Referat fra mødet i Standing Committee i Ulaanbaatar, Mongoliet 2015

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    OSCE - Standing Comm 170915 (2).pdf

    Ulaanbaatar, 17 September 2015
    1. Call to Order
    The meeting was opened at 10.10 with Mr. Ilkka KANERVA (Finland), President of the OSCE
    Parliamentary Assembly, in the Chair.
    2. Adoption of the Draft Agenda
    The draft agenda was adopted.
    3. Report of the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    President KANERVA reported to the Standing Committee on his activities since the
    Committee’s last meeting.
    Speakers: Mr. KOVALEV (Russian Federation), Mr. GERASYMOV (Ukraine), Mr.
    NERI (France), Mr. HARSTEDT (Sweden), Mr. JUEL JENSEN (Denmark), Mr.
    TSERETELI (Georgia), Mr. LOMBARDI (Switzerland), Mr. VOISIN (France), Mr.
    SOARES (Portugal), Ms. VUKOMANOVIC (Serbia), Ms. AKNAZAROVA (Kyrgyzstan),
    Mr. SANCHEZ AMOR (Spain), Mr. COMPAGNA (Italy), Mr. AHMADZAI (Afghanistan).
    The PRESIDENT responded to questions.
    4. Report of the Treasurer of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    Ms. Doris BARNETT (Treasurer) presented her report to the Standing Committee.
    Speakers: Mr. HARSTEDT (Sweden), Ms. BARNETT (Treasurer)
    4.1 Setting of Duties, Remuneration and Conditions of Employment
    of the new Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    In accordance with Rule 40.1, Ms. BARNETT (Treasurer) presented her proposal regarding
    the duties, remuneration and conditions of employment of the new Secretary General.
    OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2015-16
    OSCE Alm.del Bilag 8
    The Standing Committee approved the TREASURER’s proposal.
    Speakers: Mr. NERI (France), Mr. OLIVER (Secretary General), Mr. BOWNESS
    (United Kingdom).
    5. Report of the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    Mr. OLIVER (Secretary General) presented his report to the Standing Committee.
    6. Reports and Information on Activities of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    6.1 Reports on Election Observation Activities
    The PRESIDENT announced the following upcoming election observation missions:
    Parliamentary Elections in Kyrgyzstan October 4
    Presidential Elections in Belarus October 11
    Parliamentary Elections in Turkey November 1
    Speakers: Mr. BAYDAR (Turkey), Ms. COMIC (Serbia), Mr. HARSTEDT (Sweden),
    Mr. TSERETELI (Georgia), Mr. SOARES (Portugal), Mr. BEKKEVOLD (Norway), Mr.
    OLIVER (Secretary General), Mr. VIGENIN (Bulgaria).
    6.2 Reports on the Activities of the Ad Hoc Committees
    Mr. SOARES (Portugal), Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Transparency and
    Reform of the OSCE, presented his report.
    Ms. DADE (Albania) presented the report of the Parliamentary Team on Moldova.
    6.3 Reports on the Activities of Special Representatives
    The PRESIDENT informed the Standing Committee of the appointment of a new
    Special Representative for the Baltic Sea Area,
    Mr. KLIMKE (Germany), Special Representative for the Baltic Sea Area, presented
    his report.
    7. Report on Preparations for Future OSCE PA Meetings
    Mr. OLIVER (Secretary General) briefed the Standing Committee on the Assembly’s
    upcoming meetings:
    - Meeting of the Bureau on 2 December 2015 in Belgrade, Serbia (in conjunction with
    the OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting on 3 and 4 December 2015)
    - Winter Meeting, 25-26 February 2016 in Vienna, Austria
    - Meeting of the Bureau in (date TBC) April 2016 in Copenhagen, Denmark
    - 25th Annual Session, July 2016 in Tbilisi, Georgia (dates to be confirmed)
    - Autumn Meeting 2016 in Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (dates to be
    - Invitations for Assembly’s Meetings in the future
    Speakers: Ms. BARNETT (Treasurer), Mr. TSERETELI (Georgia), Mr. GJORCEV
    (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).
    8. Other Business
    A discussion took place on a possible statement regarding the current migrant/refugee
    Speakers: Mr. SANCHEZ AMOR (Spain), Mr. TSERETELI (Georgia), Ms. DOBESOVA
    (Czech Republic), Mr. NERI (France), Ms. TIDEI (Italy), Mr. KANERVA (President),
    Mr. FITTIS (Cyprus), Ms. BATCHIMEG (Mongolia), Mr. LOMBARDI (Switzerland), Mr.
    OLIVER (Secretary General).
    The PRESIDENT adjourned the meeting at 12.40 p.m.