Letter of the Luxembourg Parliament COVID 19

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    Letter of the Luxembourg Parliament COVID 19


    Luxembourg, 15th
    April 2020
    Courtesy translation
    To the members of
    the Benelux Interparliamentary Assembly,
    the Interregional Parliamentary Council,
    the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Francophonie, the NATO
    Parliamentary Assembly, the OSCE
    Parliamentary Assembly, the Union for the
    Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly,
    the Inter-Parliamentary Union
    Dear fellow parliamentarians,
    The current period of uncertainty due to the Covid-19 pandemic will have definite
    consequences for the world’s economic, socio-political and geopolitical situation.
    Indeed, if the political impact of the crisis is still uncertain, the prospect of a recession in a large
    number of countries and the ensuing instability risks reinforcing populist and nationalist
    tendencies fueled by the widening of inequalities and the lack of solidarity felt by citizens.
    The closings of the borders and the phenomenon of withdrawal into oneself that we observe
    reflects a growing distrust that is settling between the different States and which is done to the
    detriment of solidarity, cement of international cooperation. It is imperative to avoid the Covid-
    19 crisis strengthening pre-existing tensions and marking the end of a hard-won world order.
    Let us not let those who advocate the deconstruction of the rule of law stand out and
    instrumentalize the Covid-19 to achieve their ends! The priority of all parliaments must be more
    than ever the defence of democratic values and solidarity in all circumstances.
    Building the trust of citizens at a time marked by distrust of institutions is the main issue in the
    quest for the adhesion of all strata of the population. Health and social security, education and
    research are common goods vital to democracy, which must be put back at the centre of our
    This crisis will deeply mark our society and it is undeniable that there will be a before and an
    after. It is important that all parliaments give a positive impetus to this afterwards at national,
    European and international level. Let us take this opportunity to (re) invent a model of mutually
    supportive cooperation respectful of democratic and human values.
    We look forward to discussing with you again and continuing to build strong, forward-looking
    relationships together.
    In the meantime, we wish you good luck and good health.
    Please accept, dear fellow parliamentarians, the expression of our highest esteem.
    NATO''s Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 28
    Fernand Etgen
    Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the
    Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Mars Di Bartolomeo
    Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of
    Deputies of the Grand Duchy of
    Treasurer of the Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Francophonie
    Claude Wiseler
    Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of
    Deputies of the Grand Duchy of
    Djuna Bernard
    Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of
    Deputies of the Grand Duchy of
    Lydia Mutsch
    Chairperson of the delegation to the NATO
    Parliamentary Assembly
    Chairperson of the delegation to the Union
    for the Mediterranean Parliamentary
    Yves Cruchten
    Chairperson of the Committee on Foreign
    and European Affairs, Development,
    Immigration and Asylum
    Gusty Graas
    Chairperson of the Benelux
    Interparliamentary Assembly
    Chairperson of the delegation to the Council
    of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
    Chairperson of the delegation to the OSCE
    Parliamentary Assembly
    Cécile Hemmen
    Chairperson of the delegation to the
    Benelux Interparliamentary Assembly
    Chairperson of the delegation to the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the