Henvendelse af 15/11-13 fra Foreningen af Mindre og Mellemstore Biografer

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    Fra: Jane Lykke [mailto:jane.lykke@mail.dk]
    Sendt: 15. november 2013 12:34
    Til: Gitte Ravn Jensen
    Emne: Cinema Communication
    Kære Kulturudvalg
    Vi har modtaget vedhæftede fra EU.
    Vi stiller os endnu mere undrende overfor den danske regerings lovforslag, når det klart fremgår, at man
    ikke iflg. EU stiller krav om indskrænkninger i kommunernes muligheder for at støtte.
    Det er fremgået af alt tidligere korrespondance og møder med repræsentanter fra kulturministeriet, at
    lovforslaget kommer på baggrund af henvendelse fra EU.
    Da dette ikke er tilfældet, tillader vi os at rette henvendelse til kulturudvalget igen, og håber at EU's
    indstilling vil ændre en lovgivning, der vil skade hele vækstlaget i kulturformidlingen for de mindre biografer
    i Danmark.
    Med venlig hilsen
    Jane Lykke
    Formand FMMB
    Fra: Julia Galaski [mailto:jgalaski@unic-cinemas.org]
    Sendt: 14. november 2013 12:38
    Til: undisclosed-recipients:
    Emne: Cinema Communication published today
    Dear all,
    This morning, the European Commission published the long awaited Cinema Communication on film support
    Three key paragraphs address state aid to cinemas (see below this e-mail). In these paragraphs, the EC
    recognises that most aid to cinemas is sufficiently covered by the de minimis Regulation. In all other cases,
    support to cinemas will be considered as aid to promote culture and be evaluated accordingly.
    The Communication reads as follows: "Aid for cinemas promotes culture because the principle purpose of cinemas
    is the exhibition of the cultural product of film".
    You can access the Communication here. Other language versions are available here. The press release was
    published here.
    Best wishes,
    Key paragraphs on cinema exhibition
    16 Regarding the scope of aided activities, some Member States also offer aid to activities other than film
    production. This includes aid to film distribution or to cinemas, for example to support rural cinemas or arthouse
    Kulturudvalget 2013-14
    L 19 Bilag 6
    cinemas in general or to cover their renovation and modernisation, including their transition to digital projection.
    22 "Regarding aid to cinemas, usually the amounts involved are small, so that for example rural and arthouse
    cinemas should be sufficiently served by the levels of aid which fall under the de minimis Regulation (10). However,
    if a Member State can justify that more support to cinemas is required, the aid will be assessed under the present
    Communication as aid to promote culture in the meaning of Article 107(3)(d) TFEU. Aid for cinemas promotes
    culture because the principle purpose of cinemas is the exhibition of the cultural product of film."
    53 "The modernisation of cinemas, including their digitisation, may be aided where the Member States can justify
    the necessity, proportionality and adequacy of such aid. On this basis, the Commission would assess whether the
    scheme is compatible with the Treaty under Article 107(3)(d) TFEU."
    Julia Galaski | EU Affairs Officer
    Union Internationale des Cinémas | International Union of Cinemas | UNIC
    Av. des Arts 10-11 boîte 17 | 1210 Brussels (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode) | Belgium
    T : +32 2 880 99 39 | M : +32 491 64 70 50
    jgalaski@unic-cinemas.org | www.unic-cinemas.org