Invitation til onlinemøde 26/8-24 om EU-trioformandskabet mellem Polen, Danmark og Cypern

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    Invitation til Open meeting about EU

    Open meeting about EU-trio presidency Poland, Denmark and Cyprus
    Join us for an insightful discussion led by Uffe Hvidkaer - the founder and Chair of Europe Dialogue, an
    esteemed international citizen think tank recognized for its impactful work across Europe. Awarded the EU
    Citizen Prize in 2022, Europe Dialogue has played an important role in shaping the future of Europe, growing
    to nearly 600 members spanning over 65 countries.
    In this event, Uffe Hvidkaer will explore the critical role of citizen engagement in the upcoming EU Trio
    Presidency of Poland, Denmark, and Cyprus (2025-26). He will also introduce the new Global Dialogue
    Forum, an initiative aimed at fostering stronger bonds in international relations.
    This is a unique opportunity for Young Diplomats to engage in an open-minded dialogue with one of
    Europe's leading thinkers. Don't miss the chance to be part of a conversation that could shape the future of
    global citizen diplomacy.
    Monday, 26/08/2024, 19:00 CEST
    Registration: Those who wish to participate and are not #FMD members, please fill out the
    The meeting link will be sent to registered participants on the day of the event
    Med venlig hilsen
    Uffe Hvidkær
    Chair, Europe Dialogue
    EUU Alm.del - Bilag 699
    Europaudvalget 2023-24