Brev fra Hr. Paolo Grimoldi
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- Hovedtilknytning: OSCE alm. del (Bilag 23)
Foranstaltninger vedr. Covid-19 krisen besluttet af Italiens Deputeretkammer
Measures regarding Covid-19 emergency put in place by Italy’s Chamber of deputies • For the duration of the COVID-19 emergency, Italy’s Chamber of Deputies has resolved to limit the work of the Plenary mainly to consideration of urgent non- deferrable bills, with particular regard to bills for the enactment into law of pending decree laws. The Chamber will also meet in plenary session in case of parliamentary questions requiring an immediate reply or of urgent interpellations. The purpose of these arrangements is to maintain constant dialogue with the Government on the subject of the emergency and to enable the Government to keep Parliament apprised of developments including through the issuance of urgent information updates and reports. • In order to avoid the simultaneous and prolonged presence on the Floor of the House of a large number of MPs, parliamentary groups have agreed to reduce the number of MPs in attendance and adopted appropriate voting methods, such as the roll-call vote used for the sitting of 31st March 2020. • The activities of Committees and other parliamentary bodies have likewise been restricted to consideration of urgent non-deferrable acts. In particular, it has been agreed that Committees shall examine only bills related to items included in the Order of Business of the House or else bills for which a Committee is acting in a law-making capacity. In addition, Committees may conduct hearings with Ministers or other persons or entities whose responsibilities pertain to matters connected with the emergency. Committees may also convene for purposes of parliamentary scrutiny or to issue opinions on Government legislative proposals that are nearing expiration and need to be expedited without delay. • Following a decision of the Chamber’s Committee on the Rules of Procedure (sitting of 31 March 2020), the possibility has been introduced for Committees to conduct some of their less formal activities, such as meetings of the Bureau as well as hearings, remotely, by videoconference. These sittings, which need to be appropriately scheduled to allow for the necessary technical support, must nonetheless continue to be held in the official premises of the Chamber of Deputies and must always take place in the presence of the Chair, or Deputy Chair of the OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20 OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 23 Offentligt Committee, along with the Clerk (parliamentary official) to the Committee and any MPs who wish to attend the sitting in person. • To comply with the recommendations of the relevant health authorities, a decision was taken to have Committees and other parliamentary bodies convene in larger meeting and conference rooms, so that attendees may observe the appropriate social distancing and respect the rules banning people from gathering at close quarters. The sittings are also being scheduled so as to leave time for the necessary sanitation of the conference rooms between one meeting and another. • In line with the measures adopted by the Government at a national level, a number of employees is required to work on site as deemed strictly necessary to ensure the full functioning of parliamentary bodies and of the Chamber as a whole. The remaining employees of the Chamber of Deputies are working remotely.
Foranstaltninger vedr. Covid-19 krisen besluttet af Italiens Senat
Measures regarding Covid-19 emergency put in place by Italy's Senate Senate and committee meetings are held in compliance with social distancing requirements (for example, public galleries are also used for Senate sittings and bigger committee rooms are used on a rotation basis to allow for more space between senators). In the Senate, when roll calls are held (for instance, when a qualified majority is required), senators access the floor in small groups in alphabetical order. Personal protective equipment (facemasks and gloves) was distributed to senators and staff operating in the Senate. Workplaces are sanitized constantly; everyone accessing the Senate is required to disinfect their hands and have their temperature measured; hand sanitizer gel dispensers are available everywhere. In cooperation with the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, the Senate has been equipped to perform nose and throat swab tests on Senators and staff with even a minimal risk of testing positive to Covid-19. Professor Giuseppe Ippolito, Scie tific Director at Ro e’s Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital, the national hub for infectious diseases, has been appointed pro bono consultant to the Senate. In compliance with the measures adopted by the Government, the restaurant and bar have been temporarily shut down, because social distancing requirements may not be ensured there. Snack and soda vending machines have been installed and lunch boxes are distributed to senators and staff. In compliance with the measures adopted by the Government, a sizeable number of staff work remotely; only the staff whose physical presence is essential to keep the Senate open are required to work in the premises. Staff with children under the age of 16 (the age of compulsory education) may take parental leave while schools are closed. OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20 OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 23 Offentligt
Brev fra Hr. Paolo Grimoldi
Distinguished President, Let me first of all thank you, the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE and its Secretariat, also on behalf of the Italian Delegation as a whole, for the kind words of sympathy and solidarity addressed to Italy and to our Delegation in this serious health emergency that has struck the world and for which my country, in particular, has paid and is paying a high price in terms of human lives and sacrifices. Indeed, I hope that that the world we know and the political fora in which we participate, in Europe and beyond, will come out of this crisis - which is affecting all of us without distinction - more cohesive and more strongly committed to practising solidarity and partaking of a common destiny. Hence, it is all the more necessary to identify, in a timely and effective manner, the most appropriate instruments to address the future challenges we will be confronted with in terms of public health and economic conditions, once the emergency is over. Against this backdrop and in the hope that you will share my views, I am sending you, herewith attached, an information paper on the measures adopted by Italy’s Chamber of Deputies and Senate, alongside other national parliaments, in order to ensure that Parliament can keep functioning in the face of the Covid19 emergency, which, as you rightly pointed out for the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, must be considered an absolute necessity. I take this opportunity to send you my best regards. Paolo Grimoldi ---------------------------------------------------------- George Tsereteli President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Copenhagen CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI PARTENZA 08 aprile 2020 Prot: 2020/0007474/GEN/RIN OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20 OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 23 Offentligt