Referat fra mødet i Standing Committee i Wien 2020

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    Thursday 20 February 2020
    9.00 am
    1. Call to Order
    The meeting was opened at 9.03 a.m. with the President of the OSCE Parliamentary
    Assembly, Mr George TSERETELI, in the Chair.
    2. Adoption of the draft Agenda
    The draft Agenda was adopted.
    3. Approval of the Agenda for the 2020 Winter Meeting
    The agenda of the 2020 Winter Meeting was approved (Rule 16.1).
    4. Report of the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    The PRESIDENT addressed the Standing Committee.
    Speaker: Mr Alcee HASTINGS (USA).
    5. Report of the Treasurer of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (Rule 41.3)
    The Treasurer, Mr Peter Juel-Jensen (Denmark), presented his report, and in accordance with
    Rule 41.3, also presented the audited accounts of the Assembly for the 26th
    financial year.
    6. Report of the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    The Secretary General, Mr Roberto Montella, presented his report.
    Speakers: Mr Mr Ditmir BUSHATI (Albania), Lord BOWNESS (UK), Mr Tahir
    MIRKISHILI (Azerbaijan).
    The PRESIDENT and the Secretary General responded.
    7. Report of the Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on the Rules of Procedure
    The Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on the Rules of Procedure, Lord BOWNESS (UK),
    addressed the Standing Committee.
    Speaker: Ms Irene CHARALAMBIDES (Cyprus).
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 16
    Lord BOWNESS moved that the Standing Committee adopt the proposed amendments to
    Rules 21.2 and 21.3 as circulated.
    Amendments to Rules 21.2 and 21.3 were adopted by consensus.
    Lord BOWNESS and the PRESIDENT addressed the Standing Committee.
    8. Report by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Countering Terrorism
    Mr Reinhold LOPATKA (Austria) presented the report of the Chair of the Ad Hoc
    Committee on Countering Terrorism.
    9. Report by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Migration
    The Acting Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Migration, Ms Margareta CEDERFELT
    (Sweden), presented her report.
    10. Reports by the OSCE PA Special Representatives
    The Rapporteur on the investigation of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, Ms Margareta
    CEDERFELT (Sweden), presented her report.
    The Special Representative on Mediterranean Affairs, Mr Pascal ALLIZARD (France),
    presented his report.
    The Special Representative on Arctic Issues, Ms Torill EIDSHEIM (Norway), presented her
    The Special Representative on Fighting Corruption, Ms Irene CHARALAMBIDES (Cyprus),
    presented her report.
    The Special Representative on South East Europe, Mr Mark PRITCHARD (UK), presented
    his report.
    The Special Representative on Civil Society Engagement, Ms Pia KAUMA (Finland),
    presented her report.
    Speakers: Mr Nabi AVCI (Turkey), Ms Irene CHARALMBIDES (Cyprus).
    11. Review of current international political issues
    Speakers: Mr Roger WICKER (USA), Mr Hayk KONJORYAN (Azerbaijan), Mr
    Petr TOLSTOI (Russian Federation), Mr Mykyta POTURAIEV (Ukraine), Ms Doris
    BARNETT (Germany), Mr Pascal ALLIZARD (France), Mr Tahir MIRKISHILI
    12. Reports on preparations for future OSCE PA meetings in 2020
    The PRESIDENT addressed the Standing Committee.
    13. Close of Meeting
    The PRESIDENT closed the meeting at 11.50 am.