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- Hovedtilknytning: OSCE alm. del (Bilag 47)
1. UDVALGSSEKRETARIAT FOLKETINGET NOTAT OSCE's parlamentariske Forsamling OSCE alm. del - Bilag 47 Offentligt OSCE PA'S ÅRLIGE SESSION I KIEV: PRAKTIK OG PROCEDURER Vedlagt omdeles Practical and Procedural Information i forbindelse med OSCE's Parlamentariske Forsamlings årlige session i Kiev 5. - 9. juli 2007. Som det fremgår, er der en række krav og tidsfrister, som skal overholdes, hvis man ønsker at fremsætte ændringsforslag eller forslag til supplerende resolutioner ("supplementary items"). Krav og tidsfrister er opsummeret i nedenstående skema. Forslag Krav Tidsfrist") Forslag til supplerende resolutions- udkast (supplementary items) Skal som minimum være underskrevet af 20 medlemmer af OSCE PA fra mindst forskellige 4 lande 14. juni 2007 Ændringsforslag til rapportørernes resolutionsudkast (draft resolutions) Skal som minimum være underskrevet af 5 medlemmer af OSCE PA fra mindst 2 forskellige lande 21. juni 2007 Ændringsforslag til supplerende resolutionsudkast (supplementary items) Skal som minimum være underskrevet af 5 medlemmer af OSCE PA fra mindst 2 forskellige lande 28. juni 2007 ") Hvornår forslag senest skal være OSCE PA Internationale Sekretariat i hænde. Charlotte Faber og undertegnede vil koordinere og videreformidle forslag til OSCE PA's Internationale Sekretariat. Af praktiske hensyn vil den interne tidsfrist for aflevering af forslag til delegationens sekretariat være &I dag tidligere end de i skemaet anførte tidsfrister. Udkast til rapporter og resolutionstekster fra forsamlingens 1. og 2 komit inklusiv underskiftsskemaer til brug for eventuelle ændringsforslag omdeles til 09. maj 2007 Ref • 06-001294-8 1/2 Offentligt OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 47 OSCE's parlamentariske Forsamling 2006-07 delegationen. jf. alm. del - bilag 48 - 51. Så snart tilsvarende udkast er modtaget fra 3. komite fordeles disse ligeledes som bilag til delegationen. Forslag til supplerende resolutioner og ændringsforslag fordeles i første omgang alene elektronisk. Når der er klarhed over, hvilke supplerende resolutioner og ændringsforslag, der har opnået den fornødne støtte indenfor de fastsatte tidsfrister, vil disse også blive fordelt som bilag. Erfaringerne fra tidligere år viser, at der i tiden frem til de anførte tidsfrister kan forventes et stort antal henvendelser fra diverse forslagsstillere med anmodning om støtte fra den danske delegation. Såfremt man selv ønsker at fremsætte forslag, anbefales det at være ude i god tid inden udløbet af tidsfristerne. Maj - juni er typisk en travl tid i de fleste parlamenter, og det kan derfor være forbundet med visse praktiske problemer at få indsamlet det nødvendige antal underskrifter. Af de vedlagte informationer er reglerne for valg til posterne i forsamlingen desuden beskrevet, ligesom det fremgår, hvilket poster der vil være ledige på sessionen. med venlig hilsen Jacob Stahl Otte delegationssekretær 2/2 PRACTICAL & PROCEDURAL INFORMATION KYIV, 5 TO 9 JULY 2007 President The President will be elected for a period of one year, until the closure of the 2008 Annual Session (Rule 4(6)). The President may he re-elected only once to the same office (Rule 5(6)). The President, Mr. Giiran Lennmarker, who was elected at the Brussels Session in 2006 is eligible for re-election. Therefore there will be election of the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. In accordance with Rule 5(1)"The President shall be elected by secret ballot and each Member entitled to vote may cast one vote. If, on the first ballot, no candidate has obtained an absolute majority of the votes cast, a second ballot shal I be held between the two candidates who obtain the most votes in the first ballot. The candidate who, on the second ballot, obtains the most votes shall be elected. In the event of a tie, the issue shall be decided by lot." Vice-Presidents The Vice-Presidents may be re-elected once to the same office (Rule 5(6)).The Vice-Presidents, Mr Wolfgang Grossruck (Austria) and Mr Panos Kammenos (Greece) who have been elected once, are eligible for re-election. The Vice-President, Mrs Nebahat Albayrak (the Netherlands), who has been elected once has ceased to be a member of the Dutch Delegation. Therefore, there will be the election ofthree Vice-Presidents who will serve for three years until the end of the 2010 Annual Session. The procedure for the election of the Vice-Presidents will be the same as that for the election of the President (Rule 5(2)). The Assembly will vote on all three positions ofVice-Presidents simultaneously. The three candidates obtaining the greatest number of votes will serve for three years until the end of the 2010 Annual Session. Treasurer The Treasurer shall hold office from the close ofthe Annual Session in which he is elected, to the close ofthe second Annual Session thereafter (Rule 4(8)). The Treasurer may be re-elected twice to the same office (Rule 5(6)). Mr. Jerry Grafstein was re-elected twice as Treasurer ofthe Assembly. Therefore, there will be election of the Treasurer in Kyiv. 3 IMPORTANT: Please pay special attention to the Rules of Procedure and the deadlines regarding the submission of Supplementary and Umenev items and Amendments. Supplementary Items I. "The agenda of the Annual Session may be supplemented by an item or a motion on any matter within the competence of the OSCE, which does not relate directly to subjects proposed by the General Rapporteurs to the three General Committees. Such supplementary item shall be in a form ofa draft resolution and it shall be received at the Secretariat at least twenty-one days before the opening of the first plenary session with signatures of at least twenty Members representing at least four different countries. The first signatory of a supplementary item will be its principal sponsor. The Standing Committee shall decide by a two-thirds majority ofthe votes cast whether to include a supplementary item on the agenda of the Annual Session. The Standing Committee shall then decide by a majority of the votes cast whether to refer a supplementary item to the competent Committee or to submit it to the plenary ofthe Assembly. 2. If more than one supplementary item is presented on the same issue, the President may ask the principal sponsor of the draft resolution which was received first to consult the principal sponsors ofthe other draft resolutions on the same issue in order to present a compromise draft resolution. If such a compromise draft resolution is received at the Secretariat at least sixteen days before the opening ofthe first plenary session with signatures ofthe principal sponsors and at least half ofthe signatories of each ofthe two or more draft resolutions in question, it shall be presented to the Annual Session as a supplementary item and all other draft resolutions on the same issue shall fall. The principal sponsor of the draft resolution, which was received first shall be the principal sponsor of the compromise draft resolution. Ifthere is no agreement on a compromise draft resolution, the draft resolution which was received first shall be presented to the Annual Session and others on the same issue shall fall." Therefore, a supplementary item must be received at the International Secretariat in Copenhagen not later than on Thursday, 14 June. A compromise draft resolution must be received at the International Secretariat in Copenhagen not later than on Tuesday, 19 June. Amendments: The Standing Committee approved the Kyiv Programme, including the opening of the Inaugural Plenary Session ofthe Assembly on Thursday, 5 July. Members are reminded that paragraph 1 ofRule 22 (Amendments) of the Rules of Procedure states: "Amendments to the draft resolutions presented by the General Rapporteurs or to supplementary items shall be submitted in writing and signed by at least five Members representing at least two OSCE countries. Amendments to draft resolutions prepared by the General Rapporteurs shall be received at the Secretariat with the required signatures at least fourteen days before the opening of the first plenary session. Amendments to supplementary items shall be received at the Secretariat with the required signatures at least seven days before the opening of the first plenary session. The first signatory of an amendment will be its principal sponsor." 5 Urgency 1 Questions of urgency may be placed on the agenda of the Assembly at any time on the proposal of the Standing Committee, or in the absence of a meeting of the Standing Committee, on the proposal ofthe Bureau. Such questions of urgency must be pertinent to the OSCE process and relate to an event, which has taken place or come to public knowledge less than twenty-four days before the opening of the first plenary session. 2, Such question of urgency shall be in a form ofa draft resolution and it shall be signed by at least twenty-five Members representing at least ten countries. The first signatory of the draft resolution shall be the principal sponsor of the question of urgency. 3 In the event of the Standing Committee or the Bureau deciding not to recommend the inclusion of such an item on the agenda, the proposers shall have the right to appeal in writing to the Assembly, which may decide by a majority oftwo thirds of the Members of the Assembly to place the proposal on the agenda. 7 III. GENERAL COMMITTEE ON DEMOCRACY, HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN QUESTIONS Chairman Ms Anne-Marie Lizin Belgium Vice-Chairman Mrs Cecilia Wigstrom Sweden Rapporteur Mr Jesus LOpez-Medel Spain 9