Invitation til møde med delegation fra Mellemøsten og Nordafrika
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Udenrigsudvalget Til: Dato: Udvalgets medlemmer 7. maj 2015 Invitation til møde med delegation fra Mellemøsten og Nordafrika I forbindelse med en konference om kønsrelateret vold den 27. og 28. maj kommer Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Networks (EMHRN) samarbejds- partnere fra Syrien, Egypten, Marokko og Libanon til Danmark. Delegationen har udtrykt ønske om at mødes med medlemmer af Udenrigsudvalget. Der er derfor arrangeret møde tirsdag den 26. maj 2015 5 min. efter afstemninger, dog tidligst kl. 15.00 – 15.45 i vær. 1-117. Under mødet vil delegationen orientere om den aktuelle situation i deres hjem- lande på området vold mod kvinder og kønsrelateret vold. Korte beskrivelser af medlemmerne af delegationen, herunder links til sider med mere information om dem og deres organisationer, er vedlagt. Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn og Ligestillingsudvalget er inviteret til at deltage i mødet. Tilmelding bedes ske pr. mail til senest onsdag den 20. maj 2015. Med venlig hilsen Amalie Andresen, udvalgsassistent Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling) UPN Alm.del - Bilag 207, URU Alm.del - Bilag 164 Offentligt
Middle East / Northern Africa delegation: meeting with UPN, URU and LIU - May 26, 2015 Amel Fahmy, Egypt Amel Fahmy is the co-founder of the website HarassMap to document sexual harassment in Egypt and the Managing director of Tadween, a Women Research Center. Amel holds a master in Gender Studies and Management of NGOs and she conducts research to understand the social factors that underline or drive GBV in different communities. During her work at the WHO headquarter in Geneva and later at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Amel worked with hundreds of women from all over the world to examine and address different GBV issues. At the TEDx Cairo in 2014 Amel spoke about violence against women. Dr. Azza Kamel, Egypt Dr. Azza Kamel holds a Ph.D. in Education and is the director of Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development (ACT). She is a founding member of both the New Women Research and Study Center in Giza and of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights. Over the past 18 years, Azza has worked as a women activist to fight violence against women and advocate for equality between men and women. As a social development and gender expert she works with projects in the social development field and with building capacity of women for their political participation. Azza is part of the Who Is She i Eg pt , a o li e data ase of fe ale e perts, ela orated i cooperation with KVINFO1 and funded by the DAPP initiative. Mozn Hassan, Egypt MA in International Human Rights Law Mozn Hassan is the founder and Executive Director of Nazra for Feminist Studies in Cairo - a youth initiative to integrate gender and feminism into Egyptian society. In 2013, Mozn received the inaugural Charlotte Bunch Human Rights Defender Award. Her research interests range from combating violence against women, history of feminism in Egypt, to early child marriage. Currently Mozn is a consultant for Women Human Rights Defenders MENA Coalition, a member of the International Planning Committee for AWID Forum 2016 as well as a board member of the Global Fund for Women. She also served as Egypt advisor with the Global Fund for Women and as a consultant with the UNDP project "Combating Female Genital Mutilation". Fatima Outaleb, Morocco Fatima Outaleb is a fou di g e er a d oard e er of the wo e ’s orga izatio l’U io A tio Fé i i e (UAF) in Rabat. She has 25 years of experience of working with gender based violence (GBV), gender mainstreaming, wome ’s politi al parti ipatio and empowerment at a national and regional level within both UAF and international organizations, such as training of female members of political parties in Tunisia. Fatima has served as a gender 1 KVINFO is the Danish Centre for Gender, Equality and Diversity, founded in 1979. KVINFO has worked as a DAPP partner since 2006. Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling) UPN Alm.del - Bilag 207, URU Alm.del - Bilag 164 Offentligt advisor for many international NGOs e.g. International foundation for electoral systems USA, Swedish international Development Agency, Aswatt Nissa Association Tunisia. Anthony Keedi, Lebanon Anthony Keedi is a psychologist and gender specialist, working in ABAAD- Resource center for Gender equality in Beirut. Anthony works on a project to prevent sexual violence through the breaking down of gender stereotypes and engaging men and boys in this process by challenging their view on gender. ABAAD also runs a Me ’s e ter, where men can receive counseling in confidentiality about family and anger issues. This approach is quite new in the Middle East and Northern Africa. abaad Laila Alodaat, Syria Laila Alodaat is a human rights lawyer specializing in the international law of armed conflicts. Her law practice focuses on international accountability and the responsibility to protect civilians and marginalized groups. She also conducts trainings on humanitarian law and has worked on several conflict situations including Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Pakistan. Laila is a member of the board of directors at The Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) and she currently works on the MENA age da progra e at the Wo e ’s I ter atio al League for Pea e a d Freedo (WILPF). Meriem Ben Lamine, Tunisia Meriem Ben Lamine is a lawyer, university professor and prominent women rights activist. Since 2014 she is a project coordinator of a regional project on violence against women in Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco. The main goal of the project is to fight violence against women through raising awareness about women's rights and building knowledge about violence against women. Also, the project aims to increase the dialogue and cooperation between Denmark and the Arab world through networking and exchange of experiences. Funded by the DAPP initiative, the project is managed by the Danish organizations: Danner, LOKK and the Women's Council.2 Meriem is the author of various books, e.g. La tunisie face a l'experience democratique pu lished i . 2 Danner is a shelter for women victim of violence, a resource center and an advocacy organization. Created in 1979, Danner was one of the first wo e ’s shelters i De ark. LOKK, the atio al orga isatio of wo e ’s shelters i De ark, was esta lished i . LOKK is a union of wo e ’s shelters a d ou selli g e tres. The Wo e 's Cou il i De ark is a u rella orga isatio for orga isations with a total of ore tha o e illio e ers. Fou ded i , the Wo e ’s Cou il works to to stre gthe wo en's rights and influence in society and create real equality between women and men. The o sortiu of Da er, LOKK a d The Wo e ’s Cou il has worked as a DAPP part er si e 2013.