Invitation til møde med direktøren for Breaking the Silence, Yehuda Shaul

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    Invitation til møde med Yehuda Shaul fra Breaking the Silence.docx

    Udvalgets medlemmer
    13. maj 2015
    Invitation til møde med direktøren for Breaking the Silence, Yehuda
    I forbindelse med offentliggørelsen den 6. maj af rapporten ”This is How we
    fought in Gaza” kommer direktøren for Breaking the Silence, Yehuda Shaul, til
    Danmark for at præsentere rapportens konklusioner. Der er derfor arrangeret
    tirsdag den 2. juni 2015 kl. 10.30 – 11.15 i vær. 2-078.
    Under mødet vil udvalget blive briefet om rapporten og få lejlighed til at disku-
    tere rapportens konklusioner og situationen i Gaza mere generelt.
    Rapporten findes her:
    Baggrundsinformation om Yehuda Shaul og organisationen Breaking the Si-
    lence er vedlagt.
    Tilmelding bedes ske pr. mail til senest fredag den
    29. maj 2015.
    Med venlig hilsen
    Amalie Andresen,
    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15
    UPN Alm.del Bilag 217, URU Alm.del Bilag 173

    Background Information - Yehuda Shaul BTS - April 2015.docx

    Visit to Denmark by Yehuda Shaul/Breaking the Silence
    June 2015
    Biography and Background Information
    Yehuda Shaul was born and raised in Jerusalem in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish
    After graduating from a Yeshiva High School in an Israeli settlement, Yehuda
    served in the IDF as an infantry combat soldier and commander posted in the West
    Bank towns of Bethlehem, Hebron and Ramallah.
    In 2004, Yehuda founded Breaking the Silence with a group of fellow veterans. He
    serves as the organization’s Director of Foreign Relations.
    Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran soldiers who have served in the
    Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada.
    Breaking the Silence collects and publishes testimonies from soldiers who have
    served in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. They conduct tours and hold
    lectures and other public events that bring to light the reality in the occupied
    Palestinian territories through the voice of former combatants.
    Founded in March 2004 by a group of soldiers who served in Hebron, Breaking the
    Silence has since acquired a special standing in the eyes of the Israeli public and in
    the media, as it is unique in giving voice to the experience of soldiers. To date, the
    organization has collected testimonies from over a 1,000 soldiers who represent all
    strata of Israeli society and cover nearly all units that operate in the Territories.
    For more INFORMATION:
    Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15
    UPN Alm.del Bilag 217, URU Alm.del Bilag 173