Dagsorden for 2. del af Europarådets ordinære 2020 Session

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    ERD - Dagsorden for 2. del af Europarådets ordinære 2020 Session


    Doc. 15092 prov1
    09 March 2020
    Second part of the 2020 Ordinary Session
    (20-24 April 2020)
    Draft agenda1
    1. Drawn up by the Bureau of the Assembly on 5 March 2020.
    F - 67075 Strasbourg Cedex | assembly@coe.int | Tel: +33 3 88 41 2000 | assembly.coe.int
    Europarådet 2019-20
    ERD Alm.del - Bilag 6
    Bur: Bureau of the Assembly
    Per: Standing Committee
    Pol: Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy
    Jur: Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
    Soc: Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development
    Mig: Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons
    Cult: Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media
    Ega: Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination
    Mon: Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of
    Europe (Monitoring Committee)
    Pro: Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs
    Cdh: Committee on the Election of Judges to the European Court of Human Rights
    EPP/CD: Group of the European People's Party
    SOC: Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
    EC/DA: European Conservatives Group and Democratic Alliance
    ALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
    UEL: Group of the Unified European Left
    NR: Representatives not belonging to a political group
    2 Presentation, statement
    ¹ Deadline for tabling documents
    4 Lists (speakers, questions)
    % Votes
    Meetings outside the Chamber
    Bureau of the Assembly
    Monday: 11:00-13:00
    Friday: 08:30-10:00
    Monday: 18:30-19:30
    Tuesday: 08:30-10:00
    Tuesday: 14:00-15:30
    Wednesday: 14:00-15:30
    Thursday: 08:30-10:00
    Thursday: 14:00-15:30
    Political groups
    Monday: 14:00-16:00
    Tuesday: 15:30-17:00
    Wednesday: 08:30-10:00
    Monday 20 April 2020
    Sitting No. 10 (16:00-18:30)
    1. Opening of the part-session
    1.1. Statement by the President
    1.2. Examination of credentials
    2 List of delegations:
    o (Doc. )
    1.3. Changes in the membership of committees (Commissions (2020) ... + Add. ...)
    1.4. Request(s) for current affairs debate or debate under urgent procedure
    1.5. Adoption of the agenda
    1.6. Approval of the minutes of the Standing Committee (Paris, 6 March 2020) (AS/Per (2020)
    PV 01)
    2. Debate
    2.1. Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee
    2 Presentation by:
    o Mr Ian LIDDELL-GRAINGER (United Kingdom, EC/DA), Rapporteur AS/Bur (Doc. )
    2.2. Observation of the early parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan (9 February 2020)
    2 Presentation by:
    o Mr Frank SCHWABE (Germany, SOC), Rapporteur (Doc. 15090)
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Monday 20 April, 14:30)
    % [possibly] Vote
    3. Address (17:30-18:30)
    3.1. Communication from the Committee of Ministers
    2 Presentation by:
    o Mr David ZALKALIANI, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia, President of the Committee
    of Ministers of the Council of Europe
    4 Questions (deadline for registration: Monday 20 April, 14:30)
    Tuesday 21 April 2020
    Sitting No. 11 (10:00-13:00)
    4. Elections (10:00-13:00)
    4.1. Judges to the European Court of Human Rights
    2 List of candidates in respect of:
    o ..., (Doc. )
    5. Debate
    5.1. Judges in Poland and in the Republic of Moldova must remain independent
    2 Presentation by:
    o Mr Andrea ORLANDO (Italy, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Jur (Doc. )
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Monday 20 April, 17:30)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 20 April, 20:00)
    % Vote on ... ()
    6. Address (12:00-13:00)
    6.1. Mr Giorgi GAKHANRIA, Prime Minister of Georgia
    Speech (12:00-12:20)
    Questions and replies (12:20-13:00)
    4 Questions
    Sitting No. 12 (17:00-20:30)
    7. Elections (continued) (17:00-18:30)
    7.1. Judges to the European Court of Human Rights
    8. Debate
    8.1. Modification of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure – follow-up to Resolution 2319 (2020)
    on the Complementary joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the
    Parliamentary Assembly in response to a serious violation by a member State of its
    statutory obligations
    2 Presentation by:
    o Sir Edward LEIGH (United Kingdom, EC/DA), Rapporteur AS/Pro (Doc. )
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Tuesday 21 April, 12:00)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 20 April, 20:00)
    % Vote on ... ()
    9. Debate
    9.1. Time to act: Europe’s political response to fighting the manipulation of sports
    2 Presentation by:
    o Mr Roland Rino BÜCHEL (Switzerland, ALDE), Rapporteur AS/Cult (Doc. )
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Tuesday 21 April, 12:00)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 20 April, 20:00)
    % Vote on ... ()
    Wednesday 22 April 2020
    Sitting No. 13 (10:00-13:00)
    10. [Possibly 2nd round] Elections (10:00-13:00)
    10.1. Judges to the European Court of Human Rights
    11. Debate (10:00-12:00)
    11.1. Addressing sexual violence against children: stepping up action and co-operation in
    2 Presentation by:
    o Baroness Doreen MASSEY (United Kingdom, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Soc (Doc. )
    2 Statement by:
    o Ms Najat MAALLA N'JID, UN Special Representative on violence against children
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Tuesday 21 April, 19:30)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 21 April, 10:30)
    % Vote on ... ()
    12. Address (12:00-13:00)
    12.1. Ms Zuzana ČAPUTOVÁ, President of the Slovak Republic
    Speech (12:00-12:20)
    Questions and replies (12:20-13:00)
    4 Questions
    Sitting No. 14 (15:30-20:30)
    13. [Possibly 2nd round] Elections (continued) (15:30-17:00)
    13.1. Judges to the European Court of Human Rights
    14. Question time (15:30-16:00)
    14.1. Ms Marija PEJČINOVIĆ BURIĆ, Secretary General of the Council of Europe
    4 Questions
    15. Address (16:00-17:00)
    15.1. Annual activity report 2019 by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
    2 Presentation by:
    o Ms Dunja MIJATOVIĆ, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
    4 Questions
    16. Debate
    16.1. Empowering women: promoting access to contraception in Europe
    2 Presentation by:
    o Ms Petra BAYR (Austria, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Ega (Doc. 15084)
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 22 April, 12:00)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 21 April, 17:30)
    % Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15084)
    17. Debate
    17.1. Post-monitoring dialogue with Montenegro
    2 Presentation by:
    o Mr Anne MULDER (Netherlands, ALDE), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. )
    o Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS (Lithuania, EPP/CD), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. )
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 22 April, 12:00)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 21 April, 17:30)
    % Vote on ... ()
    Thursday 23 April 2020
    Sitting No. 15 (10:00-13:00)
    18. [Possibly] Debate under urgent procedure or current affairs debate2
    Sitting No. 16 (15:30-20:00)
    19. Debate
    19.1. Drug policy and human rights in Europe: a baseline study
    2 Presentation by:
    o Ms Hannah BARDELL (United Kingdom, NR), Rapporteur AS/Jur (Doc. 15086)
    o Mr Joseph O'REILLY (Ireland, EPP/CD), Rapporteur for opinion AS/Soc (Doc. )
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 23 January, 12:00)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 22 January, 16:00)
    % Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 15086)
    20. Debate
    20.1. Towards an Internet Ombudsman institution
    2 Presentation by:
    o Mr Frédéric REISS (France, EPP/CD), Rapporteur AS/Cult (Doc. 15085)
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 23 April, 12:00)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 22 April, 16:00)
    % Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15085)
    2. Subject to a decision by the Assembly.
    Friday 24 April 2020
    Sitting No. 17 (10:00-13:00)
    21. Debate
    21.1. Setting minimum standards for electoral systems in order to offer the basis for free and
    fair elections
    2 Presentation by:
    o Mr Rik DAEMS (Belgium, ALDE), Rapporteur AS/Pol (Doc. 15027)
    o Sir Edward LEIGH (United Kingdom, EC/DA), Rapporteur for opinion AS/Pro (Doc. )
    o Mr Pierre-Alain FRIDEZ (Switzerland, SOC), Rapporteur for opinion AS/Jur
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 23 April, 19:00)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Thursday 23 April, 10:30)
    % Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15027)
    22. Debate
    22.1. Investment migration
    2 Presentation by:
    o Mr Aleksander POCIEJ (Poland, EPP/CD), Rapporteur AS/Mig (Doc. )
    o Mr Pieter OMTZIGT (Netherlands, EPP/CD), Rapporteur for opinion AS/Jur (Doc. )
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 23 April, 19:00)
    ¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Thursday 23 April, 10:30)
    % Vote on ... ()
    23. Debate
    23.1. Free debate
    4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 23 April, 19:00)
    24. Progress report
    24.1. Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee (continued)
    2 Addendum:
    o ..., (Doc. ... Add. 3)
    25. Closure of the part-session