Brev vedr. Makedoniens optagelse i NATO
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- Hovedtilknytning: NPA alm. del (Bilag 96)
NATOs Parlamentariske Forsamling NPA alm. del - Bilag 96 Offentligt EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA COPENHAGEN No. 21-01-277/2 The Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in Copenhagen presents its compliments to the Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark - Folketinget and has the honour to enclose a copy of the letter from the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, H.E. Mr. Ljubisha Georgievski, addressed to the President of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark, H.E. Mr. Christian Mejdahl, and the Declaration of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, requesting support for the accession of the Republic of Macedonia to NATO The Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark - Folketinget the assurances of its highest consideration. Copenhagen, July 6, 2007 Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark Folketinget COPENHAGEN Offentligt NPA Alm.del - Bilag 96 NATOs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2006-07 PEllYWHIKA MAKEAOHMJA CO5PAHME HA PEI-1)(511141CA MAKEAOHIIJA flPETCEPATEll Clio*, 22 jytin 2007 romma flownyEtaurocnoqiime nperce,garen, 1/Imam oco6eHa 4ecr w 3a,1408011CTBO qa Be m3BecTam AeKa Co6paHme-ro Ha Peny6nwKa MaKeAoHmja Ha 19 jyi-un 2007 roAwHa, pacnpaaawe w eAHornacHo ja yCBOLI AeKnapaqwja-ra 3a 6apai-be Ha nompwKa 3a npwem Ha Peny6nviKa MaKeRoHwja Bo HATO. Co LleKnapauwjaTa ce ti3pa3yBa 6naroAapHocT in ce anenwpa 3a HaTaMowHa noAApwKa og napnameHTme Ha 3eMillTe 1 -1118H101 Ha HATO, now WTO oco6eHo ce no3,EipaeyBa KoHKpeTHwor npwAoHec oA CTpaHa Ha KoHrpecoT Ha CAA Ha nanw-rmaTa Ha oTaopeHa apa-ra 3a npwem Ha Peny6nwKa MaKeAoHmja w Apyrwre 3emjta gnemo4 Ha JaApaHcKaTa noBen6a BO HATO. WcToBpemeHo og Co6paHme-ro e noTTNKHaTa w oxpa6peHa BnaAaTa Ha Peny6nmKa MaKeAoHwja Aa ce flp0A0fl>401 CO piecTaoTo BO woof:my-re mycl414 BO fripaK, ABraHvicTaH w BocHa La XepgeroBwHa, KaKo w Aa ce 3a6paa peanw3wpaHDeTo Ha pecPopmcKwre npot4ecv w npwopriTeTHpiTe 3aAak-m aa vicnonHyBal-be Ha HATO c-raHpappi 3a Ao6mBakbe Ha noKaHa 3a LineHci-Bo, now Cf18,4HOTO npowkipyambe Ha AnwjaHcaTa Ha HATO Ha CaMNTOT BO 6yKypewT. Yui-a eAHaw e w3pa3eHa w noArarBeHocTa Ha Co6paHwe-ro, Bo pamKinTe Ha napnameHTapHa AwmeH3wja, aKTVIBHO /Aa ce aKnyym BO npoyecoT Ha rimnnemem-awijara Ha oBaa crpaTewKa uen KaKo BO pamianTe Ha ApKaBara, TaKa Li Ha metyHapoAeH nnaH. Bo npfrinor Bu ja Aocraeyaam AeKnapaqmjara 3a 6aparbe Ha noAApuiKa 3a npviewm Ha Peny6nwKa MaKeAoHmja Bo HATO o6jaBeHa Bo "Cny)K6eH BeCHLIK Ha Peny6nwKa MaKeAoHmja" 6poj 78/2007 romma. Co oco6eHa nomm-r, IbYBLIWA; rEOPrilEBCKVI HEFOBA EKCEllEHLMJA r.KNICTIIJAH MEJAATI I-1PETCEAATErl HA flAP.I1AMEHTOT HA KPAT1CTBOTORAHCKA KOREHXArEH REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA PRESIDENT courtesy translation Skopje, 22 June 2007 Dear Mr. President, I am particularly pleased to inform you that on 19 June 2007 the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia discussed and unanimously adopted the Declaration requesting support for the accession ofthe Republic ofMacedonia to the NATO. The Declaration expresses gratitude and appeals for further support by parliaments of the NATO Member Countries, welcoming in particular the actual contribution of the United States Congress to the open-door policy for the accession to NATO of the Republic of Macedonia and the other Adriatic Charter countries. At the same time, the Assembly supports and encourages the Government of the Republic of Macedonia to continue with the participation in the peacekeeping missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina and to speed up the realisation of reforms and priority tasks for fulfilment of the NATO standards, so as to enable an invitation to membership on the next NATO enlargement at the Summit in Bucharest. The Assembly once again expressed its readiness to take active participation, as part of the parliamentary dimension, in the process of implementation of this strategic goal, both within the country and at the international level. Please find enclosed a copy of the Declaration requesting supportfor the accession of the Republic of Macedonia to the NATO, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 78/ 2007. Sincerely, Ljubisha Geurgievski H.E. Mr. Christian MEJDAHL President of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark COPENHAGEN On the basis of Article 68 paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, on its session held on 19 June 2007, adopted the following DECLARATION requesting support for the accession of the Republic of Macedonia to the NATO Reaffirming its unconditional commitment for membership of the Republic of Macedonia into the NATO as expressed in the Decision of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for accession of the Republic of Macedonia to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - NATO of 1993, and the Declaration for upgrading of the level of relations and cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and NATO of 2004, the commitment for democratic development of the country and continuous engagements in building and promoting peace, prosperity and good neighbourly relations; Emphasizing its responsibility and dedication to the resolution of internal political and economic problems and issues, in particular in the area of inter-ethnic relations; Fulfilling its commitments and obligations towards the international community; Expressing its firm will for close cooperation with the NATO Member Countries and building close, productive and allied relations; Participating in peacekeeping missions for the establishment of sustainable peace and the creation of conditions for democratic and overall prosperity in Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina; Having regard to the consensual determination of its citizens to see the Republic of Macedonia become a fully-fledged member of the Euro Atlantic structures as soon as possible; Expressing the unanimous determination of all political entities in the country regarding the fulfillment of all requirements for NATO membership; Having regard to the importance of mutual relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the United States of America within the Adriatic Charter; Being aware of the need to live in peace and mutual understanding and cooperation; the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia: 1. Supports and encourages the Government of the Republic of Macedonia to accelerate the realization of reforms and priority tasks that will lead to the fulfillment of NATO standards and 2 thus enable the Republic of Macedonia to be invited to membership on the next enlargement of the ≤`NATO Alliance at the Summit in Bucharest; 2. Points to the need of continuing the efforts for rapid and complete transformation of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia and estimates that the participation of our peace corps in the NATO and EU operations in Afghanistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina represents an important indicator of the capacity and commitment of the Republic of Macedonia to contribute in the ensuring and preservation of world peace and security; 3. Underlines the significance of the Adriatic Charter for partnership among Macedonia. Albania and Croatia and the United States of America in terms of their individual and joint activities and achievements for full Euro-Atlantic integration; 4. Highly appreciates the importance of the parliamentary dimension, as one of the main pillars for the establishment, reinforcement and transparency of the process of Etiro-Atlantic integration of the Republic of Macedonia; 5. Welcomes the actual contribution of the United States Congress regarding the accession of the Republic of Macedonia and that of the other Adriatic Charter countries in the NATO; 6. Expresses its readiness, through its participation in the work of parliamentary assemblies of international organisations and other forms of parliamentary diplomacy, to continuously represent the interests, promote the achievements, as well as lobby for the acceleration of the process of accession of the Republic of Macedonia in the NATO and EU; 7. Appeals to the United States Congress and the national parliaments of NATO Member Countries, to use the possibilities and means at their disposal to favor the accession of the Republic of Macedonia to the NATO; 8. The present Declaration shall be submitted to the NATO Secretary General, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the United States Congress, the national parliaments of the other NATO Member Countries and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia 9. The present Declaration shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia. ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA No. 07-2858/1 U) June 2007 Skopje PRESIDENT OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, Ljubisha Georgievski