Henvendelse af 24/7-17 fra Mikael Karadjov om diskrimination af seksuelle og kønslige minoriteter

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Dear Members of the psychiatric and medical organisations of Denmark and the Danish parliament.docx


Dear Members of the psychiatric and medical organisations of Denmark and the Danish
Sexual and gender minorities face still a lot of discrimination around Denmark. The main
preconception and quandary against sexual and gender minorities is that sexual or gender identity
is a choice. This preconception is naturally a threat to mental welfare of sexual and gender
minorities. There have been made several explorations that prove that sexual identity is a genetic
feature and it is not chosen or changed by individuals themselves.
I would like to ask you when there will be arranged a parliamentary vote in attempt to ban gay
cure therapies by law across Denmark? Such therapies have already been banned in several states
in the United States as well in Malta which became the first country in the EU to do so in 2016. The
battle on this issue has continued for a long time and it is time the parliament finally put forward
attempts to grant all people the exact same rights under the law regardless of sexual and gender
identity like most of the Western world have already done.
Because values of individuals usually stabilise during adolescence it is important to increase
knowledge about sexual and gender minorities in the society for example through education.
There could be taught in comprehensive schools around Denmark for example in human biology
and health education that sexual orientation is genetic like for example eye colour and left-
handedness and can not be changed or chosen. This could decrease preconceptions against sexual
and gender minorities and increase their mental welfare around the country, please? Thank you!
There are several links underneath in which there are explorations and news considering sexuality
as a genetic feature;
Scientists Destroy Anti-Gay
Arguments About ... - Vocativ
Anti-gay activists are going to have to stop using
one of their very favorite arguments—that is, if
they care anything about scientific truth.
Ligestillingsudvalget 2016-17
LIU Alm.del Bilag 109
Are you born gay or is it a choice?
Scientists might have ...
Scientists have uncovered the strongest evidence
yet in the debate of whether people are 'born
With kind regards,
Mikael Karadjov