detailed programme, will be distributed to participants in due
    course. Briefings for the mission are expected to be held in Podgorica during the two days before
    election day, and Members are reminded that in accordance with the OSCE PA’s Astana
    Declaration of 2008 and the Guidelines, participants are expected to attend the full briefing
    programme as well as the debriefing on the day following the election.
    I wish to remind you that national parliaments are responsible for their Members’ expenses and
    that only interpretation into English will be provided in meetings and briefings.
    Yours sincerely,
    Roberto Montella,
    Secretary General

    OSCE PA EOM Guidelines 9 July 2019

    9 July 2019
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 37
    I. OSCE PA Election Observation Missions (EOM)..................................................................................2
    II. Standards for OSCE PA Observers............................................................................................................3
    III. Nomination of Observers ...........................................................................................................................4
    IV. Appointment of Observers.........................................................................................................................5
    V. EOM Leadership ..........................................................................................................................................5
    VI. Registration of Observers...........................................................................................................................6
    VII. Deployment and Conduct .........................................................................................................................6
    VIII. Co-ordination Meetings within the IEOM.............................................................................................6
    IX. Sanctions and Recourse..............................................................................................................................7
    X. Reporting and Follow-Up ............................................................................................................................7
    XI. Entry into Force ..........................................................................................................................................7
    ANNEX 1. Statement of Nominated OSCE PA Election Observers.............................................................8
    I. OSCE PA Election Observation Missions (EOM)
    1. OSCE PA election observation is an activity of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, one of the two
    OSCE institutions that are typically invited, – in line with OSCE commitments – by OSCE
    participating States that conduct elections (host country). OSCE PA election observation missions
    (EOMs) are delegations of the OSCE PA (1997 Co-operation Agreement endorsed by OSCE
    Ministerial Council Decision 19/06).
    2. The OSCE PA is composed of members from participating States whose credentials have been
    verified (Rule 1 and 3 No 5 OSCE PA Rules of Procedure – RoPs) and whose geographic distribution
    is determined by the annex to the RoPs. Alternate Members from among alternates whose number
    may not exceed that of ordinary members may replace members that cannot attend an OSCE PA
    event (Rule 3 No 4 RoPs). Each National Delegation must submit an official list of its members to
    the International Secretariat before any meeting (Rule 19 RoPs).
    3. In accordance with general principles governing the creation of committees/delegations from
    parliaments, OSCE PA observer missions are composed of Members of the Assembly that have been
    nominated by their national delegations and appointed by the PA President (analogue to Rule 7 No
    3 RoPs). If a national delegation cannot provide as many observers as it has members, it may fill the
    remaining places from their list of alternate members (analogue to Rule 3 No 4 RoPs).
    4. Under the conditions of Section III Paragraph 6, and within the above limits, Members of Parliament
    from OSCE participating States that are not OSCE PA members may exceptionally be seconded by
    national parliaments of the OSCE to OSCE PA EOMs as parliamentary short-term observers.
    5. In case a mission does not receive sufficient nominations to meet the requirements set out in the
    needs assessment, the President of the OSCE PA may allow for additional nominations from among
    alternates exceeding the number a delegation is entitled to. The increase should remain proportional
    to the size of every delegation as established in the Annex to the RoPs.
    6. The decision to deploy an EOM is taken by the OSCE PA President after communicating to the
    Bureau the intention to do so.
    7. The decision to deploy is normally based on the results of an eventual OSCE/ODIHR Needs
    Assessment Mission. In cases where the ODIHR has not been invited to observe – in violation of
    OSCE commitments – or does not observe, because the country that has extended the invitation
    makes it impossible for the ODIHR to observe in line with its established methodology, the OSCE
    PA will refrain from sending an EOM.
    8. In cases where the ODIHR cannot observe for other reasons and abstains from a needs assessment
    for other reasons, the decision will be based on a needs assessment by the OSCE PA International
    9. The President will also decide whether the EOM will be a fully-fledged one, a limited one, for
    instance composed of Bureau members only, or an expert mission with even more limited
    10. In cases when the OSCE PA observes an election alongside the ODIHR, both OSCE Institutions
    form a short term OSCE observer mission, as stipulated in the 1997 Co-operation Agreement
    endorsed by OSCE MC Decision 19/06.
    11. The OSCE institutions may be joined by other parliamentary observer missions, provided they apply
    the same standards. In such case, they will form an International Election Observation Mission
    II. Standards for OSCE PA Observers
    1. Observers must meet the highest standards of impartiality. Any potential conflict of interest which
    could raise doubts in the eyes of a reasonable and neutral person regarding an observer`s ability to
    act in a fully impartial manner disqualifies a candidate from being an observer. Whether or not the
    candidate is believed to be subjectively impartial or is seen as impartial by his/her colleagues is
    2. Members that hold the citizenship of the country observed are excluded from observing. Potential
    conflicts of interests can arise from the following:
    a) Corruption;
    b) Potential economic benefits for the observer or close family from the outcome of the elections;
    c) Close family or personal or economic ties with electoral contestants or their campaign teams;
    d) Previous participation in election observation in the country sponsored by the country’s
    government, lobby groups working on behalf of the government, or any other electoral
    e) Previous exclusion from the observation of elections in the host country based on a decision
    by the EOM leadership;
    f) Being from a country that is directly or indirectly - for instance by giving military support to
    internal groups – engaged in an acute armed conflict marked by ongoing military hostilities
    with the host country;
    g) Litigation against electoral competitors;
    h) Active substantial support to the campaigns of one or more of the competitors in this election;
    i) Active or paid participation in or providing support to political campaigns in the country;
    j) Public statements that pre-empt the results of the election observation;
    k) Public political statements of the individual member within six months before election day, or
    after the day on which the election is officially announced, whichever is the later date, that
    would constitute a display of partisanship and be qualified as a breach of the Code of Conduct
    if made during the observation. This also includes statements of racist or nationalist nature and
    hate speech addressed to the country observed, its people or groups within the country.
    Participation in normal parliamentary business or in other official functions does not forcibly
    indicate a conflict of interest, even when it deals with the host country;
    l) Active and grave violations of national laws or activities against the territorial sovereignty of
    the country observed;
    m) Entry bans into the country for reasons unrelated to political or election observation activity in
    the host country;
    n) Membership in groups that aim at overthrowing the government of the host country;
    o) Support for groups that resort to violence in their attempts to overthrow the government or
    change the political system of the host country;
    Except if the above list contains an explicit reference to a group or a country, all conflicts of interest
    must lie in the person of the individual observer, not in the adherence to a nation or group.
    3. Being from a neighboring country does not constitute a conflict of interest that disqualifies a normal
    short-term observer. However, it excludes an observer from leadership positions in the observation
    mission, and OSCE PA EOMs should not be dominated by observers from neighboring countries.
    4. Membership in parliamentary friendship groups of a member’s parliament with the country observed
    or belonging to a national minority that is part of the governing majority in the country observed,
    does not, as a rule, constitute a conflict of interest disqualifying a normal short-term observer.
    However, it excludes an observer from leadership positions in the observation mission. Also, the
    observer should make such affiliations transparent.
    5. Members that express interest in being nominated as observers sign the attached Statement and hand
    it in together with his/her application. In addition to the Statement regarding the possible conflict of
    interest, observers will have to sign the Code of Conduct governing their conduct during the
    6. The signed Statement of a nominated observer should be made public upon request in order to
    increase confidence through enhanced transparency.
    III. Nomination of Observers
    1. National OSCE PA Delegations – formally through their leader, in practice through the Secretaries
    of Delegation – nominate interested PA members from their delegation as observers. The nomination
    must be made in the format of a list. Delegations may take an ad hoc decision regarding the
    withdrawal of a nominee in case not all nominees can be appointed. In the absence of such a decision,
    nominated members will be appointed in the order they appear on the list.
    2. A national delegation may put forward as many nominations from among its national members as it
    is entitled to in accordance with the PA Rules regarding the composition of the Assembly. If a
    national delegation cannot provide as many observers as it would be entitled to, it can fill the
    remaining places in with alternate members.
    3. The nominating delegation will refrain from nominating members with known issues regarding the
    requirements of Section II.
    4. Members can be accompanied by Secretaries of their national PA Delegations and other members
    of their parliamentary staff (Rule 44 RoPs), as appropriate. These guidelines apply to them mutatis
    mutandis taking into consideration their professional duties in support of Members of Parliament.
    5. Other national MPs that are neither members nor alternate members of the OSCE PA can be
    nominated on an exceptional basis if all the following conditions are met:
    a) either the OSCE PA President has decided that because of conflicting PA events (like Annual
    Sessions or other statutory meetings) the OSCE PA might otherwise not be able to appoint
    enough observers to conduct a meaningful observation;
    b) the Head of Delegation states in writing that this Parliament’s delegation cannot fill the places
    of observers it is entitled to nominate due to parliamentary business of all its members and
    alternate members, and that the competent bodies of the parliament are seconding this nominee
    to the OSCE PA observation mission as a voluntary contribution to the work of the OSCE PA;
    c) the delegations that nominate non-members have not yet nominated as many observers as they
    are entitled to;
    d) the number of non-members in the OSCE PA EOM does not exceed 20 per cent of the total
    parliamentary members of the mission, and
    e) the non-members are offered a briefing on the election-related acquis of the OSCE, give their
    consent to all OSCE PA documents relevant for the conduct of elections and the co-operation
    with partners and try to be available when the mission’s report will be discussed in a PA
    meeting. In order to be prepared and to enhance the transparency of the process and the
    composition of the OSCE PA EOM, delegations that wish to nominate non-members are
    encouraged to establish a politically balanced pool of interested national parliamentarians that
    fulfill these requirements.
    6. The OSCE PA shall attempt to preserve a political and geographical balance of Members within the
    EOM. Individual delegations should not appear as dominating the mission. In case of a significant
    and serious imbalance, the OSCE PA President, in consultation with the Head of the OSCE PA
    delegation, can take appropriate steps to balance the composition.
    7. The President of the OSCE PA can decide to invite a limited number of parliamentary observers
    from Partner Countries (two per country).
    8. In exceptional cases, when parliamentary observers in accordance with Rule 45 RoP who usually
    join the IEOM cannot send a full delegation due to organizational problems, the OSCE PA President
    may permit them to participate in the OSCE PA observation alongside the OSCE PA observers.
    IV. Appointment of Observers
    1. Nominees are not part of an observation mission before they have been appointed by the President.
    2. Once a nomination has been received by the responsible PA officials in charge of supporting the
    mission, the signed Statement provided undergoes a plausibility check by the International
    Secretariat. The PA International Secretariat will not initiate a material investigation of possible or
    alleged conflicts of interest. If there is an established possible conflict of interest pertaining, in
    particular to Section II of the present Guidelines, the International Secretariat will consult with the
    national delegation.
    3. The International Secretariat sends the list of appointed observers to the delegations that have
    forwarded nominations before the expiry of the deadline set by the host country legislation or
    regulations for the registration of observers.
    4. If substantiated doubts regarding the accuracy of the nominated observers’ declaration made by
    signing the Statement are raised by other PA members or an electoral stakeholder from the country
    to be observed, they should be addressed first by the leadership of the national PA delegation.
    5. If the delegation maintains the nomination, the Head of the PA delegation in the EOM assesses the
    issue with the help of Secretariat. If they conclude that the facts have been sufficiently corroborated,
    the nominee will not be considered eligible as an observer for this election, and the President will be
    so advised.
    6. In cases of violations of observer rules, observers can be excluded from the mission by decision of
    the Head of the PA Delegation to the short term OSCE observer mission after consultation with the
    Special Co-ordinator and the International Secretariat.
    V. EOM Leadership
    1. In line with the 1997 Co-operation Agreement the President nominates him/herself or any other
    Senior PA figure as Special Co-ordinator to lead the short term OSCE observer mission for
    appointment by the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office. In case the President is a citizen of the country to
    be observed, he/she will delegate the right of nomination to the most senior PA Vice-President (in
    line with the Rule 5 No 8 RoPs).
    2. One of the observers will be appointed by the OSCE PA President as Head of the PA Delegation to
    the short term OSCE observer mission/the International Election Observation Mission (IEOM).
    When the OSCE PA does not have any partner in the observation, this person serves as Head of the
    OSCE PA Mission.
    3. The Special Co-ordinator and the Head of Delegation must be full OSCE PA members. Their
    mandate stays in place for all matters relating to these elections, at least until the report has been
    delivered to the bodies of the OSCE PA.
    4. In accordance with the Co-operation Agreement, the Special Co-ordinator leads the short term OSCE
    observer mission. He/she works closely with the OSCE/ODIHR On-site Co-ordinator (“ODIHR
    Head of Mission”) and delivers the preliminary post-election statement in conjunction with other
    appropriate officials. The Special Co-ordinator is the principle representative of the short term OSCE
    observer mission to the authorities of the host country and accountable to the OSCE Chairperson-
    in-Office. The Special Co-ordinator co-ordinates the work of the International Election Observation
    Mission (IEOM). In the event that other international parliamentary bodies are strongly represented
    in the IEOM, he/she can share his/her responsibilities with their leaders. The Special Co-ordinator
    also performs functions assigned by the present document.
    5. The Head of the PA Delegation to the short term OSCE observer mission deals with the delegation’s
    internal business and presides over meetings of the delegation. During parliamentary briefings,
    he/she performs functions of a deputy to the Special Co-ordinator. In the Co-ordination Meetings
    within the IEOM (section VIII), the Head of Delegation presents the OSCE PA position in support
    of the Special Co-ordinator. In addition, the Head of Delegation performs functions assigned by the
    present document.
    VI. Registration of Observers
    1. The International Secretariat communicates the observer lists and any other relevant documents to
    the authorities of the host country for observer registration.
    2. If the host country rejects an appointed observer, the Head of Delegation will decide whether this
    rejection was made on valid grounds. If this is not the case, the OSCE PA President will decide how
    to address this breach of OSCE commitments.
    VII. Deployment and Conduct
    1. The International Secretariat will draft a deployment plan taking into consideration personal wishes
    by the observers, but also the requirements for a meaningful observation mission. The final decision
    on the deployment plan is taken by the Special Co-ordinator. Generally, deployment is done in pairs
    of two. The ODIHR does not consider questionnaires filled in by one-person observer teams. The
    format of the deployment should also take into consideration best practices of the ODIHR and is
    best served by the formation of teams with heterogeneous backgrounds.
    2. All observers must be present during the full time period of the observation and comply at all times
    with the rules outlined herein and sign and comply with the Code of Conduct starting from signing
    their application and ending after the ODIHR has completed its on-site observation. Observers also
    must attend all briefings organized by the OSCE PA and de-brief the EOM leadership after the end
    of election day. Observers must, in particular, refrain from making political statements during the
    observation in the country and should not engage in political discussions with members of the
    polling station commissions or the drivers and interpreters. Public comments which include a
    political statement related to the host country or a premature conclusion on the conduct of the
    elections are valid grounds for dismissal. Observers should also refrain from bringing their own
    media team with them. Observers must abide by the rules for observation and fill in the
    questionnaires in the proper way.
    VIII. Co-ordination Meetings within the IEOM
    When preparing the preliminary statement that the OSCE Special Co-ordinator will make on behalf of
    the IEOM, findings and conclusions from the mission are discussed with the aim of arriving at a joint
    assessment of all delegations. Only the Special Co-ordinator and the Head of the PA Delegation to the
    short term OSCE observer mission, as well as the necessary support staff from the OSCE PA
    International Secretariat, are allowed to participate in these meetings on behalf of the OSCE PA. The
    mission leadership may delegate their function to the Assistant Co-ordinator (an official from among
    OSCE PA staff appointed by the OSCE PA Secretary General) for a working level co-ordination. As
    an exception, the Assistant Co-ordinator from the International Secretariat may include additional
    experts from within the EOM to attend.
    IX. Sanctions and Recourse
    1. In severe cases like when a member is found to have submitted a signed Statement that is proven
    wrong, the OSCE PA President will exclude the member from any further observation mission.
    2. A PA observer who violates the Code of Conduct will be excluded by the OSCE PA Head of
    Delegation after consultation with the Special Co-ordinator.
    3. If a national delegation persistently nominates observers despite obvious issues regarding their
    honesty when filling in the application or their conduct during past observations, the Bureau can
    exclude this delegation from OSCE PA election observation.
    4. Both nominees and observers can appeal against their exclusion. Nominees that have not been
    appointed because of potential conflict of interest can appeal to the Bureau. The appeal of an
    observer against his/her exclusion from the mission is addressed to and decided by the President.
    X. Reporting and Follow-Up
    1. The Special Co-ordinator and/or the Head of Delegation will deliver a report to the next statutory
    meeting of the OSCE PA, preferably the Plenary or one of the Committees.
    2. All OSCE PA officials will make an effort to monitor – within their area of responsibility and the
    OSCE PA capacities – the way in which the host country addresses recommendations contained in
    the ODIHR’s final report. The OSCE PA’s General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and
    Humanitarian Questions should consider further ways of enhancing election observation follow-
    XI. Entry into Force
    The attached observer Statement has been adopted by the OSCE PA Standing Committee at its 2019
    Winter Meeting. The present Guidelines will be applied after 9 July 2019 as executive instruction
    governing OSCE PA election observation missions. The President of the OSCE PA, with the support
    of the International Secretariat, will evaluate the effects of their application and report to the Standing
    Committee at the Annual Session 2020.
    ANNEX 1. Statement of Nominated OSCE PA Election Observers
    The credibility and positive impact of the work of an election observation mission depends to a large extent on the perceived
    impartiality of the observers. Any potential conflict of interest that could reasonably be understood or portrayed by
    electoral stakeholders and, in particular, by contestants in the election observed, as possibly impacting on the observer’s
    impartiality must be avoided.
    An important principle regarding potential conflicts of interest is that they do not necessarily imply actual misconduct. It
    is sufficient that credibly substantiated facts could - in the eyes of a reasonable stakeholder in the process assessed -
    indicate a conflict of interest suited to potentially impacting the impartiality of the person. This means: The subjective
    belief of observers or of their political friends that they can observe in a non-partisan way independently from the conflict
    of interest is irrelevant. As potential bias is not a matter of personal wrong-doing, it also does not matter whether the
    stance/conduct which might lead to the appearance of bias is ethically correct or widely accepted politically. And, finally,
    even facts that are brought forward by a stakeholder with the ill intention to discredit the process need to be assessed
    objectively if substantiated.
    In light of this, all nominees for the observation mission are requested to declare - to the best of their knowledge – and
    sign the following
    Statement of Nominated OSCE PA Election Observers:
    I declare that
    • my family and I have never received economic benefits from any of the contestants or their supporters
    • I do not have close family ties to or am personally or economically dependent on electoral contestants
    or members of their support teams
    • I have never participated in an election observation in the country sponsored by its government, lobby
    groups working on behalf of that government, or any other electoral stakeholder
    • I have never been excluded from the observation of elections in the host country based on a decision
    by the EOM leadership
    • I have never engaged in active or paid support to political campaigns in the country
    • I have never actively provided any substantial material support to the campaigns of one or more of the
    • I am not a member of or have publicly stated support for any group that aims at overthrowing the
    government or changing the political system of the host country through anything other than purely
    peaceful and legal means
    • I am not under an entry ban into the country for reasons which are unrelated to election observation
    activity in the host country or my capacity as member of my country`s parliament
    • I have not committed active and grave breaches of national laws or violated the sovereignty of the
    country observed
    • I am not engaged in litigation against electoral contestants or members of their campaign teams
    • I have not made public statements or engaged in activities within six months before election day, or
    after the day on which the election is officially announced, whichever is the later date, that would
    constitute a display of partisanship regarding electoral competitors and be qualified as a breach of the
    Code of Conduct if made during the observation. This also includes statements of racist or nationalist
    nature and hate speech addressed to the country observed, its people or groups within the country. I
    have not assessed in advance the expected conduct of electoral stakeholders during the election that is
    to be observed. Participation in normal parliamentary business or in other official functions of my
    parliament are exempt from this, even when they deal with the host country.
    I am aware that wrong assertions in this declaration might lead to my exclusion from the mission and could
    entail further sanctions.
    □ I am / □ I am not a member of a bi-national friendship group of my parliament with the
    parliament of the host country, which I state for transparency reasons.
    Signed ___________________________________________
    Print Name ___________________________________________
    Date ___________________________________________

    MONTENEGRO Individual Observer Nomination Form

    Registration Date:
    Please answer each section clearly, completely and use only English transcription
    Family Name: Date of Birth:
    First Name: Mobile in the field:
    (00+ country code +number)
    Nationality: Email:
    Passport Number:
    Passport Type: Diplomatic/Regular/Service IT RUS SP
    CONTACT PERSON (Indicate contact details for the person in charge of practical arrangements for your participation)
    First Name &Surname:
    Mobile: Email:
    Observers are advised to arrive in Podgorica no later than on 27 August 2020 to participate in briefings on 28-29 August and can depart
    in the afternoon of 31 August 2020
    Arrival Date:( Departure Date: (
    Arrival Time: (hh:mm) Departure Time: (hh:mm)
    Arrival Flight: Departure Flight:
    VISA required: YES NO
    I have previously participated in an OSCE PA Election Observation Missions YES NO
    E-Day Transportation OSCE Embassy Own Arrangements
    E-Day Interpretation OSCE Embassy Own Arrangements
    Language (please select one) EN FR GER IT RUS SP
    The Limited Election Observation Mission will deploy exclusively in the capital region of Podgorica.
    Please return to the OSCE PA International Secretariat (; fax +45 33 37 80 30)
    by Friday, 7 August 2020
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 37

    05-2020 Montenegro invitation to observe

    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 37

    Information Circular MONTENEGRO

    Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark
    Phone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - -
    Copenhagen, 21 July 2020
    Memorandum on the OSCE PA Observation of the
    30 August 2020 Parliamentary Elections in MONTENEGRO
    OSCE PA Special Limited Election Observation Mission
    Parliamentary elections are planned to take place in Montenegro on 30 August 2020, and following an invitation
    to observe these elections, the OSCE PA President, following appropriate communication with the OSCE PA
    Standing Committee, has decided to deploy a Special Limited Election Observation Mission to these important
    elections to work closely with the expected teams of the OSCE/ODIHR and the Council of Europe
    Parliamentary Assembly.
    Due to the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be a special limited
    mission of no more than 20 Members, and will deploy exclusively in the capital region of Podgorica.
    Uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and responses to it, including to Members’ abilities to travel,
    could present a challenge to the deployment of a mission, and the feasibility of the mission will be kept under
    Nomination and Appointment of Parliamentary Observers
    In accordance with the attached OSCE PA Election Observation Guidelines, national Delegations wishing to
    nominate their members to participate in this mission are kindly asked to complete and return to the
    International Secretariat at ( as soon as possible, but no later than Friday 7 August 2020
    the following:
    1. The Delegation Nomination Form,
    2. An Individual Observer Nomination Form for each nominated observer,
    3. A signed Statement of Nominated Election Observer for each nominated observer,
    4. A signed Code of Conduct for each nominated observer,
    5. A copy of the photograph page from each nominated observer’s passport.
    Please note that in accordance with the Guidelines nominated observers are not part of an observation mission
    before they have been appointed by the OSCE PA President. In appointing Members to this Special Limited
    Election Observation Mission, the President can take appropriate steps to balance the composition and to
    preserve a political and geographical balance of Members within the mission. The International Secretariat
    will communicate the list of observers to delegations that have forwarded nominations following appointment
    by the OSCE PA President. Due to registration procedures, we may not be able to accommodate those who
    register after the deadline.
    As a result of the COVID-19 response, a number of travel restrictions are in place in many countries, and
    Members are requested to consult with the appropriate authorities regarding travel procedures and access to
    the country. The International Secretariat will maintain close contact with the authorities of Montenegro to
    ensure compliance with local health regulations and guidelines, and observers can expect some significant
    adjustments to mission procedures. The mission will work to put in place disease mitigation measures
    including social distancing where possible, however participants should understand that observation is a
    physical practice requiring close interaction with a wide range of people. Observers are expected to comply
    with all national laws and regulations of the host country, including health regulations; please note that there
    may be additional costs related to compliance with health measures required by the authorities of Montenegro
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 37
    or by the mission. Members are requested to ensure that they have full health insurance coverage valid for the
    duration of their stay in Montenegro.
    Parliamentary briefings will be held in Podgorica on 28-29 August 2020. The Temporary OSCE PA
    Headquarters will be located in Podgorica as well. The International Secretariat of the OSCE Parliamentary
    Assembly will distribute the details on the recommended hotel for accommodation in Podgorica as soon as
    Preliminary Programme
    Thursday, 27 August 2020
    All day
    Friday, 28 August 2020
    Arrival of observers
    09:00- 09:30 (TBC)
    All Day
    Briefing on the Mission for new OSCE PA observers
    Parliamentary briefings
    Saturday, 29 August 2020
    All Day Parliamentary briefings (cont.)
    Sunday, 30 August 2020
    Meeting with Drivers and Interpreters
    All Day Observation at Polling Stations
    Monday, 31 August 2020
    08:00 De-Briefing for PA observers
    Afternoon Press-Conference in Podgorica
    Suggested departures of observers
    Briefing on Mission for new OSCE PA observers
    We kindly invite new members to attend the Briefing on the Mission aimed at providing useful information on
    the general framework of PA observation missions. The briefing is open to all OSCE PA observers, but
    participation is expected for new observers.
    Election Day
    The mission will be limited in scope and will not deploy outside of the capital region of Podgorica. The
    International Secretariat will circulate a draft deployment plan taking into consideration wishes by the
    observers, but also the requirements for a meaningful observation mission. Subject to adjustments required by
    the health situation, on Election Day, Members will generally work in teams of two.
    Further information on arrangements for Election Day including related to costs for any cars/drivers and
    interpreters for Election Day will be communicated in due time.
    Travel Regime
    A number of travel restrictions are in place, and Members are requested to consult with the appropriate
    authorities, including by contacting the relevant consulate, regarding travel procedures, visas and access to the
    Travel and Health Insurance
    We would like to remind you that national parliaments are responsible for their own Member’s expenses,
    including any hotel cancellations, as well as fees for driver, interpreter and fuel. Please note that due to the
    COVID-19 pandemic there may be additional costs related to compliance with health measures required by
    the authorities of Montenegro or by the mission. Members are requested to ensure that they have full health
    insurance coverage valid for the duration of their stay in Montenegro.

    Code of Conduct for OSCE Observers EN

    Code of Conduct for OSCE PA Election Observers
    Respect the Laws of the Country and the Authority of Electoral Bodies
    Observers will comply with all national laws and regulations of the host country and the authority of the bodies in
    charge of administering the electoral process. Observers will not take any unnecessary or undue risks. Each
    observer’s personal safety overrides all other considerations.
    Respect the Integrity of the Election Observation Mission
    Observers will attend all required mission briefings and debriefings and adhere to the deployment plan and all other
    instructions provided by the Election Observation Mission. Observers will remain on duty throughout Election
    Day, including observation of the vote count and, if instructed, the next stage of tabulation.
    Maintain Strict Political Impartiality at All Times
    Observers will maintain strict impartiality in the conduct of their duties and will, at no time, publicly express or
    exhibit any bias or preference in relation to national authorities, parties, candidates, or with reference to any issues
    in contention in the election process.
    Do Not Obstruct Election Processes
    Observers will undertake their duties in an unobtrusive manner and will not interfere in the electoral process.
    Observers may raise questions with election officials and bring irregularities to their attention, but they must not
    give instructions or countermand their decisions.
    Provide Appropriate Identification
    Observers will carry any prescribed identification issued by the host government or election commission and will
    identify themselves to any authority upon request.
    Refrain from Making Comments to the Public or the Media
    Observers will not make any comments to the media on the electoral process or on the substance of their
    observations, and any comment to the media will be limited to general information about the observation mission
    and the role of the observers. Observers will inform media about any intended post-election statements to be issued
    by the leadership on behalf of the observation mission.
    Accuracy of Observations and Professionalism
    Observers will base all conclusions on their personal observations or on clear and convincing facts or evidence.
    Observers will exhibit the highest levels of personal discretion and professional behaviour at all times.
    * * *
    I have read and understand the above Code of Conduct. I hereby confirm that I will follow the Code of
    Conduct and that all of my activities as an election observer will be conducted completely in accordance with it. I
    have no conflicts of interest, political, economic nor other, that will interfere with my ability to be an impartial
    election observer and to follow the Code of Conduct.
    I understand that serious violations of this Code of Conduct may result in the withdrawal of my
    accreditation or my dismissal from the election observation mission. The authority for such determinations
    rests solely with the leadership of the election observation mission.
    Signed ___________________________________________
    Print Name ___________________________________________
    Date ___________________________________________
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 37

    OSCE - Følgeskrivelse til valgobservation i Montenegro 30. august 2020

    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling
    Delegationens medlemmer og stedfortrædere
    4. august 2020
    Invitation til valgobservationsmission i Montenegro
    Rejsen går til: Podgorica, Montenegro
    I perioden: 27. – 31. august 2020
    Som udgangspunkt kan max. ét medlem fra hvert valgfor-
    bund deltage, og det forventes at man deltager i hele rejse-
    Ja, jeg vil gerne deltage Nej, jeg kan desværre ikke deltage
    MF navn:
    Kontaktperson: Lokalnr.:
    Frist for aflevering: 6. august 2019
    Med venlig hilsen
    Claudius Larsson
    Det Internationale Sekretariat
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 37