Brev fra Barnett vedr. COVID-19

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    Letter Barnett OSCE PA

    German Bundestag
    Head of the German Delegation
    to the Parliamentary Assembly
    of the OSCE
    Dear Members of the Standing Committee, dear George,
    dear Roberto, dear Colleagues,
    Thank you for the very good and timely information you pro-
    vided us with! Due to the session in the Bundestag in late March,
    I was unable to attend the video-conference of the Bureau. There-
    fore, I take the opportunity with this letter to present my view on
    the situation to you all.
    At the moment, we cannot yet assess the full long-term impact
    of the coronavirus outbreak, its consequences for our societies,
    our economies, or political systems. But we know this global
    crisis is going to become one of our biggest challenges at the past
    decades. We, as the OSCE PA, have to give a strong and effective
    response to enormous problems caused by the coronavirus pan-
    Uncertain situations offer opportunities for both innovations for
    improving our societies, but also for abuse of difficult circum-
    stances to strengthen one’s own political or financial power. Es-
    pecially the developments in some member states worry me, and
    we have to make sure that we will secure free and open societies.
    Fighting the pandemic cannot be used as an excuse to abolish
    human rights, the rule of law, and democratic institutions.
    There is no reasonable argument for going back to national isola-
    tion either. On the contrary, we need much more global solidar-
    ity and co-operation, we have to work much closer together to
    overcome our problems, and think twice before closing borders.
    Our scientists set a positive example: in this difficult time, they
    find new ways of exchange, and open up their researches in or-
    der to find an effective treatment for this virus and other threats
    to come. We on our part have to ensure freedom of science and
    expression, and thereby to enable building of stronger interna-
    tional networks.
    OSCE PA President
    Members of the OSCE PA Standing Committee
    OSCE PA Secretary General
    Berlin, 3.04.2020
    Doris Barnett
    Member of the German Bundestag
    Platz der Republik 1
    11011 Berlin
    Phone: +49 (0) 30 227 72072
    Fax: +49 (0) 30 227 76072
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 26
    Seite 2
    Another lesson we have to learn after this crisis is that we have
    to reduce our dependence on single suppliers, to re-think the
    supply chains, and to re-establish the ability to produce equip-
    ment like facemasks or protection-suits, and vital infrastructure.
    This task, however, requires a different global co-operation from
    what we have today. We must also avoid that countries or com-
    panies weakened by the pandemic become victims of speculative
    The fight against the pandemic is currently, of course, the top
    priority in all of our countries. However, to help the people we
    need a ceasefire and peace, both regionally and worldwide. We
    must ensure that the pandemic does not dominate the agenda of
    the OSCE PA to the exclusion of other vital issues. I am particu-
    larly concerned that we are loosing sight of the miserable fate of
    the many thousands of refugees in Greece, Turkey, and Italy be-
    cause of our preoccupation with the COVID-19 crisis. Our mis-
    sion remains to solve protracted conflicts and improve the living
    conditions of the people in the OSCE area. We need a ceasefire in
    the whole of the OSCE region right away! Let us have earnest
    talks how to resolve the crises in Eastern Ukraine and in other ar-
    eas of the OSCE!
    I therefore propose to not set up any new working groups, but to
    take up the issue of the pandemic at our next session (no matter
    whether in person or virtual) in all three committees and in ple-
    nary discussions. In the meantime we need to work together to
    help whenever there are extra resources. The current situation,
    especially in Italy and Spain, is severe, and I have great respect
    for their governments, who are becoming overwhelmed with the
    situation. I know that our governments have close contact among
    each other and help as best they can.
    Concluding, I would like to suggest a resolution – together with
    the Council of Europe PA, the NATO PA, and the IPU, restating
    our quest for humanity, democracy, and the rule of law.
    This crisis gives us the once-in-a-lifetime possibility to change
    the course of events for the better. I do hope all of us are still
    healthy (or getting better) and are doing what is necessary in
    their countries to overcome this unique crisis for the wellbeing of
    our peoples. All the best to all of you!
    Sincerely yours,
    Doris Barnett, MP
    Head of the German Delegation to the OSCE PA