Presidential Update May 2020

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    Presidential Update May 2020

    Place du Petit Sablon 3
    B-1000 Brussels
    T. +32 2 504 81 55
    083 CIR 20 E 13 May 2020
    Message from NATO PA President Attila Mesterhazy
    Dear colleagues,
    Once again, I would like to update you on my activities since my last message to you on 15 April 2020.
    As always, I hope this message finds you healthy and safe at a time when all our countries are grappling
    with important decisions on the way forward in the COVID-19 crisis and how to deal with the shocks it
    is producing across the globe.
    Virtual Assembly meetings
    As I mentioned in my last message, I see an important role for our Assembly in the coming months in
    analysing the many dimensions of this global crisis and helping us draw the lessons from it.
    Since then, the Assembly held a number of virtual meetings to exchange views on managing the
    immediate crisis and its aftermath, national and NATO responses, medium- and long-term effects for
    Allies, NATO, and partners, and other topics related to COVID-19. On the NATO PA website, you can
    find all activities and news in a dedicated section; The Assembly's Response to COVID-19.
    On 29 April, we held a videoconference of the Assembly’s Bureau and the Chairpersons of its five
    Committees and the Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group. Members shared their views on the
    COVID-19 crisis and its impacts. Moreover, we discussed the way forward on the Assembly’s response
    to the coronavirus crisis and activities for the remainder of 2020, including on the Assembly’s
    contribution to the NATO reflection process on strengthening NATO’s political dimension (see more
    On 7 May, we successfully held our first-ever webinar, which was a resounding success. James
    Appathurai, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs briefed and answered many
    of you on NATO’s response to COVID-19 and the lessons the Alliance is learning from the crisis. For
    those who missed it, you can find the video here. More webinars will be organized in the coming weeks
    and months.
    On 22 April, I informed you that the Spring Session in Ukraine will not take place in 2020. Next week, I
    will meet with members of the Ukrainian delegation to the NATO PA via videoconference to
    acknowledge that, even if we cannot meet in Kyiv in 2020, the NATO PA continues to follow
    developments in Ukraine and support the country. I will be joined by UNIC Co-Chair Ojars Kalnins
    Presidential Statements
    On 16 April, I issued a Joint Statement on the Role of Parliaments in a Time of Pandemic with the
    Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA). In the statement,
    we argue that the global crisis requires a global response. Indeed, international cooperation is key to
    addressing this grave multifaceted crisis and this includes, emphatically, interparliamentary diplomacy,
    cooperation, and coordination.
    NATO''s Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 34
    Place du Petit Sablon 3
    B-1000 Brussels
    T. +32 2 504 81 55
    Following the tragic accident involving a Canadian helicopter engaged as part of NATO operations in
    the Mediterranean Sea at the end of April, I wrote to the new Head of the Canadian delegation on all of
    your behalf to express our sincere condolences, and pay our respect to the deceased soldiers for their
    service to the Alliance.
    NATO Reflection Process
    I would like to update you on the Assembly’s involvement in the NATO Secretary General’s reflection
    process on strengthening NATO’s political dimension.
    Since January, Secretary General Popa and I have been in regular contact with NATO on this issue, at
    various levels. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Group of Experts convened by him
    remain committed to engage with the Assembly during the process.
    Since my last message, I have sent introductory letters to the 10 members of the Group of Experts
    convened by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. I have also had a phone conversation with
    NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana on the Assembly’s involvement.
    The process for the Assembly’s involvement is coming together. I will be able to share more information
    in my June message to you.
    Next steps
    On 29 May, we will convene a Standing Committee meeting via videoconference. The agenda,
    documents, and practical details about the meeting will be sent to delegations in due course. I would
    also like to encourage those members of the Standing Committee who have not yet done so to join our
    dedicated chat group on Signal. Do not hesitate to contact our Secretary General for any questions.
    I would like to refer to the letter by Secretary General Popa from 11 May, where she lays out what other
    activities are in store over the coming weeks and months, including webinars, a COVID-19 survey, and
    interviews with the heads of all member delegation. We will share further updates as soon as possible.
    As always, I would like to encourage you to sign up to the Assembly’s newsletter to follow our latest
    activities, which you can do on the bottom of the NATO PA web site.
    Thank you for your active commitment to the NATO PA and thank you for your trust. Please do not
    hesitate to reach out to me or our Secretary General.
    Attila Mesterhazy