Invitation til møde med lederen af FN's minerydningsorganisation den 28. september 2016

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    Baggrund om UNMAS aktiviteter i særligt Irak og CV på ledere.docx

    Om den kommende danske støtte til UNMAS aktiviteter i særligt Irak:
    The engagement will provide a further Danish contribution to UNMAS’ activities in Iraq. The contribution
    will be provided through the UN Voluntary Trust Fund (UN VTF) for Assistance in Mine Action, where funds
    may be earmarked. In view of the immediate and foreseeable demands in Iraq, and the ability to work
    closely with Iraqi authorities, the Danish support will initially be earmarked for Iraq (as core support for
    UNMAS Iraq). The situation in Syria is more complex and the strategy is not yet fully clear, so the
    possibilities for extending the support to Syria will be assessed during the mid-term review in 2017.
    The engagement seeks to counter one of the key hindrances to an effective stabilisation input, which is the
    large amount of unexploded ordnance and, in particular, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that have
    been left behind as Da’esh has retreated. Without concerted efforts to identify and clear ordnance and IEDs
    from residential and administrative areas, other critical stabilisation efforts will not be able to deliver and
    displaced people will not be able to return to their homes safely and, if they do, they will face significant
    risks to their well-being and livelihoods. There is evidence from both countries that, in the absence of
    qualified mine clearance operators, citizens are attempting to remove devices themselves, often with
    serious consequences.
    In Iraq, the situation is particularly acute in areas liberated from Da’esh where IEDs have been used
    tactically to hinder the advance of Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and subsequent recovery of areas. The capacity
    of the national and international non-military response to the UXO and IED threat is currently well below
    that needed for the task, although the full extent of this is unknown. Inter alia, there is a widespread
    concern that forthcoming ISF advances in Fallujah and Mosul could require substantially more capacity than
    is currently available. In such a context, the current inability of Iraqi authorities to declare areas safe from
    contamination will effectively act as a brake on stabilisation efforts (such as those provided through UNDP’s
    Funding Facility for Immediate Stabilisation, which Denmark also supports). This may, in itself, be de-
    stabilising as it opens up a vacuum following liberation unless local government control is able to be
    promptly re-established on the ground.
    UNMAS Iraq is currently building up its capacity to sponsor a multi-year comprehensive programme
    response using multi-donor contributions with the twin aim of (a) reducing the risk of explosive hazards in
    direct support of stabilisation planning and delivery and (b) increasing national (Iraqi) capacities to manage
    the overall threat of newly identified explosive hazards in these areas. The expectation is that “blended”
    solutions that utilise a mix of contracted commercial and NGO capacities alongside a developing Iraqi
    capacity will be needed.
    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Forsvarsudvalget, Udenrigsudvalget 2015-16
    UPN Alm.del Bilag 280, FOU Alm.del Bilag 165, URU Alm.del Bilag 322
    Ms. Agnès Marcaillou, Director of UNMAS
    Agnès Marcaillou is the Director of UNMAS, the United Nations Mine Action Service, in the UN
    Peacekeeping Department (DPKO), where she oversees UNMAS activities in New York and Geneva, as well
    as in some 18 field operations world-wide. In this capacity, she administers the United Nations Trust Fund
    for Mine Action, and chairs the UN Inter-Agency Coordinating Group on Mine Action as well as the Geneva-
    based Committee on International Mine Action Standards.
    During a distinguished career of 25-plus years with the United Nations, she has worked in the fields of
    disarmament and arms control, political and peace-keeping affairs, holding a variety of positions in New
    York, Geneva, The Hague, Iraq and Cambodia. She has served in New York in the UN Office for
    Disarmament Affairs, as Principal Officer in charge of UN regional disarmament and conventional weapons;
    as Secretary of the Preparatory process for the 2001 UN international conference on (the) illicit trade in
    small arms and light weapons; in the Hague, as Chief of Staff of the Executive Secretary of the Organization
    for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; in the UN Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM), as officer in
    charge of chemical weapons destruction and the disarmament of Iraq; in Geneva in the Conference on
    Disarmament (CD), as deputy secretary of the CD negotiation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
    During her career, she also served as Deputy Spokeswoman for UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, and prior
    to that, in the Department for Political Affairs.
    A Lawyer and Political Scientist, Ms. Marcaillou is a Laureate of the French Post-Graduate Institute for
    National Defense Studies (IHEDN), as well as a NATO Fellow and a Fellow of the UN Disarmament
    Fellowship Programme. She is also known for her work on the advancement of women in peace and
    security and for her research on public-private partnerships.
    Ms. Marcaillou has authored a number of publications in English and French.

    UPN-URU-FOU - Fællesinvitation til møde med lederen af FNs minerydningsorg.docx

    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget og Forsvarsudvalget
    Nævnets og udvalgenes medlemmer og stedfortrædere
    26. august 2016
    Invitation til møde med lederen af FN’s minerydningsorganisation
    Lederen af FN’s minerydningsorganisation (UNMAS), Agnes Marcaillou besø-
    ger Danmark i forbindelse med lanceringen af det nye 3-årige Syrien-Irak sta-
    biliseringsprogram. Udenrigsministeriet har i forlængelse af det kontaktet Næv-
    net med henblik på, at hun kan mødes med medlemmer af Det Udenrigspoliti-
    ske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget og Forsvarsudvalget. Der er derfor arrangeret et
    Fællesmødet afholdes:
    Onsdag den 28. september 2016 kl. 11.00-12.00 i værelse 1-117
    Formålet med mødet er bl.a. at drøfte UNMAS globale humanitære arbejde,
    samt de historisk store udfordringer, der er forbundet med at rydde for miner,
    og som er en flaskehals for, at intern fordrevne og flygtninge kan vende tilbage
    samt for genopbygningen.
    En kort beskrivelse af UNMAS og CV for Agnes Marcaillou er vedlagt.
    Tilmelding bedes ske til Claudius Larson på telefon 3781 eller pr. mail senest mandag den 19. september 2016.
    Med venlig hilsen
    Charlotte Faber
    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Forsvarsudvalget, Udenrigsudvalget 2015-16
    UPN Alm.del Bilag 280, FOU Alm.del Bilag 165, URU Alm.del Bilag 322