Invitation til møde med en række britiske senioranalytikere om udviklingen i Afghanistan, Pakistan og Indien
Tilhører sager:
- Parallelomdelt på: FOU alm. del (Bilag 147)
- Hovedtilknytning: UPN alm. del (Bilag 63)
- Parallelomdelt på: URU alm. del (Bilag 39)
CV - South Asia Afghanistan Research Group (SAARG) (2).doc
South Asia & Afghanistan Research Group (SAARG) Graham Williams Dr Graham Williams is the Head of the South Asia and Afghanistan Research Group (SAARG) and Principal Research Analyst for Pakistan at the FCO, responsible for the provision to FCO policy-makers and other government departments of informed specialist advice on, and analysis of, Pakistan. Since joining the FCO Graham has written research papers on widely diverse political, social and security-related issues. He has presented papers at, and participated in, numerous analytical exchanges at governmental and independent research institutes and think-tanks in the UK and overseas. His audiences have been senior military officers, heads of policy departments, political advisers, representatives of foreign governments and international organisations, academics, journalists and students. Before joining the FCO Graham worked at the UK Ministry of Defence in several capacities. Michael Thomas Michael Thomas is the Senior Principal Research Analyst for Afghanistan at the FCO, responsible for the provision to FCO policy-makers and other government departments of informed specialist advice on the region. He has been in his current role since 2009. His personal specialism is Afghanistan having worked on it since early 1998. Before joining the FCO he was an Assistant Director for Afghanistan in the Ministry of Defence. Earlier in his career he worked on the Soviet Union, Iraq and Pakistan. He was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire in 2002. Christopher Sell Christopher Sell is the Senior Research Analyst for Afghanistan and Pakistan at the FCO, where he is responsible for the provision of expert advice to senior FCO and other Whitehall policy makers. Since joining the FCO in early 2012, his focus has been on security related issues in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the border areas in particular, on which he has written numerous papers. Before joining the FCO, he spent five years within the Ministry of Defence looking at South Asia. During his time in Whitehall, Chris has written many papers on regional security related issues, participated in, and presented at, a number of international conferences, and conducted numerous briefings for audiences ranging from senior military and policy makers to units deploying to theatre. Jonathan Croft Jonathan Croft is the Research Analyst for India at the FCO, responsible for the provision to FCO policy- makers and other government departments of informed specialist advice on, and analysis of, India. Since joining the FCO in early 2012 he has focused on Indian politics, foreign affairs and security. Prior to joining the office Jonathan worked as a researcher at the International Institute of Strategic Studies. Forsvarsudvalget, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling) FOU Alm.del Bilag 147, UPN Alm.del Bilag 63, URU Alm.del Bilag 39 Offentligt
UPN-URU-FOU - Fællesinvitation til møde med nogle forskere den 30.09.2015.docx
Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget og Forsvarsudvalget Til: Dato: Nævnets og udvalgenes medlemmer og stedfortrædere 09. september 2015 Invitation til møde med en række britiske senioranalytikere om udviklin- gen i Afghanistan, Pakistan og Indien En række seniorforskere fra det britiske Foreign & Commonwealth Office be- søger den britiske ambassade i Danmark. I den forbindelse har ambassaden kontaktet Nævnet med henblik på, at mødes med Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget og Forsvarsudvalget. Derfor er der arrangeret et fællesmøde. Fællesmødet afholdes: Onsdag den 30. september 2015 kl. 15.00-16.00 i værelse 1-009 Formålet med mødet vil være at drøfte den sikkerhedsmæssige og politiske udvikling i Afghanistan, Pakistan og Indien, med særligt fokus på forsoning mellem Kabul og Taliban og Mullah Omars død mv. Korte CV’er på analytikerne er vedhæftet Tilmelding bedes ske til undertegnede telefon 3624 eller pr. mail senest tirsdag den 22. september 2015. Med venlig hilsen Charlotte Faber Nævnsassistent Forsvarsudvalget, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling) FOU Alm.del Bilag 147, UPN Alm.del Bilag 63, URU Alm.del Bilag 39 Offentligt