Report from the Vienna Liaison Office, week 47-48 2019

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    Status of Decisions and Documents

    Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe 18 November 2019
    Ministerial Council RESTRICTED
    Bratislava 2019 ENGLISH only
    Chairmanship: Slovakia
    Status of decisions/documents proposed for adoption
    or adopted by the OSCE Ministerial Council in the year 2019
    (as of 18 November 2019, 5.30 p.m.)
    Reference number Title Status
    MC.DD/1/19/Rev.1 Draft declaration on
    enhancing efforts to combat intolerance
    and discrimination against persons based
    on their thought, conscience, religion or
    belief, including against Christians, Jews,
    Muslims and members of other religions
    Under discussion in
    the Human
    MC.DD/2/19 Draft decision on the prevention and
    eradication of torture and other cruel,
    inhuman or degrading treatment or
    Under discussion in
    the Human
    MC.DD/3/19 Draft decision on promoting energy
    co-operation to increase economic
    progress and sustainability
    Under discussion in
    the Economic and
    MC.DD/4/19 Draft ministerial decision on
    promoting digital innovation to increase
    economic progress and sustainability
    Under discussion in
    the Economic and
    MC.DD/5/19 Draft decision on strengthening the
    OSCE’s role in border security and
    Under discussion in
    the Security
    MC.DD/6/19 Draft decision on strengthening OSCE
    efforts to prevent and counter terrorism
    Under discussion in
    the Security
    MC.DD/7/19 Draft commemorative declaration on the
    occasion of the 25th anniversary of the
    OSCE Code of Conduct on politico
    military aspects of security
    Under discussion in
    the WG B of the
    This table does not imply the potential order of adoption of decisions/documents.
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 6
    - 2 -
    MC.DD/8/19 Draft commemorative declaration on the
    occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary
    of the OSCE
    principles governing non-proliferation
    and fifteenth anniversary
    of the United Nations Security Council
    Resolution 1540
    Under discussion in
    the WG B of the
    MC/DD/9/19 Draft decision on the right to freedom of
    peaceful assembly in the OSCE area
    Under discussion in
    the Human
    MC/DD/10/19 Draft decision on
    preventing and combating human
    trafficking through educating
    schoolchildren and taking a victim
    centred and trauma-informed approach
    To be submitted to
    the Human
    Other issues related to the Twenty-Sixth Ministerial Council Meeting
    PC.DEC/1348 Decision on forwarding of a draft
    agenda to the Ministerial Council
    Adopted on
    14 November 2019
    PC.DD/32/19/Corr.2 Draft decision on the timetable and
    organizational modalities of the
    Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the OSCE
    Ministerial Council
    Under discussion in
    the Prep Comm
    MC.GAL/1/19 Draft agenda for the Twenty-Sixth
    Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council
    Forwarded to the

    report 47_48 wk 2019

    Special Representative
    PA President
    PA Secretary General
    PC Brief Week 47/48, 2019
    During these weeks there were meetings of the Permanent Council (PC), the Forum for Se-
    curity Cooperation (FSC), the Contact Groups with the Partners for Cooperation, many meet-
    ings of the informal bodies and drafting sessions, as well as a two-day Supplementary Human
    Dimension Meeting (SHDM) on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and an event of the Repre-
    sentative for the Freedom of the Media on “How do we curtail the spread of hate speech,
    violent extremism and disinformation online while protecting free speech?” I took part in
    the Reinforced Ambassadorial Retreat in Bratislava. Marco Bonabello participated in a Meet-
    ing of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on Counterterrorism in Rome and
    Francesco Pagani in a Staff meeting in Copenhagen.
    The PC extended the mandates of the OSCE field presences in Albania, Montenegro, North
    Macedonia (“Skopje”), Serbia and Uzbekistan and forward the Ministerial Council Agenda to
    the ministers. The FSC adopted Agenda and Modalities of the Thirtieth Annual Implementa-
    tion Assessment Meeting and approved the Conflict Prevention Center’s Support for the An-
    nual Exchange of Military Information.
    The main focus continued to be on the growing number of draft documents that have been
    put forward for the Ministerial Council meeting which will start in Bratislava this week (see
    attached list). With many delegations insisting on language that clearly and foreseeably
    crosses “Red Lines” of others, it is difficult to predict whether there will be any meaningful
    paper output from this meeting. References to the work of the OSCE PA can be found in
    most drafts put forward by the Chairmanship – unfortunately most of these references
    have been objected to by the delegation of the Russian Federation. Hopefully, this will
    change during the drafting sessions that will start in Bratislava tomorrow. So far, it has not
    been possible to adopt decisions on the next two chairmanships after Albania (Sweden/Po-
    land). These decisions seem to have become hostage to some bilateral issues.
    Another focus remains on the budget discussions. The deadline will be quickly reached af-
    ter the Ministerial Council.
    Andreas Nothelle
    December 3, 2019
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2019-20
    OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 6