ARBEJDSDOKUMENT FRA KOMMISSIONENS TJENESTEGRENE RESUMÉ AF RAPPORTEN OM KONSEKVENSANALYSEN [ ] Ledsagedokument til forslag til direktiv om harmonisering af visse aspekter af insolvenslovgivningen

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    EN EN
    Brussels, 7.12.2022
    SWD(2022) 396 final
    Accompanying the document
    Proposal for a Directive
    harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law
    {COM(2022) 702 final} - {SEC(2022) 434 final} - {SWD(2022) 395 final}
    KOM (2022) 0702 - SWD-dokument
    Europaudvalget 2022
    Need for action
    Insolvency proceedings aim at ensuring an orderly winding down or restructuring of
    companies in financial and economic distress. The EU has already legislated in the area of
    insolvency. However, existing EU legislation only covers pre-insolvency and debt-discharge
    measures (captured by the recent Restructuring and Insolvency Directive) and rules on
    applicable law in cross-border insolvency cases (set out in the Insolvency Regulation). As a
    result, substantive national insolvency law remains widely differing across Member States.
    The wide differences in national insolvency regimes are an important obstacle to the single
    market for capital in the EU. They pose difficulties for cross-border investors who need to
    obtain information about - and be able to compare - 27 insolvency laws, in order to consider
    them in their investment decisions (and reflect in the cost of capital). Furthermore, national
    insolvency regimes continue to differ in terms of efficiency, notably regarding the time it
    takes to liquidate a company and the value that can eventually be recovered. Data sources
    analysed in this Impact Assessment suggest that procedures in some Member States suffer
    much more from delays and yield considerably less efficient outcomes than the best
    performers in the EU. This divergence ties closely with low predictability of the outcome of
    insolvency procedures, which leads to higher information and learning costs for investors and
    poses a significant barrier to cross border investments. This ultimately prevents efficient
    allocation of capital and hinders the development of the Capital Markets Union (CMU).
    This initiative follows-up on Action 11 of the 2020 Capital Markets Union Action Plan, where
    the Commission committed to making the outcome of cross-border investment more
    predictable as regards insolvency proceedings. It aims to harmonise targeted aspects of
    substantive law on corporate (non-bank) insolvency in order to make insolvency regimes
    more efficient and reduce information and learning costs for cross border creditors resulting
    from the lack of harmonisation. It also aims to facilitate cross-border investments and
    competition while safeguarding the orderly functioning of the single market as mandated by
    Article 114 TFEU.
    Member States’ different starting points, legal traditions and policy preferences imply that
    reforms at national level in substantive insolvency law are unlikely to lead to sufficient
    convergence, despite some reforms launched in the past years. Therefore, action at the
    European level is required to ensure that the problem is addressed.
    Possible solutions
    Two packages of policy options were identified based on input from a group of experts on
    restructuring and insolvency law, a dedicated study and stakeholder views. These sources of
    evidence, as well as the data from the benchmark study carried out by the European Banking
    Authority in 2020 and the World Bank Doing Business indicators, were also used to compare
    the options and assess their impacts. The two options considered are a targeted harmonisation
    option (Option 1) and a more comprehensive harmonisation option (Option 2), both
    implemented via a directive. The option of only issuing a recommendation was discarded as
    being unlikely to address the identified problem.
    The proposed options target the three key dimensions of insolvency law: (i) the recovery of
    assets from the liquidated estate, (ii) the efficiency of procedures and (iii) the predictable and
    fair distribution of recovered value among creditors. They cover, in particular, issues related
    to transaction avoidance, asset tracing, directors’ duties and liability, the sale of a company as
    a going concern (‘pre-pack’), the insolvency trigger, a special insolvency regime for micro
    and small enterprises, the ranking of claims and creditors’ committees. Option 2 includes all
    elements covered in option 1, complemented by more ambitious measures across the three
    key dimensions mentioned above.
    The analysis assesses the options in relation to three objectives: whether they (i) allow a
    higher recovery value, (ii) lead to a shorter duration of insolvency proceedings and (iii) reduce
    legal uncertainty and information costs. The analysis also considers carefully their cost-
    effectiveness and coherence.
    Impacts of the preferred option
    Based on the comparison of effectiveness and efficiency, option 1 (targeted harmonisation
    through a directive) is selected as the preferred option. The detailed analysis found that a
    more comprehensive harmonisation (Option 2) would yield higher benefits with regard to two
    of the three objectives, but this would also come at a higher cost, notably in terms of potential
    inconsistencies with other pieces of law (property law, company law, labour law). The
    targeted harmonisation (Option 1) would deliver comparable benefits (to Option 2) but in a
    more cost effective manner.
    The preferred option is expected to bring significant economic benefits for investors
    (creditors), companies, including SMEs, and, in general, the wider economy. Creditors will in
    particular benefit from expected higher value recovery as well as reduced information and
    learning costs. Investors from third countries will enjoy similar benefits, making it more
    attractive for them to invest in the EU. Companies across the EU will face more uniform
    insolvency regimes and lower legal uncertainty about what will happen if they become
    insolvent. Micro and small companies will benefit directly from the creation of a special
    alleviated insolvency regime that will be more proportional to their needs.
    The qualitative and quantitative assessment suggests that the targeted harmonisation could
    lead to significant reductions in both costs and time of recovery. This is expected to boost
    recovery rates by about 1.5 percentage points, which, when extrapolating empirical estimates
    in economic studies, could lead to a reduction of funding costs by 1.5 basis points and an
    increase in cross-border portfolio asset holdings by about 1.5 percentage points. When
    quantified on the basis of available data and plausible assumptions, direct and indirect
    benefits are expected to exceed 10 billion EUR annually. Meanwhile, the total costs are
    expected to be limited (and would largely accrue to Member States). Some indirect costs are
    also expected for companies due to a higher liability of directors. The initiative may also
    positively, although marginally, affect digitalisation, transition to a climate-neutral economy
    and Sustainable Development Goals.