B 113 - svar på spm. 2 om at oplysninger om hvor stort omfanget er af kopiering af ophavsretsligt beskyttede værker på alle typer af platforme i dag i forhold til tidligere, fra kulturministeren

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KUU B 113 endeligt svar på spm 2 om afskaffelse af blankmedieordningen.docx


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Folketingets Kulturudvalg
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24. juni 2016
Folketingets Kulturudvalg har den 26. maj 2016 stillet mig følgende spørgsmål, nr. 2
(Beslutningsforlag nr. B 113), som jeg hermed skal besvare.
Ministeren bedes indhente oplysninger om hvor stort omfanget er af kopiering
af ophavsretsligt beskyttede værker på alle typer af platforme i dag i forhold til
tidligere, herunder bedes ministeren oplyse om kopieringen er reduceret gennem
den stigende anvendelse af streaming- og on-demand-tjenester.
Som det fremgår af mit foreløbige svar af 3. juni 2016 på dette spørgsmål, har jeg til
brug for besvarelsen af spørgsmålet indhentet bidrag fra Copydan KulturPlus. Copydan
KulturPlus har oplyst mig følgende:
”De seneste undersøgelser af privatkopiering i Danmark på tværs af platforme mv. er
en YouGov-analyse fra august 2014, foretaget på vegne af KulturPlus, som viste at
kopieringen fordelte sig på følgende måder (flere svar var mulige):
 Computer (stationær eller bærbar) 45 %
 Smartphone (iPhone eller lign.) 29 %
 Tablet (iPad eller lign.) 21 %
 Harddiskoptager 12 %
 Ekstern harddisk 11 %
 USB-stick eller lign.* 9 %
 Cloud-tjeneste (iCloud eller lign.) 7 %
 MP3/MP4-afspiller (iPod eller lign.) 6 %
 Eksternt/separat hukommelseskort (SD-kort eller lign.)* 4 %
 CD-ROM, DVD eller Blu-ray* 4 %
* Omfattet af ordningen i dag.
Harddiskoptagere er forsat meget udbredte (Dansk Statistiks årlige undersøgelse af
elektronik i hjemmet, viser at 26 % af alle danske familier i 2016 har en
harddiskoptager). Harddiskoptagere har en meget større optagekapacitet og optageevne
Kulturudvalget 2015-16
B 113 foreløbigt svar på spørgsmål 2
Side 2
end fx videobåndoptagere og DVD-optagere. En blank DVD har normalt 4,7 GB
kapacitet (120 min. video), og en DVD-optager er i stand til at optage på én DVD ad
gangen. I dag er standard for en harddiskoptager en kapacitet på 1 TB (1.000 GB eller
25.530 min. video), ligesom at optagerne har flere tv-tunere, der gør det muligt at
optage fra 3-5 tv-kanaler på en gang. På trods af streaming-tjenesterne, udvides
kapaciteten på harddiskoptagere løbende. Privatkopiering har således forsat stor
betydning. Tilsvarende ses indenfor musikken. En moderne musik/mp3-enhed har fx
128 GB kapacitet mod en blank CD med 0,7 GB kapacitet. Selvom lagringskapaciteten
kan og givet bliver benyttet til andre formål, så anviser dette også, at privatkopieringen
af musik har stor betydning.
I Sverige er der i forbindelse med forhandling samt opmandssager/retssager foretaget
undersøgelser i forhold til konkrete løse og indbyggede medier, således at vederlaget er
afstemt i forhold til de konkrete medier.
I Finland foretages der hvert år en omfattende undersøgelse af privatkopiering på
tværs af platforme. Undersøgelsen laves på bestilling af ”The Private Copying Levy
Advisory Committee”, der blandt andet består af repræsentanter for rettighedshavere,
enhedsproducenter og -importører og Kulturministeriet. Undersøgelsen for 2014 viser
at selvom streaming-tjenester som Spotify og Netflix har en vis indvirkning på
omfanget af privatkopiering, i forhold til perioden 2012-2013, blev der i 2014 fremstillet
mellem 458-525 millioner lovlige privatkopier i Finland (et engelsk resume af 2014-
undersøgelsen findes på det finske Kulturministeriums hjemmeside
http://goo.gl/h6UAT9). Set i et historisk perspektiv fremstilles der private kopier i et
opfang der slet ikke var fysisk muligt før fremkomsten af indbyggede medier.”
Jeg har endvidere indhentet bidrag til besvarelsen fra IFPI Danmark. IFPI Danmark
henviser ligesom Copydan KulturPlus til den finske undersøgelse. Bidraget vedlægges i
sin helhed, inkl. engelsk resumé af den finske undersøgelse.
Jeg har ikke bemærkninger til bidragene fra Copydan KulturPlus og IFPI Danmark.
Bertel Haarder

Bidrag til besvarelse af KUU spm. 2 vedr. B 113.pdf


Jesper Diernisse Langsted - Juridisk seniorkonsulent
IFPI Danmark - Magstræde 10A, 2. sal - 1204 København K
E: jdl@ifpi.dk - W: www.ifpi.dk -
Nybrogade 2
1203 København K 10-06-2016
Sendt pr. e-mail til nvt@kum.dk.
Bidrag til besvarelse af KUU spm. 2 vedr. B 113.
IFPI Danmark takker for muligheden for at bidrage til besvarelse af ovenstående spørgsmål
vedrørende omfanget af kopiering af ophavsretlige beskyttede værker på alle typer platforme i dag i
forhold til tidligere, herunder om kopieringen er reduceret gennem den stigende anvendelse af
streaming og on-demand-tjenester.
IFPI har forstået spørgsmålet således at spørgsmålet i sin kontekst vedrører omfanget af
Indledningsvist bemærkes det, at der som udgangspunkt ikke foreligger data om den kopiering, der
foretages i privates hjem. Tidligere har salget af blanke medier omfattet af blankmedie-ordningen
været en indikator for omfanget af kopiering, men den digitale udvikling har haft betydning for,
hvorledes og på hvilke medier privatkopiering finder sted.
IFPI Danmark er ikke i besiddelse af undersøgelser, der viser det nuværende omfang af kopiering af
ophavsretligt beskyttet materiale. Brugen af de medier, som er omfattet af den nuværende
blankbåndsordningen har dog været faldende i en årrække og det formodes, at dette bl.a. skyldes, at
privatkopieringen nu foretages på andre medier end CD’er, DVD’er mv.
Vedlagt dette svar er et resume på engelsk af en Finsk undersøgelse fra 2014 vedrørende det fulde
spektrum af privatkopiering i Finland. Undersøgelsen er udført af Taloustutkimus Oy efter
anmodning fra repræsentanter fra rettighedshavere, forbrugere, enheds fabrikanter, importører og
relevante ministerier.
På vegne af IFPI Danmark
Jesper Diernisse Langsted
(ikke underskrevet – sendt elektronisk)
Kulturudvalget 2015-16
B 113 foreløbigt svar på spørgsmål 2

Private copying survey 2014 finland.pdf


■ The survey investigated the total quantity of private copying in Finland.
■ Material covered by legal private copying is copied by every third Finn.
■ The Finns copied altogether 458-525 million files of legal private copies.
■ In the 2013 survey the estimate of private copying was 587-725 million files.
■ During the surveys implemented in 2012-2014 the streaming services of
music and audiovisual content, like Spotify and Netflix, have become much
more widespread. The continuous increase of new services is likely to
have had an effect on the decrease of copying in the survey of 2014. In the
surveys of 2012-2013 the amount of copying did not decrease,
but rather increased slightly.
■ Mobile phone, computer, MP3-player and USB flash-drive are the most
common devices into which music content is copied. Copying of video
content is most commonly done to recordable set-top boxes and computers.
■ The most common original source of copied music is original CD
and when copying videos, a TV-broadcast, in other words
private copying from legal sources.
■ The consumers use various services in a very versatile way
and new services have emerged alongside the old habits
of consumption, not as their replacement.
Kulturudvalget 2015-16
B 113 foreløbigt svar på spørgsmål 2
Taloustutkimus Oy has implemented the private copying survey of
2014 by commission of the Private Copying Levy Advisory Com-
mittee. The Private Copying Levy Advisory Committee is an organ
assembled by Teosto, which includes representatives from copyright
societies, consumer authorities, device manufacturers and import-
ers, as well as the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry
of Employment and Economy and the Ministry of Transport and
Communications. The survey was ordered by Private Copying Unit of
Teosto, which administrates private copying remuneration system in
The questionnaires are designed by a research group operating
under the Private Copying Levy Advisory Committee assembled by
Teosto. Representatives for the research group have been set by the
Confederation of Finnish Industries, Finnish Electronic Wholesalers
ETK, IFPI Finland, Kopiosto, Luovan työn tekijät ja yrittäjät LYHTY,
Nokia Oyj, Teosto and Tuotos.
The main objective of the survey was to determine the amount of
private copying in Finland. Similar information was recently gathered
in 2013 by Taloustutkimus. The survey also gives a comprehensive
picture of the use of entertainment electronics by the Finnish popu-
lation. The results of the survey implemented by Taloustutkimus Oy
are based on a broad sample representing the population, over 3000
Finns between the ages 15-79 were interviewed face-to-face.
Based on the results of the survey, altogether 1.6 million Finns (mar-
gin of error is +2.5 % at confidence level of 95%) copy music, movies
and TV-programs for private use. According to the survey the total
amount of private copying is approximately 458-525 million music
and video files.
All other copying, except the legal private copying defined by the
Copyright Act, has been excluded from the 458 million copied files
– for example self-made material, illegal downloading and copies
which have been paid for through other means (e.g. iTunes). The law
also allows copying for friends and family members. 67 million files
of material are annually copied from friends and family members, or
from CD-R and DVD-R discs. Because the origin of these files could
not be clarified by the survey, the estimate of total amount of private
copying is between 458 and 525 million copied files (picture 1 and
table 1).
In the 2013 survey the estimate of amount of private copying was
587-725 million files. The estimate of total amount of private copying
has decreased from 2013. When other known sources are included,
the total amount of copying is annually 840.000 million files per year.
Music is most often copied from original CD’s (29 % of respond-
ents, margin of error ±2.9 %) and video files from television (73 %
of respondents, margin of error ±2.8 %). The most common devices
onto which music content is copied are mobile phones, computers
and Mp3-players. Video files are most often copied onto a recordable
set-top box.
According to the survey 3.8 million Finns between the ages of 15-79
(margin of error ±1.1 %) have a computer for their private use, 3.4
million (margin of error ±1.4 %) have a USB flash-drive and 3.1 million
(margin of error ±1.6 %) have a mobile phone on which music files
can be saved. Over 1.7 million Finns (margin of error ±1.8 %) have an
Mp3-player or iPod. The use of tablet devices has still increased signif-
icantly inside one year, now almost 1.8 million Finns (margin of error
±1.8 %) have such a device. In the previous year over a million Finns
said they use a tablet device.
The number of users of streaming services has also increased further
from the year 2013. Almost 1.4 million Finns (margin of error ±1.7 %)
use either Spotify or some other similar streaming service (in 2013
there were 1.1. million users).
The use of internet cloud storage services (like Dropbox, Google
Drive, iCloud, Microsoft Skydrive etc.) has also clearly increased, these
services are used by 1.3 million (margin of error ±1.7 %) Finns (in 2013
there were 760 000 users). Over 900 000 Finns (margin of error ±1.4
%) use Netfilix, HBO Nordic, Viaplay or some other monthly charged
subscription VOD service. In 2013 500 000 Finns reported using
monthly charged VOD services.
The survey also investigated the consumer behaviour of Finns regard-
ing music and video material. Radio is by far the most popular source
of listened music. Radio is used by 95% of the Finns who listen to mu-
sic. Physical recordings are the second most usual way of consuming
music, but the more active listeners already use Youtube more often
than recordings as their source of music. 54% of Finns listen to music
from Youtube monthly, when physical recordings are listened to by
40%. Of the users of Youtube and streaming services, however, 90%
still listens to physical recordings.
95% of Finns watch live TV broadcasts. Internet TV broadcasts are
watched by 60% and material saved on recordable set-top boxes by
47%. Of those who use Internet TV, online storage services and VOD
streaming, 95% also watch TV as live broadcasts. Likewise, a larger
proportion of the users of these services save TV content on recorda-
ble set-top boxes, than Finns on average. The consumers use various
services in a very versatile way and for the time being new services
exist alongside the old ones.
Total amount of private copying in 2012 – 2014
Picture 1. Total amount of private copying in 2012 – 2014.
Taloustutkimus 2014.
Original CD’s and TV recordings,
CD’s borrowed from the library
Material copied from friends/family
members, material copied from
CD-R and DVD-R discs
Y-tunnus 0114711-9
Business ID FI01147119
tel. +358 10 758 511
Table 1. Total amount of private copying by source in 2012-2014.Taloustutkimus 2014
What is the definition of legal
private copying in the survey?
Legal private copying in this survey means the copying of music and
videos from original sources (original CD’s, TV-broadcasts). The law
also allows copying from friends and family members. Because the
interviews are not capable of providing conclusive information about
the origin of the music copied from friends and family members, the
estimate of the total amount of copying is presented as an estimate
between two figures, the lower end including copying from original
sources only and the upper end a figure also including material copied
from friends and family members, as well as music copied from CD-R
and DVD-R discs.
Licensed material bought online, material downloaded from illegal
sources and automatic back-up copying have been demarcated outside
private copying. The question setting of the survey also excludes
self-made music; self taped videos or other self-made video material,
as well as the copying of music or video material for professional use.
Taloustutkimus Oy is a Finnish full-service market
research company established in 1971. Taloustutkimus
employs approximately 100 full-time market research
professionals in Finland and about 300 interviewers
around the country. In addition to the headquarters in
Helsinki, there are regional offices in Tampere, Turku
and Oulu. The company has foreign subsidiaries and
affiliate companies in Russia and all the Baltic count-
ries. Taloustutkimus is a member of international
GIA/WIN-network, which operates in over
72 countries.
Taloustutkimus follows the research standards embo-
died by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing
Research (ESOMAR) in all its research activities. The
company also uses a quality system according to
ISO 9001:2008 standard, as well as an international
market research industry standard ISO 20252, both of
which have been certified by SGS Finland.
How the survey was conducted?
The survey was conducted by face-to-face
interviews as part of Taloustutkimus Omni-
bus consumer survey. The questions were
included in three consecutive rounds of Om-
nibus; they were presented to altogether
3056 respondents. The target group comp-
rised of 15-79 year old Finnish consumers,
excluding Åland.
The sample was created through quota
sampling, in which the target groups’
distributions of age, gender, as well as the
distribution of county and municipality type
were the determining quotas. The sample
10th and 28th April as well as 28th April and 18th May 2014. The
interviews were conducted by interviewers trained by Taloustutki-
mus, 49 interviewers in the first round, 47 in the second round and 47
in the third round. In the first round the interviews were conducted
at 98 localities (58 cities and 40 other municipalities), in the second
round at 96 localities (51 cities and 45 municipalities) and in the third
round at 100 localities (58 cities and 42 municipalities).
The output was done by using the T-test which tests whether each
tabulated background variable differs from other respondents more
than the amount of random variation at confidence level of 95%. The
survey includes a calculated estimate on the total amount of files
copied per year, using weighted coefficients to represent the popu-
lation. The estimate has been calculated according to the number of
copies made during the latest occasion of copying by the respondent
and a coefficient to express the respondents copying frequency.
The Copyright Act enables everyone in Finland to have the legal right
to copy published works e.g. music, movies and TV programs for pri-
vate use. The private copying remuneration system has been decreed
to ensure a fair compensation for authors, performers and producers
for the private copying of their works.
The private copying remuneration system, based on the EU Copyright
Directive and the Finnish Copyright Act, ensures that consumers have
a legal and easy way to copy the works of their choice to the devices
brought to market by manufacturers and importers. According to the
Copyright Act, available research data about the extent of private
copying should be taken into account, when setting tariffs for private
copying levies.
was weighted to correspond with the target group. The weighted
N-figures correspond to the Finnish 15-79 year old population in
thousands (Official Statistics of Finland, 31st December 2012).
The interviews were conducted between 19th March and 6th April,