Brev fra OSCE PAs Generalsekretær - COVID-19

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    Letter from OSCE PA Secretary General - COVID-19

    Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark
    Phone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - -
    The Secretary General
    OSCE PA President
    Members of the OSCE PA Bureau
    Members of the OSCE PA Standing Committee
    Copenhagen, 12 March 2020
    Dear President,
    Dear Members of the Bureau,
    Dear Members of the Standing Committee,
    This is to inform you that, following a sharp increase of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak in
    both Denmark and Austria and in accordance with recommendations and restrictions issued by
    the respective State authorities, I have ordered the temporary closure of the OSCE PA
    International Secretariat Headquarters in Copenhagen and of the OSCE PA Vienna Liaison
    Office, both effective as of today until 30 March, and instructed all Staff to work from home
    using modern technologies that allow telecommuting.
    These decisions have been taken in coordination with the OSCE executive structures, the OSCE
    COVID-19 Taskforce as well as the Parliamentary Assemblies of the Council of Europe and
    At the moment, all our Staff members in Copenhagen and Vienna are well and nobody is
    personally affected by the COVID-19. Please rest assured that the OSCE PA Staff is fully
    equipped for an effective telecommuting and that this formula will grant the needed business
    continuity to the work of our Assembly. Despite the closure of the two offices, the International
    Secretariat will indeed continue to be operative and our traditional modus operandi makes us
    flexible and efficient in times like these.
    Moreover, please note that all OSCE PA activities scheduled in March, as well as some of those
    scheduled in April, are to be either postponed, cancelled or conducted via video-link/other ICT.
    We will continue to constantly monitor the evolution of the virus outbreak as to assess the
    feasibility of the rest of the planned activities in April and beyond. I will take due care of updating
    you regularly.
    Wishing you all to stay safe and in good health, I thank you for your support and I look forward
    to maintaining our regular contacts and to seeing you soon when this critical time will be over.
    Yours sincerely
    Roberto Montella, Secretary General
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 15