Farewell letter from Mrs. Moon

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    Farewell letter from Mrs. Moon


    Place du Petit Sablon 3
    1000 Bruxelles (Belgique)
    T. +32 2 504 81 55
    F. +32 2 513 59 23
    E. secgen@nato-pa.int
    228 CIR 19 E 17 December 2019
    Dear All,
    You will all be aware by now that I lost my seat in the recent British election.
    Losing elections is part of the rough and tumble of our lives and is to be expected, especially
    in these volatile times. I accept that. My big regret is in losing the Presidency and the chance
    to continue to work with you all. The friendships within the NATO PA are very dear to me and
    I thank those of you who have rung and emailed. The messages have sustained me in a
    painful time.
    I had hoped to achieve so much in the coming year. We need the NATO PA to adapt to the
    changing political world and to recognise its potential as a force to combat the instability around
    us. When distrust between governments and peoples grow personal relationships and
    contacts become ever more important. This is a major strength of the NATO PA, our capacity
    to listen from the personal perspective with respect and common purpose.
    Our work welcoming new members with increasingly diverse political views across Europe and
    providing insight into the world of defence and security, from every perspective is important.
    The capacity to draw on the expertise of those returning to the NATO PA from Ministerial office
    ensured a depth of knowledge and mentoring capability. Helping to launch and built our alumni
    has been a great pleasure for me.
    At a time when there are questions in relation to the validity of the alliance and grey zones
    attacks growing our engagement with the public and young people is vital. I am pleased the
    NATO PA has taken a lead in these areas.
    I am sorry that I will not be able to continue strengthening our communications in the Balkans
    or building on newly created links with the Pan African Parliament. There is much that I had
    hoped to do to look at the NATO PA’s part in building a stronger alliance but that must now be
    for new Presidents to begin.
    I wish you all a most enjoyable holiday season and a rest from the rigours of the political world.
    With love and best wishes to my dear friends
    Madeleine Moon
    NATO''s Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    NPA Alm.del - Bilag 9